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<正>近几年,养猪场在冬春季节常出现病毒性腹泻,引起仔猪死亡、成猪掉膘、饲料报酬降低等,给养猪业造成巨大经济损失。猪传染性胃肠炎、猪流行性腹泻和猪轮状病毒病均能引起猪只发生腹泻。由于3种疾病的临床症状、流行病学和病理变化十分相似,在临床上往往混合存在。1病原体猪传染性胃肠炎和猪流行性腹泻是由冠状病毒引起,猪轮状病毒病是由呼肠孤病毒科轮状病毒引起。2症状与病理变化  相似文献   

猪轮状病毒病是由猪轮状病毒引起的猪急性肠道传染病。仔猪的主要症状为厌食、呕吐、下痢,中猪和大猪为隐性感染,没有症状。病原体除猪轮状病毒外。从犊牛、羔羊、马驹分离的轮状病毒也可感染仔猪引起不同程度的症状。轮状毒对外界环境的抵抗力较强.在18-20℃的粪便和乳汁中,能存活7-9个月。  相似文献   

猪轮状病毒病是由轮状病毒引起的传染病,猪感染后主要表现为腹泻、脱水和呕吐,该病严重危害生猪养殖行业的健康发展。本文介绍了猪轮状病毒病的病原学、流行特点、临床症状、诊断方法以及综合防控措施,以期为猪轮状病毒病的综合防控提供理论依据。  相似文献   

猪轮状病毒感染研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
猪轮状病毒感染是由猪轮状病毒(Porcine rotavirus,PRV)引起的主要以仔猪厌食、呕吐、腹泻、脱水和酸碱平衡紊乱为特征性症状的疾病。在我国,猪轮状病毒分布广泛,给畜牧业造成巨大的经济损失。因此,对猪轮状病毒进行有效的防治是降低仔猪发病率,提高养猪业效益的有效手段。  相似文献   

猪轮状病毒病是由猪轮状病毒引起的,能够导致猪呕吐、腹泻的非细菌性传染病,世界范围广泛流行。该病覆盖全部年龄段的猪只,10日龄的仔猪较其他阶段更易感染,症状最为严重,给我国猪养殖业带来了严重的经济损失。本文从猪轮状病毒的分子结构、基因组学、理化特性以及猪轮状病毒病发病机理、流行趋势、诊断预防和疫苗研究进展等多个角度进行概述,为我国猪轮状病毒病的防控诊治研究提供参考。  相似文献   

正仔猪在冬春寒冷季节发生急性腹泻,且发病的仔猪多在8周龄以下,而且仔猪出生的日龄越小,则发病率越高,养猪场户如遇到此类现象,则应高度警惕猪轮状病毒病作怪。猪轮状病毒病是由猪轮状病毒引起猪的一种急性肠道传染病,仔猪感染猪轮状病毒后,可引起仔猪发生急性胃肠炎,其仔猪发病的主要特征症状为:厌食、呕吐并发生急性腹泻。一般10~60日龄的仔猪较易发病,发病率为50%~80%,病死率一般在10%以内。而中猪和成年猪则多为隐性感染,并不出现明显的临床症状,常常带毒而成为猪轮状病毒病的主要传染源。猪轮状  相似文献   

猪轮状病毒病是由猪轮状病毒(PorcineRotavirus Infection,RV)所致的一种幼龄猪急性消化道传染病,仔猪感染后引起厌食、下痢、呕吐,中猪和大猪为亚临床症状或隐性感染;轮状病毒主要存在于病猪及带毒猪的消化道,随粪便排到外界环境,有些临床健康猪粪便也可检出病毒;本病多发于寒  相似文献   

正仔猪在冬春寒冷季节发生急性腹泻,且发病的仔猪多在8周龄以下,而且仔猪出生的日龄越小,则发病率愈高,养猪场户如遇到此类现象,则应高度警惕猪轮状病毒病作怪。猪轮状病毒病是由猪轮状病毒引起猪的一种急性肠道传染病,仔猪感染猪轮状病毒后,可引起仔猪发生急性胃肠炎,其仔猪发病的主要特征症状为:厌食、呕吐并发生急性腹泻。一般10~60日龄的仔猪较易发病,发病率为50%~80%,病死率一般在10%以内。而中猪和成年猪则多为隐性感染,并不出现明显的临床症状,常常  相似文献   

猪轮状病毒病是由于受到轮状病毒感染后所引起的一种传染性疾病。轮状病毒感染后主要会引起病猪出现严重的腹泻、呕吐和脱水症状,对仔猪的危害较大,会导致仔猪出现生长发育不良,饲料的转化率低下等情况,严重时导致被感染猪出现死亡,给养殖场造成较为严重的经济损失。本文通过对猪轮状病毒病进行全面的归纳和总结,旨在可以为养猪场在防控本病时进行参考。  相似文献   

轮状病毒(rotavirus,RV)是仔猪感染性腹泻的常见病原,是引起仔猪腹泻的主要致病因子。仔猪的主要症状为厌食、呕吐、下痢,中猪和大猪为隐性感染,没有症状。病原体除猪轮状病毒外,从小孩、犊牛、羔羊、马驹分离的轮状病毒也可感染仔猪引起不同程度的症状。世界上任何地区仔猪大部分都感染过轮状病毒,严重地影响仔猪健康,为寻找更有效的治疗方法,本人对58例轮状病毒性肠炎仔猪应用山莨菪碱联合西咪替丁治疗,取得了较好疗效,现报告如下。1流行特点轮状病毒主要存在于病猪及带毒猪的消化道,随粪便排到外界环境后,污染饲料、饮水、垫草及土壤等,…  相似文献   

A survey was conducted from July 1978 to June 1982 in six French regions with farmers and practising veterinarians (79 herds were surveyed for two to four years). Two groups of dairy herds were made up according to their placental retention incidence rate (PRI). The first group included the 10% of the herd-years with the highest PRI (PR + group, n = 24); the second one included the 24 herd-years with the lowest PRI that also matched according to the region and the period.

The data concerned: number of feeding days for 13 feedstuffs given to cows during the dry period, six periparturient disease incidences, milk yield, calving number and herd size. Data were retrieved from a database and analysed using barycentric discriminant analysis to find the variables discriminating PR− and PR+ herds.

PR+ herds were characterised by a shorter duration of concentrates and a longer one of grass silage feeding compared with PR− herds. These two variables explained 62.7% of the variation. The remaining 22 variables each explained less than 10% of the variation. A high linolenic/linoleic acids ratio in diets, including grass silage without concentrates offered to dry cows, could result in a lack of PgF2 and explain the high PRI in PR+ herds. Such diets could also lead to placental retention through energy deficiency. The relevance of these factors to the etiology of placental retention is discussed.  相似文献   

This study was carried out in central Tanzania on a group of 45 Zebu and 37 crossbred cows which were 4 to 10 years old. At calving time, the animals were allocated to one of the 4 treatment groups. In addition to free access to grazing for all cows in the study, in group H:AR (n = 18), cows were fed a high level of concentrate supplementation (4kg/day) and calves were artificially reared; in group H:RS (n = 24), cows were fed a high level of concentrate supplementation (4kg/day) and calves were only allowed restricted suckling up until the weaning age of 6 months. In group L:AR (n = 23) cows were fed a low level of concentrate supplementation (2kg/day) and calves were artificially reared; and in group L:RS (n = 17) cows were fed a low level of concentrate supplementation (2kg/day) and calves were only allowed restricted suckling up until the weaning age of 6 months. Milk progesterone was used as a means of determining the postpartum resumption interval (PRI) and the interval from parturition to conception (PCI). The overall PRI was 47.4 +/- 0.4 days and was significantly affected by breed but not by calving season, with crossbred cows exhibiting a shorter PRI than Zebu cows. The effect of the treatments was significant, with cows in the group H:AR displaying a significantly shorter PRI than those in the other groups, while cows in group L:RS showed a significantly longer PRI than those in the other groups. The overall PCI was 149.5 +/- 3.7 days, and was not significantly affected by breed or calving season. The effect of the treatments was significant, with cows in the group H:AR having a significantly shorter PCI than cows in the other groups, while cows in group L:RS showed a significantly longer PCI than those in the other groups. Crossbred cows had higher live weights at calving (299.4 kg) than Zebu cows (272.6 kg), while all cows gained weight during the first 3 months after calving. The treatments had a significant effect on weight gain, with cows in the group H:AR gaining significantly more weight than those in the other groups. Cows which had high live weights at calving exhibited significantly shorter PRI and PCI than the lighter cows. Animals which had gained more than 5 kg during the first month after calving, or which had gained more than 8 kg during the first 3 months after calving, showed significantly shorter PRI and PCI than cows which had gained less weight. The results show that the calf rearing system and the level of feed supplementation interact with each other and can influence the postpartum anoestrous period in Zebu and Zebu crossbred cattle. Increasing the level of nutrition in restricted suckling cows tended to improve the postpartum anoestrous period, but the positive effects of supplementation could not completely compensate for the negative effects of suckling.  相似文献   

Canine angiostrongylosis is a nematode infection in domestic dogs and wild canids. A natural infection in a domestic dog frequently leads to pneumonia, loss of physical performance, coughing, anemia, cardiac insufficiency, pulmonary fibrosis and death. The main diagnostic method is based on the finding of Angiostrongylus vasorum first-stage larvae (L1) in infected dog feces. With this objective, 11 experimentally exposed to 100 third-stage larvae (L3) per kilogram of body weight (mean = 885.45 L3/animal; S.E. = 77.7). The animals were monitored for 300 days post-single-infection (PI) and the quantity of L1 output measured. Our results showed an irregular excretion of L1 and a variation in the pre-patent period (33-76 days) and the number of L1 excreted by individual animals (1-1261 L1/g). After 300 days PI, five dogs were exposed a second time and monitored for 300 days post-re-infection (PRI) (=600 days PI). The quantity of L1 output demonstrated that double exposed dogs also presented an irregular excretion of L1 but a smaller variation in the number of L1 excreted by individual animals (4-550 L1/g).  相似文献   

The effect of gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue (GnRH-A) or follicular aspiration at the onset of progesterone-based timed artificial insemination (TAI) on subsequent follicular growth and synchronization of ovulation was examined in early postpartum Japanese Black cows. A total of 40 (22 in Exp. 1 and 18 in Exp. 2) Japanese Black cows at 20-30 days postpartum were fitted with a progesterone releasing internal device (PRID) for 7 days, injected with a prostaglandin F2α analogue upon removal of the PRID and GnRH-A 48 h later, and inseminated 18 h after GnRH-A injection. In Exp. 1, the animals were divided into three groups (untreated control, GnRH-A injection or follicular aspiration) of different treatments on the first day of PRID insertion (day 0), and the synchronized ovulation rate in the follicular aspiration group (100%; 8/8) tended to be higher (P = 0.077) than that in the control group (42.9%; 3/7). In Exp. 2, follicular growth in the GnRH (n = 9) and follicular aspiration (n = 9) groups was monitored by ultrasonography. Four out of the nine animals in the GnRH group had a corpus luteum on either day 4 or day 7 (OV group), and the other five animals had no induced ovulation (NOV group). The diameter of the ovulatory follicle on day 9 in the OV group (1.44 ± 0.11 cm) tended to be greater (P = 0.078) than that in the NOV group (1.13 ± 0.07 cm). Follicular aspiration at the onset of PRID-based TAI of early postpartum Japanese Black cows, regardless of the resumption of ovarian cyclicity, tended to result in a higher rate of synchronization of ovulation than that of the untreated controls.  相似文献   

新疆三种主要草地植被类型的高光谱反射特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究利用便携式地物光谱仪,对新疆部分天然草地类型及植物进行了实地光谱测量,分析和比较了3种草地类型的光谱反射特征。结果表明,在可见光波段,干荒漠类草甸植被,除角果黎外,其冠层反射率要低于低地山地草甸和蒿属荒漠草地。而在近红外波段,角果黎、骆驼蓬、梭梭冠层光谱反射率明显高于低地山地草甸植被和部分蒿属荒漠草甸植被。同一类型草地中,由于植被类别间的差异以及叶片内部结构的不同,冠层光谱反射率差异较大。3类草地类型不同植被的红边特征参数表现为干荒漠类草甸的梭梭红边位置最高,低地山地草甸的博洛塔绢蒿红边位置最低;蒿属荒漠类草甸的骆驼蓬的红边斜率和红边面积最大,低地山地草甸的苔草红边斜率和红边面积最小。对6种代表性的植被指数分析得出,PRI、OSAVI、MCARI指数均表现为蒿属荒漠类草甸<低地山地草甸<干荒漠类草甸。NDVI植被指数则表现为低地山地草甸最大,而干荒漠类草甸最小。GNDVI指数表现为低地山地草甸最大,蒿属荒漠类草甸最小。总之,高光谱遥感对于草地植被的分类监测和遥感反演等具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

The absolute count for a particular type of blood cell is the total white blood cell count multiplied by the differential percentage for that cell type. Neutrophilia is caused by increased marrow proliferation, redistribution among body neutrophil pools, stress and corticosteroids. Neutropenia is caused by decreased marrow proliferation, ineffective marrow production, reduced neutrophil survival and redistribution of neutrophils. Lymphocytosis is caused by chronic infections and allergic reactions, while lymphopenia is caused by increased lymphocyte destruction, neoplasia and lymphocyte loss. Monocytosis is associated with stress, infections, hematologic disorders, GI disease, necrosis and hemolysis. Eosinophilia is caused by allergic reactions, parasitism, skin diseases, neoplasia and adrenocortical insufficiency.  相似文献   

Will and knowledge of animals as topic of evolution-theoretical investigations
Only living beings have a will for action, and all living beings with the exception of man can will nothing else but to survive. The innate will drives them to self-preservation, species-preservation, and self-organization. Only man can renounce to do so. This uniform will is supported by the most differentiated knowledge. In cells this knowledge is chemical and by sensation; in animals it is physical and by sensation. It senses and remedies three bodily needs: hunger, disease, and propagation. Only know-how can remedy needs. The need for knowledge is therefore the primary need, and improvement of knowledge is the decisive evolutionary change.
Chemical knowledge by sensation in most cases is genetic, ground-conscious, and hereditary knowledge. In physical knowledge acquired by sensation, ground-consciousness is lifted to the instinct-conscious level of the nerve cells through which learning-consciousness is developed further. The laws governing this are described elsewhere.  相似文献   

肠道葡萄糖转运载体研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
D-葡萄糖是机体的主要能源物质,对机体代谢与内环境稳态有非常重要的作用。葡萄糖的吸收主要通过位于肠黏膜上皮细胞的两类葡萄糖转运载体家族来完成。Na+与SGLTs的结合促使载体与葡萄糖的结合,葡萄糖顺着Na+的浓度梯度进入细胞;当细胞内葡萄糖浓度升高后,葡萄糖顺着浓度差通过肠黏膜上皮细胞基底膜GLUT2经易化扩散转运进入血液。本文综述了肠道不同葡萄糖转运载体家族的成员和分类,介绍了其结构特征、功能特性及其组织分布;并详细阐述了肠道葡萄糖转运载体基因表达的影响因素。  相似文献   

鸡SIgA的提取鉴定及其抗体制备   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验采用饱和硫酸铵法从健康肉鸡胆囊收集的胆汁中粗提二聚体SIgA,继而透析粗提产物除盐,然后进行纤维素DEAE-52离子交换层析,使用紫外分光光度计测定收集液的蛋白浓度,对层析产物浓缩使其浓度≥2.0 mg/m l,最后使用SDS-PAGE进行鉴定,从电泳所得图像中可以看到清晰的两个条带,一个条带分子量在67~70 ku之间为重链,另一个条带在26~28 ku之间为轻链。进一步将纯化的鸡SIgA抗体免疫健康兔,制备得到兔抗鸡SIgA抗体。  相似文献   

Protein kinase C (PKC) is a phosphotransferase activated by diacylglycerols, phospholipids and Ca(2+), that regulates a wide variety of biological functions by phosphorylating multiple protein substrates such as annexin I. Annexin I is a phospholipid/Ca (2+)-binding protein distributed in various tissues, including the mammary gland, and is thought to mediate the anti-inflammatory actions of glucocorticoids by inhibiting phospholipase A(2). Melittin, a phospholipase A(2) activator in bee venom, is known to inhibit PKC activity when lysine-rich histone is used as the substrate. The purpose of the present study was to examine whether phosphorylation by PKC of annexin I from cow mammary gland was inhibited by melittin. Melittin inhibited annexin I phosphorylation by PKC in a dose-dependent manner, and its IC(50) value (concentration causing 50% inhibition) was 0.8 microM. The phosphorylation of annexin I was also inhibited by the amphiphilic polypeptides mastoparan and polymyxin B, and their inhibitory effects were comparable to that of melittin. The surface-inactive polypeptide bacitracin was less effective. The inhibition by melittin was effectively reversed by the excess addition of phosphatidylserine, but not distinctly by 1-oleoyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycerol or Ca(2+), suggesting that melittin inhibited the phosphorylation of annexin I by interacting with phosphatidylserine. The inhibition by melittin of PKC phosphorylation of annexin I seems to be pathophysiologically important, because a melittin-like phospholipase A(2)-stimulatory protein is present in bovine endothelial cells.  相似文献   

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