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农业建设项目环境影响评价的理论探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本对农业建设项目环境影响评价的理论及方法体系进行了分析研究,提出了农业建设项目的概念,分类和特点,论述了农业建设项目环境影响评价的原则,内容,步骤及方法。  相似文献   

以湖南水稻生产体系为例,应用生命周期评价方法,对两种水稻生产方式进行生命周期资源消耗与污染物排放清单分析,在此基础上进行了生命周期环境影响评价。结果表明,两种生产管理措施下潜在环境影响较大的均是富营养化、水体毒素、土壤毒素和环境酸化,其中传统生产方式下4项潜在环境影响指数分别为1.606、0.868、0.309和0.262,推荐生产方式下各项环境影响指数分别下降至1.277、0.489、0.260和0.211。经加权评估后,两种模式的生命周期环境影响综合指数分别为0.3634和0.2676。潜在富营养化主要来自于作物种植阶段农田NH3挥发和NO3-N淋失;水体毒素和土壤毒素主要来自农药使用;环境酸化主要来自施氮导致的NH3挥发和农用化学品生产中排放的SOx。水稻生产的管理方式需要在推荐生产方式的基础上做重大改进,实施清洁生产方式,减少氮肥、农药的使用量,是控制水稻生命周期环境影响的关键。  相似文献   

关于中国农地整理中预测性环境影响评价问题   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
农地整理作为中国现阶段土地整理的主要形式,对其进行环境影响评价是必要的。在此背景下,该文对农地整理中环境影响评价进行综合分析,指出了农地整理中环境影响评价现状及存在的问题等,并从景观、土壤、生物多样性、水资源、植被、大气等几个方面,对农地整理存在的潜在环境影响进行了分析,在此基础上提出了建立农地整理环境影响评价制度、农地整理环境影响评价的内涵和方法体系,以期对农地整理中环境影响评价有所借鉴。  相似文献   

水葫芦厌氧发酵能源化利用已成为水葫芦处理与资源化利用的一个重要途径,以江苏省农业科学院水葫芦中试基地与常州市武进区水葫芦综合利用示范工程为案例,利用生命周期评价的方法建立水葫芦厌氧发酵产沼气工程污染物排放的清单,并对系统生命周期环境影响进行评价,以水葫芦能源利用产生1MWh电能为功能单位,评价其对环境产生的影响。研究过程将整个生命周期分成3个阶段:水葫芦厌氧发酵预处理、水葫芦厌氧发酵产沼气发电和沼液沼渣农田应用,重点考虑了3种环境影响类型:全球变暖、环境酸化和富营养化。评价结果为:各类型环境影响指数分别为2.1×10^-3、4.89×10^-2和1.98×10^-1,与能源作物发电及传统火力发电相比较,水葫芦厌氧发酵能源化利用中的CO2、SOx、NOx等污染物排放量均较低,对环境的负面影响最小,但水葫芦能源利用的生命周期效率仅为0.09,低于能源作物热电联用的技术途径(0.119)。降低水葫芦厌氧发酵能源化利用中的石化能源消耗、控制堆肥及沼液沼渣有机肥施用过程中氨挥发损失,对于提高水葫芦能源转化效率与降低环境影响指数至关重要。  相似文献   

土地规划环境影响评价与建设项目环境影响评价的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合国内外环境影响评价研究状况,对土地规划的环境影响评价(LUPEIA)和单个建设项目的环境影响评价(SEA)进行了较为全面的比较,指出了土地规划的环境影响评价与项目环境影响评价的异同,分析了项目环境影响评价对土地规划的环境影响评价的借鉴意义,为进一步开展土地规划的环境影响评价工作提供思路.  相似文献   

中美水土保持成就对比   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
郑粉莉  张薇 《水土保持通报》2003,23(2):67-68,72
中国和美国都是世界上遭受土壤侵蚀员严重的国家,且两国在水土保持工作方面都取得令世人瞩目的成就。概述了两个国家土壤侵蚀现状,总结了两个国家的水土保持成就,并对中美水土保持科技合作领域提出了建议。  相似文献   

基于LCA的秸秆沼气集中供气工程环境影响评价   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为进一步研究秸秆沼气工程生命周期的环境影响,采用生命周期评价方法对秸秆沼气集中供气利用模式的环境影响进行分析,系统比较沼气系统不同单元的环境影响。将秸秆沼气工程建设单元的物质和能量投入及其环境排放纳入生命周期边界,以河南省安阳县西街村秸秆沼气工程为例进行实证分析,对秸秆沼气集中供气工程建设单元、运行单元和产物利用单元进行清单分析和环境影响评价。结果表明,该沼气工程运行1 a产出13.60万m~3沼气,系统环境影响综合值为129.94标准人当量。从沼气系统各阶段看,沼气工程建设单元、运行单元和产物利用单元的环境影响潜值分别占沼气系统生命周期环境影响的65.62%、32.76%和1.62%。从能源替代角度看,该秸秆沼气集中供气工程替代煤炭的全球环境影响负荷为–132.48标准人当量。与煤炭作为炊事用能相比,该沼气工程的环境影响负荷可降低50.50%,秸秆沼气作为可再生的清洁能源可以有效替代煤炭燃烧从而改善环境质量。沼气工程建设阶段的环境影响对秸秆沼气集中供气系统总环境影响的贡献最大,而产物利用阶段环境排放影响最小。秸秆沼气工程运行单元的煤炭增温和电力消耗是影响沼气工程环境排放的重要因素,选择低碳环保的沼气增保温方式和降低工程运行电耗是未来秸秆沼气集中供气工程工艺改进的重要内容。  相似文献   

中美小流域治理和农业的对比研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文

当前中国农业可持续发展面临资源约束趋紧和环境污染加剧的双重压力。农业规划环境影响评价是从源头上控制农业污染、协调环境与农业可持续发展的重要手段,农业规划环境影响评价适用范围划分和指标体系构建是开展农业规划环境影响评价的重要基础性工作。在系统梳理现有研究成果的基础上,采用基本指标体系模式法、专家咨询法和实例验证法,确定了环境影响评价的适用范围及指标体系,提出了将占比最大、影响最直接的县级农业规划纳入到规划环境影响评价范围的建议;构建了种植业和畜牧业两大产业规划环境影响评价指标体系,大大简化了农业规划环评的指标体系,提高了农业规划环评的可操作性,将为推进中国农业规划环境影响评价工作提供有力的技术支撑。  相似文献   

中美城市土壤污染控制与管理体系的比较研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
赵沁娜  杨凯  徐启新 《土壤》2006,38(1):6-10
城市土壤污染对城市生态环境的可持续性以及人体健康带来了相当大的风险,其控制与管理已经成为我国环境管理中的一个新问题。本文对中美两国城市土壤污染控制与管理体系进行了比较研究,认为我国现有城市土壤污染控制与管理体系滞后于城市大气、水环境污染控制与管理,没有形成专门的土壤污染防治法规体系,土壤环境影响评价尚无推荐的行业导则,缺乏土壤污染评估标准,土壤污染状况信息不透明,公众和社区参与意识不强烈以及如何准确地识别污染土壤的程度和数量、判定污染者所承担的责任、筹措土壤污染处置基金等问题都是土壤污染控制与管理过程中的薄弱环节等。另外,从管理机构、政策法规、技术工作手段以及经济责任的认定等方面提出了改进措施。  相似文献   

Within the United States, a nationwide debate has been raging over how to best provide quality education for all learners. Much of this debate, spurred by poor test scores and other measures of achievement, has centered on the development of national, state and local standards and assessments for the core disciplines (e.g., mathematics, science, geography). For the most part, environmental education has been left out of this debate and out of the various standards development initiatives. Whether one agrees philosophically with academic standards or not, these standards are determining what is being taught in the classroom. By 1993, environmental education in the United States found itself in a conundrum. It has always been argued that environmental education should be interdisciplinary, infused throughout the curriculum. However, with the new standards, environmental education was in real danger of becoming marginalized. To address this situation, the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) initiated the National Project for Excellence in Environmental Education.  相似文献   

Soil erosion has both on-farm and off-farm impacts. Reduction ofsoil depth can impair the land's productivity, and the transportof sediments can degrade streams, lakes, and estuaries. Since1933, soil conservation policies have existed in the UnitedStates. Originally they focused on the on-farm benefits ofkeeping soil on the land and increasing net farm income.Beginning in the 1980s, however, policy goals increasinglyincluded reductions in off-site impacts of erosion. As aconsequence of conservation efforts associated with explicitU.S. government policies, total soil erosion between 1982 and1992 was reduced by 32% and the sheet and rill erosion ratefell from an average of 4.1 tons per acre per year in 1982 to 3.1 tons per acre in 1992. Wind erosion rate fell from anaverage of 3.3 tons per acre per year to 2.4 tons per acre peryear over the same period. Still, soil erosion is imposingsubstantial social costs. These costs are estimated to be about$37.6 billion annually. To further reduce soil erosion andthereby mitigate its social costs, there are a number of policyoptions available to induce farmers to adopt conservationpractices including education and technical assistance,financial assistance, research and development, land retirement,and regulation and taxes.  相似文献   

The environmental consequences of conservation tillage practices are an important issue concerning the impact of agricultural production on the environment. While it is generally recognized that water runoff and soil erosion will decline as no tillage and mulch tillage systems are used more extensively on cropland, what will happen to pesticide and fertilizer use remains uncertain. To gain some insight into this, the conservation tillage adoption decision is modelled. Starting with the assumption that this dicision is a two step procedure – the first is the decision whether or not adopt a conservation tillage production system and the second is the decision on the extent to which conservation tillage should be used – appropriate models of the Cragg and Heckman (dominance) type are estimated. Based on farm-level data on corn production in the United States for 1987, the profile of a farm on which conservation tillage was adopted is that cropland had above average slope and experienced above average rainfall, the farm was a cash grain enterprise, and it had an above average expenditure on pesticides and a below average expenditure on fuel and a below average expenditure on custom pesticide applications. Additionally, for a farm adopting a no tillage production practice, an above average expenditure was made on fertilizer.  相似文献   

美国农田养分管理体系的发展及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从美国氮素管理历史出发,通过对美国氮素平衡调控历史变化的分析、农业技术演变规律的阐述、政策法案的梳理以及养分管理机制的解剖,深入理解了美国养分管理体系的发展规律。美国农田养分管理国际领先,主要依赖于完善的市场化服务体系推动了技术的广泛应用。其中政府、科研单位和企业多元融合,形成了多种服务体系并行的技术推广模式,同时耕地保护、精准施肥及信息化等技术的发展也是实现节肥增效的基础。目前我国尚未形成完善的农化服务体系,政府、科研单位和企业未能有效互补,亟需打造一批专业化服务团队,促进农化服务变革以及肥料产业转型升级。可借鉴美国经验,通过政策支持引导企业或科研单位建设服务团队,改变农化服务人员不足现状。  相似文献   

美国航空静电喷雾系统的发展历史与中国应用现状   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
航空静电喷雾系统是传统静电喷雾技术在空中操作平台上的专门应用,是航空植保技术的重要内容。美国在上个世纪60年代开始开展航空静电喷雾的技术研究,本文着重介绍了美国航空静电喷雾系统近50a的发展历史和相关的测试工作,包括航空静电喷雾系统的早期研究和持续改进,以及最终的系统模型确定。航空静电喷雾系统可有效减少施药液量和提高药液沉积量,但是仍然存在如何提高病虫害防治效果和减少下风处的喷雾飘移等方面的问题,航空静电喷雾系统针对不同作物和病虫害的适用范围和最佳作业条件还需要进一步的研究和探索。然而,航空静电喷雾系统的巨大优势已经奠定了其在现代农业航空发展中的地位,随着不断的试验研究和评估,现代航空静电喷雾技术必将继续支持农业航空产业的发展。  相似文献   

In the United States, more farms are composting than municipalities, commercial/institutional establishments, and other private sector groups combined. To obtain an overview of agricultural composting in the United States, industry, government, and university representatives from the top 10 beef and dairy cattle, poultry, and swine producing states were contacted between January and April of 1995. These states represent at least 70 percent of the nation's production of these commodities (except for beef cattle at 52 percent). The representatives provided information about the number of farms composting, the materials composted, composting methods, how the compost is used, and motivating and impeding factors for farms to compost. In addition, information was gathered concerning composting crop residues. In this case, specific applications of crop residue composting were identified and individuals knowledgeable about the applications were contacted for background information.

Note the estimated numbers of composting operations presented here represent a best attempt to quantify the composting activity taking place on various types of farms. In many cases, the numbers are rough estimates, based on the assessments of the representatives contacted in each state. Also, they only include the composting operations in the top 10 producing states. A considerable amount of composting occurs outside of these states. Therefore, Tables 1 and 2 underestimate the number of farms that compost.  相似文献   

The need to conserve United States populations of Lepidoptera has been recognised for a century, but intensive programmes to do so have only recently come into being. The evolution of the butterfly and moth conservation movement in the United States is followed from the earliest instances to the present state of progress. The origin and growth of the Xerces Society as the chief body for terrestrial arthropod conservation in America are described. Currently, ecological research and political action aimed at specific lepidopteran protection issues are under way. Several of these are examined and the most acute needs for further study and action indicated. Habitat alteration emerges dramatically as the chief problem in the decline of butterfly and moth populations. The relative importance of pesticides and overcollecting is discussed and reinforces the conclusion that the habitat is paramount. Introductions of organisms for purposes of conservation likewise receive consideration, showing this strategy to be problematical and subject to careful review prior to its use. The various levels of government as well as private bodies and individuals have distinct roles in insect conservation. Greater public awareness of beneficial insects must precede optimal effectiveness of conservation schemes. The appointment of an official federal insect conservator is announced along with his initial proposal for endangered species listings for certain North American butterflies. The prognosis for a national programme is suggested. Lepidoptera conservation in the United States has become a fully fledged movement with numerous successes and with many difficult problems to face. The situation is viewed with immediate alarm but cautious long-term optimism as well.  相似文献   

Both soybean composition and processing conditions impact the nutritional quality of soybean meal. The objective of this experiment was to compare nutrient compositions of soybeans grown under diverse environmental conditions in a variety of locations. Dry matter, organic matter, and ash concentrations differed in soybeans collected within the countries of Brazil, China, and the United States, although these differences were generally small or due to uniqueness of a particular source. Large differences in dry matter were detected among countries. Differences in crude protein, amino acid, and lipid concentrations of soybeans were detected both within and among countries. Soybeans from China had a greater crude protein concentration (42.14%) than those from Brazil (40.86%), whereas soybeans from China had a lower lipid concentration (17.25%) than those from either Brazil or the United States (18.66 and 18.70%, respectively). Environmental conditions under which soybeans are grown have a great impact on chemical composition and nutrient quality.  相似文献   

美国花生收获机械化技术衍变历程及对中国的启示   总被引:11,自引:10,他引:1  
美国是花生收获机械化最早也是技术最先进国家,花生生产与出口一直保持世界强国地位。为探明美国花生收获机械化高水平发展主要动因,发现可供借鉴的经验和教训,运用文献研究法、社会调查法、经验总结法和一般科学思维方法等,系统地回顾了美国20世纪40年代以来花生收获方式和机械化收获技术衍变历程,深入分析了两段收获方式的选择和农机农艺紧密融合过程及其在花生收获机械化发展中的关键作用。结合中国花生生产与机械化现状,提出了因地制宜确立各主产区适宜的花生收获方式和技术路线,建立区域性花生种植技术体系,处理好花生花生机械技术引进与研发的关系,加强花生收获机械关键技术、产地干燥技术和花生秸秆收获技术研发等建议。  相似文献   

To analyze the differences in the status and processes of nitrogen saturation in Japan and northeastern United States, we examined the hydrobiogeochemistry of nitrogen of forested watersheds in these regions. Two distinct differences were found between watersheds in Japan compared with those in US. 1) In Japanese watersheds, marked decreases of NO3 ? concentration in surface waters during the summer growing season were not found and NO3 ? concentrations sometimes increased especially in the summer at nitrogen saturated sites. This contrast with watersheds in US where decreases in NO3 ? concentration during the summer are commonly observed except those watersheds in advanced stages of nitrogen saturation. These differences in NO3 ? concentration relationships can be attributed to climatic differences, with Japan having high precipitation and high discharge during the summer, while in many regions of North America lowest discharges are found in the summer. The climatic regime in Japan leads to high rates of mineralization and the rapid transport of NO3 ? to streams in summer. 2) Japanese watersheds, even those with high NO3 ? concentrations in surface waters, show little evidence of acidification. This is in contrast to sites in US where increased NO3 ? concentrations, especially during episodic events, result in surface water acidification.  相似文献   

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