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OBJECTIVE: To compare effects of low and high intensity warm-up exercise on oxygen consumption (VO2) and carbon dioxide production (VCO2) in horses. ANIMALS: 6 moderately conditioned adult Standard-breds. PROCEDURES: Horses ran for 2 minutes at 115% of maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max), 5 minutes after each of the following periods: no warm-up (NoWU); 10 minutes at 50% of VO2max (LoWU); or 7 minutes at 50% VO2max followed by 45-second intervals at 80, 90, and 100% VO2max (HiWU). Oxygen consumption and VCO2 were measured during exercise, and kinetics of VO2 and VCO2 were calculated. Accumulated O2 deficit was also calculated. RESULTS: For both warm-up trials, the time constant for the rapid exponential increase in VO2 was 30% lower than for NoWU. Similarly, the rate of increase in VCO2 was 23% faster in LoWU and HiWU than in NoWU. Peak values for VO2 achieved during the high-speed test were not significantly different among trials (LoWU, 150.2 +/- 3.2 ml/kg/min; HiWU, 151.2 +/- 4.2 ml/kg/min; NoWU, 145.1 +/- 4.1 ml/kg/min). However, accumulated O2 deficit (ml of O2 equivalents/kg) was significantly lower during LoWU (65.3 +/- 5.1) and HiWU (63.4 +/- 3.9) than during NoWU (82.1 +/- 7.3). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Both the low- and high-intensity warm-up, completed 5 minutes before the start of high-intensity exercise, accelerated the kinetics of VO2 and VCO2 and decreased accumulated O2 deficit during 2 minutes of intense exertion in horses that were moderately conditioned.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the relationship between plasma beta-endorphin (EN) concentrations and exercise intensity and duration in horses. ANIMALS: 8 mares with a mean age of 6 years (range, 3 to 13 years) and mean body weight of 450 kg. PROCEDURE: Horses were exercised for 20 minutes at 60% of maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) and to fatigue at 95% V02max. Plasma EN concentrations were determined before exercise, after a 10-minute warmup period, after 5, 10, 15, and 20 minutes at 60% VO2max or at the point of fatigue (95% VO2max), and at regular intervals after exercise. Glucose concentrations were determined at the same times EN concentrations were measured. Plasma lactate concentration was measured 5 minutes after exercise. RESULTS: Maximum EN values were recorded 0 to 45 minutes after horses completed each test. Significant time and intensity effects on EN concentrations were detected. Concentrations were significantly higher following exercise at 95% VO2max, compared with those after 20 minutes of exercise at 60% VO2max (605.2 +/- 140.6 vs 312.3 +/- 53.1 pg/ml). Plasma EN concentration was not related to lactate concentration and was significantly but weakly correlated with glucose concentration for exercise at both intensities (r = 0.21 and 0.30 for 60 and 95% VO2max, respectively). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: A critical exercise threshold exists for EN concentration in horses, which is 60% VO2max or less and is related to exercise intensity and duration. Even under conditions of controlled exercise there may be considerable differences in EN concentrations between horses. This makes the value of comparing horses on the basis of their EN concentration questionable.  相似文献   

Lactate kinetics in whole blood of horses was investigated after exercise of differing velocities and duration. The following categories of exercise were used: A: <11 m/second and >180 seconds (n=35), B: >11 m/second and <180 seconds (n=17) and C: <11 m/second and <180 s (n=10). The mean peak lactate concentration determined in horses in category A was 4.49 ± 2.21 mmol/1, in B, 16.32 ± 4.81 mmoVl and in C, 4.58 ± 1.59 mmol/l. While the maximum lactate concentrations in categories A and C were always found immediately after the exercise, the peaks in category B were measured between the first and tenth minute after exercise. Mean lactate concentrations measured at 2-minute intervals after bouts of category-B exercise tended to stabilize 3 to 10 minutes after exercise; however, mean lactate concentrations measured during the intervals before and after the peak value differed significantly. The lactate concentration returned to pre-exercise levels within 20 minutes after exercise bouts of category C, but remained above pre-exercise levels up to 60 minutes after bouts of category-A and -B exercise. It was concluded that, for an evaluation of lactate data after intensive anaerobic exercise, sequential blood sampling at 2-minute intervals for a period of up to 12 minutes after exercise is necessary. Less frequent sampling may be a reason for the often described irreproducibility of lactate concentrations in horses. After aerobic or mild anaerobic exercise, one sample is sufficient, but it has to be taken as soon as possible after exercise.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine components of the increase in oxygen consumption (VO2) and evaluate determinants of hemoglobin saturation (SO2) during incremental treadmill exercise in unfit horses. ANIMALS: 7 unfit adult mares. PROCEDURES: Horses performed 1 preliminary exercise test (EXT) and 2 experimental EXT. Arterial and mixed venous blood samples and hemodynamic measurements were taken during the last 30 seconds of each step of the GXT to measure PO2, hemoglobin concentration ([Hb]), SO2, and determinants of acid-base state (protein, electrolytes, and PCO2). RESULTS: Increased VO2 during exercise was facilitated by significant increases in cardiac output (CO), [Hb], and widening of the arteriovenous difference in O2. Arterial and venous pH, PaO2, and PvO2 decreased during exercise. Arterial PCO2, bicarbonate ([HCO3-])a, and [HCO3-] decreased significantly, whereas PVCO2 and increased. Arterial and venous sodium concentration, potassium concentration, strong ion difference, and venous lactate concentration all increased significantly during exercise. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Increases in CO, [Hb], and O2 extraction contributed equally to increased VO2 during exercise. Higher PCO2 did not provide an independent contribution to shift in the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve (OCD) in venous blood. However, lower PaCO2 shifted the curve leftward, facilitating O2 loading. The shift of ODC resulted in minimal effect on O2 extraction because of convergence of the ODC at lower values of PO2. Decreased pH appeared responsible for the rightward shift of the ODC, which may be necessary to allow maximal O2 extraction at high blood flows achieved during exercise.  相似文献   

To assess the suitability of sheep for exercise studies, the effect of incremental exercise and conditioning on oxygen consumption (VO2) was studied. Six sheep were adapted to a treadmill and subsequently trained 8 weeks. The sheep were then studied, in random order, using 3 incremental exercise protocols (EX-1, EX-2, and EX-3). The protocols were chosen to approximate high (EX-1), moderate (EX-2), and low (EX-3) intensity exercise by varying treadmill speed and incline. The sheep were then conditioned for an additional 12 weeks and retested on the EX-2 protocol. During exercise, VO2, gas exchange ratio (R), and rectal temperatures (Tb) were recorded. All 3 protocols resulted in significant increases in VO2, R, and Tb (P less than 0.05). Maximum VO2 for EX-1, 49.9 +/- 5.0 ml/min/kg of body weight, was significantly greater than maximum VO2 for EX-2 and EX-3, 37.8 +/- 6.5 and 42.3 +/- 6.0 ml/min/kg, respectively (P less than 0.05), whereas maximum R and maximum Tb were similar. After the additional 12-week conditioning, time on the treadmill increased 40% from 9.58 +/- 0.87 to 13.4 +/- 0.44 minutes, and maximum VO2 increased 27% to 48.1 +/- 9.1 ml/min/kg. These data indicated that maximum VO2 varied with intensity of the exercise, 12 weeks of maximal exercise conditioning was sufficient to produce a measurable training effect (ie, increase endurance and maximum oxygen consumption) and sheep are suitable for maximal exercise studies where VO2 measurements are desired.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of moderate to high intensity exercise of up to 6 min duration on plasma potassium and lactate concentrations, 6 Thoroughbred horses were studied using a treadmill at a 5 degree incline. Each test consisted of an 8-min standardised warm-up followed by an exercise bout at 8, 9, 10 or 12 m/sec. The horses were galloped at each speed for up to a maximum of 6 min or until signs of fatigue were present. The horses were then walked at 0 degree incline. Carotid arterial blood samples were taken during and after the exercise. At 8, 9 and 10 m/sec there was a general pattern of an initial rise in potassium to a peak around 1.5 min of exercise with the concentration then slowly decreasing. At 12 m/sec there was a continuous rise to a peak at the end of exercise in all horses. Immediately after exercise there was a rapid return (within 3-4 min) to the potassium concentrations recorded at the end of the warm-up period. Plasma lactate peaked around the end of exercise at all speeds. At the highest intensity of exercise the mechanisms for the re-uptake of potassium did not appear to be able to match the rate of efflux. In contrast, at less intense work loads, the rate of re-uptake appeared to be similar to or slightly greater than the rate of efflux. It is possible that a disturbance in this balance between efflux and re-uptake could result in a disturbance in normal neuromuscular function during exercise.  相似文献   

The aim of the experiment was to study the relationship between plasma lactate and allantoin accumulation in horses undergoing five exercises differing in intensity and length. Twenty-five adult trotter horses were used (18 males, two castrated, and five females), housed in three training centers. The horses were assigned to five groups: slow trot, over 2000 m (Group 1); slow trot over 1600 m (Group 2); fast trot over 1600 m (Group 3); fast trot over 2000 m (Group 4); fast trot over 2400 m (Group 5). Plasma was obtained from blood sampled at rest, at the end of the bout of exercise and after 15 and 45 minutes from the end of the bout of exercise and analyzed for glucose, lactate, uric acid, free fatty acids (FFA) and allantoin concentrations. Accumulations of plasma lactate and allantoin (mmol/sec) were calculated as difference between end of exercise and rest and between 45 minutes sample and rest, respectively.Ranking the intensity of exercise using the lactate concentrations at the end of exercise, the level of exertion was highest for Group 3 horses and lowest for Group 5 horses (20.9 and 2.8 mmol/l, respectively). At the end of exercise, glucose concentrations were much higher for horses undertaking the more intensive exercise (Groups 3 and 4 compared to Group 2). FFA concentrations were highest at the end of exercise for Groups 2 and 3 and after 15 minutes for Groups 4 and 5. Plasma uric acid and allantoin concentrations peaked 15 and 45 minutes from the end of exercise, respectively, independently of exercise intensity. The relationship between accumulation of plasma allantoin (y, dependent variables) and lactate (x, independent variable) was non-linear: y=0.15−2.61*x+68.3*x2 (r2=0.900; se=0.19). This suggests that allantoin accumulation could be used together with plasma lactate to calibrate the workload to muscle conditions to prevent muscle injury.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To compare pulmonary function and gas exchange in anaesthetized horses during and after breathing either O2-rich gas mixtures or air. ANIMALS: Six healthy standard bred trotters (age range 3-12 years; mass range 423-520 kg), four geldings and two mares. Study design Randomized, cross-over experimental study. METHODS: Horses were anaesthetized on two occasions with tiletamine-zolazepam after pre-anaesthetic medication with acepromazine, romifidine and butorphanol. After endotracheal intubation and positioning in left lateral recumbency, animals were allowed to breathe spontaneously. One of two, randomly allocated inspired gas treatments was provided: either i) room air (fractional concentration of inspired O2 [FIO2] = 0.21) provided throughout anaesthesia; or ii) an O2-rich gas mixture (FIO2 = >0.95) for 15 minutes, followed by room air. The alternative treatment was delivered at the second anaesthetic. Respiratory and haemodynamic variables and the distribution of ventilation-perfusion (VA/Q) ratios (using the multiple inert gas elimination technique) were determined in the standing conscious horse (baseline) after sedation and during anaesthesia. RESULTS: Breathing O2-rich gas was associated with a decreased respiratory rate (p = 0.015) increased PaCO2 (p < 0.001) and increased PaO2 (p = 0.004) compared with breathing air. All horses developed intrapulmonary shunt during anaesthesia, but shunt was significantly greater (13 +/- 5%) when O2-rich gas was delivered compared with air breathing (5 +/- 2%; p = 0.013). Ten minutes after O2-rich gas was replaced by air, shunt remained larger in horses that had initially received oxygen compared with those breathing air (p = 0.042). Mixed venous oxygen tensions were significantly lower during sedation than at baseline (p < 0.001) and during anaesthesia (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: During dissociative anaesthesia, arterial oxygenation was greater when horses breathed gas containing more than 95% oxygen, compared with when they breathed air. However, breathing O2-rich gas increased intrapulmonary shunt and caused hypoventilation. The intrapulmonary shunt created during anaesthesia by high inspired O2 concentrations remained larger when FIO2 was reduced to 0.21, indicating that absorption atelectasis produced during O2-rich gas breathing persisted throughout anaesthesia. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In healthy horses undergoing short-term dissociative anaesthesia, air breathing ensures a level of oxygen delivery that meets tissue demand. There is no benefit to horses in breathing O2-rich gas after the gas supply is discontinued. On the contrary, the degree of shunt induced by breathing O2-rich gas persists. The clinical relevance of this during recovery requires investigation.  相似文献   

Fatiguing exercise substantially decreases muscle glycogen concentration in horses, impairing athletic performance in subsequent exercise bouts. Our objective was to determine the effect of ingestion of starch-rich meals after exercise on whole body glucose kinetics and muscle glycogen replenishment. In a randomized, cross-over study seven horses with exercise-induced muscle glycogen depletion were either not fed for 8 h, fed half of the daily energy requirements ( approximately 15 Mcal DE) as hay, or fed an isocaloric amount of corn 15 min and 4 h after exercise. Starch-rich meals fed after exercise, when compared to feed withholding, resulted in mild to moderate hyperglycemia (5.7+/-0.3 vs. 4.7+/-0.3 mM, P<0.01) and hyperinsulinemia (79.9+/-9.3 vs. 39.0+/-1.9 pM, P<0.001), 3-fold greater whole body glucose kinetics (15.5+/-1.4 vs. 5.3+/-0.4 micromol kg(-1)min(-1), P<0.05), but these only minimally enhanced muscle glycogen replenishment (171+/-19 vs. 170+/-56 and 260+/-45 vs. 294+/-29 mmol/kg dry weight immediately and 24 h after exercise, P>0.05). It is concluded that after substantial exercise-induced muscle glycogen depletion, feeding status only minimally affects net muscle glycogen concentrations after exercise, despite marked differences in soluble carbohydrate ingestion and availability of glucose to skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

This study recorded the response to training of the diaphysis of the proximal phalangeal bone and the third metacarpal bone (Mc3) and the Mc3 proximal metaphysis. Nineteen 2- and 3-year old horses in training were exposed either to spontaneous exercise at pasture (PASTEX group) or additional imposed exercise (CONDEX group) from a very young age. Quantitative computed tomography scans were analysed for bone mineral content, size, bone mineral density, periosteal and endosteal circumference, cortical thickness and an estimate of bone strength. The bones of the CONDEX horses were bigger and stronger than those of the PASTEX horses at the start of the observation period, and these differences were maintained after adjusting for training workload. Increase in the bone strength index was through size and not density increase. Density increased during training and decreased during paddock rest between the two training campaigns, during which time bone strength continued to increase because of the slow growth that was still occurring. The greatest variance in the response to the training exercise of diaphyseal bone mineral content, bone strength index or cortical thickness was associated with the cumulative workload index at the gallop, although statistically significant unexplained variances remained. There were no differences in bone response to training, with the exception of the endosteal circumference at 55% of the Mc3 length from the carpometacarpal joint space between CONDEX and PASTEX, which indicated that young horses may be able to be exercised slightly more vigorously than currently accepted.  相似文献   

Nine mature Quarter Horse mares were trained for ten weeks by continuous (n=4) or intermittent (n=5) treadmill work. Both groups of horses trotted at 3.3m/sec. The continuous work was performed at a 3% incline while the intermittent work was done at a 9% incline. Heart rate, cardiac output and blood lactate concentration were measured during a standard exercise test that included work on both treadmill grades before and after five and ten weeks of training. The two conditioning programs did not produce differences in the measured parameters of the two groups of horses. However, there was an overall conditioning effect observed in both groups of horses throughout the ten weeks of treadmill conditioning. Heart rate decreased (P<.05) during exercise on both treadmill grades after ten weeks of training. Lactate concentration decreased (P<.05) during the 9 percent grade trot after five weeks of training. Only slight further decreases occurred between week five and week ten of conditioning. Cardiac output increased (P<.05) between rest and exercise on both grades but there was no conditioning effect.  相似文献   

To consider the optimal training programme for Thoroughbred horses, we examined the recruitment pattern of muscle fibres including hybrid muscle fibres in well-trained Thoroughbred horses. The horses performed exercise at three different intensities and durations; i.e., 100% VO2max for 4 min, 80% and 60% VO2max for 8 min on a treadmill with 10% incline. Muscle samples were obtained from the middle gluteal muscle before, during (4 min at 80% and 60% VO2max), and after exercise. Four muscle fibre types (types I, IIA, IIA/IIX, and IIX) were immunohistochemically identified, and optical density of periodic acid Schiff staining (OD-PAS) in each fibre type, and the glycogen content of the muscle sample, were determined by quantitative histochemical and biochemical procedures. The changes in OD-PAS showed that the recruitment of all fibre types were identical at the final time stage of each exercise bout, i.e., 4 min running at 100% VO2max, and 8 min running at 80% and 60% VO2max. The changes in OD-PAS of type IIA/IIX fibre were very similar to those of type IIX fibre. The recruitment of these fibres were obviously more facilitated by 4 min running at 100% VO2max than by 4 min running at 80% or 60% VO2max. Short duration with high intensity exercise, such as 4 min running at 100% VO2max or 8 min running at 80% or 60% VO2max, is effective to stimulate type IIX fibre and IIA/IIX fibres that have the fastest speed of contraction.  相似文献   

Blood oxygen transport and oxygen extraction were assessed in horses with colic. A gravity score (GS) ranging from 1 to 3 was attributed to each colic case with healthy horses used as controls. Jugular venous and carotid arterial blood samples were collected and concentrations of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate, adenosine triphosphate, inorganic phosphate and chloride were determined. pH and partial pressures of carbon dioxide (PCO(2)), and oxygen (PO(2)) were also measured. Oxygen equilibrium curves (OEC) were constructed under standard conditions and oxygen extraction ratios calculated. Haemoglobin oxygen affinity measured under standard conditions (P50(std)) was unchanged in colic horses compared with healthy controls. Horses with the highest GS, i.e. 3 had lower blood pH values than healthy animals. Arterial and venous partial pressures of oxygen at 50% haemoglobin saturation (P50(a) and P50(v)) were significantly higher in horses suffering from colic (GS=3) than in healthy horses. The oxygen extraction ratio was also significantly increased in colic horses with a GS of 3. A rise in the oxygen extraction ratio detected in the most severely affected animals seemed to reflect the compensatory properties of the oxygen transport system where extraction of oxygen from the blood increases when systemic oxygen delivery decreases, as might be anticipated in horses with colic.  相似文献   

Blood gases, lactic acid concentrations, and pH were measured in arterial and mixed venous blood in moderately conditioned Standardbred horses after a standardized exercise load of 1.6 km in 2 minutes, 40 seconds. Samples were obtained at rest, immediately after exercise, and at 3, 6, 15, 30, and 60 minutes after exercise. Arterial oxygen tension and mixed venous oxygen tension increased after exercise, reaching peak values at 6 minutes. Arterial oxygen tension returned to the resting (preexercise) value by 15 minutes, and mixed venous oxygen tension by 30 minutes. Arterial carbon dioxide tension decreased immediately after exercise, reaching its lowest value at 6 minutes, and returned to resting value by 30 minutes. Mixed venous carbon dioxide tension reached its highest value immediately after exercise, then decreased to less than the resting value, reaching its lowest value by 15 minutes, and returned to normal by 60 minutes. Lactic acid concentration increased immediately after exercise, reaching its highest value at 6 minutes, and returned toward normal by 60 minutes. Arterial pH decreased immediately after exercise, reaching its lowest value at 6 minutes, and returned to normal by 60 minutes. Mixed venous pH reached its lowest value immediately after exercise, then began to increase, and returned to normal by 60 minutes. The decrease in mixed venous pH was more pronounced than that in arterial blood since, in addition to the increase in lartic acid, there was a considerable increase in mixed venous carbon dioxide tension.  相似文献   

A quantitative post-mortem study of 57 horses from northern Queensland was done to determine the prevalence and intensity of non-strongyle intestinal parasites. The following species (% prevalence) were found: Draschia megastoma (39%); Habronema muscae (43%); Gasterophilus intestinalis (34%), G. nasalis (30%); Parascaris equorum (15%); Strongyloides westeri (6%); Probstmayria vivipara (2%); Oxyuris equi (26%); Anoplocephala magna (2%); A. perfoliata (32%). Mean parasite numbers of individual species ranged from 10 to 1310. Prevalence and intensity data were compared to recent studies in Western Australia and in the United States of America. Differences between stabled and paddocked horses were noted, particularly for botfly larvae and spiruroids. Climatic and seasonal changes in prevalence were restricted to H. muscae, G. nasalis and P. equorum with highest prevalence in the wet season or in horses from wet coastal areas. Only P. equorum showed any age effect being restricted to horses less than 5 years old. Breed and sex of horses was not important. The likelihood of changing parasite population dynamics with improved anthelmintic regimen is discussed.  相似文献   

This study aimed to (1) estimate infection prevalence of strongyle, Oxyuris equi and Parascaris equorum species and the intensity of infection with strongyles in working horses in lowland Lesotho and (2) investigate associations between infection and horse age, sex and owner-reported use of anthelmintics. In a cross-sectional survey, fresh faecal samples were obtained from 305 randomly selected horses and worm egg counts performed using a validated field laboratory kit. Details of anthelmintic use were collected using a standardised face-to-face owner questionnaire. Infection prevalence estimates for each species were calculated, as were infection intensity estimates for strongyle species. Logistic regression was used to investigate associations between exposure variables and infection status/intensity. Prevalence of strongyle infection was 88.2%; 11.8% of horses were not infected and infection intensity was low (1–500 eggs per gram (epg)) in 19.7%, medium (501–1,000 epg) in 19.7%) and high (>1,001 epg) in 48.8%. Decreasing strongyle infection intensity was associated with the use of proprietary equine anthelmintic products (OR 0.18, 95%CI 0.11–0.30, p < 0.0001). Prevalence of O. equi infection was 6.2%; the odds of infection with this parasite decreased with increasing horse age (OR 0.84, 95%CI 0.72–0.97, p = 0.02). P. equorum infection prevalence was 21.6%; no statistically significant associations with the investigated exposure variables were found. In conclusion, strongyle infection is endemic in working horses in lowland Lesotho, but proprietary equine anthelmintics assist in managing infection. The apparent lack of age-acquired immunity to P. equorum infection may deserve further investigation. Although O. equi infection is less widespread, measures to protect younger animals may be appropriate.  相似文献   

Four hours prior to exercise on a high-speed treadmill, 4 dosages of furosemide (0.25, 0.50, 1.0, and 2.0 mg/kg of body weight) and a control treatment (10 ml of 0.9% NaCl) were administered IV to 6 horses. Carotid arterial pressure (CAP), pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP), and heart rate were not different in resting horses before and 4 hours after furosemide administration. Furosemide at dosage of 2 mg/kg reduced resting right atrial pressure (RAP) 4 hours after furosemide injection. During exercise, increases in treadmill speed were associated with increases in RAP, CAP, PAP, and heart rate. Furosemide (0.25 to 2 mg/kg), administered 4 hours before exercise, reduced RAP and PAP during exercise in dose-dependent manner, but did not influence heart rate. Mean CAP was reduced by the 2-mg/kg furosemide dosage during exercise at 9 and 11 m/s, but not at 13 m/s. During recovery, only RAP was decreased by furosemide administration. Plasma lactate concentration was not significantly influenced by furosemide administration. Furosemide did not influence PCV or hemoglobin concentration at rest prior to exercise, but did increase both variables in dose-dependent manner during exercise and recovery. However, the magnitude of the changes in PCV and hemoglobin concentration were small in comparison with changes in RAP and PAP, and indicate that furosemide has other properties in addition to its diuretic activities. Furosemide may mediate some of its cardiopulmonary effects by vasodilatory activities that directly lower pulmonary arterial pressure, but also increase venous capacitance, thereby reducing venous return to the atria and cardiac filling.  相似文献   

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