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分析了私有制产生的几个必要条件,提出了财产权利观念经历的三个发展阶段,并主要展开叙述了家族私有观念的来源、表现及实质,认为:作为意识形态的财产权利观,始终广泛地存在于社会生活的各个方面,对人类及社会的发展产生了巨大而深远的影响。它既是推动社会发展变革的意识形态力量,也是社会发展变革首先要解决的现实问题。  相似文献   

马克思主义者创立、丰富和发展了社会发展动力理论: 马克思恩格斯科学地揭示了社会基本矛盾是人类社会发展的根本动力; 毛泽东明确指出我国社会主义社会基本矛盾的性质和状况; 邓小平强调改革是社会主义社会发展的直接动力;“三个代表”重要思想和“学发展观”又极大地丰富了社会主义社会发展动力理论的内容。  相似文献   

公共图书馆是人类知识和信息的数据库,是人类精神文明宝贵财富的集中地,是人们获取知识和信息的重要场所,在推动人们知识文化建设的同时,也促进了社会经济的高速发展。因此,加快中国公共图书馆的建设和管理,对国家经济和文化的建设有着重要的作用。目前,中国公共图书馆在管理方面还是存在一些不当之处,对此,公共图书管理人员要加强管理模式和管理理念建设,加快图书馆多方面管理的创新,促进公共图书馆充分发挥其效能。  相似文献   

生态文明是人类社会发展的必然结果,是对工业文明带来的“现代性危机”反思的的必然选择,是理智的人类做出的理智的选择。同时,生态文明与当前我国的三大文明建设以及和谐社会有着非常密切的内在联系,它们相互影响和制约,相互协调和配合共同为构建中国特色的和谐社会提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

教育一旦作为一种独立的社会现象从其他社会活动中分离出来 ,便拥有了永恒的魅力 ,成为人类社会得以继承、延续和发展的必要条件。随着科学文明的高度发展 ,教育越来越成为人类社会永恒的范畴。一、推动社会可持续发展是教育的基本功能教育有两条基本规律 :其一 ,教育与社会生活诸方面特别是社会的经济(包括生产力)、政治、文化的发展相互制约的规律 ;其二 ,教育与教育对象(主要是青少年)身心发展相互制约的规律。教育的基本规律决定教育具备两大功能。(一 )促进社会发展的功能这一功能又可细分为 :(1)政治功能 :即通过灌输社会占主导地…  相似文献   

网络嵌入被认为对企业经营具有重要影响,但已有研究对其如何影响企业绩效作用机理还缺乏系统的实证研究。将社会网络、知识获取和经营绩效3个方面的理论研究结合起来,以知识获取为中间变量,构建网络嵌入影响企业绩效的概念模型。通过珠三角农业企业问卷调查数据和结构方程模型分析发现:网络嵌入与知识获取对企业经营绩效有直接正向作用,同时网络嵌入也提高企业知识的获取效应,从而对企业的经营绩效存在显著的推动作用,这说明知识获取发挥着显著部分中介作用。研究结论在很大程度上指导我国农业企业经营发展,不仅进一步肯定了网络嵌入对农业企业绩效的作用,还说明网络嵌入有一部分是通过企业汲取知识来提升企业绩效。  相似文献   

分析了私有制产生的几个必要条件,提出了财产权利观念经历的三个发展阶段,并主要开叙述了家族私有观念的来源,表现及实质,认为,作为意识形态的财产权利观,始终广泛地存在于社会生活的各个方面,对人类及社会的发展产生了巨大而深远的影响。它既是推动社会发展变革的意识形态力量,也是社会发展变革首先要解决的现实问题。  相似文献   

董利冰 《农村经济与科技》2019,(10):250-250,234
习近平总书记强调:“公平正义是中国特色社会主义的内在要求”。正义是人类不懈追求的重要价值、社会全面进步的衡量尺度、制度设计和安排的基本依据。正义理念已成为社会主义核心价值观的组成内容。大学生作为未来祖国建设的人才,具备相应的正义观是必不可少的,对其进行正义观教育,可提高其综合素质、完善其人格成长,有利于推进依法治国、创造良好的社会正义氛围。而当代大学生正义观却存在缺失的现状,这有其成因所在。  相似文献   

非环境类专业大学生环境教育问题研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以秦皇岛市范围内的高等院校为研究对象,调查分析了非环境类专业大学生环境教育的现状,提出高校中非环境类专业大学生的环境教育应以地球环境系统的基本组成、人类活动对环境的干扰破坏、环境对人类社会的反馈作用、社会经济发展与环境保护的协调4个方面为教育内容,采用显性课程与隐性课程相结合、知识课程与实践课程相结合等多种方法实施环境教育,促进非环境类专业大学生的环境教育向自然化、系统化、广泛化、实践化的方向发展。  相似文献   

在当代社会,知识的普及、利用与传播在我们的生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色,图书馆管理包含方方面面,图书馆知识的管理对图书馆管理具有创新作用,图书馆知识管理对图书馆管理进行了系统模式的创新、内容的创新、服务工作的创新,为人们提供一个知识获取的途径,创造一个知识的百宝箱,促进社会人民对知识的利用。  相似文献   

A recent newspaper account of the 1970 annual meeting of the AAAS was headlined, "Science's Blank Check Bounces." I am not, however, advocating that giving a "blank check" to science will solve all our problems. The discussion of science policy in the last three decades has too often confused necessary with sufficient conditions. A strong basic science is a necessary condition for a strong economy, a livable environment, and a tolerable society. But it is by no means a sufficient condition. That a vital science is an indispensable tool of human welfare in the present stage of evolution of man on the planet does not mean that it is the only tool or that it cannot also produce the opposite. Indeed, there seems almost to be a complementarity between the power for good and the power for evil inherent in science. Nuclear energy poses the possibility of nuclear holocaust, but is indispensable to a continuing supply of energy after fossil fuels run out. The computer threatens us with "big brother," but seems indispensable to the rational management of our complex social structures. Molecular genetics could be used for frightful purposes, but opens up the prospect of the final conquest of human disease and food supply. Drugs which control human behavior have opened up frightful possibilities for abuse and self-destruction, but they also offer the hope of conquest of mental illness. What I have referred to are really technologies, not science, but science is needed to use them wisely, although it will not guarantee their wise use. Although science cannot ask for a blank check, there is a part of it which must have the autonomy to "do its own thing"if it is to continue to serve society. How much of science should have this autonomy, and what sort of accountability should be required of it will be matters of continuing debate. Some accountability outside the scientific system itself is essential, as in any other human activity, but the degree of external accountability which is necessary will depend also on the success with which science maintains its own system of internal accountability, guaranteeing the intellectual excellence and integrity of its results. Although I do not believe scientists can be held accountable for the uses which society makes of the knowledge they produce, they do have an obligation to make clear the implications of this knowledge insofar as it is within their special intellectual competence to do so. However, I believe that the highest allegiance of science must continue to be to truth as defined by the validation procedures of the scientific process itself, and that the distortion of scientific results or the selective use of evidence for political purposes, no matter how worthy, is unforgivable insofar as it is presented cloaked by the authority and imputed objectivity of science. That science should have a measure of autonomy does not mean it cannot also respond to new social priorities. As in the past, new social missions can open up exciting new scientific questions, as fundamental as any generated by the internal workings of science. However, what is important is that no matter how much the broad strategy of science might be influenced by social priorities, the tactics should be largely governed by scientific criteria. Furthermore, it is essential that some science be supported and cultivated for its own sake alone. Here the primary criterion must be excellence as judged scientifically, that is, by internal standards. The fraction of the total technical effort that is supported in this way should have some degree of constancy over the long term. You are no doubt wondering what is the answer to the question posed by the title of this article. I cannot give a definite answer one way or the other. The threats to the integrity of science, both from within and from without, are probably greater than at any time in the past, because science is much more a part of the total social and political process, no longer the semihobby of a few dedicated and somewhat eccentric individuals. But I am an optimist. I do not think that the scientific enterprise is going down the drain. It will change, as science has always changed. It will respond to new social priorities, but, like an organism responding to disease, it will develop antibodies which will fight and finally contain excessive control by external criteria, and in fact will transform these external pressures into new opportunities and new fundamental fields of inquiry. But I could be wrong!  相似文献   

农林经济管理专业多元化毕业实习模式的构建   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
毕业实习是学生毕业与就业相连接的桥梁,也是高等学校实践教学的必要环节。对于社会实践性较强的农林经济管理专业而言,毕业实习不可或缺。然而农林经济管理专业现有的"自主实习"模式因为监管、考核不到位等问题无法有效调动学生的实习积极性。为满足学生对毕业实习多样化的需求,促进大学生就业,应当完善"自主实习"模式,同时实施校外基地实习、校内模拟实习等"多元化"的毕业实习模式。  相似文献   

科学教育和人文教育是大学生素质教育中不可或缺的两翼.随着社会的进步、经济和科技的发展,人文教育显得越来越重要.我们在加强对学生人文素质培养的同时,也清醒地认识到:学生人文精神的培育是其中关键性的因素.本文拟就新世纪大学生人文精神培育的重要性作进一步的探讨.  相似文献   

The hegemony of Western science, inherent in international development projects, often increases the poverty and oppression of Third World women by pre-empting alternative realities. In African and Asian agrarian societies women grow from 60 to 90% of the food (World Bank, 1989); they hold incredible potential to increase food production. Their ability to operate under more marginal conditions than their male counterparts would seem to indicate that they have developed valuable knowledge— knowledge often generated in response to limited access to the more tangible resources offered by development assistance to male farmers. Recognizing the marginalization of women in the Third World, the Women in Development (WID) network was established during the 1970's to produce knowledge about women, fill in the gaps, and set the record straight. But knowledge creation for these purposes leaves underlying paradigms of Western science-based development unquestioned. Research from a feminist standpoint is used to challenge the objectivity and reliability of EuroAmerican development science. To date, WID has documented and analyzed the causes and consequences of Third World women's oppression with no substantial results to end them. Alternatively, feminist research validates women's perceptions of their reality, helping ordinary people to understand the connections between their experiences and broader social, economic, and political struggles. The paper emphasizes research pursued in order to act, closely linking knowing to doing to promote the emancipation of oppressed groups. A feminist standpoint is used to privilege the perspective of rural women in developing countries and ask: “What are the implications of the standard EuroAmerican approach to science for maximizing the potential contributions of rural women to agricultural development?” Some of these implications are illustrated with examples from on-farm research in Nigeria. To some extent, implications can be addressed by constructing meanings to structure a symbolic framework that includes female farmers and other disadvantaged groups.  相似文献   

《变形记》是20世纪现代主义小说史上堪称奠基者的弗兰茨.卡夫卡的最著名的短篇小说。一个人变成大甲虫的荒诞故事,几乎让每一个读它的人都从骨子里感到一种深深的悲哀和对生活的无奈。它展现了在资本主义社会的现实生活中,人对自己命运的无法把握以及在现实生活的压力之下亲情的冷淡、人性自我的丧失,人在绝望中挣扎,最终走向死亡的精神状态。  相似文献   

就管理学大师彼得?杜拉克所提出的"下一个社会"所面临的问题,探讨了中国图书馆界面临老龄化和知识化社会的到来,所要进行的思想和知识技术的准备.给出了"下一个社会"到来前图书馆人的应对思路.  相似文献   

In coming to understand the world-in learning concepts, acquiring language, and grasping causal relations-our minds make inferences that appear to go far beyond the data available. How do we do it? This review describes recent approaches to reverse-engineering human learning and cognitive development and, in parallel, engineering more humanlike machine learning systems. Computational models that perform probabilistic inference over hierarchies of flexibly structured representations can address some of the deepest questions about the nature and origins of human thought: How does abstract knowledge guide learning and reasoning from sparse data? What forms does our knowledge take, across different domains and tasks? And how is that abstract knowledge itself acquired?  相似文献   

In this limited space I have attempted to convey information regarding progress in discovering the nature of human intelligence. By intensive factor-analytic investigation, mostly within the past 20 years, the multifactor picture of intelligence has grown far beyond the expectations of those who have been most concerned. A comprehensive, systematic theoretical model known as the "structure of intellect" has been developed to put rationality into the picture. The model is a cubical affair, its three dimensions representing ways in which the abilities differ from one another. Represented are: five basic kinds of operation, four substantive kinds of information or "contents," and six formal kinds of information or "products," respectively. Each intellectual ability involves a unique conjunction of one kind of operation, one kind of content, and one kind of product, all abilities being relatively independent in a population, but with common joint involvement in intellectual activity. This taxonomic model has led to the discovery of many abilities not suspected before. Although the number of abilities is large, the 15 category constructs provide much parsimony. They also provide a systematic basis for viewing mental operations in general, thus suggesting new general psychological theory. The implications for future intelligence testing and for education are numerous. Assessment of intellectual qualities should go much beyond present standard intelligence tests, which seriously neglect important abilities that contribute to problem-solving and creative performance in general. Educational philosophy, curriculum-building, teaching procedures, and examination methods should all be improved by giving attention to the structure of intellect as the basic frame of reference. There is much basis for expecting that various intellectual abilities can be improved in individuals, and the procedures needed for doing this should be clear.  相似文献   

在信息社会的今天,省级公共图书馆既是知识的传播地,更是信息的集散地,其传播知识,共享信息的服务性更为显著,对多层次的、多文化的、多民族的信息进行收集、整理、加工、保存、推介、利用,满足社会群体对多层次、多文化、多民族的信息需求应成为当今省级公共图书馆的重要任务之一,而如何展示公共图书馆知识与信息的多层次、多文化、多民族的特性也是省级公共图书馆网站必须思考的。  相似文献   

和谐社会的构建是一项宏大的社会系统工程,既需要有和谐社会发展的物质基础,更需要培养造就高素质的符合和谐社会要求的人。大学生是党和国家的宝贵人才资源,是建设和谐社会的重要力量,作为第二课堂的高校图书馆,在加强大学生和谐社会意识教育,促进大学生和谐成长中具有十分重要的作用。在当前全面构建和谐社会的形势下,高校图书馆应加大信息素质教育改革力度,立足于培养和谐发展的人,大力开展信息素质教育。  相似文献   

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