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The application of Computer Aided Roll Collection Manage System for Roads and Bridge will ease workers and reduce leak of management,corruption farthest. It can improve manage level and work efficiency. It also can reduce traffic jam. This system adopts the technology of vehicle model recognition based on neural network, IC card, automatic recognition of bill based on OCR and transfer of compressed vehicle image. The technology of this system is advanced. This system has high reliability and durability and convenient.  相似文献   

At first, this paper introduces the EFB. Then it introduces the EFB manufacturers and three airlines’ applications of EFB. To make the content simple and clear, the paper presents a contrast table on EFB’s hardware and software. According to the comparative of analysis, the Analytic Hierarchy Process and Excel’s calculation, the paper gets weight coefficient as a theory of EFB design.  相似文献   

Application system generally refers to all kinds of computer information system. It aims at improving the sharing and application of the resource. The resource in application system usually means data resource. For computer management and maintenance, there are not only data resource, but also program resource and network resource. Effective management of this resource is key to ensure proper work of the application system. In this paper, the basic pattern and policy for resource management is put forward and a method to build and realize the resource layer that lies between database layer and application layer is to be found. This management layer, which skillfully connects the application system with resource and establishes good base for application and exploitation of system, is named as resource management system.  相似文献   

For the energy aware schedule of battery powered real time embedded system, a novel offline energy aware schedule algorithm is proposed based on the improved artificial fish school algorithm(IAFSA). The algorithm constructs the behavior constraint of the artificial fish to make the random search meet the energy constraint and deadline while maximizing the system reward. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm improves the system reward about 47% compared with the Greedy algorithm. Besides, the energy efficiency increases while the energy budget decreases, which demonstrates the good energy awareness efficiency of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

In order to improve product quality and strengthen corporation competitiveness, This paper analyzes the important aspects of quality management during new product development under market economy circumstances. The model of integrated management system for product quality is established, which is orienting to the whole process of new product development. Based on its meanings and characteristics, organization model and function model are provided.  相似文献   

棉花生产管理系统研究进展及应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
介绍了棉花生产管理系统研究概况,包括棉花生产模拟模型、专家系统和生产管理系统。在此基础上总结出棉花生产管理系统研究的发展趋势,并提出相应对策。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a model framework, which describes the function requirements and the common characterstics of vehicle transport management. With the frame, a computer vehicle transportation managerment information system(QCMIS)is in troduced here and it has already been put into practice. The key technical points is also explained in the paper.  相似文献   

杨志远  胡蓉  孙永健  徐徽  许远明  马均 《作物学报》2012,38(6):1097-1106
以大穗型杂交籼稻II优498为材料,在三角形强化栽培(triangle-planted system of rice intensification, TSRI)适宜的密度和秧龄条件下,研究施氮量和施肥比例对TSRI结实期叶面积、光合作用以及干物质积累与转运的影响,并探讨花前期物质积累转运与花后期光合生产在产量形成过程中的作用,同时探索既能提高产量又能减少氮肥损失的氮肥运筹措施。结果显示,TSRI下,除蜡熟期叶面积指数(leaf area index, LAI)外,施氮量和施肥比例对光合作用和LAI有显著运筹作用; 增施氮肥和氮肥后移可以显著提高齐穗期和蜡熟期剑叶净光合速率,LAI则随施氮量和氮肥后移程度增加多呈抛物线趋势。TSRI下施氮量和施肥比例共同提高总颖花数增加产量,而施氮量和施肥比例又各自通过提高千粒重和结实率来增加产量。TSRI下,花前干物质积累量、物质转运量、转运率与产量极显著正相关,施氮量为150 kg hm-2, 穗肥占总施氮量的30%的处理在显著增大花前干物质积累量和籽粒灌浆期间向穗部的转运量实现高产的同时显著提高氮肥农学利用率和生理利用率,是TSRI平衡产量与氮肥利用率的最优氮肥运筹组合。  相似文献   

ECG is an important method in clinical heart disease diagnosis. The storing of lots of ECG and other corresponding materials in information management system has great value to medical researcher for their reference and research. Embedding the ECG information management system to virtual ECG instrument is not only enhanced the operating value but also increased the functions to virtual ECG instrument. The model of relation database and ActiveX Data Object (ADO) of VC++6.0 is used in the system. The key functions of Storing,Query,Deleting and core modules are introduced.  相似文献   

高等院校科研管理信息化体系构建的分析与研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
科研管理信息化体系建设是实现高等教育信息化的重要组成部分,是提升高校科研水平的重要保障和必备载体。本文在系统分析建立高等院校科研管理信息化体系的重要意义和必要性基础上,着重阐述和研究了科研管理信息化体系的基础设施系统、核心主体系统以及辅助服务系统等三大框架系统的构成、内容、功能及其子系统之间的关联性。并对当前高等院校在科研管理信息化系统构建过程中存在的主要问题、主要矛盾及其解决方案和应对策略进行了细述和分析。本研究对高等院校实施科研管理信息化具有借鉴和参考价值。  相似文献   

Based on the study of image processing algorithm,the Sub-Microstructure Analysis System of Asphalt Concrete(MASAC) suitable for Windows Operating System was specially programmed.In this paper the index system of MASAC is chiefly illustrated and the functions of a part of indexes are briefly introduced.The index system is classified into 5 types,i.e.characteristics of aggregate particles,arrangement of aggregate particles,contact among aggregate particles,air voids between aggregate particles and distribution of aggregate particles.By analysis for the microstructure of asphalt concrete,it can be used to investigate the internal relationship between asphalt concrete microstructure and macro-performance,and evaluate the asphalt mixture homogeneity.  相似文献   

基于县级土地利用总体规划的业务需求,针对Client/Server和Browser/Server两种系统结构的特点.对基于这两种系统结构的县级土地利用总体规划管理信息系统各自的优劣做出详细的分析和比较,以选择适合当前信息化建设需要的土地规划管理信息系统的系统架构。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the deep reasons why the benefits are always poor though China has controlled the vehicle exhaust for more than ten years, as well as a successful experience of the developed countries. Contrasting the deficiencies of the previous Air Pollution Control Law and advantages of the present Air Pollution Control Law , the paper indicates the organization structure and management system of the EPA are not entirely eligible for the tasks though the new law entitles environmental administrations to strengthening the exhaust control. It calls for that, according to principle that a structure results in a function, China must establish the management system of vehicle emission control in metropolises as soon as possible. So we can implement this law and improve urban air quality that has deteriorated due to vehicle exhaust. This paper puts forward organization form, functions, tasks and effect of this system.  相似文献   

In China, the management system of fundamental investments is key to the reforms of state-owned enterprises, the reforms of the policy-directed project management system and the revenue of state-owned properties. In this paper, the problems in management systems of the fundamental investments are studied and some practical advices are put forward.  相似文献   

Geographic information systems (GIS) have been widely used in the field of city science. Its timely, accurate and friendly displaying methods have been won more attention from the decision makers. In this paper, several problems,such as system objects, system compositions, and system designing methods etc., were discussed and some suggestions were presented. Three examples were illustrated at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

Visual Electroencephalograph (VEEG) is a new type of digital, information electroencephalograph. As an important part of Visual Electroencephalograph, Health Record Management System(HRMS)is integrant to store electroencephalographic data plentifully, show and edit their waveforms, analyze the data on line or off line. By the most popular and steady Relational-Database technology, ADO Application Programming Interface (API) and Visual C++ programming tool, the system has the friendly interactive interface and the functions of adding, updating, deleting, recalling, counting health record information, etc. Integrated with other parts of VEEG, HRMS ameliorates traditional EEG and overcomes some disadvantages of it such as discommodious to record, difficult to read and hard to get useful information. This paper introduces main functions, structure design and components of Health Record Management System.  相似文献   

In this paper, some problems such as circuit jam, mutual disturbance of signals, bad operation reliability and so on were analyzed, which resulted from the deficiency of integral electric and computer systems design and installation. It discusses mainly such problems as power supply, separation of alternating and direct currents, ground connection, undisturbed signal lines and so on. Then it puts forward a reference model for computer room's synthetical power distribution.  相似文献   

牛肉安全生产可追溯信息系统研究与应用   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
为适应牛肉外贸和出口需要,保障国内牛肉安全消费,应对牛肉安全突发事件,研发本系统。系统采用Visual Basic6.0面向对象编程技术和SQL Server 2000数据库技术及耳标、分割肉产品号及对应的EAN/UCC条码号等动物标识技术进行设计,建立了涵盖繁育、饲养、屠宰加工与销售整个链条的质量追溯体系,设计了信息查询、信息采集、帮助等5个主要功能模块。该系统结合中国牛肉安全生产现实,设置了保质期与药物残留两个安全预警机制,为促进中国牛肉安全系统建设提供了研究思路  相似文献   

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