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杉木间伐材生产胶压木工艺的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文探讨了利用小径杉木间伐材生产建筑结构用材——胶压木的生产方法与工艺条件,并研究了各种工艺参数对产品性能的影响,确定了生产胶压木的较佳工艺条件。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to estimate the environmental value of recycled wood wastes using conjoint analysis. Conjoint analysis is one of many multi-attribute preference-elicitation techniques widely used in market research. A comparison of the pair-wise rating method and the choice experiment elicitation method is made. An empirical study estimates the value of recycled water cleaners using pair-wise rating and choice experiments. Water cleaners have many attributes, including their cleaning performance, replacement time, size, color, and price. Existing water-cleaning filters use propylene or polyethylene, which are made from petroleum resources. These filters become waste after being replaced. Another type of water-cleaning filter is being developed, known as a “recycled filter,” which is made from construction industry wood wastes and logs from thinning. This recycled filter can subsequently be dissolved by bacteria. An empirical study of recycled water-cleaning filters made from wood wastes shows that recycling has significant value as estimated by both pair-wise rating and choice experiments. However, the estimated marginal willingness to pay for recycling differs between the two methods. It may be that profile design effects appear in our survey.  相似文献   


Methodology to assess the potential for energy wood procurement in Russia is described in this article and applied to the Leningrad region. Wood from thinnings, logging residues, non-industrial roundwood and residues from sawmilling are considered as sources for energy production. Energy wood available in the region, based on the 2004 actual cut, is approximately 4 million m3. Nearly 86% of this is non-industrial roundwood and felling residues, and 14% is by-products from sawmilling. Almost two-thirds of the non-industrial roundwood and felling residues are in cutting areas and one-third is in central processing yards. Deciduous tree species (birch and aspen) dominate in energy wood, representing about 65% of the total amount of felling residues and non-industrial wood. It is possible to intensify utilization of forest resources and thereby also to increase the use of wood in energy production. The total amount could be 54% higher if the allowable cut was fully utilized and 124% higher if thinnings were also utilized completely. There are, however, significant intraregional differences, as the current rate of utilization of forest resources varies in the region.  相似文献   

邹莉  许继飞  王向利  郑红 《林业研究》2005,16(2):161-162
本文采用自然沉降平板法,对哈尔滨市某木材厂空气微生物种类和数量进行测定.结果表明:未经空气净化器处理的木材生产车间中的空气微生物数量(54939 cfu(m-3)是经空气净化器处理(25768 cfu(m-3)的2.1倍.空气净化器虽然能够净化生产车间中的空气微生物,但其净化率为53.1%,净化后的空气未达到洁净空气的标准,因此还应同时采取其他相应净化措施.净化器可以显著降低空气中放线菌的数量,尤其能够完全清除放线菌,如:疮痂类群(Scabies), 烬灰类群(Cinereas)和吸水类群(Hygroscopicas),但对细菌和真菌效果不明显.建议今后采用更有效可行的方法来净化木材生产车间中的空气微生物.  相似文献   

针对木材表面存在纹理、凹凸结构、边缘颗粒和弱边缘等特点,对其直接运用Snake模型进行分割难以得到有效边缘提取,因此提出运用改进的GVF Snake模型和维纳滤波相结合对其进行分割。首先对木材图像进行维纳滤波使得纹理变得平缓,同时可以使得缺陷边缘得到有效保留,再对其进行GVF Snake模型分割。该算法对初始轮廓的选择敏感度降低,拓展性增强,可以使得轮廓曲线更加快速地收敛到缺陷边缘,避免陷入局部最优现象,提高对弱边缘和凹凸图像分割效果,分割结果更加清晰、连贯,具有良好的实时性。为木材表面缺陷的分割提供一种更为有效的方法,拓宽了snake模型的应用范围。  相似文献   

卢莹 《木材工业》1992,6(1):34-38
木材是变异性很强的各向异性材料。适当地确定试样的数量才能既保证试验的精确度,又避免枉费人力、物力。为了修订国家标准《木材物理力学试验方法》中的取样方法,本文分析、比较了国际标准与中国现行标准之不同,得到了比较符合我国实际情况并向国际标准靠拢的取样  相似文献   

The object of this study was to determine the cause of differences in the improvement in liquid penetration of precompressed wood species. The maximum amount of water uptake by the capillary rise method and changes in the aspirated pits seen with scanning electron microscopy before and after of preextraction and precompression were investigated using heartwood samples of four softwoods. The height of penetration and the weight by the capillary rise method for preextractive wood powders are discussed. Three wood species andLarix leptolepis showed marked increases in the amount of solution uptake after precompressed treatment only.Larix leptolepis wood required compression after extraction by boiling in water. These differences among wood species were caused by the accumulation of extractive material. It was also recognized that the accumulative material inLarix wood has plasticity and that inPseudotsuga is brittle. Based on these results it was found that it is difficult to destroy aspirated pits in the former and easy in the latter. On the other hand, the difference in penetration of each wood species was caused by the quantity and quality of the extraction material in addition to the extent of the wettability of the surface of the cell cavity as well as aspirated pit.Part of this report was presented at the 46th annual meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Kumamoto, April 1996  相似文献   

毛白杨速生材压缩密实化工艺初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以河北平原地区普遍种植的速生毛白杨木材为对象,通过压缩密化处理,测定素材和处理材的物理力学等性能,分析各因素对回复率的影响,寻找压缩密化的较优工艺条件。结果表明:饱水试件进行微波软化处理后,热压温度180℃左右、热压时间2.5h、压缩量为50%时所得试件性能较好。  相似文献   

We used heart rate variability (HRV), an electrophysiological index, to investigate the changes of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems of people when they were in contact with wood and other materials, in a time-domain, a frequency-domain, and by means of nonlinear dynamics. Our aim was to discover the relations among thermal parameters of different kinds of material, human physiological feedbacks, and psychological perceptions. It shows that the activity of the sympathetic nervous system when in contact with wood increased no more than when in contact with metal and ceramic materials, while the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system weakened less than when in contact with these materials. The time taken by the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems to revert to their normal state after contact with cloth and wood was shorter than that after contact with metal and ceramic. A subjective survey, by SD method, showed that the tactility of wood was favorable and people preferred wood to other kinds of material. Correlation analysis’ results showed that there was a close correlation among the HRV indices, human psychological emotion ratings, and thermal parameters of the different kinds of materials. The experiment proves that the effect of wood on our autonomous nervous system is slightly better than that of other materials except for cloth. Wood does not damage people’s health. __________ Translated from Journal of Northeast Forestry University, 2005, 33(2): 29–31 [译自: 东北林业大学学报, 2005, 33(2): 29–31]  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to develop a method for reconstruction of parametrically described whorls and knots from data possible to extract from industrial scanning of logs, using X-ray scanners. The method was conceived using the logs in the Swedish Pine Stem Bank as a foundation, and was based on a few predictor features extracted from these logs; namely whorl volume, distance between whorls and distance between pith and surface. These features were not measured in images but calculated from existing parameterised knots. Simulated test sawing shows that the reconstruction method results in a representative model of the knot structure in the log, when considering the grade distribution of the sawn timber produced by the simulation program. The results of this study could, for instance, be used for improved online quality predictions at sawmills. One step in this direction is to use industrial X-ray data to enlarge the amount of log data available for sawing simulation research. Future work can, therefore, focus on developing a practical application of the results presented here.  相似文献   

日本松材线虫病研究的最新动向   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
该文重点对近2a日本松材线虫病的研究文献进行整理分析。目前松材线虫病的研究仍是日本国森林病虫害的主要研究课题。在松树的抗(感)病机理、线虫在树体内的活动与增殖规律、线虫与天牛的关系、生物防治以及新技术在研究中的应用等方面取得较大进展。  相似文献   

ntroductionPattern recognition is one of importsnt embranchments in artificial nit6lliGence, and is a 11ew absolutesubjed that has become one of significant fields ofhigh-tech study and application nowadays. Imageseqmentstion mathod of pattern recognition is usedby wOOd across compression in this paper By usingcomput6r disposal tO cell image, pattern recognitioncan be achieved for which the aim of studying celldeformation regularity at different compression rateand quanhtstive analysis can be…  相似文献   

This paper analyses industrial round wood flows into, within, and out of Northwest regions of Russia. We examine sawlogs, pulpwood, and fuelwood used for industrial purposes obtained from logging, and chips obtained from the wood-processing industry. We attempt to clarify different recent trends in wood harvesting, industrial round wood export, and forest industries development that have an influence on unreported wood in Russia. Our method, which uses wood balance diagrams, provides an interpretation of data from different Russian sources in order to offer better transparency regarding wood flows from forests to mills. It also helps to explain the apparent imbalance between round wood supply and demand and it helps one to assess the possible share of unreported industrial round wood production in Northwest Russia. Based on annual forest-related statistical data available from the Ministry of Natural Resources, the State Committee of Statistics, and the Russian Federation’s Customs Department, unreported round wood flows can be estimated to be 23% of the total industrial round wood production, or approximately 9 million m3 u.b. per year. Unreported round wood flows are more common in export oriented regions that have poorly developed forest industries.
Yuri GerasimovEmail: Phone: +358-102-113253Fax: +358-102-113251

本文阐述了在脲醛树脂中加入MS—03改性三聚氰胺树脂的方法,此法可以降低模压木制品的吸水厚度膨胀,提高产品的耐水性,使所得制品适用于我国南方湿热地区。  相似文献   

Considering increasing rate of Iran population and consumption of wood panels, the authors investigated the per capita consumption of wood panels during the years from 1997 to 2007. The exponential smoothing method was used to obtain a per capita consumption pattern of wood panels in Iran for estimating demand of wood panels by the year of 2012. Results show that the consumption of particleboard, fiberboard, and medium density fiberboard in Iran will increase by 33%, 72% and 107 %, respectively, by the year of 2012; however, the consumption of plywood will increase only by 7% by 2012. The deficient amount of wood panels in Iran is estimated over 1400000 m3. The results of this study provide the technique reference for planners of wood panel industries in Iran in capital investment decisions.  相似文献   

木材是人类日常生活的常见材料,也是从古至今人类文明与民族文化的重要载体。伴随着考古发掘工作的进行,来自不同地区、不同朝代的大量木质文物出土并需要持续保护,因此掌握出土木质文物所用的木材树种情况,并研究其化学组分的降解状态,可为制定合理的木质文物修复和保护方案提供科学依据。通过对徐州万达汉墓墓群中1号与4号墓出土棺木进行取样和对标准三切面的切片进行观察,根据三切面显微构造特征对棺木所用木材树种进行鉴定,经与标准切片比对,结果表明M1c、M1oc、M4c、M4oc棺木树种分别为楠木(Phoebe sp.)、硬木松(Pinus sp.)、梓木(Catalpa sp.)、榉木(Zelkova sp.)。进一步采用荧光显微镜与傅里叶变换红外光谱、X射线衍射相结合的方法,分析棺木的主要化学组分降解情况。结果表明:与现代健康材相比,古木在长期埋藏过程中,木材的主要多糖类化学组分纤维素和半纤维素降解严重,纤维素结晶度降低;古木各类型细胞中木质素的自发荧光效应均减弱,且红外光谱分析表明木质素化学结构发生改变;古木在埋藏过程中木材的整体构造保存较好,但主要化学组分发生了降解,这与其地下饱水低氧的埋藏环境有很大关系。  相似文献   

Biomass or energy wood harvesting can be integrated with conventional log harvesting (saw log or pulpwood production) to allow more cost-effective energy wood supply. The efficiency of an integrated energy wood harvesting system was evaluated and compared with conventional log harvesting in a 32-year-old Pinus radiata plantation (radiata pine) located in south-west Western Australia. The harvesting system consisted of a harvester and a forwarder. The study included two treatments: a conventional log-harvesting operation where merchantable sawlogs and pulp logs were produced at the stump by the harvester and extracted by the forwarder; and an integrated energy wood operation where the harvester produced sawlogs, pulp logs and energy wood at the stump that were extracted by the forwarder. In the integrated energy wood harvesting plot, 37 m3 ha?1 of energy wood was extracted in addition to the sawlog and pulp log volumes. Extracting the additional energy wood reduced the productivity of the forwarder and increased the cost of extraction (AU$2.7?m?3) compared with the control plot (AU$2.2?m?3). Harvesting system cost was not significantly impacted, with a cost of AU$3.18?m?3 in the control plot and AU$3.23?m?3 in the integrated energy wood harvesting plot. Diameter at breast height (DBH) was a significant factor influencing the working time of the harvester, whereas load volume, extraction distance and extraction type (sawlog, pulp logs, and pulp log/energy wood) significantly impacted forwarding time. Increasing DBH resulted in longer working cycles for the harvester. Heavier loads and longer forwarding distances increased forwarding cycle time, while extracting sawlogs was least expensive and energy wood extraction was the most expensive. The marginal cost of the energy wood was approximately AU$10.2?m?3 (AU$7.0 extraction and AU$3.2 harvesting), which is about double the cost of the sawlogs. Additional material recovered in the integrated energy wood plot resulted in less residual residues on the plot (103.2 green metric tonnes per hectare [GMt ha?1]) than the control plot (144.2 GMt ha?1).  相似文献   

以中国知识产权局专利数据库-s系统为数据源,利用专利分析的专利图理论(Patent map简称PM)定量分析了压缩木技术的分布年限、主要发明人、国家分布、重要申请人等数据。结果表明:压缩木为提高木制品质量的核心技术;近年来专利申请发展迅速,并处于平稳期;技术专利集中于中国和日本;国内技术专利以职务发明为主。压缩木技术未来应以集成技术开发为主,企业应加强与高校科研院所合作,促进集成创新。  相似文献   

We compared the dead wood (DW) conditions of Cheshmeh-sar forest and Sardab forest with different management history,including reserve forest and harvested forest. The First forest took 100% inventory from all the available DW. Also dead trees were compared interms of species, shape, location and quality of fracture in both forests.Volumes of dead wood in Cheshmeh-sar and Sardab forests were 207.47and 142.74 m3, respectively. Due to this significant difference, impact onthe management level was determined. In Cheshmeh-sar forest, 42% ofdead trees were standing and 58% were fallen type while in Sardab forest 38.6% were standing and 61.4% fallen. But the difference was not statistically significant between them (p = 0.0587). In terms of quality, dead trees of hard, soft and hollow had the highest frequency, respectively.However, 71.5% of DW was seen as hard dead in Cheshmeh-sar forestwhile hard dead trees in Sardab forests were 54.2%. Soft quality degree ofdead trees which formed in Cheshmeh-sar and Sardab forest were calculated as 26.6% and 43.4% respectively. Also 30% of the dead trees of Sardab forest were eradicated while in Cheshmeh-sar this amount was reduced to 12%. Due to this significant difference ((Р=0/018), it is concluded that the type of management and human interference are affecting the quality of dead trees and makes us to think the human interferences could effect on the ecosystem of touched forests.  相似文献   

王志同 《木材工业》1993,7(2):23-28,50
文中对三通道刨花干燥机刨花干燥中被控对象的特性、过程控制的方法、检测仪表、调节控制器与调速系统进行了探索与研究。干燥机的热效率高、刨花终含水率均匀、形态好。  相似文献   

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