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Lineage relationship analysis of RORgammat+ innate lymphoid cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lymphoid tissue-inducer (LTi) cells initiate the development of lymphoid tissues through the activation of local stromal cells in a process similar to inflammation. LTi cells express the nuclear hormone receptor RORγt, which also directs the expression of the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-17 in T cells. We show here that LTi cells are part of a larger family of proinflammatory RORγt(+) innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) that differentiate from distinct fetal liver RORγt(+) precursors. The fate of RORγt(+) ILCs is determined by mouse age, and after birth, favors the generation of cells involved in intestinal homeostasis and defense. Contrary to RORγt(+) T cells, however, RORγt(+) ILCs develop in the absence of microbiota. Our study indicates that RORγt(+) ILCs evolve to preempt intestinal colonization by microbial symbionts.  相似文献   

Toll-like receptors (TLRs) control activation of adaptive immune responses by antigen-presenting cells (APCs). However, initiation of adaptive immune responses is also controlled by regulatory T cells (TR cells), which act to prevent activation of autoreactive T cells. Here we describe a second mechanism of immune induction by TLRs, which is independent of effects on costimulation. Microbial induction of the Toll pathway blocked the suppressive effect of CD4+CD25+ TR cells, allowing activation of pathogen-specific adaptive immune responses. This block of suppressor activity was dependent in part on interleukin-6, which was induced by TLRs upon recognition of microbial products.  相似文献   

Memory T cells maintain their numbers for long periods after antigen exposure. Here we show that CD8+ T cells of memory phenotype divide slowly in animals. This division requires interleukin-15 and is markedly increased by inhibition of interleukin-2 (IL-2). Therefore, the numbers of CD8+ memory T cells in animals are controlled by a balance between IL-15 and IL-2.  相似文献   

从mtDNA和SRY基因多态揭示云南大额牛杂交起源   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从父系、母系全面揭示云南大额牛的遗传背景.采集了云南大额牛、印度野牛(Bosgaurus)、迪庆黄牛、怒江黄牛以及文山高峰牛共5个种群的血液样品,对其中70头牛mtDNA D-loop和39头公牛Y染色体非同源部分SRY基因序列多态检测,结合GenBank已经报道的相关序列,对所构建的单倍型NJ系统树和网络图进行了聚类分析.线粒体DNA数据显示,云南大额牛母系来源于瘤牛(B.indicus)和普通黄牛(B.taurus),云南本地牛母系也来源于瘤牛和普通黄牛;SRY基因序列信息显示,云南大额牛父系来源于大额牛(B.frontalis),云南本地牛父系来源于印度瘤牛.结果说明,云南大额牛为大额牛与黄牛的杂交后代,云南本地牛主要为瘤牛血统.  相似文献   

Normal intestinal mucosa contains abundant immunoglobulin A (IgA)-secreting cells, which are generated from B cells in gut-associated lymphoid tissues (GALT). We show that dendritic cells (DC) from GALT induce T cell-independent expression of IgA and gut-homing receptors on B cells. GALT-DC-derived retinoic acid (RA) alone conferred gut tropism but could not promote IgA secretion. However, RA potently synergized with GALT-DC-derived interleukin-6 (IL-6) or IL-5 to induce IgA secretion. Consequently, mice deficient in the RA precursor vitamin A lacked IgA-secreting cells in the small intestine. Thus, GALT-DC shape mucosal immunity by modulating B cell migration and effector activity through synergistically acting mediators.  相似文献   

Hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow give rise to lymphoid progenitors, which subsequently differentiate into B and T lymphocytes. Here we show that the proto-oncogene LRF plays an essential role in the B versus T lymphoid cell-fate decision. We demonstrate that LRF is key for instructing early lymphoid progenitors in mice to develop into B lineage cells by repressing T cell-instructive signals produced by the cell-fate signal protein, Notch. We propose a new model for lymphoid lineage commitment, in which LRF acts as a master regulator of the cell's determination of B versus T lineage.  相似文献   

Cytolytic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses were evaluated in humans immunized with recombinant human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV) envelope glycoprotein gp160. Some vaccinees had gp160-specific CTLs that were shown by cloning to be CD4+. Although induced by exogenous antigen, most gp160-specific CTL clones also recognized gp160 synthesized endogenously in target cells. These clones lysed autologous CD4+ T lymphoblasts infected with HIV. Of particular interest were certain vaccine-induced clones that lysed HIV-infected cells, recognized gp160 from diverse HIV isolates, and did not participate in "innocent bystander" killing of noninfected CD4+ T cells that had bound gp120.  相似文献   

Most immature CD4+CD8+ thymocytes express only a small number of T cell receptor (TCR) molecules on their surface, and the TCR molecules they do express are only marginally capable of transducing intracellular signals. TCR expression and function was not intrinsically low in immature CD4+CD8+ thymocytes, but was found to be actively inhibited by CD4-mediated signals. Indeed, release of CD4+CD8+ thymocytes from CD4-mediated signals resulted in significant increases in both TCR expression and signaling function. These results suggest that, in CD4+CD8+ cells developing in the thymus, increased TCR expression and function requires release from CD4-mediated inhibition.  相似文献   

The cerebellum has many properties that make it a useful model for investigating neural development. Purkinje cells, the major output neurons of the cerebellar cortex, have drawn special attention because of the availability of biochemical markers and mutants that affect their development. The spatial expression of L7, a protein specific for Purkinje cells, and L7 beta Gal, a gene expressed in transgenic mice that was constructed from the L7 promoter and the marker beta-galactosidase, delineated bands of Purkinje cells that increased in number during early postnatal development. Expression of the transgene in adult reeler mutant mice, which show inverted cortical lamination, and in primary culture showed that the initial expression of L7 is intrinsic to Purkinje cells and does not depend on extracellular signals. This may reflect an underlying developmental map in cerebellum.  相似文献   

Self-nonself discrimination by T cells   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
The alpha beta T cell receptor (TCR) recognizes antigens that are presented by major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-encoded cell surface molecules by binding to both the antigen and the MHC molecules. Discrimination of self from nonself antigens and MHC molecules is achieved by negative and positive selection of T cells in the thymus: potentially harmful T cells with receptors that bind to self antigens plus self MHC molecules are deleted before they can mount immune responses. In contrast, the maturation of useful T cells with receptors that bind foreign antigens plus self MHC molecules requires the binding of their receptor to MHC molecules on thymic epithelium in the absence of foreign antigen. The binding of the TCR to either class I or class II MHC molecules directs differentiation of the selected cells into either CD4-8+ (killer) or CD4+8- (helper) T cells, respectively.  相似文献   

T cell vaccination against experimental autoimmune disease is herein shown to be mediated in part by anti-ergotypic T cells, T cells that recognize and respond to the state of activation of other T cells. The anti-ergotypic response thus combines with the previously shown anti-idiotypic T cell response to regulate autoimmunity.  相似文献   

Human T-lymphotropic virus type III (HTLV-III) or lymphadenopathy-associated virus (LAV) is tropic for human T cells with the helper-inducer phenotype, as defined by reactivity with monoclonal antibodies specific for the T4 molecule. Treatment of T4+ T cells with monoclonal antibodies to T4 antigen blocks HTLV-III/LAV binding, syncytia formation, and infectivity. Thus, it has been inferred that the T4 molecule itself is a virus receptor. In the present studies, the surfaces of T4+ T cells were labeled radioactively, and then the cells were exposed to virus. After the cells were lysed, HTLV-III/LAV antibodies were found to precipitate a surface protein with a molecular weight of 58,000 (58K). By blocking and absorption experiments, this 58K protein was identified as the T4 molecule. No cell-surface structures other than the T4 molecule were involved in the antibody-antigen complex formation. Two monoclonal antibodies, each reactive with a separate epitope of the T4 molecule, were tested for their binding capacities in the presence of HTLV-III/LAV. When HTLV-III/LAV was bound to T4+ T cells, the virus blocked the binding of one of the monoclonal antibodies, T4A (OKT4A), but not of the other, T4 (OKT4). When HTLV-III/LAV was internally radiolabeled and bound to T4+ T cells which were then lysed, a viral glycoprotein of 110K (gp110) coprecipitated with the T4 molecule. The binding of gp110 to the T4 molecule may thus be a major factor in HTLV-III/LAV tropism and may prove useful in developing therapeutic or preventive measures for the acquired immune deficiency syndrome.  相似文献   

Mature T cells and medullary thymocytes bear either the CD4 or CD8 differentiation antigen. Precursor cells in the thymus express neither CD4 nor CD8 (CD4-8-), but most cortical thymocytes are CD4+8+. Whether CD4+ and CD8+ mature T cells arise directly from CD4-8- precursors or from a CD4+8+ intermediate remains unresolved. In this study, methylation of the CD8 gene in murine T cells and thymocytes was examined. There was progressive demethylation of the CD8 gene in the thymus during the transition from CD4-8- to CD4+8+. A similar pattern of demethylation of the CD8 gene was seen in CD4+ mature T cells, suggesting previous expression of CD8 in the CD4+ lineage.  相似文献   

Human T cell antigen expression by primate T cells   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  

In situ hybridization to study the origin and fate of identified neurons   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Egg-laying behavior in Aplysia is mediated by a set of peptides, including egg-laying hormone (ELH), which are released by a cluster of identified neurons, the bag cells. A family of neuropeptide genes which includes the gene encoding ELH along with two additional genes encoding the A and B peptides thought to initiate the egg-laying process has been isolated and their nucleotide sequence has been determined. In situ hybridization and immunofluorescence was used to explore the origin and distribution of the neurons that express this family of genes. The ELH genes are expressed, not only in the bag cells, but in an extensive system of neurons distributed in four of the five ganglia of the central nervous system. The genes for ELH are expressed in these cells early in the animal's life cycle. As a result, it was possible to use in situ hybridization to trace the cells expressing ELH to their site of origin. The cells originate outside the central nervous system in the ectoderm of the body wall and appear to migrate to their final locations within the central nervous system by crawling along strands of connective tissue.  相似文献   

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