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除草剂--草甘膦的正确使用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
草甘膦除草种类多,毒性低,对环境生态安全,是性能特别优异、国内产量最大的灭生性除草剂。目前,仅四川贝尔实业有限责任公司用自产草甘膦原药精制而成的就有10%草甘膦水剂、41%草甘膦异丙铵盐水剂(商品名:耘乐)、50%草甘膦可溶性粉剂(商品名:快而净)等近10个规格的系列产品。 相似文献
泰山WFB—18BC机的使用与保养新洲县植保站(431400)陈卫东泰山Rq7B—18BC型背负式喷雾喷粉机是在泰山WFB—18AC机的基础上加以改进而破制成功的,其功能及技术性能指标均有提高,为了使该机能够更好地发挥其作用,正确的使用方法和对机器进... 相似文献
5种杀虫剂超低容量液剂对玉米田草地贪夜蛾的防治效果 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
草地贪夜蛾是新入侵我国的迁飞性重大害虫,为害玉米的心叶、生长点及雄穗等,能引起严重的损伤、烂心、授粉不良等,导致玉米减产甚至绝产。本文评价了5种杀虫剂超低容量液剂通过低容量喷雾对玉米田草地贪夜蛾的防治效果。结果表明,在相同的原药成本下,6%甲维·茚虫威超低容量液剂和1%甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐超低容量液剂具有优异的保叶效果和杀虫效果,5%氯虫苯甲酰胺超低容量液剂在较低的用量下(有效用量1 g/667m~2)具有良好的保叶和杀虫效果,3%呋虫胺超低容量液剂对草地贪夜蛾幼虫基本无效,但有一定的保叶效果。 相似文献
机动喷雾器是一种新型的农业杀虫防病器械,它用混合油作燃料动作起来施放农药,具有先进、省时高效、经济环保、适用范围广泛的特性。于2007年在铜仁市的水稻、果树上开始推用,效果明显。 相似文献
机动喷雾器是一种新型的农业病虫害防治器械,主要用汽油、机油混合油燃料启动来喷施农药。具有先进、轻便、灵活、省工、省时、高效、经济环保和适用性广等特点。2006年在水稻、果树、茶叶、蔬菜上开始普及推广使用,效果明显。 相似文献
4种喷雾器在茶树上喷雾效果比较 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
[目的] 筛选出适合茶树病虫害防治的新型喷雾器。[方法] 对4种喷雾器进行额定喷雾压力下喷头流量、喷雾后雾滴在茶树有效沉积量以及地面流失量的比较试验。[结果] 静电喷雾器3WBJ 16DZ在0.5 MPa喷雾压力喷雾时喷头流量最大,为1 290 mL/min;在不同高度及距施药者不同距离的雾滴沉积分布比较中,在小区内投放相同质量指示剂的情况下,静电喷雾器3WBJ 16DZ喷雾雾滴的沉积量约为其他3种供试喷雾器喷雾雾滴沉积量的2~3倍,而其地面流失率却小于对照背负式手动喷雾器。[结论] 通过田间试验测定,静电喷雾器3WBJ 16DZ具有施药液量少、药液沉积量高等特点,适合在茶树上推广使用。 相似文献
An analysis comparing conventional and air-assisted sprayers indicates that even over relatively small areas air-assisted spraying offers advantages of both economics and efficacy. An analysis of Danish meteorological data from 1989 to 1991 indicates that, without including any savings on plant protection products, air-assisted sprayers proved most economic at total sprayed areas of over 600 ha, which with a typical Danish rotation equals a farm area of approx. 160 ha. Danish users of air-assisted sprayers claim reduction in their use of plant protection products of 25-30%. If more modest reductions of only 20 or 10% are considered, the break-even occurs at total sprayed areas of only 300 or 200 ha, equalling typical farms of 77 or 52 ha, respectively. 相似文献
WS-16型手动喷雾器田间试验初报 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
泾阳县植保站2001年组织开展WS-16型手动喷雾器田间除草试验示范,取得了较好的使用效果。这一药械在本县粮、棉、果、菜等病虫害防治中,已得到了群众的普遍认可。1材料与方法1.1供试器械WS-16型手动喷雾器(山东卫士植保机械有限公司,全国农技中心植保机械中试开发基地监制);市售工农-16型手动喷雾器。1.2供试药剂10%苯磺隆(又名麦乐乐)WP(河北宣化农药公司生产),剂量选用8g/667m2(商品量)。1.3试验设计试验安排在泾阳县泾干镇大训堡村。设WS-16型扇形喷头45L/667m2、30L/6… 相似文献
机动喷雾器棉田喷洒效果的调查 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了充分发挥机动喷雾器防治棉铃虫的优势,提高防治的效果,我们在2002年8月份,就改变机动喷雾器在棉田喷雾的行走方式做了调查,结果整理如下。 1 材料与方法 1.1 试验方法 改机头左右双向喷雾为单向喷雾,每次喷洒4行。药箱内所盛液体以红色墨水标识。在第3、4两行各选10株棉花,在倒1、倒3、倒5层果枝上的第2节位分别挂牌标记,每株3个,牌面大小为12cm2(3㎝×4㎝)。试验在彭泽县定山镇东光村进行,棉花株高1.25m~1.35m,厢宽1.2m,每厢单行移栽棉花。所用机动喷雾器为泰山牌。 1.2 调查方法 待药液干后,按不同部位分别统计各牌… 相似文献
L. Kasasian 《国际虫害防治杂志》2013,59(2):160-162
Abstract The winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus), a little known tropical legume, is currently attracting international interest as a plant that may have considerable agricultural potential. The plant has, until recently, been considered as a vegetable of minor importance and information on pests and diseases which attack it is scant, fragmented and often unpublished. Current information on false rust, a major disease of the winged bean in Papua New Guinea, is reviewed. The disease is also known to occur in Java, the Philippines and Malaysia. Any of the above ground parts of the winged bean may be attacked, resulting in severe galling and malformation. The causal agent is an obligate fungal parasite Synchytrium psophocarpi. The parasite is simple in structure, consisting of sori, sporangia and zoospores and has a short life cycle. Sporangia are short lived and dispersed mainly by wind. The parasite is thought to be host specific and it is not known whether resting spores exist. Possible methods for field control of the disease have not been tested. 相似文献
Amounts of spray drifting downwind from a field sprayer applying picloram or paraquat were determined and compared with the damage done to bean and barley plants. Measurements downwind of a stationary spray-boom showed that drift increases rapidly with both wind speed and boom height. It was concluded that it is possible to set a safe distance downwind for the application of a herbicide which affects plants only in the wetted areas but with a sensitive crop and many growth-regulating materials this will be very difficult. 相似文献
Summary: Résumé: Zusammenfassung A sprayer to apply herbicides to 1-m2 plots in the field in a manner closely related to conventional spraying systems, is described. Distribution of spray solution was less variable with the new sprayer than with the micro-plot sprayer previously used, Variations in spray distribution due to uneven propulsion of the sprayer by hand were less than that due to the nozzles and contributed little to the overall coefficient of variation. A nozzle-testing table did not predict the spray distribution achieved by the sprayer. Elaboration d'un nouveau type de pulvérisateur pour petites parcelles et prévisions de ses possibilityés au champ. Les auteurs decrivént un pulvérisateur destinéà I'application d'herbicides sur des parcelles de 1 m2, au champ, d'une manière très proche des systèmes de pulvérisation conventionnels. La distribution de la bouillie herbicide a été moins variableavec lenouveau pulvérisateurqu'aveccelui précédemment utilisé pour les micro-parcelles. Les variations dans la distribution du liquide pulvérisé provoquées par les irrégularitiés dc la propulsion manuelle du pulvérisateur, onl été inférieures à celles provenant des buses et n'ont contribué que pour une faible pan au coefficient global de variation. Une table d'essai des buses n'a pas permis de prtvoir la distribution de la pulvérisation effeciuée par le pulvérisateur. Entwickhtng eines neuen Kleinpariellen-Spritzgeräts und einige Anmerkungen ztim Feldeinsatz Eswirdein Herbizid-Spritzgerät fur 1 m2 grosse Feldparzellen beschrieben, mit dem die Applikation ahnlich wie mit herkömmlichen Spritzen durchgefiührl wird. Die Verteilung der Spritzflüssigkeit war mit dem neuen Gerät einheitlicher als mit dem früher verwendeten Kleinparzellcn-Spritzgerät. Die Schwankungen in der Brüheverteilung, bedingt durch ungleichmässigen Handbetrleb, waren geringer als die durch die Däsen verursachten und trugen wenig zum gesam-ten Slreuungskoefflzienten bei. Die Verteilung der Spritz-brühe stimmte nicht mit den Daten aus einer Düsenprüftabelle überein. 相似文献
The design, construction and performance of an experimental tractor-mounted machine to apply herbicides to small field plots is described. The machine has five spray units, each with five rotating discs. Uniform sized drops in the range from 150 to 350 μm can be produced with lipophilic, hydrophilic and emulsifiable formulations. Spray volumes can be varied from 5 to 120 1/ha. A preliminary assessment of the physical performance of the machine is presented. 相似文献
泰栢一号是一种纯天然有机制剂,本文以吡虫啉为对照药剂,分别在室内与田间测试了在常规使用和在高压静电喷雾条件下泰栢一号对蔬菜蚜虫的防治效果,结果表明,泰栢一号40X稀释液处理蚜虫48h后死亡率为3.36%,清水对照处理的死亡率为3.33%,二者间无显著性差异,而吡虫啉10 mg/L处理24h蚜虫的死亡率为78.86%.泰栢一号与高压静电喷雾器配合使用则表现出良好的杀虫效果,200×稀释液处理48h的蚜虫死亡率为62.22%,96h蚜虫死亡率为91.1%,这种纯天然有机物结合高压静电喷雾杀虫方法的发现,为蚜虫的无公害防治提供了一条新的途径. 相似文献
Sánchez-Hermosilla J Rincón VJ Páez F Agüera F Carvajal F 《Pest management science》2011,67(8):942-947
BACKGROUND: In the greenhouses of south‐eastern Spain, plant protection products are applied using mainly sprayers at high pressures and high volumes. This results in major losses on the ground and less than uniform spray deposition on the canopy. Recently, self‐propelled vehicles equipped with vertical spray booms have appeared on the market. In this study, deposition on the canopy and the losses to the ground at different spray volumes have been compared, using a self‐propelled vehicle with vertical spray booms versus a gun sprayer. Three different spray volumes have been tested with a boom sprayer, and two with a spray gun. RESULTS: The vehicle with the vertical spray boom gave similar depositions to those made with the gun, but at lower application volumes. Also, the distribution of the vertical spray boom was more uniform, with lower losses to the ground. CONCLUSIONS: The vertical spray booms used in tomato crops improve the application of plant protection products with respect to the spray gun, reducing the application volumes and the environmental risks of soil pollution. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献