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Through the detail analysis for the development of the housing property right and it's present situation, this paper points out the problems existed in the housing property right which will influence the development of Chinese housing industry. A constructive discussion on resolving these problems was made in this paper.  相似文献   

The economical relationship and economical system are deeply influenced by contemporary property system and the modern construction enterprise system requires a new adaptive accounting system. According to property right economy this paper analyzes its influence upon environment of accounting and puts forward a basic form of accounting system of modern construction enterprise under property right economy.  相似文献   

李泰廷 《中国农学通报》2022,38(11):129-136
为了研究农村集体产权制度改革的具体进展,对农村集体产权制度改革建言献策,推动改革的不断完善,本研究对嘉兴市、丽水市农村集体产权制度改革实践进行了考察。结果表明,欲进一步深化农村集体产权制度改革,应进一步细化“政经分离”改革的具体内容,在考量中国各地区集体经济发展水平差距较大的现实因素下分步推进,不断反刍集体经济组织的治理机制;弱化集体经济组织成员资格认定的户籍标准,建立以“土地承包关系作为基本生活保障”为核心的成员认定规则,切实保障好集体成员的合法权益;全面培育农村产权流转交易市场,通过立法与政策扶持为农村集体经济的发展壮大保驾护航。  相似文献   

王贝 《中国农学通报》2011,27(4):381-386
为弥补学界对集体建设用地产权制度研究不足,笔者拟运用制度变迁理论,分析集体建设用地产权制度的历史演进过程,从制度需求和制度供给视角探究集体建设用地产权制度的变迁机理和发展方向。研究发现,与国有建设用地产权相比,现行集体建设用地产权明显变现为“同地不同权、同地不同价”。在源于要素价格上升和外部利润积累而引致产权制度变迁需求的背景下,国家供给集体建设用地产权制度的成本-收益结构发生剧烈变化,在可供选择的制度集合内,国家应保证集体所有制平等地位,健全集体内部决策机制,完善使用权直至可交易。集体建设用地产权制度变迁过程是制度需求和制度供给共同作用的结果,社会发展赋予制度需求差异性,全国各地试点为制度供给提供了多样选择集合,最终实现集体建设用地产权制度需求-供给平衡。  相似文献   

高红 《中国农学通报》2021,37(35):136-140
为深入剖析和总结中国集体建设用地产权制度改革试点中出现的问题和治理经验,探索系统推进中国农村集体产权制度改革的路径。本研究运用数据、规范和比较分析方法,对中国农村集体建设用地产权制度改革的公共性缺失问题进行了反思和探讨。从公共性生产逻辑的视角,提出在协调现行市场经济条件下“城乡融合发展的公共利益、集体经济的共同利益和农民的财产权益”基础上,建构以多元主体协同共治为基础,以数字化治理技术创新为保障,以公共基础设施和公共服务改善为支撑,以城乡要素市场双向流动建设为目标的产权制度改革路径。为此,本研究建议进一步明确农村集体建设用地产权制度改革的公共性目标,从城乡融合发展的视角系统地推进各项配套改革措施的完善,并加强对其改革效果的公共性评估。  相似文献   

The degree of centralization indicates the concentration of production management in a particular industry and is an important indicator to reflect industry and market structures. We use the concentration rate ( ) to analyze the concentration of the construction industry from 2000 to 2005 in P. R. China and compare that industry with others in the country. We also use a Lorenz curve to analyze the industrial structure of P. R. China based on data from P. R. China and developed countries. We conclude that the concentration of the Chinese construction industry definitely has developed; there still exist, however, considerable gaps when it is compared with counterparts in developed countries. We therefore discuss ways to improve the degree of centralization of the Chinese construction industry, based on the laws and regulatory system, market order, and industrial and enterprise structures.  相似文献   

In order to solve the problem that the internal force of statically indeterminate prestressed and reinforced concrete bar system structures is difficut to determine when the structures come to the non-elastic state, a simple analysis method of experimental structures' internal force-sectioned dropping rigidity method is brought forward.In this method, according to the loading state of bars, the bars are divided into limited segments by the level of rigidity dropping, and the relative level of each segment is enacted; then the dropping modulus of each segment rigidity will be found by debugging time after time, and the checking point is the key distortion which was gained from the experiment; it is considered that the internal force which is calculated by elasticity analysis at the dropped rigidity can reflect the real internal force of the structures.It is basically proved that the method, which is brought forward in this paper, is effective by comparing its results with those from the experiment of a large size prestressed frame of two spans and single floor, of which the internal force redistribution is considered.  相似文献   

A new measurement method for mass property parameters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mass property parameters (mass, center of mass, moment of inertia) are important technology parameters of aircraft. The traditional mass and center of mass measurement uses centroid units, and the moment of inertia measurement torsion units, which can only get results in installing direction. Because of the structural reasons, there is a need to get all high accurate physical parameters in clamping once. To solve this problem, this study merges centroid units and torsion units into one composite unit, installs a table which can tilt and rotation to measure the moment of inertia in different conditions. The moment of inertia and product of inertia relative to three axis are calculated by the method of coordinate transformation. Measurement theory of mass, center of mass and mass moment of inertia are described, the main reason of causing measurement errors is discussed, and the measurement accuracy affected by tilt error is analyzed.  相似文献   

Multistorey and highrise buildings with PPC carry-over girder of long span have merits of small desorm and saving steels ,as shocon by full scale test in the field.In this paper. simplified solution using framed tube-corestructure principle is presented.It provides a new scheme of buiding structure and valuable design data.  相似文献   

The society-economy-environment appraisal for construction project can help our government to control macro-economy, make correlation policy and formulate laws and draw up city plan.It has great influence on the sustainable development of our society and it is the demand of the law for the environment evaluation in China.This paper introduced the basic structure of society-economy-environment appraisal system for construction project and the thought of elements transaction.Using the method of AHP, the model of project analyzing and optimizing selection is designed.For the more, the methods of the optimizing models on the selected schemes are put forward.Finally, the integrative analysis has been made on the system design and appliance of this appraisal system.  相似文献   

食品加工技术专业"双3+2型"人才培养模式,是信阳农专经过多年探索与实践总结出的一种比较成熟的教学与管理模式。该模式不仅适应了高职高专职业素质教育和高技能应用型专业人才培养的要求,而且促进了"双师型"教师团队的建设。  相似文献   

Having demonstrated the importance of establishing the appraisal system for the effect of investment control by supervision,this paper designs not only the appraisal model for this problem by citing the basic theories of Analytic Hierarchy Process but also interprets the application conditions and specific approach of the model.Finally,the paper introduces an actual project case by using the model and analyzes the general practical application environment of the model.  相似文献   

In this paper, the problems to be studied and solved after China entered the "Aging Society" are presented. Then, based on analysis of the living mode of aged, the complex mode of providing for the aged by combining the family supporting with social supporting is presented. Finally, to study, design and construct the housing suitable for the complex mode of providing for the aged, the welfare building and recreation center for aged is suggested. This paper will play an important role in investigation of mode of providing for the aged with China's character and promoting the construction industry to meet the needs of aging society.  相似文献   

小麦不同磷效率基因型的子母盆栽试验   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
本研究以小麦磷效率典型基因型为材料,以磷酸三钙为磷源,以水平分根试验为基本方法研究麦对难溶态磷酸直斩活化、吸收机理。当磷酸三钙置于营养液时,磷和基因型洛夫林10号的吸钙量为磷低产和基因型,“中国春”和80-55和2.7和3.6倍。其磷素净活化,吸收量分别较之高30%和77%。当磷酸三钙置于石英砂中,两类基因型对钙的吸收或对磷的活化,积累保持着类似的趋势。在这种情况下,“中国春”和80-55都不能完  相似文献   

福建省新一轮林改尚存的若干问题及对策探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
福建省新一轮林改虽已取得了初步的成效,但也面临着一些问题,对林改中存在的主要问题及其对策进行研究具有十分重要的意义。文章运用规范分析与实证分析相结合的方法,指出了当前林改中尚存的林木限额采伐、生态负外部性、资金短缺和规模不经济等问题。对此,不仅要按照“区别对待”和“逐步推进”的思路改革和完善限额采伐管理制度,还要妥善地解决部分分户后的山林被划为公益林问题,并采取约束与激励相结合的措施防范生态负外部性问题。同时,努力拓展多元化的林业筹资渠道,大力发展林业合作经济组织,力争实现规模效益,并注意规范林地使用费的收取和使用,从而实现林改的各项目标。  相似文献   

陈冠铭 《中国农学通报》2015,31(22):279-285
为分析三农微观层面存在的主要矛盾和系统地提出完善措施,笔者通过实地考察、举办座谈会等形式,深入调查三亚市崖州区的三农现状及焦点,收集和分析崖州区的基本经济数据。结果表明:三农问题是在自然条件和社会条件综合作用下所产生的弱质农业、弱势农民和薄弱农村的矛盾集合,主要表现在农业系统复杂多变、政府行为全局性不强、农村经济社会管理存在瓶颈、农民问题棘手而艰巨、农村金融不健全和基础设施与公共服务薄弱等。通过分析完善了农村治理“三维一体”和谐结构,提出三农微观系统运行机制,并建议地方党委、政府需要充分运用和发挥国家政策的作用,在三农微观层面深化改革,优化和整合资源,针对问题出台一系列的办法和措施,改善三农内外部软硬环境,调动各方积极性去具体化解三农矛盾,帮助实现农业增效、农民增收和农村发展。  相似文献   

A new method to calculate electric values of unsymmetrical open conductorfaults in power systems with variable structures and parameters is proposed. All the fault componentsof nodal voltage or branch current and the equivalent parameters of open port for each sequence net-work can be obtained rapidly. The method presented here is much more understandable in contrast tothose available, and meanwhile the amount of calculations is greatly reduced. Its effectiveness hasbeen verified by numerical examples.  相似文献   

猪圆环病毒的分子生物学与检测方法的研究现状   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
猪圆环病毒(Porcine Circovirus, PCV)作为引起断奶仔猪多系统衰竭综合征(postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome, PMWS)的主要病原,引起了人们的广泛关注。对猪圆环病毒的分子生物学研究和了解,有利于PMWS的预防和控制。而快速有效的分子生物学诊断技术将有助于PMWS的流行病学调查研究和早期诊断。经过近二十年的系统研究,人们对其病原分子生物学等方面有较深入的了解,本文就猪圆环病毒的分子生物学相关研究进展进行了简单的总结。  相似文献   

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