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A three-year-old weimaraner was presented with lethargy, anorexia, neck pain and a soft fluctuant swelling in the thoracic inlet. A cough had been noted previously. Clinical examination revealed tachycardia, tachypnoea, pallor and a large subcutaneous swelling, with bruising, suggestive of a haematoma in the thoracic inlet. Thoracic radiographs revealed a cranial mediastinal mass which had the ultrasonographic appearance of fluid, and there was also a marked generalised interstitial lung pattern. Routine haematology revealed severe anaemia and thrombocytopenia, although coagulation tests were within normal limits. A diagnosis of immune-mediated thrombocytopenia was however made on the basis of a positive antiplatelet antibody test and a rapid response to prednisolone therapy. Furthermore, a tentative diagnosis of Angiostrongylus vasorum infection was suggested on the basis of clinical and radiographic findings, although no lungworm larvae were identified on faecal analysis. Despite initiating treatment with fenbendazole, the dog died suddenly. Postmortem examination revealed myocarditis, thrombosing arteritis, pneumonia and chronic membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis associated with A vasorum infection.  相似文献   

A six-year-old male Jack Russell terrier was referred for investigation of an abnormal hindlimb stance and unresolving lesion on the dorsum of the right hindfoot. Clinical examination revealed cutaneous sensory and proprioceptive deficits affecting predominantly the hindlimbs. However, no motor deficits were evident. A sensory abnormality was confirmed by histological examination of a biopsy of a lateral branch of the superficial peroneal nerve, which contained only a single myelinated fibre. The condition was diagnosed as a sensory neuropathy, a disorder previously unrecognised in this breed.  相似文献   

A seven-year-old male Jack Russell terrier was presented with a history of coughing, generalised weakness and lethargy 10 days after an abdominal coeliotomy to repair a large diaphragmatic rupture. Thoracic radiographs demonstrated a soft tissue mass in the midcaudal right thoracic cavity. Ultrasonographic studies, bronchoscopy and subsequent exploratory thoracotomy confirmed a diagnosis of a right cranial lung lobe torsion (LLT), with an anomalous caudodorsal displacement of the affected lobe. LLT should be considered as a differential diagnosis for respiratory tract disease following diaphragmatic rupture repair.  相似文献   

A 4-year-old Jack Russell terrier was presented with an array of clinical signs suggestive of autonomic dysfunction. Many of the clinical signs were consistent with a diagnosis of dysautonomia; however, both chronicity and resolution of signs contradicted a diagnosis of this disease.  相似文献   

A case of Angiostrongylus vasorum infection in an eight-month-old Scottish terrier associated with gastric dilation is reported,  相似文献   

A Jack Russell terrier with a history of progressive exercise intolerance was examined at the age of four months and again 10 months later. Clinical examination revealed a stunted, thin dog with a stilted gait. The dog had raised lactate levels before and after feeding and a raised lactate/pyruvate ratio after feeding, indicating a metabolic abnormality. Histochemical evaluation of muscle biopsies revealed subsarcolemmal accumulation of oxidative activity when stained with nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide tetrazolium reductase and ragged red fibres when stained with modified Gomori trichrome; all fibre types were involved. Ultrastructural examination of the muscle confirmed the presence of subsarcolemmal accumulations of mitochondria. Histochemical staining for the activity of enzymes of the Krebs cycle, oxidative phosphorylation and other metabolic cytosolic enzymes failed to demonstrate an abnormality. In view of the clinical picture and the biochemical and histological findings, a tentative diagnosis of mitochondrial myopathy was made. The difficulties associated with diagnosing mitochondrial disorders are discussed.  相似文献   

Deficiency in factor X (Stuart-Prower factor) was identified in a 7-month-old spayed female Jack Russell Terrier following recurrent bleeding episodes. Various relatives were screened for factor X deficiency and low and subnormal levels were identified in the father and paternal grandmother, respectively. Factor X deficiency has been previously documented in a family of American Cocker Spaniels, in which the inheritance pattern appeared to be an autosomal dominant trait with variable expression. This is the first report describing this coagulopathy in the Jack Russell Terrier.  相似文献   

Hypercalcaemia was identified in three dogs that presented primarily for evaluation of respiratory disease. Angiostrongylosis was diagnosed in all three cases and both the respiratory signs and the hypercalcaemia resolved with treatment. Infection with Angiostrongylus vasorum is known to lead to formation of pulmonary granulomata. Granulomatous disease in humans may lead to hypercalcaemia secondary to increased unregulated production of 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol by activated macrophages in the granulomata. In one of the three dogs, 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol was measured and found to be increased, providing supportive evidence for a similar mechanism in dogs. To the authors' knowledge, hypercalcaemia has not previously been reported in association with angiostrongylosis in dogs. Since prolonged untreated hypercalcaemia may lead to permanent impairment of renal function, dogs with angiostrongylosis should be evaluated for the presence of hypercalcaemia.  相似文献   

A 9-year, 6-month old spayed female Jack Russell terrier presented with a 3-week history of intermittent vomiting, diarrhoea and weight loss. Serum biochemistry demonstrated severe panhypoproteinaemia, mild hypocalcaemia and mild hypocholesterolaemia, consistent with protein-losing enteropathy. Full-thickness biopsies obtained from the stomach and different sections of small intestine demonstrated histological features of both myenteric ganglionitis and early intestinal leiomyositis. Complete resolution of clinical signs occurred within 1 week of implementing immunosuppressive therapy. At the time of writing, 9 months following diagnosis, the dog remains in remission.  相似文献   

An atypical case of canine distemper (CD) was diagnosed in a vaccinated healthy adult dog. The patient was presented circling, seizuring, and blind. Postmortem examination resulted in a diagnosis of CD. Optic neuritis was diagnosed, a finding not previously described in the context of CD virus infection presenting solely with neurological signs.  相似文献   

Abstract A new, possibly breed associated, vasculitis of Jack Russell Terriers is described. Lesions include alopecia and focal crusted ulcers of the distal extremities and bony prominences. Histopathological lesions include single cell necrosis of the epithelium, pigmentary incontinence, leucocytoclastic vasculitis and ischaemic degeneration of hair follicles. Dermal oedema and an infiltrate of lymphocytes and/or macrophages are often seen. Clinically and histopathologically the disease most closely resembles dermatomyositis of Collies and Shetland sheepdogs but the obvious breed discrepancy makes systemic lupus erythematosus the most likely differential diagnosis. Dapsone and anti-inflammatory doses of prednisone have proved to be satisfactory treatments. Résumé— Une nouvelle dermatose à prédisposition raciale, de type vascularite est décrite chez des jack russel terriers. Les lésions cliniques incluent une alopécie, des ulcèrations focales et croûteuses des extrémités distales et des points de pression. Les lésions histolopathologiques montrent des nécroses isolées des kératinocytes, une incontinence pigmentaire, une vascularite leucocytoclasique et une dégénérescence ischémique des follicules pileux. Un oedème dermique et une infiltration lymphocytaire et/ou macrophagique sont également observés. Sur les plans clinique et histopathologique, cette maladie ressemble plus aux dermatomyosites du Colley et du Shetland, mais la discordance raciale évidente fait du lupus érythémateux systémique le diagnostic différentiel le plus vraisemblable. La dapsone et la prednisone à dose antiinflammatoire sont des traitements satisfaisants. [Parker, W.M., Foster, R.A. Cutaneous vasculitis in five Jack Russell Terriers (Vascularite cutanée chez 5 jack russel terriers). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 109–115.] Resumen Se describe una vasculitis nueva, posiblemente asociada a la raza en el terrier Jack Russell. Las lesiones incluyen alopecia y ulceraciones costrosas en las extremidades distales y en prominencias óseas. Las lesiones histopatológicas incluyen necrosis celular individual del epitelio, incontinencia pigmentaria, vasculitis leucocitoclástica y degeneración isquémica de los foliculos pilosos. Con frecuencia se observa edema dérmico y una infiltración por linfocitos y/o macrófagos. Este cuadro se asemeja clinica e histopatológicamente a la dermatomiositis de los perros Collie y Shetland pero la distancia obvia entre estas razas hace que el diagnóstico diferencial más probable sca el de lupus eritematoso sistémico. Se consiguieron tratamientos satisfactorios con Dapsona y dosis antiinflamatorias de prednisona. [Parker, W.M., Foster, R.A. Cutaneous vasculitis in five Jack Russell Terriers (Vasculitis cutánea en cinco Terriers Jack Russell). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 109–115.] Zusammenfassung— Es wird eine neue, möglicherweise rasseabhängige Vaskulitis bei Jack Russell Terriern beschrieben. Die Veränderungen bestehen in Alopezie, fokalen verkrusteten Geschwüren der distalen Extremitäten und Knochevorsprünge. Histopathologische Veränderungen bestehen in Einezelzellnekrose des Epithels, Pigmentinkontinenz, leukozytoklastischer Vaskulitis und ischämischer Degeneration der Haarfollikel. Dermales ödem und Lymphozyten- und/oder Makrophageninfiltrate werden häufig beobachtet. Klinisch und histopathologisch ähnelt die Erkrankung sehr der Dermatomyositis von Collie und Sheltie, aber die offensichtliche Rassendiskrepanz läßt den systemischen Lupus erythematosus als wahrscheinlichste Differentialdiagnose erscheinen. Dapson und entzündungshemmende Dosen von Prednison zeigten sich als ausreichende Behandlung. [Parker, W. M., Foster, R. A. Cutaneous vasculitis in five Jack Russell Terriers (Kutane Vaskulitis bei fünf Jack Russell Terriern). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 109–115.]  相似文献   

Angiostrongylosis was diagnosed in a dog presenting with haemothorax on the basis of detection of Angiostrongylus vasorum first-stage larvae both in the pleural effusion and in faeces. A one-year-old, male, mixed-breed dog was presented with fever, depression and persistent cough of one month's duration. Clinical examination revealed temperature of 39.5 degrees C, loud bronchovesicular sounds on thoracic auscultation and attenuated cardiac sounds. Thoracic radiographs showed a moderate bilateral pleural effusion and a diffuse interstitial pulmonary pattern, with an alveolar pattern in one lobe. Routine haematology revealed anaemia and leucocytosis with eosinophilia, basophilia and thrombocytopenia. Coagulation assays showed a consumptive coagulopathy resembling disseminated intravascular coagulation. The relationship between haemothorax and the presence of A vasorum larvae in the pleural effusion is discussed. The dog was successfully treated with fenbendazole until negative for larvae on faecal examination. This case report indicates that A vasorum infection should be considered as a possible aetiological cause of haemothorax in dogs.  相似文献   

A 10-year-old, crossbreed dog was presented with a history of severe lethargy, pyrexia and inappetence of several days' duration. Clinical examination revealed pallor of the mucous membranes, petechiae, generalised lymphadenopathy and effusions in multiple joints. Laboratory evaluation showed severe anaemia and thrombocytopenia, with positive in-saline agglutination and the presence of antiplatelet antibodies. The DNA of Anaplasma phagocytophilum, an endemic granulocytic rickettsial parasite, was detected by PCR. A poor response to doxycycline and immunosuppressive therapy with corticosteroids was seen. Euthanasia was performed after the development of disseminated intravascular coagulation. Postmortem examination demonstrated changes consistent with the development of disseminated intravascular coagulation and infection with granulocytic ehrlichiosis. This case documents the presence of canine granulocytic ehrlichiosis caused by A phagocytophilum in the U.K., and highlights the range of clinical signs and clinicopathological abnormalities that may be observed in infected dogs.  相似文献   

There has been an increase in the number of Jack Russell Terriers (JRTs) diagnosed with adenomas and adenocarcinomas of the gastrointestinal tract in Japan. This study retrospectively investigated the clinical and histopathological features and prognosis of adenocarcinomas arising in the gastrointestinal tract in JRT dogs. Seven JRTs and 39 dogs of other breeds diagnosed with gastrointestinal adenocarcinoma were included in the study. The most common sites of gastrointestinal adenocarcinoma in JRTs were the pylorus and rectum. On histopathological examination, these adenocarcinomas showed a papillary or tubular growth pattern, and the lesions were confined within the mucosal epithelium and poorly invasive. Among all dogs with gastric adenocarcinoma, the median survival time (MST) for five of the JRTs could not be determined because more than half of the cases remained alive, while the MST for nine non-JRT dogs was 34 days. Among all dogs with adenocarcinoma in the large intestine, the MST for three of the JRTs could not be determined, while the MST for nine non-JRT dogs was 1,973 days. The difference in MST between JRT and non-JRT dogs with gastric adenocarcinoma was significant (P=0.0220). Since gastrointestinal adenocarcinomas in JRTs show distinct characteristics with respect to their clinical features, treatment course, and prognosis, a different surgical and medical treatment plan should be considered compared to the management of gastrointestinal adenocarcinomas in other dog breeds.  相似文献   

A 10-month-old female Parson Jack Russell Terrier was euthanatized because of therapy-resistant ataxia, hypermetria, and deafness that had first been observed at 10 weeks of age. Severe, bilateral, symmetrical neuronal degeneration and mineralization of the brain were found in the cochlear and cerebellar nuclei, dorsal areas of the medulla oblongata, the vestibulocochlear nerve, plexus choroideus, and within the granule cell layer of the ventral cerebellar hemispheres. The mineralized deposits were located free in the parenchyma, around intact or degenerate neurons, in myocytes of small- and medium-sized arteries, and around capillaries. Hepatocytes and cardiac myocytes showed oncocytotic change with increased numbers of enlarged or misshapen mitochondria filled with densely packed cristae and electron-dense inclusions. Skeletal myocytes had only minor increases in the number of mitochondria. The microscopic and ultrastructural lesions were consistent with mitochondrial encephalopathy with similarities to mitochondrial encephalomyopathy with lactic acidosis and strokelike episodes in humans.  相似文献   

This report describes three dogs with intracranial haemorrhage secondary to severe coagulation defects associated with Angiostrongylus vasorum infection. The initial case was diagnosed at necropsy, with two subsequent cases diagnosed antemortem and successfully treated. The dogs ranged in age from 14 months to four years and were presented for evaluation of a severe, subacute onset of suspected cerebral disease. Magnetic resonance imaging performed on all three dogs was suggestive of multiple areas of intraparenchymal brain haemorrhage. Coagulation assays showed a consumptive coagulopathy resembling chronic disseminated intravascular coagulation. Postmortem examination of the initial case confirmed the presence of multiple intracranial and extracranial haemorrhages. An unexpected finding was that of a marked multifocal nematode infection of the lungs with an associated vasculopathy. The parasites were confirmed to be A vasorum. In the two other dogs, faecal examination by Baermann technique confirmed A vasorum infection. Both dogs were treated with fenbendazole and one was additionally given a plasma transfusion. Repeated coagulation assays were normal within one week. Neurological examinations were normal for both dogs within six weeks. This case series indicates that A vasorum infection should be considered as a possible aetiology of intracranial haemorrhage in dogs.  相似文献   

A 1‐year‐old, female intact Pug dog was presented to the Small Animal Teaching Hospital of the University of Liverpool with a 4‐week history of progressive multifocal intracranial signs. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) detected multiple hemorrhagic lesions in the brain. The Baermann and zinc sulfate flotation tests with centrifugation, performed on fecal samples, were positive for lungworm larvae and an antigenic test confirmed Angiostrongylus vasorum infection. Anthelmintic treatment was started with a consequent marked clinical improvement. Seventy days later, the dog was clinically normal, and no larvae were detected on the Baermann test. Repeat MRI of the brain revealed marked improvement of the hemorrhagic lesions. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis (CSF) showed marked eosinophilic pleocytosis, and anthelmintic treatment was restarted. A follow‐up CSF analysis 4 months after the first presentation revealed resolution of the eosinophilic pleocytosis. This is the first case report of marked eosinophilic pleocytosis associated with neural A vasorum infection in a dog. The CSF eosinophilic pleocytosis persisted for several weeks after treatment, even in the absence of concurrent clinical signs and with a negative A vasorum Baermann test.  相似文献   

Ten dogs were experimentally infected with 150 3rd-stage larvae of the lungworm Angiostrongylus vasorum (Baillet, 1866). Blood samples obtained once a week for 5 weeks after infection was induced were examined for coagulation alterations. Thrombocytopenia developed in infected dogs before and after parasitic patency, which occurred 6 weeks after infection was induced. Prolongation of activated partial thromboplastin time and thrombocytopenia initially were associated with periods of larval migration and, later, at patency, with pulmonary egg embolism and hatching of 1st-stage larvae in the lung. Decreased factor-V activity, significantly shortened values for the prothrombin time, and increased factor-VIII activity were evident during postpatent periods of parasitic infection. Significant changes were not found in factors-XII and -IX activities throughout the course of infection. Coagulation abnormalities were attributed to excessive intravascular coagulation. Immature adults and first stages of the parasite seemed to have initiated the coagulopathy in the prepatent phase of infection, with subsequent coagulation abnormalities occurring at the time of patency.  相似文献   

Ventriculo-peritoneal shunting is a surgical treatment for hydrocephalus. Complications of this procedure are not well described in dogs. The most common complication in humans is infection, which can be fatal if not diagnosed and treated quickly. We describe the magnetic resonance (MR) imaging characteristics of a shunt-associated cerebral infection in a dog. The MR features of the infection included hyperintensity of the lining of the ventricular system visible on a T2-weighted FLAIR sequence and marked linear contrast enhancement of the ependymal layer on T1-weighted sequences, similar to that described in people.  相似文献   

Multifocal haemorrhages associated with Angiostrongylus vasorum infection were observed in the central nervous system of four dogs with neurological signs including depression, seizures, spinal pain and paresis. In magnetic resonance images the majority of the lesions were isointense or slightly hyperintense in T1-weighted images, hyperintense in T2-weighted images and hypointense in T2*-weighted (gradient echo) images, compatible with haemorrhages more than seven days old. Lesions were found in the brain of three of the dogs and in the spinal cord of two. The cerebrospinal fluid contained high concentrations of protein and evidence of erythrophagia. All the dogs had coagulopathy and pulmonary haemorrhage of varying severity. A vasorum larvae were detected in the faeces of each of the dogs. Neural A vasorum was confirmed at postmortem examination in two dogs.  相似文献   

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