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The survival of two economically important monogenean parasites, Benedenia seriolae and Zeuxapta seriolae, exposed to either naïve or infected yellowtail kingfish Seriola lalandi serum and mucus was observed over an 8-h period. Infection status of the host had no effect on survival of monogeneans in either serum or mucus therefore data were grouped according to each parasite. Serum exposure at the highest concentration of 1:5 did not have any effect on Z. seriolae, however, 50% killing activity against B. seriolae was observed within 3 h at concentrations greater than 1:100. This killing activity was completely abolished following heat treatment and inactivation of the serum. Prior incubation of parasites with heat-treated serum for 2 h in order to potentially coat the parasites with antibodies did not enhance the activity of fresh serum against either species. Addition of 5 mM EDTA, but not 5 mM EGTA-Mg, inhibited the killing ability of fresh serum against B. seriolae, suggesting that previously observed activity against this parasite was most likely mediated via the alternative complement pathway. Cutaneous mucus was not found to have any effect on B. seriolae or Z. seriolae survival. Overall these results suggest that the blood-feeding gill parasite Z. seriolae is considerably more resistant to host immune responses compared with skin- and mucus-dwelling B. seriolae.  相似文献   

利用2b-RAD技术对119尾黄条鰤(Seriola lalandi)个体进行测序,共获得黄条鰤SNP分子标记26665个,对黄条鰤个体的体质量和全长这2个重要生长性状进行全基因组关联分析,筛选与体质量和全长性状相关的SNP位点和候选基因。结果显示,黄条鰤体质量性状中共筛选到17个体质量显著关联的SNP位点,找到17个可能的候选基因,全长性状共筛选到12个潜在显著关联位点,找到12个可能的候选基因。利用KEGG数据库对可能的候选基因进行Pathway分析,得知候选基因主要参与了细胞或组织生长发育相关的代谢通路调控过程,可能是影响黄条鰤生长性状密切相关的重要候选SNP位点和功能基因,结果可为今后黄条鰤种质资源可持续利用和育种提供遗传信息资料积累。  相似文献   

Farming of yellowtail kingfish ( Seriola lalandi , Valenciennes, 1833) in the coastal waters of Australia is a relatively new aquaculture industry, and little is known about the magnitude of nutrient discharges from individual pens. In this work, we modelled the flow of nitrogen for each of two commercial pens in Fitzgerald Bay, upper Spencer Gulf, South Australia. The fish were fed commercial pellets with feed conversion ratios (FCRs) between 3.0 and 3.2 (dry weight feed/wet weight growth). These high values of FCR were reflected in the high nitrogen loads to the environment (176–195 kg N tonne−1 growth) and a small retention of nitrogen in fish growth (14–16% of feed inputs). Considering an annual production of 2000 tonnes, total loads to the environment can reach 391 tonnes N year−1. Eighty-two per cent of these loads are expected to be lost to the water column as dissolved wastes. The high nutrient loads and the importance of dissolved wastes compared with other aquaculture species, such as salmon and trout, reflect the distinctly higher metabolic rates of this pelagic predatory species. The nature of the wastes suggests low localized impacts at current production levels, but regional effects remain unknown.  相似文献   

The nutritional profile of dorsal and ventral portions of fillets from farmed yellowtail kingfish (YTK) (Seriola lalandi, Valenciennes, 1833) was assessed in winter and summer months to evaluate if there were differential distributions of proximate constituents, fatty acid composition and mineral content seasonally and through the dorso‐ventral axis. The proximate composition of YTK fillets varied between the two anatomical locations examined. In particular, a relatively large variation was observed in crude fat content, which decreased significantly from ventral to dorsal portions of the fillet and was inversely proportional to moisture and protein content. Higher crude fat content was also observed in the fish sampled in summer, compared to those sampled in winter. The omega 3/6 ratio remained constant between fillet portions but was significantly different between seasons (summer > winter). The index of nutritional quality for EPA and DHA was markedly different regarding to fillet portion and season (summer > winter, ventral > dorsal), and significant differences in the levels of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron were also evident between the seasons examined. This study clearly shows differences in nutritional profiles of fillets from farmed YTK in South Australia relative to anatomical location and season. The increase in knowledge gained from this study may lead to improved farm management practices of YTK, which may extend to other commercially relevant species to enhance the production of premium farmed products.  相似文献   

The ontogenetic development of size heterogeneity and aggression was monitored in commercial culture tanks of yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi Valenciennes). Size heterogeneity increased substantially with the introduction of Artemia as a food source at 12 days post‐hatch (DPH), and was correlated with the appearance of aiming behaviour, a precursor to more direct aggressive interactions. Chasing behaviour started at approximately 19 DPH (10–12 mm total length), with the main aggressors being large‐grade individuals comprising 8% of the population. At any one time, only 10–30% of this grade carried out all of the chases, meaning that a very small proportion of the entire population (1%) was responsible for most of the aggressive interactions. The main recipients of aggression were the small grade, comprising 42% of the population, while the medium grade (50% of the population) were generally not aggressive and received only a low to moderate level of aggression. A grading trial showed that large‐grade juveniles only displayed aggressive behaviour in the presence of size heterogeneity, and that medium‐ or small‐grade juveniles did not establish an agonistic hierarchy in the absence of large individuals. A high level of aggression in the ungraded control treatment was associated with mortality of most of the small individuals. Even in the absence of aggression, the small‐grade juveniles failed to gain weight or show an increase in the RNA/DNA ratio after 12 days. The large‐ and medium‐grade larvae showed an isometric increase in RNA/DNA ratio during development, indicating that faster‐growing individuals are likely the result of better food capture or processing traits rather than better protein synthesis rates. Decreasing size heterogeneity and aggression via grading mostly benefits the medium‐grade individuals, as the majority of small individuals within a batch appear to be on a degenerative developmental trajectory irrespective of an aggressive environment.  相似文献   

Infections by the gill fluke Zeuxapta seriolae are a serious concern for sea cage aquaculture of kingfish, Seriola lalandi. The present study aimed to determine the pathophysiological effects of a progressive infection with Z. seriolae and the effects of treatment with hydrogen peroxide. For the progression of infection study, infected fish were taken from a sea cage farm, treated to remove parasites and then infected by cohabitation with heavily infected fish. Samples were taken at 2-week intervals for 8 weeks. Infection intensity peaked at 4 weeks post-infection (mean intensity 565.9) and the number of mature worms (2 mm fixed length or larger) peaked at 6 weeks post-infection. Attachment of Z. seriolae appeared to cause little localized pathology; however, the occurrence of hyperplastic lamellae increased as the infection progressed. Haemoglobin concentrations were negatively correlated with Z. seriolae intensity and were lower than controls at 4 weeks (35.8% decrease) and 6 weeks (57.4% decrease) post-infection. Blood lactate concentration and plasma osmolality increased throughout the course of infection. For the effect of treatment experiment, groups of infected and non-infected fish were sampled either before or after treatment with hydrogen peroxide. Treated fish from both infected and uninfected groups had increased plasma lactate, osmolality and pH compared with pre-treatment groups. Treatment with hydrogen peroxide appeared to have acute effects on fish health but the magnitude (e.g. lactate, osmolality) and extent of the effects (e.g. haemoglobin) was much less than that caused by chronic infection with Z. seriolae.  相似文献   

First feeding success is critical to larval marine finfish and optimization of live feed densities is important for larval performance and the economics of commercial hatchery production. This study investigated various rotifer feeding regimes on the prey consumption, growth and survival of yellowtail kingfish Seriola lalandi larvae over the first 12 days post hatch (dph). The common practice of maintaining high densities of rotifers (10–30 ind. mL?1) in the rearing tank was compared to a low density feeding technique, where 5–8 ind. mL?1 of rotifers were offered. A ‘hybrid’ feeding regime offered rotifers at the high density treatment until 5 dph and the lower feeding densities thereafter. There was no significant difference in larval survival (hybrid: 28.9 ± 7%, low density: 17.3 ± 5% and high density: 17.2 ± 9%) or growth (hybrid: 6.12 ± 0.18 mm, low density: 6.03 ± 0.10 mm and high density: 6.11 ± 0.23 mm) between treatments. Rotifer ingestion was independent of rotifer density throughout the trial and increased with larval age, with larvae at 4 dph ingesting 22 ± 1.5 rotifers larvae?1 h?1 and by 11 dph ingesting 59 ± 1.6 rotifers larvae?1 h?1. These data demonstrate that from first feeding, yellowtail kingfish larvae are efficient at capturing prey at the densities presented here and consequently significant savings in rotifer production costs as well as other potential benefits such as facilitation of early weaning and improved rotifer nutritional value may be obtained by utilizing lower density rotifer feeding regimes.  相似文献   

A central problem facing worldwide culture of yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) is the presence of skeletal malformations, including jaw deformities. This study presents a morphological characterization of normal and abnormal cartilage jaw structures during early larval development. Samples of 70–150 larvae were collected from three cohorts from 2 to 9 days post hatching, anaesthetized and fixed for cartilage staining. Cartilaginous components were defined clearly at four days post hatch (dph) (4.65 ± 0.05 mm total length), and abnormal jaw structures were detectable at this time. Jaw deformities observed included extension of Meckel's cartilage with or without ventral bending of the anterior tip, displacement of ceratohyal and hypohyal cartilage ventrally and below Meckel's cartilage, and shortening and dorsal flexion of the lower jaw. At 4 dph, between 44% and 47% of all larvae examined had jaw abnormalities. The contribution of each deformity to the total number of deformities was variable among the three cohorts examined. To compare shape difference accurately we performed an exploratory, landmark‐based geometric morphometric analysis using seven homologous landmarks. Larvae were classified into three jaw morphology groups. The geometric morphometric approach provides a useful tool to standardize classification of cartilage jaw abnormalities at early developmental larval stages. Early recognition of developing abnormalities is of importance for fish farmers in both improving fish selection efficiency and for evaluating effects of rearing parameters.  相似文献   

The optimal time to wean fish larvae from live feed to artificial feed was explored in yellowtail kingfish Seriola lalandi (YTK). The same weaning regime started at five different days post hatching (DPH), namely 10 DPH (W10), 13 DPH (W13), 16 DPH (W16), 19 DPH (W19) and 22 DPH (W22). The activities of trypsin, lipase and alkaline phosphatase were detected in fish from 8 DPH throughout the experiment, but pepsin activity was first detected in fish on 15 DPH in the W10 and W13 treatments. The increase in pepsin activity was concomitant with the decrease in trypsin activity. Total fish lipids after weaning reduced by 40% in the W10 and W13 treatments, and increased by 20% in the W19 and W22. Fish survival rate in the W22 treatment was significantly higher than that in the W10 and W13 treatments. The results suggest that 16 DPH is the earliest day to wean and the best weaning window for YTK larvae should be 19–22 DPH. This study provides enzymatic evidence to guide the weaning process for YTK larvae, and offers a useful approach to explore optimal weaning time for fish larvae.  相似文献   

A 5 week experiment was carried out with juvenile yellowtail kingfish Seriola lalandi to investigate the interactive effects of water temperature (21, 24, or 27°C) and dissolved oxygen regime (normoxic vs. hypoxic) on the growth rate, feed intake and digestive enzyme activity of this species. Specific growth rate (SGR) was highest at 24°C, regardless of oxygen regime, but the SGRs of the fish exposed to hypoxia at 21, 24 and 27°C were 13%, 20% and 17% lower, respectively, than the SGRs recorded for the fish reared under normoxic conditions. The digestive enzyme activities (i.e. trypsin, lipase and α‐amylase) were influenced by temperature but did not appear to be affected by dissolved oxygen concentration. Information about the effects of water temperature and dissolved oxygen on feeding, growth and digestive capacity of juvenile yellowtail kingfish could contribute to improving feed management decisions for production of this fish species under different environmental conditions.  相似文献   

We investigated the first‐feeding success of two species: southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) and yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) to determine if similar culture parameters can be used for both, especially when S. lalandi are held in the same tanks as prey for T. maccoyii. The feeding performance (proportion and intensity) was examined in three short‐duration (4 h) experiments: prey density, prey size and larval density. Increasing prey density from 0.5 to 25 rotifers mL?1 increased the proportion of T. maccoyii and S. lalandi larvae feeding. Prey size alone did not affect feeding in either species. Seriola lalandi had a decreased proportion of larvae feeding when larval density reached 50 larvae L?1 concurrent with a gradual increase in feeding intensity between 2 and 50 larvae L?1. In T. maccoyii, there was no pattern to the effect of larval density on the proportion of larvae feeding. The overall feeding performance of larvae was higher in T. maccoyii than S. lalandi. Increased prey density improved the first‐feeding ability of T. maccoyii and S. lalandi larvae. The effect of larval density on S. lalandi feeding requires further investigation, to ensure that they remain feeding when provided as prey in T. maccoyii culture. The identification of factors in this study, which increase first‐feeding success, will improve the culture of both species.  相似文献   

Six dietary treatments were prepared in a 3 × 2 factorial design (unsupplemented or supplemented with Se at 1 or 2 mg kg?1 × supplemented with vitamin E at 40 or 180 mg kg?1) and fed to yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) for 6 weeks to evaluate the effects of dietary Se and vitamin E on growth performance, immune and antioxidant responses and to investigate the potential interaction between these two micronutrients in this species. The results have revealed significantly interactive effects with positive physiological responses. Se significantly increased weight gain of fish fed diets low in vitamin E, but not high in vitamin E, whereas serum lysozyme activity was significantly improved by Se in diets high in vitamin E, but not low in vitamin E. Moreover, there was evidence of myopathy in fish deficient in both Se and vitamin E, but not single deficiency. There was no significant effect of dietary Se, vitamin E or their interaction on survival, antibody titre, feed intake, feed conversion ratio and fillet proximate composition; however, fillet Se and vitamin E were significantly responsive to dietary Se and vitamin E, respectively, and higher dietary Se intakes produced significantly higher red blood cell glutathione peroxidase activity.  相似文献   

This study compared the efficacy of four products that are commonly used in hatchery for nutritional enhancement of rotifer Brachionus plicatilis as the starter food for yellowtail kingfish Seriola lalandi larvae. This experiment consisted of one fresh algae and three enrichment products: (1) Fresh algae were a mixture of Nannochloropsis and Isochrysis at 2:1 on a cell concentration basis; (2) S.presso, (Selco S.presso ®, INVE Aquaculture); (3) Algamac 3050® (Aquafauna, USA); (4) Nutrokol ® (Nutra‐Kol, Australia). Survival rates of the fish fed rotifers enriched with fresh microalgae (40.69%) and S.presso (31.21%) were higher than those fed Algamac 3050 (10.31%). On 3 day post hatch (DPH), fish feeding incidence in the fresh algae treatment was significantly higher than that in other treatments. On 6 DPH, fish showed the lowest feeding incidence in the Algamac 3050 treatment. The methods of enrichment did not affect total lipid levels in either rotifer or fish larvae, but Algamac 3050 enrichment achieved the highest DHA/EPA ratio and lowest EPA/ARA ratio in both rotifers and fish larvae. This study indicates that fresh algae can be replaced by S.presso, but Algamac 3050 is not as good as other formula for rotifer enrichment in rearing yellowtail kingfish larvae in this system.  相似文献   

Poor swimbladder inflation leads to low fish survival due to resulting spinal deformities and the inability to feed and develop normally. Failure of swimbladder inflation may be attributed to the inappropriate range of abiotic conditions. This study investigated the effects of temperature, light source and intensity, and oxygen conditions on initial swimbladder inflation, growth and survival of yellowtail kingfish Seriola lalandi larvae. The study consisted of four separate trials including low (21.5°C) and high (24.5°C) temperatures, natural and artificial light sources, low (1000 lux) and high (32 000 lux) light intensities, and ambient and supersaturated dissolved oxygen. Initial swimbladder inflation was only significantly affected by light source, with the highest inflation rate (97.5 ± 3.5%) under artificial light. Fish growth was improved at the higher temperature and at the higher light intensity. Survival was only significantly influenced by light intensity, with the highest survival (11.0 ± 2.3%) at the high intensity (32 000 lux). This study indicates that light source affects swimbladder inflation timing and high artificial light intensity improves larval fish growth and survival.  相似文献   

The effects of salinity on plasma osmolality, branchial chloride cell density, feed consumption and conversion and growth performance of yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) were evaluated. Fish (11.6 ± 0.6 g) were kept for 29 days at 14, 18, 22, 26 (experimental) and 30 g L?1 (control) salinity in independent, pilot‐scale recirculation aquaculture systems. No differences in plasma osmolality or chloride cell numbers in gills were observed, pointing to a strong osmoregulatory capacity in the juveniles. Fish at 14, 18 and 22 g L?1 (7.61 ± 0.19, 7.61 ± 0.01 and 7.61 ± 0.13% day?1, respectively) had higher growth rates than fish at 26 and 30 g L?1 (7.10 ± 0.05 and 6.97 ± 0.06% day?1 respectively). The higher growth rate at lower salinity resulted from increased feed intake; feed conversion was not different. An evaluation of the impact of salinity on growth rate of on‐growing stages (till market size) seems warranted to assess whether the profitable effects of low salinity persist in later stages of this important aquaculture species.  相似文献   

用传统的微生物学分离培养方法从斑点叉尾鮰的鳃、肠和肝等器官共分离到16株可疑病原菌(编号为WJ01~WJ16),以提取的基因组DNA为模版,扩增出约600bp大小的16S rDNA片段,测序分析表明:与GenBank数据库中的已知序列相比,16株细菌中有9株同源性在98%以上,5株在95%以上,2株为92%。系统发育分析表明这16株细菌明显的聚为3支。  相似文献   

The bitterness of racemic praziquantel (Rac‐PZQ) constrains its use as an in‐feed treatment against monogenean flukes in finfish aquaculture. Evidence exists in mammals that the R‐(?) enantiomer of PZQ is less bitter than the S‐(+) enantiomer. If fish exhibit this same response, then the recently described techniques for the large‐scale resolution of R‐(?)‐PZQ from Rac‐PZQ could facilitate the wide‐spread application of this effective anthelmintic compound via feed. The hypothesis that yellowtail kingfish Seriola lalandi would find R‐(?)‐PZQ more palatable than Rac‐PZQ and S‐(+)‐PZQ was tested in four trials. During the first three trials, the palatability of diets top‐coated with 10 g kg?1 of Rac‐PZQ or its two enantioseparated isomers were compared in small (85–160 g) and large (1.2 kg) yellowtail kingfish. A fourth trial compared the palatability of R‐(?)‐PZQ and Rac‐PZQ at dietary inclusion levels of 2.5, 5.0 and 10.0 g kg?1 in small yellowtail kingfish (170 g). Ingestion data showed that R‐(?)‐PZQ to be no more palatable than either Rac‐PZQ or S‐(+)‐PZQ to yellowtail kingfish, regardless of size. Indeed, evidence suggested that the S‐(+)‐PZQ to be slightly more palatable than both R‐(?)‐PZQ and Rac‐PZQ. From these data, we hypothesize that the strong smell of R‐(?)‐PZQ (which was not present in S‐(+)‐PZQ) is an equally important determinant to palatability as taste in yellowtail kingfish. Results demonstrate that dietary inclusion level is a more important determinant to palatability than PZQ chirality; however, administration of R‐(?)‐PZQ may still be advantageous if it is demonstrated to be the only enantiomer efficacious against monogeneans.  相似文献   

Bacterial haemolytic jaundice caused by Ichthyobacterium seriolicida has been responsible for mortality in farmed yellowtail, Seriola quinqueradiata, in western Japan since the 1980s. In this study, polymorphic analysis of I. seriolicida was performed using three molecular methods: amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis, multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and multiple‐locus variable‐number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA). Twenty‐eight isolates were analysed using AFLP, while 31 isolates were examined by MLST and MLVA. No polymorphisms were identified by AFLP analysis using EcoRI and MseI, or by MLST of internal fragments of eight housekeeping genes. However, MLVA revealed variation in repeat numbers of three elements, allowing separation of the isolates into 16 sequence types. The unweighted pair group method using arithmetic averages cluster analysis of the MLVA data identified four major clusters, and all isolates belonged to clonal complexes. It is likely that I. seriolicida populations share a common ancestor, which may be a recently introduced strain.  相似文献   

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