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The protective efficacy of Mycobacterium bovis BCG (1 × 106 single dose) was evaluated under field conditions. A total of 140 male Holstein Friesian calves, one to two week-old were selected. Two groups of 70 each were formed, one group was vaccinated and the other was injected with a placebo during their second week of age and followed until 12 months of age. The study considered a positive case of tuberculosis to be an animal that had a positive reaction to the three following tests in a row: tuberculin, IFNγ PPD-B and IFNγ ESAT6-CFP10 during the 12 months of exposure. The results showed a 59.4% efficacy (IC95%: 47.64-71.16). The non-vaccinated calves were 2.4 times more at risk of becoming infected (IC95%: 1.07-5.68) compared to vaccinated animals. As a complementary test a PCR test was performed using nasal exudates in some animals from both groups using a Mycobacterium complex detection kit. All the positive PCR reactions (5/44) were found in the non-vaccinated animals. These findings suggest that the use of the BCG vaccine, even though it is not capable of protecting 100%, does prevent TB vaccinated animals from excreting bacilli in their nasal secretions at their first year of age.  相似文献   

Wildlife causes extensive crop damage throughout much of North America and these shared feeds are a key risk factor in the transmission of diseases between wildlife and livestock, including bovine tuberculosis (TB). Predicting wildlife use of agricultural crops can provide insight directed toward targeted disease mitigation at areas of potential indirect interaction. In this study, we quantified use of hay bales by elk (Cervus canadensis) during the winter in southwestern Manitoba, Canada using a database of 952 damage claims paid compensation from 1994 to 2012. We evaluated environmental factors predicted to determine risk of hay bale damage on each quarter section by elk using a Resource Selection Probability Function (RSPF) model. The most important variables (as measured for each quarter section and based on cumulative Akaike weights that scale from 0 to 1) were distance to protected areas (1.00), forest including a buffer around the quarter section (1.00), forage crop including a buffer around the quarter section (1.00), distance from streams (0.99), forage crop (0.92), cereal and oilseed crop cover including a buffer (0.85), and forest cover (0.82). We then developed an RSPF-based predictive map of damage to hay bales by elk that identified key areas with high probability of damage (RSPF ≥ 0.6), accounting for 3.5% of the study area. We then multiplied the RSPF values by the inverse of the proximity to known cases of TB positive elk and determined that 0.51% of the study area had an overall high combined probability of hay bale damage and proximity to TB positive elk (i.e. adjusted probability of ≥0.6). In the southern half of the study area where 164 hay yard barrier fences have been implemented since 2002, there has been a significant decrease in the number of annual claims. Barrier fencing around Riding Mountain National Park has been successful at reducing elk damage where it has been implemented. In our study area, prevalence of TB in both cattle (0.003%) and elk (0.89%) is very low, precluding conventional epidemiological analyses. In the absence of clear evidence of specific routes of TB transmission, we advocate that on-farm risk assessments and mitigation efforts should continue to address areas where elk cause damage to hay bales in winter using barrier fencing. Mitigation effort should especially focus on areas where TB positive elk have been identified, as these sites provide potential for indirect interaction between cattle and elk.  相似文献   

The worldwide status of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) as a zoonosis remains of great concern. This article reviews the main risk factors for bTB in cattle based on a three-level classification: animal, herd and region/country level. A distinction is also made, whenever possible, between situations in developed and developing countries as the difference of context might have consequences in terms of risk of bTB. Recommendations are suggested to animal health professionals and scientists directly involved in the control and prevention of bTB in cattle. The determination of Millenium Development Goals for bTB is proposed to improve the control/eradication of the disease worldwide.  相似文献   

Pathology of naturally occurring bovine tuberculosis in England and Wales   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The aim of this study was to obtain a contemporary data set of pathology in tuberculin reactor and in-contact cattle in England and Wales. Four hundred animals (200 reactors and 200 in-contacts) from 242 farms located in 14 counties in Western England and Wales were examined. The mean number of lymph nodes (LNs) with tuberculosis (TB)-like lesions per TB-confirmed animal was 1.7 in reactors and 1.5 in in-contact animals. Tuberculous lesions in both reactor and in-contact animals were most commonly observed in the LNs of the thorax, followed by the head and abdomen, particularly the mediastinal, retropharyngeal and tracheobronchial LNs. Twenty-five reactors had macroscopic lesions in the palatine tonsils. Among TB-confirmed cattle, 27% of reactors and 9% of in-contact animals had gross TB-like lesions in the lungs, particularly in the caudal lobes. Gross lesions that were not TB-confirmed were parasitic granulomas (45%), bacterial or mycotic club-forming pyogranulomas (27%) and bacterial abscesses (23%). Diagnostic sensitivity was maximised when bacteriology and histopathology were used concurrently. Stage IV granulomas, alone or in combination with other stages, constituted 63% of lesions, while 16% of lesions were stage I/II granulomas. Caseous necrosis and calcification were common features of the granulomas encountered in natural Mycobacterium bovis infections, even with pathology limited to a small number of sites. Granulomas often covered large areas of histological sections and typically contained only small numbers of acid fast bacilli.  相似文献   

This study shows a representative stratified cluster sample survey of the prevalence of comparative intradermal tuberculin test in cattle from four regions in Ethiopia. Using a cut-off for positivity of 2 mm, it assesses possible risk factors for tuberculin-positive reaction in cattle. Seventy-three villages in 24 kebeles (administrative units) were randomly selected, from which 2216 cattle from 780 owners were tested. In addition, 450 of these cattle owners were interviewed for risk factor assessment. Ninety-nine percent of the tested cattle in this rural livestock production system were traditional zebus. The individual overall prevalence of cattle bovine tuberculosis (BTB)e was 3%, with the highest found in Meskan Mareko, in Central Ethiopia (7.9%) and the lowest in Woldia, in the North East edge of the Rift Valley (1.2%). Generalised Linear Mixed Models (GLMM) with random effect on kebeles was used to analyse risk factors of cattle reactors and human tuberculosis (TB) infection. Purchase of cattle and presence of other livestock in the herd were statistically significant, with OR: 1.7, p-values of 0.03 and OR: 2, p = 0.05, respectively. Family members diagnosed with TB or showing clinical signs of extra-pulmonary TB (EPTB) were reported in 86 households (19%). None of the assessed potential risk factors of disease transmission between cattle and human (food consumption, livestock husbandry and presence of BTB-positive cattle) were statistically significant.  相似文献   

Tuberculosis (TB), due to infection with Mycobacterium bovis was diagnosed in a flock of alpaca in Ireland in 2004. An epidemiological investigation was conducted to identify the risk of TB for farmed alpaca where TB is endemic, the origin of the infection, the potential for alpaca-to-alpaca transmission and appropriate control measures. The investigation focused on the alpaca flock (including the farm, animal movements and breeding, feeding and flock health practice), the disease episode (including animal disease events and subsequent control measures) and TB infection risk in the locality. The TB risk to alpaca is high in areas where infection is endemic in cattle and badgers and where biosecurity is inadequate. It is most likely that the source of infection for the alpaca was a local strain of M. bovis, present in cattle in this area since at least 2001. Genotyping of isolates identified a single variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) profile in both cattle and alpaca in this region. Although a tuberculous badger was also removed from the vicinity, bacterial isolation was not attempted. On this farm, infection in alpaca was probably derived from a common source. Alpaca-to-alpaca transmission seems unlikely. Two broad control strategies were implemented, aimed at the rapid removal of infected (and potentially infectious) animals and the implementation of measures to limit transmission. Tests that proved useful in detecting potentially-infected animals included measurement of the albumin-to-globulin ratio and regular body condition scoring. Skin testing was time consuming and unproductive, and early detection of infected animals remains a challenge. The flock was managed as a series of separate groupings, based on perceived infection risk. No further TB cases have been detected.  相似文献   

Bovine tuberculosis is an ongoing problem in Ireland, and herd incidence has remained at approximately 5% for some years. Spillover of infection from cattle to people remains an ever-present possibility, given the ongoing pool of infection in the Irish cattle population. This paper describes an outbreak of tuberculosis affecting cattle and people on a dairy farm in southeastern Ireland following the consumption of milk from a seven-year-old cow with tuberculous mastitis. Twenty-five of 28 calves born during autumn 2004 and spring 2005 were subsequently identified as TB reactors, and five of six family members were positive on the Mantoux test. During 2005, milk from this cow had mainly been used to feed calves, and was added only occasionally to the bulk tank. Therefore, the calves each received infected milk on an almost continuous basis between birth and weaning. The family collected milk from the bulk milk tank, and consumed it without pasteurisation. This case highlights the risks associated with the consumption of raw milk. In this family, TB has had a very significant impact on the health of two young children. These risks are well recognised, and relevant information for farmers is available. It is of concern, therefore, that raw milk consumption remains prevalent on Irish farms. New strategies are needed, in partnership with industry, to address this important issue. Keywords: bovine tuberculosis, Ireland, mastitis, milk, Mycobacterium bovis, pasteurisation, TB, zoonosis.  相似文献   

The interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) assay is employed as a complementary diagnostic test for bovine tuberculosis (BTB) in many countries. To simplify this assay, we established a 96-well plate format using the ESAT-6 and CFP-10 antigens and then employed it to determine the extent of Mycobacterium (M.) bovis infection in dairy herds with a history of BTB outbreaks in a country where only selective culling is practiced. The sensitivity and specificity of this IFN-γ assay were 85.9% and 100%, respectively, based on comparison with the conventional single intradermal tuberculin test (SIDT). The IFN-γ assay was also positive in 30.4% and 36.8% of SIDT-negative animals from herds with recent and remote BTB outbreaks, respectively. Of 14 SIDT-negative, IFN-γ positive cattle, five (35.7%) were culture positive and an additional six were positive based on a polymerase chain reaction-based test for M. bovis. Therefore, the IFN-γ assay has the potential to serve as a specific and sensitive test for M. bovis infection in dairy cattle. Further, the results indicated that a substantial portion of SIDT-negative animals in herds with previous BTB outbreaks were actually infected with M. bovis. Accordingly, the present selective-culling strategy may require modifications to include this more sensitive assay.  相似文献   

Recreational hunting of indigenous wild artiodactyls has been one of the most lucrative and rapidly growing industries in Western Spain over the last five years. In the absence of careful ecological management, one consequence of the commercial exploitation of this natural resource has been the appearance of outbreaks of infectious disease; most notably bovine tuberculosis. From the outset of the study in 1997, we have observed a steady increase in prevalence of Mycobacterium bovis (M. bovis) in both species reaching 1.74 (+/-0.17) in deer in 2002 and 2.32 (+/-0.24) in wild boar. The latter species seems to be most severely affected with pulmonary lesions appearing more chronic than those observed in deer. In this study, we describe the epidemiology of M. bovis in European wild boar (Sus scrofa) and Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) in Extremadura (W. Spain); a region where there are large areas of natural habitat for these species.  相似文献   

Bovine tuberculosis (TB) is a major zoonosis that''s caused by Mycobacterium bovis (M. bovis). Being able to detect M. bovis is important to control bovine TB. We applied a molecular technique, the variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) typing method, to identify and distinguish the M. bovis isolates from Gyeonggi-do, Korea. From 2003 to 2004, 59 M. bovis clinical strains were isolated from dairy cattle in Gyeonggi-do, Korea, and these cattle had tuberculosis-like lesions. Twenty-four published MIRU-VNTR markers were applied to the M. bovis isolates and ten of them showed allelic diversity. The most discriminatory locus for the M. bovis isolates in Korea was QUB 3336 (h = 0.64). QUB 26 and MIRU 31 also showed high discriminative power (h = 0.35). The allelic diversity by the combination of all VNTR loci was 0.86. Six loci (MIRU 31, ETR-A and QUB-18, -26, -3232, -3336) displayed valuable allelic diversity. Twelve genotypes were identified from the 59 M. bovis isolates that originated from 20 cattle farms that were dispersed throughout the region of Gyenggi-do. Two genotypes [designation index (d.i.) = e, g] showed the highest prevalence (20% of the total farms). For the multiple outbreaks on three farms, two successive outbreaks were caused by the same genotype at two farms. Interestingly, the third outbreak at one farm was caused by both a new genotype and a previous genotype. In conclusion, this study suggests that MIRU-VNTR typing is useful to identify and distinguish the M. bovis isolates from Gyeonggi-do, Korea.  相似文献   

In a number of countries, tuberculosis (due to infection with Mycobacterium bovis) is a significant health problem of captive deer. This paper describes outbreaks of bovine tuberculosis in sika deer (Cervus nippon) on two farms in Ireland and the methods used to control the disease. On Farm A, infection was first detected during 1993. The infection was eradicated using a programme of test and removal, in association with segregation of young animals. A second outbreak (also due to infection with M. bovis, but a different RFLP profile) was detected in 2002. In the latter outbreak, infection was particularly prevalent in two groups of young deer. M. bovis with the same RFLP profile was also isolated in a badger found dead on the farm. Control was achieved by test and removal in association with herd management changes. In Herd B, infection was first detected in 1995, and subsequently eradicated using test and removal alone. In Herd A, re-infection remains an ongoing risk. Control rather than eradication of infection may more realistic in the short-to medium-term.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to monitor skin test practices as performed by veterinarian field practitioners in Belgium. For this purpose, an anonymous postal questionnaire was elaborated and dispatched to veterinarians involved in bovine tuberculosis detection. The questionnaire included items focusing on the skin test performance. International experts in the field of bovine tuberculosis were asked to fill the questionnaire and a scoring scale was built as follows: 0 = ‘ideal’ answer, 1 = acceptable answer, whereas 2 = unacceptable answer. Furthermore, experts were asked to rank the questionnaire’s items according to their possible impact on the risk of not detecting reactors. A global score was further calculated for each participant and a comparison of practices was carried out between the two regions of the country, i.e. Wallonia and Flanders. Significant differences were observed between both regions, a harmonization at the country level is thus essential. No veterinarian summed a null score, corresponding to the ideal skin test procedure, which suggests that skin-testing is far from being performed correctly. Field practitioners need to be sensitized to the importance of correctly performing the test. The authors recommend the questionnaire is suitable for application in other countries or regions.  相似文献   

This case report describes tuberculosis (TB) due to infection with Mycobacterium bovis (M. bovis) in alpaca (Lama pacos) on a farm in Ireland. Two severely debilitated alpaca were presented to the University Veterinary Hospital, University College Dublin in November 2004. Bloods were taken, and haematology and biochemistry results were indicative of chronic infection. Radiological examination showed evidence of diffuse granulomatous pneumonia suggestive of tuberculosis. On necropsy there were granulomatous lesions present throughout many body organs including lung, liver, kidney, intestine as well on peritoneum and mesentery. Culture of acid-fast bacilli from lesions led to a diagnosis of tuberculosis due to M. bovis. The use of intradermal skin testing proved inefficient and unreliable for ante mortem diagnosis of tuberculosis in alpaca. Infection due to M. bovis should be considered among the differential diagnoses of debilitating diseases in alpaca, particularly those farmed in areas known to be traditional black spots for tuberculosis in cattle.  相似文献   

We did a case-control study on the association between the occurrence of bovine tuberculosis in herds in the East Offaly area and a number of possible risk factors: herd size, the purchasing of cattle, the herd history, the status of contiguous herds, distance to the nearest badger sett, and animal factors such as age, breed and animal type. The characteristics of 100 herds that had a confirmed outbreak of tuberculosis at a herd test in 1988 were compared with those from an equal number of herds that passed at least one tuberculin test during that year. The study base consisted of 1379 herds mainly from the eastern part of County Offaly. The data were analysed at both herd and animal levels. Factors that were associated with an increased risk of tuberculosis breakdowns at the herd level were (i) the total number of animals in the herd and (ii) the restriction of a contiguous herd for tuberculosis within a period of 6 months prior to or following the herd under study. A number of factors were associated with an animal having an increased risk of failing a tuberculin test. After adjusting for all other variables in the model, cows, heifers and bullocks were 10.3, 14.8 and 8.0 times, respectively, more likely to fail a tuberculin test than calves. Cattle that had teen purchased since the previous herd test were less likely to fail a tuberculin test compared with cattle that had been present at the time of the preceding herd test.  相似文献   

Many studies suggest significant genetic variation in the resistance of cattle and humans to infection withMycobacterium bovis, the causative agent of zoonotic tuberculosis. The inducible nitricoxide synthase (iNOS which is encoded by the NOS2 gene) plays a key role in the immunologicalcontrol of a broad spectrum of infectious agents. This study aimed to investigate the influence of geneticvariations in the promoter of the NOS2 gene on bovine tuberculosis (bTB) susceptibility. Inthis study, the NOS2 genes of 74 bTB-infected Holstein cows and 90 healthy controls weregenotyped using PCR followed by nucleotide sequencing. Polymorphisms at rs207692718, rs109279434, rs209895548,rs385993919, rs433717754, rs383366213, rs466730386, rs715225976, rs525673647, rs720757654 and g.19958101T>Gin the promoter region of the NOS2 gene were detected. The g.19958101T>G SNP produced twodifferent conformation patterns (TT and TG) and the TG genotype was over-represented in the bTB group (20.27%)compared with the control group (2.22%). The TG genotype frequency of the g.19958101T>G variant wassignificantly higher in bTB cattle than in healthy controls (OR, 11.19; 95% CI, 2.47–50.73;P=0.0002). The G allele of the g.19958101T>G polymorphism was more frequent in bTB groupwhen compared to control group (10.14% versus 1.11%). Furthermore, the G allele was a risk factor for bTBsusceptibility (OR, 10.04; 95% CI, 2.26–44.65; P=0.0002). In conclusion, the g.19958101T>Gpolymorphism of the NOS2 gene may contribute to the susceptibility of Holstein cattle tobTB.  相似文献   

In this study we have characterized M. bovis isolates from a herd of cattle in Uvalde, Texas in which 52 of the 193 animals selected at random in 1994 from a herd of 331 were caudal fold skin-test positive. Thirty-two of 52 skin-test positive cattle had gross lesions at slaughter, and isolations of M. bovis were made from 29 animals. The herd was comprised of Red Devon cattle purchased between 1978 and 1980 (n = 26) and breeding bulls (n = 3) introduced at later times, and all were tuberculosis test negative at the time of purchase. Other animals were natural additions (offspring) of these cattle. One additional animal, a Holstein present on the ranch at the time of purchase in 1976, was retained to nurse orphaned and weak calves. Using several molecular fingerprinting techniques we have verified a clonal relationship among the M. bovis isolates consistent with infection originating with a single strain. The molecular fingerprint patterns demonstrate the stability of the profiles despite persistence and spread of the organism within the herd for two decades and confirms their use in epidemiological tracing.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of varying levels of badger population control on the prevalence of Mycobacterium bovis infection in badgers in four counties of Ireland. In the 'Removal' and 'Buffer' areas, proactive culling was conducted to substantially reduce and subsequently maintain badger populations at a low level for five years. In the 'Reference' areas, localised reactive culling was conducted in association with herd breakdowns. The infection status of badgers was determined using bacteriology. A total of 2696 badgers were recruited into the study, and 19.0% were found to be infected with M. bovis. The two population control strategies had differing effects on the subsequent prevalence of tuberculosis in badger populations. Proactive culling led to a long term decrease in the prevalence of tuberculosis in the re-emergent populations. Although there was an overall decline in the disease prevalence, no consistent trend in disease prevalence as a result of reactive culling was observed.  相似文献   

Zoonotic diseases such as bovine tuberculosis (TB) that infect wildlife and livestock are particularly difficult to eradicate where wild animals make extensive use of agricultural landscapes. Transmission of TB between cattle (Bos taurus) and wild elk (Cervus elaphus) in southwestern Manitoba, Canada remains poorly understood but there is a risk when comingling occurs on summer pasture. Elk use of cattle summer pastures was assessed using ecological data (187 VHF and 25 GPS collared elk monitored over four years representing 8% of the elk population). Local knowledge was documented by conducting interviews and participatory mapping exercises with 86 cattle producers (98% of those within the study area). Of the 294 cattle pastures mapped by farmers, 13% were used by radio-collared elk, 38% were reported by farmers as being used by elk, and 42% were identified as used by elk when both when all datasets were combined. Cattle pastures that had been used by elk and those that had no elk were compared using binary logistic regression based on each of the three datasets (i.e. farmer observations, radio-collared elk on pasture, and combined dataset). For all three datasets, distance to protected area and proportion of forest cover on the cattle pasture were identified as the most and second most important predictor variables, respectively. There was strong agreement among the relative probabilities of elk occurrence on each pasture derived from the resource selection function (RSF) models developed using farmer interviews and elk collaring data. The farmer interview and collar datasets were then combined to generate a final integrated RSF map summarizing the probability of elk–cattle comingling and were contrasted over each of four cattle grazing seasons (spring, early summer, late summer, and autumn). These predictive maps indicate that use of cattle pastures by elk is extensive, particularly in spring and early summer. Farmer observations indicate that elk and cattle share water sources and livestock mineral supplements on pasture. Local knowledge and conventional ecological data complement and validate one another and help us better understand the temporospatial aspects of shared space use among wildlife and livestock and more generally the risks of disease transmission in agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

An all-island approach to mapping bovine tuberculosis in Ireland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study used techniques in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to explore the spatial patterns of bovine tuberculosis (TB) in the whole island of Ireland over an 11-year period. This is the first time that data pertaining to TB from the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland have been collated and examined in an all-Ireland context. The analyses were based on 198, 156 point locations representing active farms with cattle in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland between the years 1996 and 2006. The results consist of a series of maps giving a visual representation of cattle populations and associated detected bTB levels on the island of Ireland over this time interval.  相似文献   

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