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Hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., parr and wild smolts which were microtagged and released into rivers in north-east England were recaptured by the fisheries at West Greenland, Faroes and on the Irish west coast, by the homewater net fisheries and by rod fisheries in rivers in north-east England. No significant differences were observed in the patterns of exploitation of hatchery-reared and wild fish in the distant water fisheries. The distribution of tag recoveries in coastal waters was strongly influenced by the pattern of fishing effort which was concentrated in the middle of the fishery area, but recaptures tended to be biased towards the river of release. There were significant differences in the distribution of recaptures of fish released in different rivers and between hatchery-reared and wild fish from the River Wear. There were also differences in the timing of recaptures of hatchery and wild fish from this river in the coastal net fishery. Very few fish were recaptured in rivers other than the one in which they were released, and there was no significant difference between straying rates for hatchery and wild fish. The relative numbers of recaptures in the coastal fishery and in the home river was the same for translocated hatchery fish and wild fish, thus refuting the suggestion that hatchery-reared fish have a reduced ability to home. The distribution of recaptures within fresh water provides clear evidence of tributary-specific homing of hatchery-reared fish.  相似文献   

Abstract  The declaration of marine protected areas (MPAs) in Australia generates much confusion and controversy between government conservation and fisheries agencies, the fishing industry and NGOs. There are fundamental differences between the principles and practices underpinning the implementation of MPAs and fisheries management. This paper analyses the interactions between these two approaches to natural resource management and highlights the difficulties in integrating them effectively. The major challenges for governments are: poor cooperation between fisheries and conservation agencies; in principle inconsistencies between allocation of fishing rights by fisheries agencies and loss of these rights through MPA declaration; re-allocation of resources between user groups through spatial zoning; lack of fisheries expertise in conservation planning, and inappropriate single-species/single-issue approach to fisheries management. As fisheries agencies are now considering developing their own MPAs as tools for fisheries management, the need to address inconsistencies between conservation and fisheries approaches to the spatial management of natural resources increases further. Better collaboration between government agencies and better coordination of their activities would help more effective and less conflicting management of marine resources.  相似文献   

1. Of the myriad of anthropogenic and natural threats to seabirds, one of the most critical global problems is incidental mortality in longline fisheries. Hesitance or failure by fishery managers and longline industries to adequately address this acute problem could result in the extinction of several albatross and petrel species within our lifetimes. 2. An integrated management approach is needed to comprehensively manage longline fisheries to address seabird bycatch. A review of relevant multilateral accords, declarations and actions by regional and international organizations reveals the need to augment international collaboration, especially to address pirate longline fishing. Management authorities and stakeholders need to collaborate to: promote adoption and compliance with effective legally binding accords that cover the ranges of all affected seabirds; ensure that all Range States and relevant distant water fishing nations become contracting parties to these accords; coordinate national implementation of the Food and Agriculture Organization's International Plan of Action on seabirds; set management goals; establish and implement policies to employ seabird deterrent measures; disseminate information on new deterrent measures; locally tailor seabird deterrent measures; standardize data reporting and establish a centralized data repository; coordinate research and monitoring; develop regional surveillance and enforcement systems; and augment less developed countries' capacity and resources to mitigate seabird and longline fishery interactions. 3. Establishing protected areas containing seabird colonies and adjacent waters within a nation's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is potentially an expedient method to reduce interactions between seabirds and longline fisheries. However, establishing high seas marine protected areas to restrict longline fishing in seabird foraging areas, which would require extensive and dynamic boundaries and large buffer zones, may not be a viable short‐term solution due to the long time it is anticipated it could take to resolve legal complications with international treaties, to achieve international consensus and political will, and to acquire requisite extensive resources for surveillance and enforcement. High seas marine protected areas may eventually become a feasible mechanism to address seabird bycatch if nations develop the will to close ocean areas to commercial fisheries to attempt to rehabilitate depleted pelagic fish stocks. 4. Direct involvement of longline industries, through partnerships with national governments and regional organizations, to develop seabird mitigation measures and policies prescribing the use of these measures, is critical. Direct involvement of stakeholders to find solutions to resource management problems leads to stakeholder groups taking ownership of and supporting rules. Bottom‐up approaches are successful in changing interest groups' attitudes and behaviour, to maximize voluntary compliance and minimize conflict and resources required for enforcement. 5. Data gaps must be filled and scientific uncertainty addressed through multilateral collaboration. Research to develop and improve practicable mitigation measures is most urgently needed. Information on the status and trends of albatross populations, where albatrosses forage, the causes of population declines, seabird mortality rates and levels in each longline fishery, and the type of impacts from longlining on seabird populations is also needed. It is well documented that several seabird species are at risk of extinction, incidental bycatch in longline fisheries significantly contributes to many species' decline, and proven mitigation measures are available. Thus, while additional research is critically needed, we should not delay taking precautionary action to wait for additional information, but should immediately act to protect seabirds from the known acute threat of mortality in longline fisheries. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Salmon, Salmo salar L., were radio tagged in four estuaries in South West England. At medium to high summer flows, most salmon entering the river did so within 10 days of tagging. Lower flows were associated with an increased tendency for fish to remain in tidal water for a protracted period, and for those delayed fish to fail to enter the river. The delay was correlated with low freshwater flow, but it was concluded that high water temperature, and in some situations low dissolved oxygen, were likely to be the major influences. The causes of failure to enter the river by the delayed fish include lethally low levels of oxygen in some situations, but a major factor may be missed physiological opportunity. Implications in terms of water resource management, fisheries management and climate change are discussed.  相似文献   

《联合国海洋法公约》生效对公海渔业的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在归纳世界大多数沿海国家执行联合国海洋法公约,主要实施公海制度的实践,以及分析公约有关条款的基础上,指出今后渔业管理制度将朝着有利于沿海国的方向发展,远洋渔业国只有与沿海国密切合作,承担公约所规定的养护生物资源的义务,才能确保远洋渔业生产的持续稳定发展。根据我国渔业的实际状况,分析了海洋法公约生效对我国公海渔业生产产生的一些不利影响,并提出对海洋渔业发展的一些看法  相似文献   

Inland capture fisheries provide food for nearly a billion people and are important in the livelihoods of millions of households worldwide. Although there are limitations to evaluating many of the contributions made by inland capture fisheries, there is growing recognition by the international community that these services make critical contributions, most notably to food security and livelihoods in rural populations in those low‐income countries with extensive freshwater resources. With the increasing appreciation of the key role of inland fisheries to the health and well‐being of human populations globally, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and Michigan State University convened the 2015 global conference, Freshwater, fish, and the future – cross‐sectoral approaches to sustain livelihoods, food security, and aquatic ecosystems. What emerged from the interactions between inland fisheries’ scientists, resource managers, policymakers and community representatives from across the world was a forward‐looking call to action culminating with the 2015 Rome Declaration “Ten Steps to Responsible Inland Fisheries” (FAO & MSU, Rome declaration on responsible inland fisheries: 5735E/1/06.16). Four years after this landmark conference and declaration, we seek to advance discussion on the “Ten Steps,” namely what successful implementation looks like, assess current examples of implementation, suggest potential signals of progress and provide some specific, indicative examples of progress for each step. While there are promising signs of progress, we conclude that there remains a strong need to galvanize momentum for sustained action to ensure that inland fish and fisheries are accounted for and incorporated into broader water resource management discussions and frameworks.  相似文献   

Marine protected areas (MPAs) have been increasingly proposed, evaluated and implemented as management tools for achieving both fisheries and conservation objectives in aquatic ecosystems. However, there is a challenge associated with the application of MPAs in marine resource management with respect to the consequences to traditional systems of monitoring and managing fisheries resources. The place‐based paradigm of MPAs can complicate the population‐based paradigm of most fisheries stock assessments. In this review, we identify the potential complications that could result from both existing and future MPAs to the science and management systems currently in place for meeting conventional fisheries management objectives. The intent is not to evaluate the effects of implementing MPAs on fisheries yields, or even to consider the extent to which MPAs may achieve conservation oriented objectives, but rather to evaluate the consequences of MPA implementation on the ability to monitor and assess fishery resources consistent with existing methods and legislative mandates. Although examples are drawn primarily from groundfish fisheries on the West Coast of the USA, the lessons are broadly applicable to management systems worldwide, particularly those in which there exists the institutional infrastructure for managing resources based on quantitative assessments of resource status and productivity.  相似文献   

唐议  盛燕燕  陈园园 《水产学报》2014,38(5):759-768
以底拖网为代表的深海底层渔业对深海脆弱海洋生态系统的危害受到国际社会的热切关注。2003年以来联合国大会多次通过决议,呼吁各国各自并通过RFMO/As采取行动,根据预防性原则,采用基于生态系统的管理方法,评估深海底层渔业对脆弱海洋生态系统的影响,若评估表明确有重大不利影响,则应采取有效措施限制深海底层渔业以降低这种影响;FAO主要从技术角度制定了《公海深海渔业管理国际指南》,为管理公海深海渔业和保护脆弱海洋生态系统提出了技术标准和管理框架;RFMO承担着具体执行深海底层渔业管理措施和监督管理的责任,在北大西洋、地中海、南太平洋的公海和南极水域,相关RFMO已采取了暂停部分区域底拖网渔业活动、收集数据、评估底拖网对脆弱海洋生态系统的影响等措施,在北太平洋,新成立的北太平洋渔业管理委员会将公海底层渔业管理作为首要目标。环保非政府组织和部分科学家呼吁禁止公海深海底层渔业,但各国对此的立场尚不一致,产业界大多持反对立场。近期来看,尚难以全面禁止公海的深海底层渔业。中国正在发展公海大洋渔业,需对此密切关注,加强跟踪研究以支撑决策,并应发展和使用选择性渔具和对生态环境无害的作业方式,防止对脆弱海洋生态系统产生损害性影响。  相似文献   

The status of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., over the last decades has been of concern across its entire distribution area. Its anadromous nature exposes the species to human pressures in both freshwater and marine environments, and over long periods, thus exacerbating its decline. Given its value within the food industry, the recreational angling community as well as culturally, the status of Atlantic salmon is regarded as a matter of national and international conservation interest, providing great incentive for its management. The literature currently lacks specific examples of successful and unsuccessful management strategies and practices for Atlantic salmon populations at a broader scale. To address this, the present article describes how the multi‐faceted management approach taken for Danish Atlantic salmon, which included changes in legislation, stocking practices, habitat restoration, population genetics and barrier removals, successfully rehabilitated salmon populations in four major Danish rivers. Specific recommendations are provided for the successful management of Atlantic salmon elsewhere.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. and brown trout Salmo trutta fario L. are species of high socio-economic and ecological value. Declining populations make them target species of fisheries management. This paper reviews the direct effects of deficient longitudinal connectivity, changes in discharge, high water temperatures, oxygen depletion, changes in water chemistry and increasing loads of fine sediment on the critical life stages of spawning, egg incubation and emergence. It further provides an overview about the basic autecological requirements of Atlantic salmon and brown trout and summarises important thresholds of physico-chemical tolerances. This collection of information provides important baselines for assessing historical, ongoing and new threats relevant for the management of both species in fresh waters. Critical early-life stages of both species are almost identical, creating synergies in conservation and restoration. Seaward-migrating forms are exposed to further stressors, but improving starting conditions can also greatly improve their resilience.  相似文献   

  • 1. Direct and indirect utilization of coldwater springs produces a wide variety of benefits to human societies around the world, but this resource use may also be associated with significant costs to the environment, including biodiversity loss and deterioration of water quality. Despite the importance of springs little attention has been paid to their management and conservation.
  • 2. This review article draws on international literature and results from recent research on springs in New Zealand, to highlight the characteristic features of springs, identify the main human threats to their integrity, and review spring management strategies. The principal aim of the paper is to provide a management framework that can facilitate the protection, enhancement and restoration of springs.
  • 3. A key element in the management and conservation of springs is recognition of their position at the interface of three distinct ecosystems — groundwater, surface water and terrestrial. Human impacts on all three contributing ecosystems can have significant effects on spring habitat integrity.
  • 4. Effective management of springs must recognize the full range of environmental and societal values associated with them, understanding threats to the sustainability of these values and formulating strategies that provide a balance between potentially conflicting uses. As with any management strategy, the clear definition of management goals for springs is a precursor to effective conservation, protection and restoration.
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The UN Law of the Sea Convention (LOSC) and one of the implementing agreements of the Convention—the UN Fish Stocks Agreement (UNFSA)—mandates all states to cooperate in the management of highly migratory and straddling fish stocks. In doing so, the UNFSA specifies that the special requirements of developing states need to be taken into account. To date, except in the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC), there is no formal mechanism to identify these differential responsibilities in tuna regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs). Although some conservation and management measures exempt small-scale and artisanal fishing vessels, power imbalances within RFMOs tend to favour the interests of more developed and larger distant water fishing nations over those of small developing coastal states. To facilitate the implementation of differentiated responsibilities as mandated in UNFSA, in this study we develop a three-step framework that could be applied in the case of new conservation and management measure proposals. The framework has also been tested based on two developing countries and compared with a developed state in the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission and the adopted resolutions in 2019. To facilitate better transparency and equitable decision-making processes across RFMOs, this framework could be adapted based on member states' fisheries management objectives and target and non-target species.  相似文献   

Nearly 40% of seafood is traded internationally and an even bigger proportion is affected by international trade, yet scholarship on marine fisheries has focused on global trends in stocks and catches, or on dynamics of individual fisheries, with limited attention to the link between individual fisheries, global trade and distant consumers. This paper examines the usefulness of fish price as a feedback signal to consumers about the state of fisheries and marine ecosystems. We suggest that the current nature of fisheries systems and global markets prevent transmission of such price signals from source fisheries to consumers. We propose several mechanisms that combine to weaken price signals, and present one example – the North Sea cod – to show how these mechanisms can be tested. The lack of a reliable price feedback to consumers represents a challenge for sustainable fisheries governance. We therefore propose three complimentary approaches to address the missing feedback: (i) strengthening information flow through improved traceability and visibility of individual fishers to consumers, (ii) capitalizing on the changing seafood trade structures and (iii) bypassing and complementing market mechanisms by directly targeting citizens and political actors regarding marine environmental issues through publicity and information campaigns. These strategies each have limitations and thus need to be pursued together to address the challenge of sustainability in global marine fisheries.  相似文献   

Investigations were conducted on the effects of oceanic variations (as indicated by sea temperatures) and catches of the Faroese, Norwegian Sea and West Greenland salmon fisheries on the sea-age composition of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) from 22 Icelandic north-coast rivers. Catches of grilse in rivers were strongly correlated among the 22 rivers, as were the ratios of grilse caught to two-sea winter (2SW) salmon caught the next year. Four of the 22 rivers showed increasing ratios over time and three of these rivers, all in the northeast, had significantly higher mean ratios after the expansion of the Faroese fishery than before (P < 0.05). No evidence was found from ratios for the other 18 rivers to suggest that Faroese fishing was significantly depleting those stocks, even though 13 micro-tagged north-coast salmon had been recovered in the fishery in the 1988–1989 season. No evidence was found that Norwegian Sea or West Greenland fisheries affected stock composition. The mean April–May sea temperature prior to when the smolts enter the sea was significantly and positively related to ratios in eight of the 22 rivers. This result, along with frequent significant correlations in ratios among rivers, indicated that more rapid growth of smolts in their first summer may have increased grilse to 2SW salmon ratios on several rivers.  相似文献   

Abstract An in‐depth explanation of selected content of the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission’s ‘Code of Practice for Recreational Fisheries’ (CoP) is presented. The focus is on core areas that were intensely debated in the drafting the CoP. These include definition of recreational fishing, recreational fishing practices, fish welfare, recreational fisheries management and research. It is anticipated that the CoP for recreational fisheries promotes best practice and management principles for sustainable recreational fisheries, within the recreational fisheries sector and ancillary industries/sectors regionally, nationally, and ultimately globally. To be viable, the CoP for recreational fisheries must be adopted by the international community complementing the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.  相似文献   

本文收集国内外有关ITQ管理的资料,介绍了ITQ管理制度的特点和实施该制度应具备的一些必要条件。ITQ制度能有效地保护渔业资源,减少政府过多的行政干预,抑制过度投资,体现市场为导向的资源分配方式和有偿使用渔业资源等特点。同时,总结了新西兰实施ITQ制度对渔业产业结构、资源保护和社会经济方面的影响。最后,对我省实施ITQ管理的可能性和渔业管理上采取的相应措施提出了建议。  相似文献   

In a number of recent papers Cushing has advocated that the Great Salinity Anomaly (GSA), which entered the northern North Atlantic in the early 1970s, adversely affected the recruitment of a number of deep-water fish stocks of this ocean. Cushing envisages that a temperature anomaly accompanying the GSA slowed and/or delayed growth in the spring phytoplankton bloom which sequentially affected zooplankton growth and fish recruitment. We test a number of hypotheses relating to Cushing's picture, focusing on the waters of the West Greenland, Labrador and Newfoundland Shelves. We find that, south of Greenland waters, there were no significant temperature anomalies corresponding to the GSA. In addition we show that stability of the shelf waters increased during the GSA, casting doubt on the contention that the phytoplankton bloom was delayed by retardation of the spring stabilization of the water column due to the influence of cold water. Our analysis indicates that the food chain coupling of environment to recruitment (climate to phytoplankton to zooplankton to fish) is not strong in the study region.  相似文献   

Inland waters support the livelihoods of up to 820 million people and provide fisheries that make an essential contribution towards food security, particularly in the developing world where 90% of inland fisheries catch is consumed. Despite their importance, inland fisheries are overlooked in favour of other water use sectors deemed more economically important. Inland fisheries are also driven by external factors such as climate change and habitat loss, which impedes our ability to manage them sustainably. Using a river basin approach to allocate fish catch, we have provided an integrated picture of how different inland water bodies contribute to global inland fisheries catches. There is a substantial amount of information available on inland fisheries, but it has never been synthesised to build this global picture. Fishery statistics from river basins, lakes, floodplains, hydrobasins, and countries covering a time span from 1960–2018 were analysed. Collation of basin-scale fisheries statistics suggests a global inland catch of ≈17.4 million tonnes (PSE = ±3.93 million tonnes) in 2010, considerably more than the 10.8 million tonnes published by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), but in line with estimates based on household consumption. The figure is considered a likely maximum due to recent reductions in catches because of closures, threats, and fisheries declines in the most productive fisheries. It is recommended that sentinel fisheries, which are important for food provision, employment, or where threats facing a fishery could cause a deterioration in catch, are identified to provide the baseline for a global monitoring programme.  相似文献   

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