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Miscanthus sacchariflorus straw was used as a raw material for the manufacture of Miscanthus–wood particle composite board with Douglas-fir particles in ratios of 100/0, 80/20, 60/40, 40/60, 20/80, and 0/100. A commercial phenol–formaldehyde resin was used as a binder at 9 and 11 % for target densities of 0.50 and 0.65 g/cm3, respectively. The effects of the Miscanthus/wood particle ratio on the composite board properties were investigated. In addition, the density profile was also examined to improve the understanding of the composite board manufacturing process. Results indicate that the internal bonding value increased drastically in the board containing up to 50 % wood particles, providing a valuable parameter for subsequent research. The board properties were greatly improved with increasing density and binder addition level.  相似文献   

Rigid polyvinyl chloride–wood flour composite lumber containing either pine or maple wood flour and pine and maple lumber was subjected to accelerated weathering according to the ASTM Standard G 53 protocol. Non-weathered and weathered surfaces of all specimens were analyzed using colorimetric methods, reflectance infrared Fourier transform and Raman spectroscopic techniques. In the FT-IR spectra, conjugated ketones (1,744 cm?1) of lignin as evidenced by their skeletal vibrations (1,560–1,500 cm?1) and stretching (1,440–1,500 cm?1) were reduced in weathered specimens. Cellulose was largely unaffected by weathering. C–O bending vibrations at 1,040 cm?1 from holocellulose in pine specimens and intensity bands at 1,125–1,090 and 1,360 cm?1 (C–O stretching and O–H bending from cellulose) in the maple and wood–plastic composite (WPC)-maple specimens were unaffected. A band at 1,650 cm?1 became prominent after weathering of both pine and maple WPC specimens which is due to C=C–C=C stretching vibration of weathered PVC portion of the specimen. Raman shifts at 530 and 840–900 cm?1 are attributed to C–O and C–C–O stretching in cellulose (remain unchanged). The role of extractives in weathering of pine is shown by the disappearance of Raman shifts at 392 and 434 cm?1 (C=C deformations in pine extractives) in weathered pine. One-Way ANOVA, between-group designs showed significant effect on brightness (L*), redness (a*) and yellowness (b*) for all treatments.  相似文献   

The flexural properties of wood–plastic composite (WPC) deck boards exposed to 9.5 years of environmental decay in Hilo, Hawaii, were compared to samples exposed to moisture and decay fungi for 12 weeks in the laboratory, to establish a correlation between sample flexural properties and calculated void volume. Specimens were tested for flexural strength and modulus, both wet and dry, at 23°C and 52°C. Some specimens degenerated to only 15% of original flexural strength. UV radiation had no impact on flexural properties of field-exposed boards; loss occurred mainly on the side opposite to the sun-exposed surface. The mechanism of the aging process on colonization of WPC by fungi was examined and is consistent with development of slow crack growth in the polyethylene matrix combined with wood decay by fungi. Wood particle decay, moisture, and elevated temperature were the major factors causing composite degradation, indicated by accumulation of voids and a severe decrease in flexural properties. To simulate long-term field impact (including decay) on WPC flexural properties in the laboratory, conditioning of specimens in hot water for an extended period of time is required. Exposure to water (70°C/5 days) was adequate for simulating long-term composite exposure in Hawaii of 4?×?15?×?86 mm3 specimens.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet–visible Spectrophotometer method for the determination of 2-thiocyanomethylthiobenzothiazole (TCMTB) in treated wood and wood preservative was developed. The determination was done after conversion of TCMTB to 2-mercaptobenzothiazole (2-MBT). This conversion was obtained by reaction with 0.1?M cystein alkaline condition (pH 10). The extraction of 2-MBT was carried out with ethyl acetate containing 0.2% of ?-mercaptoethanol after acidification with 2?M phosphoric acid (pH 2.5). The sample absorbance was measured at 324?nm wavelength with a calibration curve range from 10 to 90?ppm of TCMTB. The Regression value, R 2, achieved was 0.9998, while the precision, RSD, was <10% (n?=?6). The recovery was in the range of 90.7–103.2% (n?=?6). The result obtained with this colorimetric procedure is comparable to the HPLC–PDA method.  相似文献   

This paper presents the effects of particle size and mixing ratio on the properties including physical, mechanical, and decay resistance of wood plastic composites (WPCs). In addition, it also presents the effects of immersion temperatures on water absorption (WA) and thickness swelling (TS) of the WPCs. WPCs with a thickness of 6 mm were fabricated from Albizia richardiana King & Prain wood particles and recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET) by the flat-press method. To prepare the WPCs, two different wood particle sizes (0.5–1.0 and 1.01–2.0 mm) were used along with four different mixing ratios (w/w). Subsequently, the physical properties include density, moisture content, WA, and TS, and mechanical properties include modulus of elasticity (MOE) and modulus of rupture (MOR) of the produced WPCs was evaluated. Furthermore, decay resistance was evaluated by the weight loss percentage method. Moreover, the effects of immersion temperatures on WA and TS of WPCs after 24 h of immersion in water at three different temperatures, i.e., 25, 50, and 75 °C were investigated. Results showed that the wood particle size had impact on WPC’s density (only 6% decreased with the increase of particle size); however, the density decreased by 29% when the wood particle content increased from 40 to 70%. The WA and TS gradually increased with the increase of particle content and decrease of particle size. In addition, WA and TS increased proportionately with increasing immersion temperature from 25 to 75 °C. Furthermore, the highest MOE (2570 N/mm2) was found for the WPCs fabricated from large wood particles having the ration of 50:50 (wood particle:PET). For decay resistance, WPCs consisted of larger particles and higher PET content showed greater resistance against decay. Therefore, it is comprehensible that fabrication of the WPCs from 50% large particles and 50% PET is technically feasible and further improvement of WPC performance like enhancement of MOE and reduction of density using coupling agent and agricultural waste fibers, respectively, in the WPC formulation is recommended.  相似文献   

After exposure in the field and laboratory soil block culture testing, the void content of wood–plastic composite (WPC) decking boards was compared to unexposed samples. A void volume analysis was conducted based on calculations of sample density and from micro-computed tomography (microCT) data. It was found that reference WPC contains voids of different sizes from the micrometer range up to several cubic millimeters. Large voids were unevenly distributed within the composite sample. Void size and volume increased after conditioning the WPC in water at 70°C. Depending on the effect of exposure conditions, fungal decay during laboratory soil block testing increased the size and volume of voids. For laboratory samples, the calculated void volume was much higher compared to microCT-detected voids because of the limited resolution of the instrument on relatively large samples with many nano- and microvoids present in the material. In both laboratory and field samples, the creation of the voids resulted in a significant decrease in composite density. Decay damage observed as an increase in the size and volume of voids was particularly severe for boards exposed in the field. The calculated void volume in such samples was in reasonable agreement with voids detected by microCT.  相似文献   

Evolved gas analysis (EGA) in combination with analytical pyrolysis is presented as a new technique for rapid investigations into wooden materials. In a first analytical step, the thermal behaviour of three wood samples was determined by EGA. Based on these results, analytical pyrolysis–gas chromatography/mass spectrometry was carried out to investigate the influence of wood-specific thermal behaviour and the chemical composition on the results. Furthermore, the influence of sample mass and particle size was examined.  相似文献   

Summary  By measuring the proton spin–lattice relaxation times (T1H) in the solid-state for black spruce softwood, the molecular mobilities of carbohydrates and lignin have been evaluated as a function of pH. These studies have shown that the mobility of the polymeric constituents of wood is affected by the ionization of the different functional groups at different pH's. The analyses of the proton-spin–lattice relaxation time data at constant humidity revealed that the maximum T1H for both carbohydrates and lignin occurs at about neutrality, while it was found to be depressed at the two extremes of the pH range. By treating a wood sample with propylene oxide, the esterification of the acid groups was affected, thus deactivating the ionization process and their contribution to T1H. The experimental T1H values for cellulose and lignin after the esterification were significantly decreased at pH 6 confirming that their ionization plays a very significant role in determining chain mobility. Received 1 December 1998  相似文献   

We improved the overall performance of fast-growing poplar by utilizing a low-cost, effective and simple method. The fast-growing poplar was modified by a vacuum-pressure impregnation method with three...  相似文献   

This paper reviews recent findings on wood–water interaction and puts them into context of established knowledge in the field. Several new findings challenge prevalent theories and are critically discussed in an attempt to advance current knowledge and highlight gaps. The focus of this review is put on water in the broadest concept of wood products, that is, the living tree is not considered. Moreover, the review covers the basic wood–water relation, states and transitions. Secondary effects such as the ability of water to alter physical properties of wood are only discussed in cases where there is an influence on state and/or transition.  相似文献   

Currently computed tomography (CT) scanning provides a non-destructive method to determine moisture content in wood in three dimensions. With the current methodology two measurements are needed, one with the scanned piece of wood’s moist state and one after drying. Then the difference of the images can be calculated. The drawback and challenge is that dimensional changes due to shrinkage of wood in the drying process have to be compensated for by image processing. In this study a dual-energy CT scanning method is tested based on the consecutive scanning of wood samples at different energy levels to differentiate water from wood, without the necessity to dry the sample and thus without the need for complex image correction. Not quantified but visible differentiations due to moisture content were obtained on small cubical pine samples of different densities by quick consecutives scans at 60 and 200?kV. The results suggest that given that the pixels in the CT images are representing absorption coefficients it should be possible to directly measure moisture content in wood non-destructively in small volume elements inside solid wood in three dimensions. Further applications of this technique in industrial CT scanning of wood are discussed.  相似文献   

Wood–plastic composites (WPC) were produced with white birch pulp fibers of different aspect ratios (length-to-diameter), high-density polyethylene, and using two common processes: extrusion or injection molding. Three additive levels were also used: no additive, compatibility agent, and process lubricant. Fiber size was measured with an optical fiber quality analyzer. Tensile properties of WPC were measured and modeled as a function of fiber aspect ratio. Models were fitted to experimental values using the minimum sum of squared error method. A shift from the oriented fiber case (injection molding) to the randomly oriented fiber case (extrusion) was achieved using a fiber orientation factor. Fiber/matrix stress transfer increased with increasing fiber aspect ratio. Stress transfer was reduced with the use of process lubricant. Unexpectedly, the compatibility agent had the same effect. Fiber strength and stiffness contributions to the composite were lower than those of intrinsic fiber properties.  相似文献   

More than 200,000 tons of scallop shells are disposed annually alone in Japan. Nanoparticles derived from scallop shells have the potential to adsorb gaseous formaldehyde; therefore, such discarded shells have now been tested as additive filler in plywood adhesive by mixing high specific surface area, urea-modified shell nanoparticles with a resorcinol–formaldehyde resin. With this procedure, it was found that the emission of formaldehyde from the resulting plywood could be substantially reduced. The urea-modified scallop shell nanoparticles were prepared by two different methods: (1) a dry method where the shells were treated by planetary ball-grinding under ambient conditions—a completely dried powder was obtained after addition of the surface-modifying urea solution; (2) a moist method by treating dry ground shell particles in a wet grinding process with the urea solution, followed by centrifugation to obtain a paste. The specific surface area of the nanoparticles obtained by both treatments was 42 ± 3 m2/g. Measurement of the subsequent formaldehyde emission showed that the addition of the modified scallop shell nanoparticles substantially reduced the formaldehyde emission from plywood. The reduction of the specific mass uptake of urea depends on the nanoparticles which especially was the case when resins containing nanoparticles processed by the moist method were used.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to investigate the effect of liquefied wood (LW) on the cure kinetics and network properties of melamine–urea–formaldehyde (MUF) resins by differential scanning calorimetry. The MUF/LW compounds exhibited two distinct cross-linking processes. It can be assumed that there did not appear to be a coreaction of the MUF with the LW. The overall apparent activation energies (E a) of the curing reactions were calculated using the Kissinger equation. An nth-order kinetic model was used to describe the cross-linking of MUF/LW compounds, of various compositions, cured at different heating rates. The E a values for the cross-linking process of the MUF/LW compounds predominantly tended to be approximately 80 and 71 kJ mol?1 for MUF and LW, respectively. The apparent reaction orders of the MUF cross-linking process of the MUF/LW compounds were in the range 1–2, whereas the n values of the LW were approximately unity or less, which hints to there being a more complex mechanism of this process.  相似文献   

A new method based on scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM–EDX) was developed for visualizing the distribution of cesium ions (Cs+) adsorbed by Japanese cedar charcoal. After being soaked in saturated aqueous CsCl solutions, wood charcoal and regular wood samples were embedded in resin, and thin sections of sample were prepared for the Cs+ observations. The Cs+ ions on charcoal could be seen in EDX mapping images and also in line profiles with enough contrast to identify differences between the various carbonized cell wall regions. On the other hand, Cs+ could not be observed in the EDX mapping images of wood samples, despite having been soaked in a saturated aqueous CsCl solution. These results indicate that Cs+ adsorbed on charcoal can be visualized using this method, but not Cs+ in wood. Additionally, oxygen detected on the charcoal by EDX can be regarded as an indicator of the presence of surface functional groups.  相似文献   

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