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主要从鹅消化利用日粮纤维的能力、日粮适宜纤维水平、不同纤维源对鹅的影响三个方面进行综述,进一步明确生长鹅对日粮纤维利用研究的现状和疑点,为鹅的纤维营养研究及鹅饲养标准的制定提供理论依据。  相似文献   

我国对生长鹅日粮纤维营养的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>鹅以草食为主,耐粗饲,可以大量利用牧草,不与人争粮;鹅肉是高蛋白、低脂肪、低胆固醇的保健食品。随着人们对鹅肉需求量的不断增加,我国养鹅业发展迅速,开始走上产业化道路。2006年,我国鹅出栏量近6亿只,占世界总数的90%以上。鹅饲养的产业化迫切需要确定舍饲条件下鹅的营养需要。然而,目前国内外缺乏对鹅生理、营养、饲  相似文献   

金娉  朱婷  申远航  周琳 《猪业科学》2021,38(9):78-82
日粮纤维,一方面会降低养殖成本及养分利用率和猪只生长性能;另一方面,可以通过肠道微生物发酵与抑制病原菌定植提高猪只肠道健康水平.高日粮纤维猪只日粮的负面影响受纤维来源、类型和添加水平影响,而合理使用日粮纤维能改善仔猪肠道健康并提高母猪繁殖性能;添加纤维降解酶可以缓解日粮纤维的抗营养作用,以保证其对仔猪肠道健康的改善作用...  相似文献   

纤维在猪日粮中的应用崔平安(河南农业大学450002)传统的养猪业中主要用大量谷物和动植物蛋白质构成猪的饲粮。近年来,由于猪与人类直接竞争粮食的问题越来越严重,、人们关于猪对纤维及其副产品的利用的研究就受到了相当的重视。随着研究的深入,纤维在动物营养...  相似文献   

饲粮纤维是饲料中不被动物自身消化酶所消化的一类物质,是由抗性淀粉、纤维素、半纤维素、果胶、木质素等成分组成的复合物。饲粮纤维在肠道中的发酵是发挥其营养功能的关键,这与其水合特性密切相关。在妊娠阶段合理运用饲粮纤维可起到调节母猪体况、提高产仔规模与增加断奶窝重的效果。文中对饲粮纤维的成分、来源及理化特性及其在母猪饲粮中的应用效果进行综述,旨在为富含纤维的饲用资源在母猪饲粮中的高效利用提供参考。  相似文献   

鹅是以采食粗饲料为主的水禽,具有耐粗饲、耗料少和抗逆性强等优点。鹅的食性很广,日粮组成类型较多,可以大量利用牧草作为主食。种草养鹅可以节约大量的粮食,确保人类的粮食安全。鹅肉也因高蛋白、低脂肪和低胆固醇等特点,成为一种广受欢迎的食品。随着我国养鹅产业的不断发展,  相似文献   

鹅具有适应性强、耐粗饲、生长快、抗病力强、羽绒佳等特点,并且鹅是唯一能较好地放牧并有效利用粗饲料的节粮型家禽。近几年,在粗纤维(CF)消化率、高纤维日粮对鹅生长的影响和鹅消化道内微生物的活性及碳水化合物对脂肪代谢的影响方面有了一些报道,但具体研究还有待深入,而且由于纤维来源和鹅品种不同,结果差异很大。为此,文中就近年来国内对鹅日粮纤维的应用研究作一综述。  相似文献   

从鹅营养研究现状、鹅消化利用日粮纤维的特点、鹅消化日粮纤维机理及日粮纤维对鹅生长发育的影响等4个方面对鹅消化利用日粮纤维进行了相关综述,指出了当前研究中的难点、疑点和争执的焦点,旨在为鹅的营养研究、进而为鹅的产业化发展供理论依据。  相似文献   

随着"人畜争粮"矛盾的突出及人们对日粮纤维认识的不断深入,近年来有关日粮纤维对猪的影响研究已引起人们的普遍关注。日粮纤维可提高母猪繁殖性能、改善母猪肠道健康、改善母猪福利等。本文主要介绍了日粮纤维的理化特性、营养特性及其在母猪日粮中的应用研究进展,以期为广大养猪业者提供参考。  相似文献   

本试验研究非淀粉多糖(NSP)酶与日粮纤维对日粮真代谢能的影响并考察日粮纤维与NSP酶的真代谢能当量关系,采用U8(82)拟水平二次均匀设计,将生长鹅日粮粗纤维分为:3.00%、5.67%、8.33%、11.00%4个水平,NSP酶分为:0%、0.133%、0.267%、0.400%4个水平,两因素组成8个日粮处理;选择42日龄、体质健壮的二元杂交(朗德鹅×豁眼鹅)公鹅45只,随机均分为9组,每组5只,每个重复1只,其中1组用于内源能量测定,其他8组对应8个日粮处理,进行代谢试验,用真代谢能法测定日粮真代谢能.结果表明:日粮粗纤维水平在3.00%~11.00%范围内,日粮真代谢能呈二次曲线规律,存在极大值;日粮真代谢能达极大值(11.79 Ml/kg)的粗纤维水平为5.50%;NSP酶在O%~0.40%范围内,日粮真代谢能呈二次曲线规律,存在极大值;当日粮粗纤维水平为3.00%时,日粮真代谢能达极大值(11.96 Ml/kg)的NSP酶水平为0.31%;日粮粗纤维的能量当量为-17.45~9.09 MJ/kg;NSP酶的能量当量为152.50~338.46 MJ/kg.  相似文献   

稻田种草-养鹅模式初探   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
2002-2003年在湖南省永州市道县利用冬闲稻田种草-养鹅,结果表明,利用冬闲稻田种草-养鹅不但具有明显的经济效益,而且能显著提高土壤肥力,有效控制冬季田间杂草,进而大幅度降低除草剂、杀虫剂的施用量,保护农田生态环境,增加水稻产量.总结了该模式的种养技术,并提出了该模式的发展策略.  相似文献   

Total protein, albumin, globulin and NPN of serum were determined, at approximately 4‐week intervals, in the growing phase and the first reproductive cycle of the goose. Levels of serum albumin and globulin, and therefore total protein, increased with age from 1–20 weeks. Non‐protein nitrogen declined through this period. In the adult phase, males had fairly constant values of serum albumin and globulin while females showed significant increases in these serum constituents. These increases were associated with egg production. Sex differences in non‐protein nitrogen did not occur in adult geese.  相似文献   

The packed cell volume, haemoglobin concentration, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and specific gravity and percentage water of whole blood and plasma were determined at 4‐week intervals in male and female Pilgrim goslings from 1 to 20 weeks of age and in adult geese at 4‐ to 5‐week intervals from 34 to 59 weeks of age.

All parameters studied increased during the growing period except erythrocyte sedimentation rate which declined. There were no significant sex differences at any time during this period.

The packed cell volume of adult males remained relatively constant from 34 to 50 weeks while that of the females declined. After 50 weeks the female level began to rise in contrast to a decline in the males so that the values were about the same for both sexes at 59 weeks. Differences between sexes were highly significant between 43 and 50 weeks.

Changes in haemoglobin content and whole blood specific gravity were positively correlated with changes in packed cell volume while changes in erythrocyte sedimentation rate were negatively correlated.

Plasma specific gravity of adult males remained relatively constant whereas that of females decreased prior to commencement of egg production at 43 weeks, then increased significantly and remained significantly above the male level for the remainder of the adult period.  相似文献   

The effects of diet and climate were assessed in 42 light horse weanlings over 30 wk. Horses were fed diets varying in energy and phosphorus content. Diets were predominantly forage (73 to 77.5%) or concentrate (62 to 62.25%) and had 2.65 or 3.09 Mcal DE/kg DM, respectively. Horses were weighed every 14 d. Group feed intakes and climatic variables were recorded daily. Dietary phosphorus content did not affect intake or gain. Horses fed forage diets ate 18% more (P less than .001) DM than horses fed concentrate, but DE intakes did not differ. Average DE intakes, 21.5 Mcal daily, were 33% more than those given in 1978 National Research Council (NRC) tables. Overall ADG by forage- and concentrate-fed horses were .83 and .89 kg, respectively. These values were 23 and 32% above mean ADG values given for horses at 6 and 12 mo in 1978 NRC tables. Average daily gain declined (P less than .01) with age, although daily DE intake increased (P less than .01). Total DM and DE intakes were determined largely by body weight, but age was the main determinant of weight-scaled DE intake. Weight- and age-scaled DE intakes were reduced (P less than .001) by 6.1% at temperatures below -10 degrees C compared with temperatures above -10 degrees C. Temperatures below -20 degrees C had no greater effect on DE intake than those between -10 to -20 degrees C. Neither precipitation nor wind alone affected weight- and age-adjusted DE intake. In conclusion, weanling horses fed readily digested diets ad libitum gained weight at or above expected values even at severely cold ambient temperatures.  相似文献   

采用Miseq高通量测序方法分别对饲喂玉米秸秆和苜蓿为纤维源日粮的鹅盲肠黏膜细菌进行检测,并分析各样品中菌种类别、菌落组成和物种差异。结果显示:玉米纤维组(J组)检测出的细菌属于20门类的225个属,苜蓿组(M组)检测出的细菌属于17门类的199个属;J组和M组细菌多样性无显著性差异(P>0.05);M组Verrucomicrobia菌门和Desulfovibrio、Akkermansia菌属相对丰度显著高于J组(P<0.05),M组Clostridium、cc_115、Campylobacter菌属相对丰度显著低于J组(P<0.05)。结果表明:玉米秸秆和苜蓿纤维源对鹅盲肠细菌多样性无显著性影响,但可影响Verrucomicrobia菌门和Desulfovibrio、Akkermansia、Clostridium、cc_115、Campylobacter菌属的相对丰度。  相似文献   

选取60只21日龄个体体重相近的溆浦鹅,随机分成3组,每组5个重复,每个重复4只鹅(公母各半),分别饲喂3种不同能量水平(13.38、12.13、10.87MJ/kg)的日粮,经49d后统一屠宰,研究不同日粮能量水平对溆浦鹅体脂沉积、血清参数及其相关激素水平的影响。结果表明:1)中能组公鹅屠体重、胸肌含脂率、腹脂率均显著高于高能组和低能组(P<0.05),中能组母鹅胸肌含脂率、腹脂率、皮下脂肪厚度、肌间脂肪宽均显著高于高能组和低能组(P<0.05)。2)日粮能量水平对70日龄溆浦鹅血清中甘油三酯、胆固醇无显著影响(P>0.05),但公鹅血清中高密度脂蛋白、低密度脂蛋白、极低密度脂蛋白随日粮能量水平提高而增加。3)无论公鹅还是母鹅,高能组血清中的生长激素含量均显著高于低能组(P<0.05),与中能组相比差异不显著(P>0.05),但日粮能量水平对溆浦鹅血清中类胰岛素生长因子的含量均无显著的影响(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

日粮添加大豆黄酮对东北仔鹅脂肪代谢的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
大豆黄酮属于异黄酮类化合物 ,具有弱的雌激素样活性物质的作用 ,能提高动物外周血液中GH(生长激素 )、IGF - 1 (胰岛素样生长因子 )、胰岛素等多种激素的水平 ,从而促进动物生长 ,增强机体免疫力。本试验旨在研究大豆黄酮对东北仔鹅增重和脂肪沉积的影响。1 材料和方法1 1 大豆黄酮 由南京农业大学动物生理生化实验室提供 ,白色粉末 ,无毒、无味 ,不溶于水。1 2 试验动物和日粮处理 选用哈尔滨市正立鸭厂孵化的 2 1日龄雄性东北仔鹅 60只 ,分成对照组和试验组 (DA组 )。采用常规配合饲料 ,基础日粮成分为 ( % ) :大麦粉 45、玉米…  相似文献   

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