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Ontogenic development of some digestive enzymes (proteases, amylase and lipase) in common pandora Pagellus erythrinus larva was assayed during larval development. The green‐water technique was employed for larval rearing, and whole‐body homogenates were used for enzymatic assays in triplicate. Important alterations in specific activities of all digestive enzymes measured during the period of this study were mostly related to metamorphosis and weaning. Mouth opening was observed on day 3 at 2.23±0.01 mm total length synchronously with the first determination of trypsin and chymotrypsin activities. After this date, the specific activities of these slightly increased until 25 days after hatching (DAH), respectively, and then slightly decreased and changed. The pattern determined for pepsin was strongly related to stomach formation on day 25 at 9.72±2.3 mm total length and a sharp increase was found until 30 DAH and then a slight decrease was measured from this date until the end of the experiment. Both amylase and lipase were measured for the first time on days 2 and 4, respectively, and also the specific activities of these showed similar patterns during the first week of the study. Then, slight variations were observed until 30 DAH and while lipase‐specific activity had declined, an increase in the specific activity of amylase was found until the end of the experiment. Finally, it is thought that the variations observed in the specific activity in the profile of digestive enzymes were related to either metamorphosis such as formation of stomach (25 DAH) or to changes in characteristics of food (30 DAH). The pattern of development of the main digestive enzymes found in P. erythrinus is similar to that described in other Sparid species.  相似文献   

A reproductive study was conducted on 305 individuals of common pandora Pagellus erythrinus, from Mazarrón Bay (Murcia, southeast coast of Spain), providing information for a more adequate interpretation of the gonadosomatic index in this species and its relationship with the stage of maturity of the fish. In terms of the other Mediterranean Sparidae, the GSI values obtained rank in the middle of the scale, being 3.9 ± 1.4% $\left( {\bar X \pm SD} \right)$ in spawning females, and 2.0 ± 0.9% in mature males. The GSI of primary males was lower (0.3 ± 0.8), suggesting that there is no sperm competition in this species. Reproductive season in the study area falls within the period between early April and middle July, although the ovotestes may retain some activity until the end of September.  相似文献   

The activities of main digestive enzyme (proteases, amylase and lipase) and animal husbandry (mainly growth and survival) were studied in common pandora Pagellus erythrinus larvae until 30 days after hatching (DAH). Three different illumination levels (10, 30 and 100 lx) were compared in triplicate and green water technique was carried out. At the end of the experiment, illumination did not affect neither survival nor growth except 10 lx treatment. Similarly, specific growth rate (SGR) was different in 10 lx treatment (p < 0.05), although no differences were found in group 30 and 100 lx treatments (p > 0.05). In all groups, trypsin and chymotrypsin specific activities were firstly detected on day 3 related with mouth opening and slightly increased until 20 and 25 DAH respectively, and after this date specific activities of those decreased. Although, there was a significant difference between 10 lx treatment and other experimental groups (p < 0.05), no differences were found in other treatments (p > 0.05). Pepsin was firstly detected on day 25 related with stomach formation and sharp increase was observed until 30 DAH and then slight decrease was measured from this date and no differences were found between all groups. Amylase was firstly determined on day 2 and increased to day 5. After this date, slight decreases were measured in all groups and continued until end of experiments. The highest specific activity of amylase was determined in 30 lx treatment and no significant differences were found between groups (p > 0.05). Lipase was firstly detected on day 4 and increased to day 10. Then, activity of lipase decreased until day 15 and increased again until 25 DAH. Slight decreases were found in all groups until day 30 and continued to end of experiments. No significant differences were detected among groups (p > 0.05).

Finally, the significant improvement in survival, larval development and specific enzyme activities of larvae were determined in 30 lx treated group. It is thought that this phenomenon is related to optimal keeping conditions provided by the medium illumination level for Pagellus erythrinus larvae.  相似文献   

泥鳅仔稚鱼发育期间消化酶及碱性磷酸酶比活力的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了泥鳅(Misgurnus anguillicaudatus)从孵化至30 DAH(日龄,Days after hatching)几种消化酶及碱性磷酸酶比活力的变化情况。胃蛋白酶直至30 DAH仍未检出活性。而胰蛋白酶表现出较高的比活力,其比活力在初次摄食之后显著上升,6 DAH达到最大值之后开始显著降低(P<0.05)。脂肪酶与淀粉酶的变化模式相似,在内源性营养向外源性营养转变及仔鱼向稚鱼转变这两个时间段出现两个高峰值。碱性磷酸酶比活力在2-6 DAH显著上升(P<0.05),之后开始下降并趋于平稳。研究表明,泥鳅在仔稚鱼阶段只具有结构性的胃而缺乏分泌细胞的分化。2-6 DAH是泥鳅仔鱼肠道功能迅速发育的阶段,也是向成鱼消化模式转变的一个重要过程。脂肪酶和淀粉酶比活力的持续性表明了泥鳅仔鱼对糖类和脂肪有较好的利用能力。  相似文献   

The euryhaline species Pagellus erythrinus was investigated for potential use in aquaculture. The research focused on the biological aspects of the species examining its adaptability in captivity, examining reproduction, brood stock construction, larval rearing and on-growing of the fingerlings, produced in cage culture under different diets and feeding regimes. Natural spawning resulted in the production of 150,000 viable eggs/kg with an average hatching rate of 85%, whereas spawning induced with injection of HCG hormone (500 and 250 IU/kg) produced 16,140 and 29,940 viable eggs/kg for the high and low dosage, respectively, with an average hatching rate of 75%. The culture of the fingerlings in floating cages in the region of Galaxidi (east central Greece) is also described. The results are encouraging in terms of a possible intensive culture of the species, but nonetheless further research on the reproduction and the larval rearing of the species is imperative.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic changes in digestive tract histology and digestive enzyme histochemistry were investigated 11 to 36 days post-hatch in white sturgeon Acipenser transmontanus larvae. From initiation of exogenous feeding (12 days post-hatch), larvae were fed a commercial salmonid diet for the ensuing 24 days. The digestive system of white sturgeon displayed a high degree of morphologic organization and functionality at the onset of exogenous feeding. An enhancement of digestive capacities occurred with transition to active feeding. On day 2 of feeding, there was a clear increase of alkaline phosphatase, aminopeptidase M, dipeptidyl peptidase IV, and -glutamyl transpeptidase activity in the brush border of the spiral intestine. This strong activity is an apparent confirmation of the importance of this segment of the intestine for protein digestion and nutrient absorption. The functional development of the pyloric intestine occurred on day 4 and was concomitant with an increase in the activity of brush border and cytoplasmic enzymes such as acetylcholinesterase, dipeptidyl peptidase II, - and -galactosidases. The absence of acetylcholinesterase, lactase, nonspecific esterase, and weak activity of exopeptidases and alkaline phosphatase in the anterior intestine suggests that this segment of the intestine may be less important in nutrient absorption than the pyloric and spiral intestines. The observed quantitative and qualitative differences in enzyme activity along the intestine indicate a high degree of specialization of each segment for specific digestive and absorptive processes.  相似文献   

文蛤消化道粘液细胞研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
杨宁 《水产学报》2005,29(4):461-466
运用组织学和组织化学染色方法,在光镜水平上研究了文蛤消化道粘液细胞的类型,分布与组化特性。H.E染色法显示,粘液细胞主要存在于消化道上皮组织中,仅唇瓣结缔组织中发现有少量的粘液细胞,ABPAS染色法显示;文蛤消化道粘液细胞主要分为4种类型:Ⅰ型,呈红色,AB阴性,PAS阳性,含有中性粘液物质,Ⅱ型:呈蓝色,AB阳性,PAS阴性,含有酸性粘液物质;Ⅲ型:AB和PAS均呈阳性,但PAS阳性较强,两种粘液物质均含有,但中性粘液物质含量多;Ⅳ型:AB和PAS均呈阳性,但AB阳性较强,两种粘液物质均含有,但酸性粘液物质含量多,不同部位粘液细胞的类型,数量不同,唇瓣粘液细胞的数量较少,食道含有大量的粘液细胞,胃,肠,直肠中粘液细胞的数量以胃中最少,肠次之,直肠最多,AB-PAS(AB pH1.0)染色法显示:粘液细胞所含酸性粘液物质包括硫酸性粘液物质和涎酸性粘液物质,且唇瓣和直肠中粘液细胞所含的涎液酸性粘液物质比硫酸性粘液物质多,酶组化研究结果显示,肠粘液细胞具有弱酸性磷酸酶,弱碱性磷酸酶活性。  相似文献   

The effects of Cd and Cu on embryos and larvae of the ide Leuciscus idus were evaluated. The ide is an European cyprinid fish, natural populations of which tend to decrease. The ide is also used as a bioindicator organism to evaluate water quality. However, sensitivity of ide early developmental stages to heavy metal intoxication is not known. Fish were exposed to Cd or Cu (100 μg/L) during embryonic, larval or both developmental periods. Survival of the embryos, time of hatching, size and quality of newly hatched larvae were evaluated at the end of embryonic period. Correctly developed larvae from the control and Cd or Cu-exposed groups were transferred to clean water, Cd or Cu solutions (100 μg/L) immediately after hatching. Larval development was observed, and the larvae were photographed. Time of yolk sac resorption, onset of active feeding and swim bladder inflation were evaluated, and the measurements were done on body and swim bladder size. The results showed that exposure of embryos to Cd and Cu significantly reduced embryonic survival and increased frequency of body malformations and death in newly hatched larvae and delayed hatching. Exposure to Cd and Cu during larval period reduced larval survival, growth and delayed development (yolk utilization, beginning of active feeding and swim bladder inflation). Cadmium was more toxic to the ide embryos and larvae than copper. Exposures to metals during embryonic period alone caused adverse impact on larval performance even when larval development took place in clean water. However, exposure of embryos to Cu reduced toxic impact of metal on larvae in continuous Cu exposure compared to the non-preexposed fish, but no such an effect occurred in case of Cd exposure. The results show that even a short-term exposure to Cd or Cu during early development of ide may adversely affect recruitment of this species. Among the measured endpoints, quality of newly hatched larvae (frequency of body malformations and larvae dead immediately after hatching) and swim bladder size were the most sensitive to intoxication with both metals. Embryos were more sensitive to Cu intoxication than larvae, while in case of Cd, sensitivity of both stages was similar.  相似文献   

卵形鲳鲹胚后发育阶段鳃的分化和发育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用组织学和扫描电镜等方法,鲹研究了卵形鲳(Trachinotus ovatus)胚后发育阶段鳃的分化和发育及其结构和功能的关系。观察发现,仔稚鱼鳃的早期发育可分为3个阶段:第1阶段(0~3日龄)为原基期,鳃原基形成但未分化,鳃耙未出现,仔鱼主要依靠鳍褶、皮肤和卵黄囊上的微血管进行呼吸;第2阶段(4~17日龄)为鳃丝分化、发育期,鳃弓、鳃丝、鳃小片、鳃耙逐渐形成,具备鳃的基本结构和形态特点;第3阶段(18日龄之后)为鳃器官生长发育完善期,鳃弓、鳃丝、鳃小片、鳃耙发育完善,鳃的形态和功能与成鱼相似。进一步研究发现,鳃丝总数随仔稚鱼全长和体质量的增加而增加,单个鳃小片面积和总呼吸面积随仔稚鱼体质量的增加而增大。结果表明,卵形鲳鲳鲹的分化和发育是与仔、稚鱼的生长、形态发育和功能的完善相一致的。  相似文献   

The temporal evolution of chymotrypsin activity during early ontogeny of laboratory reared red drum larvae was accomplished using a combination of biochemical assays and electrophoretic methods (substrate SDS-PAGE). Optimal functional conditions for chymotrypsin were also determined. Chymotrypsin activity was first detected prior to the onset of exogenous feeding. Total chymotrypsin activity increased with age and standard length. Specific activity was greatest on day 10 post-hatch. Maximal chymotrypsin activity was observed at 50 °C, pH 7.8, and Ca2+ concentration of 25 mM. Using substrate gel electrophoresis and specific inhibitors the molecular weight of red drum chymotrypsin was estimated to be 26–27 kD. Our results indicate that the digestive system of red drum larvae is capable of alkaline proteolysis before first feeding and suggest that chymotrypsin may have potential as an indicator of nutritional condition.  相似文献   

Abstract. Changes induced in intestinal and rectal structure of the stone loach, Noemacheilus barbatulus (L.) by Pomphorhynchus laevis Müller infection are described. Within the gut, the main effect of the infection is the abrasion and flattening of the mucosa by the parasite. Where the praesoma penetrates the gut wall, there is a marked inflammatory response. This inflammatory response tissue is well vascularized and displays esterase activity. Granulocytes and phagocytic cells, which are found both within the inflammation tissue and within capillaries, are probably host leucocytes. The integument of P. laevis appears undamaged by granulocytes in its proximity and it is unlikely that the host's inflammatory response is capable of rejecting the parasite.  相似文献   

眼斑猛虾蛄幼体的发育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郑雅友 《水产学报》2006,30(1):42-49
通过对眼斑猛虾蛄(Harpiosquilla annandalei)幼体各发育期的连续取样,在显微镜或解剖镜下系统地观察各发育期的形态变化及生长特征并描图。眼斑猛虾蛄假蚤状幼体经11次蜕皮,在水温24~27℃,盐度25.4~29.0的条件下,历时49d,发育变态成仔虾蛄;第Ⅰ期假蚤状幼体(Z1)体长1.75~1.83mm,头部有一长额角,头胸甲形状似龟壳,有1对腹侧齿,四角有刺,后部中间有一较长棘刺;第Ⅵ期头胸甲形状渐变成梯形,腹侧齿5对,第一触角中鞭萌芽,第二触角内肢发育呈短芽状,第Ⅷ期头胸甲左右两侧边缘开始渐向下弯卷;第Ⅺ期(Z11)体长15.10~17.20mm,第二触角内肢发育成鞭状且分为14~16节,尾肢外肢2节,内肢1节;Ⅰ期仔虾蛄体长14.50~16.10mm,长额角消失,头胸头形状仍为梯形,但光滑无腹侧齿,前侧角圆形,后侧角有二个缺角,这是该种的特征,后部中间棘刺消失,头胸甲占体长的比例明显缩小,形似成体虾蛄。眼斑猛虾蛄的幼体与黑斑口虾蛄的幼体的形态存在一定差异,主要表现在头胸甲与体长的比例,头胸甲的长宽比及第二触鳞片刚毛数和尾节的侧小齿、中间小齿和亚中间小齿的齿数。  相似文献   

The ontogenic development of the main digestive enzymes (proteases, amylase and lipase) in the red porgy, Pagrus pagrus, larvae was assayed during the larval development. The green water technique was carried out for larval rearing and whole‐body homogenates were used for enzymatic assays in triplicate. Significant alterations in specific activities of all digestive enzymes measured during the period of this study were mostly related to metamorphosis and weaning. Trypsin‐ and chymotrypsin‐specific activities were first detected on day 3, together with opening of the mouth, and slightly increased until 25 days after hatching (DAH). After this period, the specific activities of these enzymes slightly decreased. Pepsin was first detected on day 28, concurrent with stomach formation, and a sharp increase was observed until 30 DAH. A slight decrease was measured from this date until the end of the experiment. Both amylase and lipase were measured for the first time on days 2 and 4 respectively, and the specific activities of these enzymes showed similar patterns during the first week of the study. Then, slight variations were observed until 30 DAH and while lipase‐specific activity declined, an increase in the specific activity of amylase was found until the end of the experiment. It is concluded that the variations observed in the specific activity of digestive enzymes were related to either metamorphosis, such as the formation of the stomach (28 DAH), or to changes in food composition. The profile of the developmental pattern of the main digestive enzymes detected in P. pagrus is similar to that described for other Sparid species.  相似文献   

At 25 °C, metamorphosis in leopard grouper Mycteroperca rosacea larvae took 60 days after hatching. The total length at day 1 was 1.95±0.22 mm and juveniles reached a length of 30.64±0.23 mm at day 60; the increase was approximately linear. We describe eight stages of development during this period. Larvae with the yolk sac attached occur from days 1 to 4 (Stages 1 and 2). The preflexion occurs on days 5–20 (Stages 3 and 4). Bending notochord occurred at day 25 (Stage 5). The other morphological changes that precede the juvenile phase occurred progressively until day 60 (Stages 6–8). Allometric growth in the height and length of the head, trunk length, height and length of the tail and the diameter of the eye compared with the total length showed two distinct stages of growth. Inflexion point, where growth is positive, occurred when larvae reached between 18.75 and 21.59 mm, which corresponds to larvae at days 35–40.  相似文献   

The effects of four light intensities (1000 lx, 500 lx, 50 lx, 3 lx) on growth, survival and feeding activity in common sole (Solea solea L.) larvae were studied from 4 to 51 days post hatching (dph). During the pelagic larval stage (4–12 dph), larvae reared at 3 lx showed a lower growth. From 19 onwards, the larvae reared under 3 lx displayed a significant ( 0.05) higher SGR than the other treatments and a higher final weight compared to 1000 lx and 500 lx. Survival rate was higher under intermediate light intensities (500 and 50 lx). Larvae reared at 3 lx displayed a significant delay in the degree of metamorphosis compared to the other treatments, while at 33 dph metamorphosis was completed under all treatments. Histological examination revealed the importance of vision and light in the first feeding of this species, while after metamorphosis, the full development of other sensory organs indicated that feeding activity is also mediated by chemosensory perception. Results indicate that high light intensity seems to be more suitable during the pelagic larvae, while the opposite would ensure better growth from the onset of metamorphosis to the benthic phase.  相似文献   

测定了厚颌鲂(Megalobrama pellegrini)仔稚鱼从出膜到30日龄的生长、可溶性蛋白含量及消化酶活性。结果表明:初孵仔鱼即能检测到胰蛋白酶、淀粉酶、脂肪酶活性,2日龄检测到碱性磷酸酶活性。投喂组可溶性蛋白含量随日龄的增加显著增加(P<0.05),饥饿组可溶性蛋白含量6日龄前增加不显著,6日龄后开始下降。所测消化酶的全活力与比活力呈现出不同的变化模式。各消化酶的全活力基本是随日龄的增加而增加。投喂组胰蛋白酶比活力在10日龄达最大值,随后显著下降;饥饿组胰蛋白酶比活力在4日龄达最大值,随后显著下降。投喂组淀粉酶在5日龄达到最大值,从6日龄到12日龄维持在一个较低水平,随后增加至15日龄的(0.912±0.090)mU/mg,在试验后期均维持在一个相对较低的水平;饥饿组淀粉酶比活力的最大值出现在1日龄,从2日龄到8日龄变化不显著,8日龄后显著下降。投喂组脂肪酶比活力在18日龄达最大值,随后显著下降;饥饿组脂肪酶比活力1日龄到6日龄变化不显著,6日龄后显著下降。投喂组碱性磷酸酶比活力从2日龄到12日龄显著上升,12日龄达到最大值,随后显著下降;饥饿组碱性磷酸酶比活力从2日龄到8日龄显著上升,8日龄达到最大值,随后显著下降。  相似文献   

瓦氏黄颡鱼仔稚鱼发育过程中消化酶活性变化研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
测定了瓦氏黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus vachelli)仔稚鱼从出膜至30日龄时的生长、可溶性蛋白含量及消化酶活性.结果表明,在仔鱼出膜后第1天,蛋白酶、淀粉酶、脂肪酶均能检测到活性,而胃蛋白酶活性在第22日龄才检测到.可溶性蛋白的含量随日龄的增加而增加.蛋白酶、淀粉酶、脂肪酶的活性随着仔稚鱼的发育而发生变化,其全活力与比活力呈现出不同的变化模式.蛋白酶比活力在仔鱼4日龄时达到最大值(4.193±0.04)U/mg protein;之后随日龄的增加比活力降低,直至15日龄达到最小值(0.452±0.07)U/mg protein.之后从15日龄到30日龄比活力逐渐增加.淀粉酶比活力从1日龄逐渐增加,至4日龄达到最大值(4.611±0.12)U/mg protein,从10日龄到18日龄维持在一较低水平,随后随日龄的增加淀粉酶比活力增加.脂肪酶比活力从1日龄到3日龄逐渐增加,到3日龄达到最大值(4.398±0.07)U/mgprotein,3日龄以后直到30日龄,脂肪酶比活力随日龄的增加而降低,并且一直处于一较低的水平.瓦氏黄颡鱼发育过程中,主要消化酶活性随生长变化显著,反映瓦氏黄颡鱼随着生长其消化功能逐渐完善.  相似文献   

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