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It is the major way to form a civil engineering contract by means of bidding and tendering passing through the following steps as: tendering, bidding, bid opening, evaluation, acceptance and contract signing. The legal nature of the bid is an invitation to offer. The bid has certain legal binding which is different from the ordinary invitation to offer. The legal nature of the tendering is an order, which is sent to the inviter by the bidder. The letter of acceptance takes effect when it is issued and meanwhile the civil engineering contract is formed.  相似文献   

This article states systematically the fundamental conception of the mode of construction management general contract, the contract structure and the organization structure through the analysis of the construction characteristics of Shanghai large-scale projects, considering the situation of China and the characteristics of this line. It also summarizes the characteristics of the mode of construction management general contract through the example of the Pudong International Airport Construction. The mode of construction management general contract not only meets the needs of construction technique in bettering the design of construction project building, but also releases the pressure in middle and later management of construction project building and overcomes the deficiency of the long-term building period, hard-to-control investigation brought by the problem of design, purchase, construction divided from and restricted by each other existed in the traditional contract mode. It also helps the contractor to provide socialized, specialized, commoditized service for the contractor. Helps to overall arrangement, economized investment, management level improve ment can be given. So it has the superiority in super large-scale projects construction compared with the traditional construction management.  相似文献   

This article is established in the Max-profit for both tender and bidder,to their "Win-Win".The most concerned factors-cost,time,quality are taken as the incentive factors at the same time,and are combined in a mathematics model.By using the CPIF contract,the authors establish Stackelberg decision to incentive the both,and then optimize their both profits.Then,they introduce how to use genetic algorithms to compute the model.Finally,the model is illustrated coith an example.  相似文献   

Problems existing in traditional contract management mode are analyzed on the conditions of large-scale enterprise and regional decentralization, such as unorganized and dispersive information management, slowness or retardation of data transformation, difficulties in tracking contract information and evaluating client credit. A contract management solution based on web technology is proposed, which realizes cooperation across distributed regions, thus enables efficient and standard contract management.  相似文献   

In the construction projects, the contract, which is the most important behavior norm, determines the rights and responsibilities of client and contractor. All engineering activities aim at implementing and carrying out the articles of the contract. However, as the key component of the contract, the type of contract price determines the distribution mode of most of the engineering risk between client and contractor. In this paper, the most popular types of contract price used in the international construction projects are introduced. The advantages and disadvantages of each type and the distribution mode of the engineering risk between client and contractor are analyzed. At the end, some advice are given to the clients that they should choose the proper type of contract price and have innovation according to the characteristics of certain project and the situation of themselves.  相似文献   

Wang Dong 《保鲜与加工》2013,(Z1):139-141
Toward the characteristics of petrochemical engineering construction project and the need of project management performance evaluation, this paper analyzed the status of project management performance evaluation study and the status of project management performance evaluation study in petrochemical engineering construction project. This paper suggested the direction of project management performance evaluation study in petrochemical engineering construction project, which is to establish the performance evaluation index system of petrochemical engineering construction project management and performance evaluation method, to establish process performance evaluation system of petrochemical engineering construction project management, to develop performance evaluation software of petrochemical engineering construction project management.  相似文献   

棉花细胞工程及新种质创造   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
针对我国棉花育种资源缺乏问题,从细胞工程角度开展了棉花资源创新工作,本文从多个方面介绍了华中农业大学在棉花细胞工程方面的研究工作,包括国际上首次从野生棉获得再生植株,获得栽培棉种和野生棉种之间的体细胞杂种植株,对杂种进行了广泛的验证和评价。  相似文献   

为了实现乡村振兴战略,解决最基础也是最重要的农民问题,实现培育新时代高素质职业农民。本研究从了解传统农民的实际问题与诉求,对新旧农人结合和培育高素质农民,将农民打造成体面的职业展开讨论。实现乡村振兴需要充分发挥新农人的高素养优势,形成以新农人为优秀代表,发挥示范带头作用,促进新农人与传统农民的融合,从而激发传统农民的建设积极性,提高传统农民的组织化程度,推动农业科技推广和普及,将最基础最广大的传统农民问题解决好,从而为建设美丽乡村打好最广泛的人才基础。通过新农人改造传统农民,培育新型职业农民,助力乡村振兴,让新时代的农民成为高素质的职业选择。  相似文献   

Based on the analysis for common methods of construction programme design with considering the new engineering condition, the author gives discussion on the skills of programme design.  相似文献   

在新工科背景下,精准把握食品产业的未来需求和发展方向是高校食品新工科建设和人才培养的前提。食品科学涉及化学、生物、医学、机械等多个学科知识,具有鲜明的多学科交叉特征,学科的交叉融合彰显了学科的特色和行业优势,也促进学科的发展。“重理论、轻实践”是目前我国食品类专业食品营养学的教学现状,不能满足新工科背景下人才培养目标的要求。针对新工科背景下“食品营养学”课程群的建设进行了探索,以期为培养更加符合当下新兴产业发展的专业人才提供参考。  相似文献   

为了更好地适应新工科建设人才培养的要求,充分发挥线上学习和线下教学的特点,以食品化学课程教学为例,将两者进行有机融合探索线上线下混合式教学模式。结果表明,食品化学采用混合式教学模式,丰富了学生的学习资源,调动了学生的学习积极性,提高了学生的学习效率,为培养创新型、应用型人才提供一条参考的课程教学模式。  相似文献   

The necessity of the sustainability of engineering project for human society development is identified at first, then a summary of the concepts of sustainable development or sustainability is represented and the sustainability of engineering project is proposed and expounded in this paper.  相似文献   

在新工科背景下,从教学内容、教学方法、考核方式、实验设计等方面探索了包装测试课程的教学改革。通过以新技术成果扩充教学内容,实施课堂教学+网络教学的混合式教学模式、注重过程化考核方式,优化和创新实验设计,极大地提高了课程质量,为新工科背景下复合应用型包装工程专业人才培养途径提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the kinds of risk factors in engineering variation of construction project. Consists of tecthhon risk, economy risk, policy and low risk, contract candition risk and character risk. It puts forward the risk assessment index system and sets up the risk comprehensive assessment model by using the theory of fuzzy mathematics.  相似文献   

Dividing the bidding document into technical bidding and commercial bidding and scoring them respectively, then evaluating and awarding the bidding according to some principles and the fixed procedures and it may be the promising solution to problems existing in the bidding.  相似文献   

This paper first makes behavioral analysis of principle parts of engineering project, then analyzes shirking problems of the two agents and some problems among principal parts based on principal-agent theory. We establish an orientation about the principal-agent relationship among principal parts according to the reality in our country. aimingto establish an effective incentive mechanism. We find it effective to stimulate the agents and prevent the agents from coalition. At last we give an example to show its use.  相似文献   

为了适应国家新经济时代对人才的需求,高校食品专业亟待在教学理念、方法和效果评价机制等方面积极改革。课程体系是人才培养的核心,为了构建基于OBE理念和新工科建设的适合学校食品专业的课程体系,以马来西亚博特拉大学食品专业课程设置为例,就其课程设置方面的特色进行分析探讨,并就OBE理念和新工科建设在国内高校食品类专业课程体系建设中的改革实践提出建议。  相似文献   

食品科学与工程专业人才培养方案中,仍存在实践教学较少、校内学习与行业实践脱节、"双师型"教师较少和实践经费短缺等问题,导致培养出的人才无法满足食品行业和社会的需求。探讨了通过加强校企合作和实践创新平台的建设,培养食品新工科人才的措施,包括校企共同制订培养主方案、调整课程结构、培养双师型教师、共办创新创业技能竞赛、共建实习基地并开展产学研合作,以期为食品新工科应用型人才的培养提供参考意见。  相似文献   

分别就新形势下传统食品制造业及新兴食品衍生行业人才需求进行系统分析,并论证地方高校依托产教融合培养新工科应用型人才的科学性、明智性、便捷性。在总结我国食品专业产教融合培养模式典型实践成果的基础上,探讨该模式实践中应处理好的几个问题,为食品新工科应用型人才培养提供参考意见。  相似文献   

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