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预包装食品标签是食品质量安全管理的重要内容之一,食品营养标签信息是消费者选购食品的主要参考依据.调查显示,样本中100%的标签标示强制标示内容、约20%的标签标示可选择标示内容.我国超市预包装食品的营养标签标示率高,但对推荐性要求实施率较低,且仍存在少数产品营养标签不规范的问题,营养标签标示工作还需加强.  相似文献   

同学们,你们在选购食品时,最关注什么?品牌、价格、生产日期还是保质期?你们关注食品所含的营养成分吗?如果你既想减肥,又不想长胖,那该怎么办呢?从2013年1月1日起,食品安全国家标准《预包装食品营养标签通则》(以下简称《通则》)开始实施。根据《通则》规定,食品的外包装标签上必须标示四种营养成分和能量("4+1")的含量值及其占营养素参考值的百分比。"4"是指蛋  相似文献   

食品营养标签是食品标签的重要内容,它显示了食品的营养特性和相关营养学信息,是消费者了解食品营养成分和特征的主要途径。为指导和规范食品营养标签的标示,引导消费者合理选择食品,促进膳食营养平衡,保护消费者灯睛权和身体健康,卫生部日前组织制定了《食品营养标签管理规范》(以下简称《规范》),已于2008年5月1日起生效。《规范》共21条,包括3个技术附件,即《食品营养成分标示准则》、  相似文献   

该文通过分析进口预包装食品标签现状,对照相关标准要求,对市场上进口预包装食品标签中存在的主要问题进行分析,主要存在的问题包括进口预包装食品缺少中文标签和进口预包装中文标签不规范,而中文标签不规范主要体现在宣传用语、营养成分表及版面不规范等方面,并提出了改进进口预包装食品标签现状的相关建议,以期对消费者在挑选进口预包装食品时起到一定的引导作用。  相似文献   

2月16日.卫生部办公厅和农业部办公厅联合发给中国绿色食品中心的《关于绿色食品标签标识有关问题的复函》中指出。根据《预包装食品标签通则》(GB7718-2011)4.1.10规定,预包装食品(不包括进口预包装食品)应标示产品所执行的标准代号。标准代号是指预包装食品产品所执行的涉及产品质量、规格等内容的标准.可以是食品安全国家标准、食品安全地方标准、食品安全企业标准,或其他相关国家标准、行业标准、地方标准。  相似文献   

食品营养标签是衡量食品安全的重要标准。随着《食品安全法》和《食品安全国家标准预包装食品营养标签》政策的推出,食品营养标签的常见问题也发生了变化。本文分析了食品营养标签存在的问题,及其对市场造成的影响,并提出了解决食品营养标签问题的对策,以期为食品安全生产提供参考。  相似文献   

从5月1日起,《食品营养标签管理规范》开始实施。在我国境内销售的预包装食品如果要标示营养成分,或者对食物营养特性进行描述和说明时,就应当以此《规范》为标准进行正确标注了。  相似文献   

《预包装食品标签通则)、《预包装特殊膳食用食品标签通则》以及《食糖卫生标准》等3项国家强制性标准10月1日起将全面实施。从10月1日起生产的所有预包装食品,其标签都必须符合《预包装食品标签通则》、《预包装特殊膳食用食品标签通则》的规定,而10月1日前生产的预包装食品,如果标签符合此前系列食品标签标准要求的,在保质期内可以继续销售。新规定增加了强制标示内容的文字、符号、数字的高度不得小于1.8毫米,配料清单中可以使用的类别归属名称,包装物或包装容器最大表面面积的计算方法等内容。  相似文献   

正面对琳琅满目的食品,消费者往往会陷入选择困难。其实,健康食品可以选出来,秘密就藏在标签里。营养标签是预包装食品标签上向消费者提供食品营养信息和特性的说明(预包装食品指预先定量包装好或者制作在包装材料和容器中的食品),作为预包装食品标签的一部分,信息应真实、客观、可信。  相似文献   

<正>湖南省地方标准《富硒农产品生产技术规程》于2013年10月30日发布,2014年1月1日正式实施。这是全国首个颁布实施的富硒农产品生产地方标准。《富硒农产品生产技术规程》中的硒含量执行GB28050-2011《食品安全国家标准预包装食品营养标签通则》的规定,固体食品总硒≥0.15毫克/公斤、液态食品总硒≥0.075毫克/升,即农产品硒含量达到这个标准,就可判断为富硒农产品。《富硒农产品生产技术规程》规定了富硒水稻、富硒小麦、富  相似文献   

探究食品营养信息认知与使用城乡差距是识别农村地区食品营养短板的关键,对填补农村地区弱势群体食品营养与安全洼地具有重要意义。基于大样本的消费者问卷调查数据,利用似不相关回归模型和倾向得分匹配法,分析食品营养信息认知和使用的城乡差距,并采用Oaxaca-Blinder法对其进行解构分析,探究其影响因素。结果表明,总体上城乡居民营养信息认知与使用水平均较低,并且城乡之间差距显著,表现为农村居民认知与使用明显弱于城镇居民。在考虑营养信息认知与使用相关性,以及潜在的样本自选择偏误后,营养信息认知与使用城乡差距仍然显著。城乡营养信息认知和使用差距在女性和高收入群体显著,但在男性和低收入群体不显著。营养信息认知和使用城乡差距构成均具有显著的“歧视效应”,占比分别为41.65%和51.05%,食品营养信息与农村居民的契合度较低,信息歧视明显。因此,应重视农村营养信息认知和使用短板,加强农村地区营养信息规范性审查、实施营养信息差异化设置、加强食品营养教育和培训,缩小城乡差距。  相似文献   

袁玮  陈冬华  石敏 《安徽农业科学》2010,38(22):12030-12031
[目的]对贵州省黔东南地区的民间发酵型调味品——鱼酱酸进行研究,为开发这种极具地方性、民族性原生态食品提供一定的理论基础。[方法]采用调查法对鱼酱酸制作工艺进行研究,同时测定食品中营养成分及部分有害物质。[结果]鱼酱酸营养成分蛋白质、粗脂肪等各占4.8572%、1.7178%;所测定的17种氨基酸中含有人体必需氨基酸中的9种,重金属锌、铜、铅、镉均未超出国家食品卫生安全标准,亚硝酸盐仅为1.515mg/kg,未超出国家食品卫生安全标准。[结论]鱼酱酸是一种值得开发的发酵型食品。  相似文献   

标识管理制度是解决GMF供应链中信息不对称问题最为常见和有效的手段,对保护消费者的知情权和选择权至关重要。本研究通过对武汉市400名消费者的调查,运用SPSS 17.0对调查数据进行一系列分析,探究标识管理制度对消费者购买意愿的影响,并得出以下结论:武汉市消费者对转基因食品的购买意愿较低,对转基因标识管理期望较高,希望强制性加贴转基因标识,转基因标识管理制度是影响消费者转基因食品购买意愿的主要因素之一,其中,消费者对政府标识管理信任度、标识关注度显著影响其对转基因食品的购买意愿。  相似文献   

我国农产品营养标准体系现状与发展建议   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
随着我国经济社会持续稳定发展和居民生活水平的不断提高,消费者日益关注农产品营养品质和膳食健康,发展营养导向型农业已是势在必行。农产品营养标准是营养导向型农业的技术支撑,是指导育种、种养殖管理等农业生产工作的总纲。如何运用标准化手段规范营养导向型农业的各个环节,研究和构建具有我国特色的农产品营养标准体系,对于我国农业向高质量发展阶段迈进有积极推动作用。梳理和分析我国农产品营养标准现状的目的是构建我国农产品营养标准体系的基本框架。本文重点分析了我国农产品质量标准中与营养品质相关的标准发展现状,包括农产品等级规格标准、绿色食品标准、中国好粮油标准、富硒农产品标准、农产品地理标志标准和有机食品标准。其次梳理了食品营养标准中涉及农产品的部分内容,重点分析了保健食品、预包装食品营养标签和食药物质相关标准。最后跟踪了国际上农产品营养标准制定的最新进展,包括生物强化定义草案、生鲜农产品营养标签与功能声称。通过梳理发现,我国农产品营养标准仍处在起步阶段,仅有部分农产品标准包含营养成分指标,未形成层次清晰、标准化对象明确的农产品营养标准体系。因此,文中提出了构建我国农产品营养标准体系的思路和发展建议。农产品营养标准分为基础标准、营养成分检测方法标准、营养品质评价标准、营养标签标识标准、产品标准、生产技术规程等6个方面。从营养角度将农产品划分为3类,即大宗农产品、特色农产品、营养强化农产品,并对此开展分类评价。构建农产品营养标准体系时应整合专业力量,完善组织保障;遵循科学合理、配套融合、动态开放原则;以科学研究为基础,合理制定标准。  相似文献   

With the steady and sustainable development of Chinese economy, society, and the continuous improvement of residents’ living standards, consumers are increasingly concerned about the nutritional quality of agricultural products and their dietary health. It is imperative to develop nutrition-sensitive agriculture, which is supported by nutrition standard of agricultural products. The objective of this paper was to develop the basic framework of nutrition standard of agricultural product in China by analyzing agricultural products standard system, including grading and specifications, green food, the grain & oil products, selenium-enriched agricultural products, geographical indication agricultural products, and organic foods. More specifically, this paper investigated the relationship of nutrition standards between food and agricultural product, mainly based on health food, pre-packaged food nutrition label. In addition, this paper deliberated the latest international developments in agricultural product nutrition standards, hoping to find more reference and suggestions for developing China’s nutrition standard system. We found that the nutrition standard of agricultural products in China was still on the early stage side, as few standards contain nutrition indicators. On this basis, we concluded that it was inevitable to put forward the proposition for the nutrition standard system of agricultural product in China. The standard system was divided into six aspects: basic standards, analytic methods of nutritional components, evaluation standards of nutritional quality, labeling, product standards and production technical regulations. From the point of view of evaluation standards of nutritional quality, agricultural products were divided into three categories: the bulk agricultural products, distinctive agricultural products and bio-fortified agricultural products.  相似文献   

Food insecurity, and its extreme form, hunger, occur whenever the accessibility to an adequate supply of nutritional and safe foods becomes restricted or unpredictable. They are recurring problems in certain regions of the US, as well as in many parts of the world. According to nation-wide surveys conducted by the US Bureau of the Census, between 1996 and 1998 an estimated 9.7% of US households were classified as food insecure (6.2% being food insecure without evidence of hunger, and 3.5% being food insecure with moderate to severe hunger). This means that approximately 10 million households each year did not always have access to enough food to meet basic needs. A potential tool in the fight against food insecurity and hunger is information technology (IT), since its use and range of application continue to grow at astonishing rates. The study presented here examined the question of how information technology, particularly the Internet, can be used to promote food security. The study used an action science research approach, and a case study strategy, with the food security system of Oktibbeha County, Mississippi selected as the case for study. The research design was a two-phase process. Phase one consisted of a needs assessment among food assistance organizations in Oktibbeha County, and included interviews of key food assistance personnel. Phase one also included a survey of IT subject matter experts to seek their opinions about the current state of Web-based information technology. Phase two involved an analysis of various IT implementation issues, as well as the development of a Web-based food security information system prototype tool. The needs assessment results indicated that (a) certain food security system and information needs existed among the food assistance organizations in Oktibbeha County, and (b) appropriate information technologies existed that could be applied to these needs. The food security needs related to better communication and coordination of information, such as program information, food site inventory information, client history information, food donation information, and nutrition education information. In regard to technology development, a variety of scenarios were examined. These included client-side approaches, server-side approaches, simple e-mail-based systems, Java-based systems, systems based on the Common Gateway Interface (CGI), and commercial database systems. In applying the needs assessment and survey results, the researcher developed a prototype Web site (including a series of online database tools) that could be used to promote food security in counties such as Oktibbeha County. The results of this research show that appropriate, Internet-based, IT holds promise for the reduction of certain social problems, such as food insecurity and hunger.  相似文献   

This study provides empirical evidence on the link between economic growth and nutrition transition in two emerging economies, China and Russia. Both countries have experienced rising average incomes, accompanied by an increasing rate of nutrition-related chronic diseases in recent years. Given the regional heterogeneity between these two countries, we analyze the extent to which income growth as a major driver of nutrition transition has a significant effect on the consumption of different food aggregates and how these effects differ between Chinese and Russian consumers. Our results indicate that with increasing household incomes over time the demand for carbohydrates decreases, while the demand for meat and dairy products, as well as fruits increases. This is a development generally known as nutrition transition. Further, we estimate a Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System(QUAIDS) for nine different food aggregates for China and Russia. Our results indicate that in both countries all food aggregates have positive expenditure elasticities and are thus normal goods. Moreover, our results indicate that in 2008/2009 meat is still a luxury good in China yet a necessity good in Russia. For 2009, the highest own-price elasticities in China are found for non-meat protein sources and dairy products. Within the meat group, beef, poultry and mutton have the highest price elasticities in China. In Russia, the milk and dairy group, together with the vegetable group, is the most price-elastic food group in 2008. In line with the definition of a nutrition transition, our overall results underscore the finding that income growth in China and Russia tends to increase the demand for animal-based products much stronger than, for example, the demand for carbohydrates. Despite being a positive signal for problems of malnutrition in rural China, this trend of increasing meat consumption might further increase the incidence of chronic diseases in urban areas since there is convincing scientific evidence that increasing meat consumption, especially red and processed meat, is associated with an increased risk of chronic diseases.  相似文献   

Access to fruits and vegetables by low-income residents living in selected urban and rural Minnesotan communities was investigated. Communities were selected based on higher than state average poverty rates, limited access to grocery stores, and urban influence codes (USDA ERS codes). Four communities, two urban and two rural, were selected. Data were gathered from focus group discussions (n = 41), responses to a consumer survey (n = 396 in urban neighborhoods and n = 400 in rural communities), and an inventory of foodstuffs available at stores located in all the communities and at large grocery stores in neighborhoods adjacent to the urban communities. In the two urban neighborhoods, a significant number of foods (26% and 52%) were significantly more expensive than the Thrifty Food Plan’s (TFP) market basket price (MBP). Additionally, a significant number of foods in the two rural communities were more expensive (11% and 26%). In focus groups, participants identified major barriers to shopping in their community to be cost, quality of food, and food choice limitations. Results of the food inventory show that foods within the communities were costly, of fair or poor quality, and limited in number and type available, supporting complaints verbalized by focus group participants. Through focus groups and surveys, participants expressed concern that healthy food choices were not affordable within their communities and believed that people in their community suffered from food insecurity. The absence of quality, affordable food for low-income residents in these four Minnesota communities prevents or diminishes their ability to choose foods that help maintain a healthy lifestyle. Deja Hendrickson is currently a graduate student at the University of California and working towards obtaining her MS in nutrition in order to become a registered dietitian. Chery Smith, PhD, MPH, RD, is an associate professor in the Department of Food Science and Nutrition at the University of Minnesota with research interests in the dietary behavior of low-income and homeless people, community and international nutrition, and food systems. Nicole Eikenberry is a Registered Dietitian and recently completed her MS in the Department of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Minnesota, with primary research emphasis on food access and food choice for low-income Minnesotan adults.  相似文献   

Food security, the need to meet nutritional requirements, and four main problems for food protein security in China are analyzed. From the perspective of residents’ nutritional requirements and balanced dietary patterns, the conclusion is that food security in China is in essence dependent on protein production and security of supply and that fat and carbohydrates supply in China can reach self-sufficiency. Considering the situation of food protein production and consumption in China, policy suggestions are made, which could ensure a balanced supply and demand for food protein and food security in China.  相似文献   

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