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农作物有害生物疫情地理信息系统研究初报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
农作物疫情地理信息系统是基于2001、2002年全国农作物有害生物疫情普查开发的。该系统包括空间数据库和属性数据库两部分。空间数据库包括全国1:250 000地图数据和全国范围720个气象站点位置数据。属性数据包括2001、2002年在全国1 300个县约1 000种有害生物调查数据,194个气象站点从1950年到2001年的气象数据。利用地理信息系统软件平台MapInfo及其开发语言MapBasic开发了菜单、对话框等用户界面,可简单方便地完成查询有害生物信息,绘制有害生物发生范围专题图、插值图、每日温度、月均温、害虫年发生世代数估计及有害生物可能分布范围的估计等操作。  相似文献   

黑龙江省农作物病虫测报信息管理与预测系统的开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据黑龙江省植保工作的实际需要,同时考虑全国各地植保系统应用的通用性,利用数据库技术和专家系统技术开发了农作物病虫测报信息管理与预测系统。该系统建立了比较完善的数据管理机制,将病虫害监测数据的管理与专家系统测报的应用有机结合起来,具有较强的灵活性和通用性等特点。本文介绍了系统的设计与开发,包括系统的整体结构与功能、系统病虫害信息数据库的设计及整个系统的数据关系、各主要功能模块的设计与实现等,并就未来应用发展的可能性进行了讨论。  相似文献   

在汉化Visual Foxpro 6.0 支持下开发出的农药信息咨询系统具有强大的功能, 以农药处方、农药性能数据库为基础, 针对不同病虫草害提出一系列可供用户选择的处方与详 细说明, 同时提供病虫害发生特点和综合防治措施。系统模糊查询性能强, 灵活方便, 提供较完 整的信息量, 可在实践中充分发挥计算机咨询系统的优势。  相似文献   

为有效管理和利用植物保护系统的各种病虫资料信息,应用网络脚本语言PHP、网络服务器Apache及MySQL数据库构建了一套基于网络的病虫信息管理系统。系统采用开放式的设计模式,组建了用户管理模块、动态树型菜单模块、在线建表模块、数据表管理模块、日程提醒模块、资料统计对比模块、图形显示模块等。用户可根据自己需要在线建立数据表;系统将动态树型菜单与在线建表模块相互结合,实现了对各种表格的管理,包括表格的创建、数据的查询、汇总、比较及图形化显示等功能,用户通过Internet在系统的帮助下,可建立适合本地实际、满足自己需要的病虫信息管理系统。  相似文献   

R. Vernon 《EPPO Bulletin》2003,33(3):501-504
The Pest List Database for the Pacific is a user-friendly database that provides information on agricultural pest occurrences within a country as required to facilitate trade in terms of the International Plant Protection Convention and International Standards For Phytosanitary Measures. Its main outputs are: (a) a pest list for any specified crop intended for export and (b) a list of pest incursions detected on imported goods from any selected country. The system is designed for use by the 22 Pacific Island countries and territories that the Secretariat of the Pacific Community serves and is so far installed in five countries with a new one being delivered every 3–4 months. It is typically delivered with a few thousand known pest occurrence records of that country, and look-up lists of several thousand Pacific pests and a few hundred crops.  相似文献   

坚果异胫小卷蛾是南非果树上重要经济害虫。珠海检验检疫局曾在南非鲜橙中截获过该虫。本文对坚果异胫小卷蛾的分布、寄主及成虫形态特征进行了描述,并分析了该虫的DNA条形码检测方法。通过GenBank数据库比对分析,邻接法构建的系统发育树及BOLD数据库查询比对,可最终确定所截获害虫为坚果异胫小卷蛾。  相似文献   

油茶是亚热带地区重要的木本油料作物,近年来随着种植面积的不断扩大和集约化经营,病虫害问题日益严重,对油茶的产量和品质造成不同程度的影响。本研究通过野外调查、文献查阅、种类鉴定等工作,整理了21种油茶主要害虫的形态特征、生物学习性、为害特点、防治措施等信息,并拍摄相应害虫及为害状的高清照片1 600张。采用Lucid智能诊断系统,构建Fact Sheet Fusion基础信息数据库,并针对多途径检索方式提取害虫"为害方式"、"为害部位"、"为害高峰期"、"形态特征"等4个1级特征组,以及10个2级特征和18个3级特征,共组成102个特征状态,构建了油茶害虫的快速诊断系统。在此基础上,转换得到基于Android系统的手机应用APP,为林农和森防一线工作者对油茶害虫快速识别和防治提供便捷服务,从而促进油茶产业持续健康发展。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Integrated pest management (IPM) decision‐making has become more information intensive in Washington State tree crops in response to changes in pesticide availability, the development of new control tactics (such as mating disruption) and the development of new information on pest and natural enemy biology. The time‐sensitive nature of the information means that growers must have constant access to a single source of verified information to guide management decisions. RESULTS: The authors developed a decision support system for Washington tree fruit growers that integrates environmental data [140 Washington State University (WSU) stations plus weather forecasts from NOAA], model predictions (ten insects, four diseases and a horticultural model), management recommendations triggered by model status and a pesticide database that provides information on non‐target impacts on other pests and natural enemies. A user survey in 2008 found that the user base was providing recommendations for most of the orchards and acreage in the state, and that users estimated the value at $ 16 million per year. CONCLUSIONS: The design of the system facilitates education on a range of time‐sensitive topics and will make it possible easily to incorporate other models, new management recommendations or information from new sensors as they are developed. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

为了让农户能够直观了解及掌握常见病虫害的防治信息,帮助农户通过智能手机在农田、果园和茶园等现场方便快捷地获取作物病虫害图文识别要点与科学防治方法,为农户提供在线植保技术服务,本研究采用RESTful Web 服务架构设计,运用HTML5移动Web开发技术,借助微信平台作为用户访问入口,开发了一款跨平台 (android/iOS) 的农药速查软件系统,实现了农药信息查询、病虫害图谱查询及后台数据管理等功能。通过建立农药与病虫害间的关联关系,实现了从农药名称和病虫害名称两个途径查询农药信息;所构建的数据库涵盖了蔬菜、果树、水稻、茶叶及烟草等共30种福建省常规种植作物上的重要病虫害农药防治技术。初步运用验证结果表明,该系统整体实用性和稳定性较好,适合在农村基层推广应用。基于微信平台的农药速查系统能够满足植保新技术普及和应用的需求,可为农户提供简单便捷、对症下药的在线植保科技服务,对提高用户安全施药和科学防控能力、推进农药的增效减量均具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The Plant Pest Risk Information System (PPRIS) is a computerized decision-support system for plant pest risk assessment in the USA, being developed for use by personnel of the US Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Plant Protection and Quarantine, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS). PPRIS is being designed to retrieve information from such diverse sources as: EPPO PQ database, USDA-Agricultural Research Service's (ARS) Fungi on Plants and Plant Products database, bibliographic databases on compact disc media, on-line INTERNET databases and risk assessment documents. PPRIS will offer access to a wide variety of risk assessment processes. A PPRIS evaluation prototype was created in Visual Basic ver. 3.0 operating in a Windows 3.1 environment. EPPO-PQ and ARS-Fungi databases were imported and stored in ORACLE ver. 6.0. Query functionality of the prototype was tested by retrieving information from the two internal ORACLE databases. The PPRIS evaluation prototype provides interfaces to the CABPEST bibliographic compact disc and to communication software for on-line database searches. Three risk assessment processes were incorporated into the evaluation prototype: the decision sheet, generic risk assessment and enhanced hazard identification. The evaluation prototype also includes access to Wordperfect for Windows through the Windows Program Manager for storage and retrieval of risk assessment documents.  相似文献   

北京市农作物病虫害远程预警信息系统构建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 北京市农作物病虫害远程预警信息系统基于B/S模型,其将病虫害预警过程分为浏览器端和服务器端两部分,并通过网络将用户和领域专家联系起来。该系统包含:病虫害检索、数据采集、数据查询、统计分析、报表汇总、气象数据查询、病虫害预测预报和系统管理8个子系统。构建本预警信息系统的意义在于实现北京市农作物病虫害信息永久保存、资源共享;加强农作物病虫害灾情远程监控、及时制订防治决策,最终降低损失。  相似文献   

基于Web Service技术,结合个人数字助理(personal digital assistant,PDA)的使用,开发了城市绿地有害生物实时监控系统,从而解决城市绿地有害生物预警监测中信息交流不畅和共享困难的问题.调查人员手持PDA进行实地信息采集,通过无线网络即时传输;系统管理平台实时接收调查结果,经分析处理后进行信息发布.该系统应用于上海世博园区绿化植物有害生物实时监控,共收集有害生物信息153次,发布预警信息16期.结果表明,基于Web Service的城市绿地有害生物PDA实时监控系统能即时获取并发布信息,实现对有害生物的实时化、信息化监控.  相似文献   

依托地理信息系统(GIS)、遥感(RS)、全球定位系统(GPS)、物联网(TOI)、移动互联网、数据库等现代农业信息技术,研发宁夏枸杞病虫害网络化监测预警系统。系统可以利用智能终端传感器采集病虫害数据,并通过GPS进行定位,再通过网络将数据传输到服务端,在此进行数据整合分析,实现了对宁夏枸杞空间分布精准化和可视化管理、病虫害实时动态监测与早期预警,对枸杞病虫害监测预警形成现代化的网络一体管理支持,实现了枸杞病虫害发生的"早预防,早发现,早防治",保证枸杞的生产安全。  相似文献   

北京市农作物重大病虫害远程预警信息系统的构建及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从北京市植保站病虫害监测预警体系内各区(县)的数据采集人员、市里的数据分析人员和数据发布人员的业务流和信息流出发,用Asp+Oracle研制开发了北京市农作物重大病虫害预警信息系统。系统以预警预测为目标,数据采集为基础,根据建立的预测模型及用户提交的病虫害情况和气象预报信息,实时监测预报北京市重大病虫害发生为害情况,预报结果以5级预警色地图和文字信息提供给用户。最终实现测报资料采集规范化、信息传递网络化和预报结果可视化。  相似文献   

The Southern Pine Beetle (SPB) is a major pest in southern U.S.A., Mexico, and Central America. Enormous resources in terms of funding, personnel, and effort have been allocated for research and development of pest management tools for this pest over the past century. Access to information from journal articles, reports, fact sheets, etc. does require some effort and is often incomplete and difficult to obtain. The emergence of the Internet now allows rapid access to information from diverse sources. We have created a comprehensive website entitled, 'The Southern Pine Beetle Internet Control Center' (SPBICC) (www.spbicc.vt.edu). The goal of the site is to provide all available resources on SPB to anyone with access to the Internet. It is also designed to increase communication among researchers and professionals to help advance the management of this pest. The site is interactive, which permits constant updating without contacting a webmaster. Attributes of the site include background information in the form of fact sheets, reviews, and government handbooks; an interactive diagnostic identification key for SPB and other bark beetles; a searchable expertise directory; a calendar of SPB-related events; a discussion forum; an online SPB spot growth predictive model; a searchable bibliographic database; a webcrawler designed to search for SPB-related websites, and more. Web-based tools were developed to integrate relational databases as the functional base of this site. The dynamic nature of the SPBICC makes it a powerful tool and a model for development of websites for other major agricultural or forest pests.  相似文献   

二点委夜蛾的监测技术初报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
二点委夜蛾是我国夏玉米苗期的新害虫,危害性极强。准确、及时的监测和科学地预测二点委夜蛾的发生趋势,可有效地指导防治,控制其暴发为害。本文介绍了二点委夜蛾测报系统调查时间,调查工具,田间取样方法,统计方法,普查抽样比率, 范围和时间,以及二点委夜蛾发生时期和防治时期预测的技术方法。  相似文献   

随着国际间贸易的频繁,外来林木害虫传入我国的风险加大,评估外来林木害虫扩散趋势和速度,建立有效的外来林木害虫监测系统显得尤为迫切。本文结合本课题组有关林木害虫诱集已取得的成果,综述了近年来国内外对外来林木害虫诱集监测技术的研究进展,并就建立适合我国的外来林木害虫监测体系提出建议。  相似文献   

A decision‐support system (DSS) has been developed for the holistic management of the invertebrate pest complex of rape. Traditionally, management of one pest has been done in isolation from any other. However, the control tactics used for one may impinge upon the management of other invertebrates. At present, the DSS contains procedures for the concurrent management of five pests. An Internet version of the system has been developed using a combination of Java and Cold Fusion to facilitate the delivery of information.  相似文献   

农业害虫自动识别与监测技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
封洪强  姚青 《植物保护》2018,44(5):127-133
随着计算机和互联网技术的发展,信息技术已被广泛地应用于植物保护领域,推动农业害虫的监测走向信息化、智能化和精准化。我们综述了农业害虫自动识别与监测技术的最新研究进展,分析了各种技术的特点与优势。这些技术均需要特定的设备获取农业害虫及其生境的信息,提取昆虫信息特征,并利用这些特征进行昆虫种类的识别与计数,达到害虫监测的目的。图像识别技术适合于自动识别与监测栖息于作物表面的害虫,昆虫雷达(厘达或激光雷达)技术特别适合于自动识别与监测高空中飞行的害虫,而声音识别技术在自动识别与监测隐蔽害虫方面具有优势。最近发展起来的基于深度学习的害虫识别方法避免了传统的手工设计特征方法,提高了害虫识别的鲁棒性,展示了一旦建立完整的昆虫信息库就可以实现害虫自动识别与监测的可能;这给昆虫学家提出了一个艰巨的任务,即鉴定和正确标识机器学习所需的大量的昆虫信息。  相似文献   

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