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Historically, veterinary medical students' mental health has rarely been investigated, but recently there has been renewed interest in this topic. The present study evaluated depression and anxiety levels in a cross-sectional investigation of 93 first-year veterinary medical students enrolled at Kansas State University (KSU). During their first semester, students completed the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) and the Mental Health Inventory's Anxiety Scale (MHI-A). Results indicate that 32% of these first-year KSU veterinary students were experiencing clinical levels of depressive symptoms. Additionally, students reported elevated anxiety scores. Predictors of depression and anxiety levels include homesickness, physical health, and unclear instructor expectations. Areas of intervention with a focus on improving veterinary medical student well-being are discussed.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: This paper outlines the design and implementation of an innovative communication skills training program at the Ontario Veterinary College (OVC). Based upon the body of research in human medical education reporting effective results through the use of standardized patients (SPs) for this type of training, an experiential learning laboratory using simulated clients (SCs) and patients was introduced to first-year veterinary students. METHOD: One hundred and four first-year students were assigned to 12 groups of eight or nine students plus a facilitator. Each student interacted with a simulated client and a patient while being observed by peers and a facilitator. The Calgary-Cambridge Observation Guide (CCOG) was used to guide students and facilitators with performance standards and feedback. Assessment strategies were utilized. RESULTS: Implementation of this program required extensive resources, including funding, expertise, facilitator training, time allotment in an already overburdened curriculum, and administrative and faculty support. Preliminary assessment revealed high student and facilitator satisfaction. The potential of this program for student education and assessment was recognized, and it will be expanded in years 2 and 3 of the DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) curriculum. CONCLUSIONS: Medical educators have created resources, including skills checklists and experiential learning modalities, that are highly applicable to veterinary medical education. Ongoing evaluation of the program is essential to determine whether we are meeting expectations for communication competency in veterinary medicine.  相似文献   

This qualitative study seeks to determine the nature of the instruction librarians provide to veterinary medical students at all 28 United States veterinary colleges. A secondary goal of the study was to determine in what ways and to what extent librarians participated in other instructional activities at their colleges. Over half of the librarians formally taught in one or more courses, predominantly in the first two years of the veterinary curriculum. One presentation per course was most common. Over half of the librarians interviewed stated that evidence-based veterinary medicine was taught at their colleges, and about half of these librarians collaborated with veterinary faculty in this instruction. Many librarians participated in orientation for first-year veterinary students. The librarians also taught instructional sessions for residents, interns, faculty, graduate students, and practicing veterinarians. This study found that librarians teach information literacy skills both formally and informally, but, in general, instruction by librarians was not well integrated into the curriculum. This study advances several recommendations to help veterinary students develop information literacy skills. These include: encourage veterinary faculty and administrators to collaborate more closely with librarians, incorporate a broader array of information literacy skills into assignments, and add a literature evaluation course to the curriculum.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the impact of academic and non-academic stressors on depression levels in a longitudinal investigation of 78 first-year veterinary medical students enrolled at Kansas State University (KSU). Students completed the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale during their first and second semesters to evaluate the dependent variable, depression. Students provided information about specific stressors and relevant demographic variables that yielded independent variables. One-third of veterinary medical students surveyed in their first and second semesters reported depression levels above the clinical cut-off; 15% of the sample experienced an increase in depression of at least one standard deviation, despite the apparent stability of the proportion of students experiencing significant depressive symptoms. Students whose depression scores increased by one standard deviation or who maintained scores above the clinical cut-off score were identified as struggling. Struggling students reported more first-semester homesickness and academic concerns, along with difficulty fitting in with peers and poorer perceived physical health during the second semester. This study helped to identify those students most prone to develop or maintain concerning depression scores. The discussion section addresses specific suggestions for intervening with struggling students.  相似文献   

RATIONALE FOR THE STUDY: In 2000, funding was awarded by the University of Glasgow's Learning and Teaching Development Fund (L&TDF) for the authors to develop an interactive, online learning resource for veterinary biomolecular sciences teaching. This course is a core component of the veterinary undergraduate curriculum at the university. Evaluations were carried out to gauge students' experiences of using the resource as a basis for exploring students' attitudes toward online, independent learning. METHODOLOGY: Peers were asked to review the design and content of four modules, also evaluated by students using questionnaires and focus group discussions. Additionally, students were observed using the modules. Both first-year students and second-year direct-entry students (i.e., students entering the veterinary program with advanced training) participated in the evaluation, which allowed for some comparison between the groups. One cohort used the modules independently, and their responses were compared with the cohorts that used the modules in scheduled classes. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The evaluations indicate that this is a useful resource that could act as a template for other courses within the veterinary undergraduate curriculum, particularly for learning of basic sciences. On average, first-year and timetabled students rated the program more highly overall, rated the program more highly in relation to previous instruction, and rated tutor presence as more important than second-year direct-entry and independent students did. The lower rating given to tutor presence by second-year direct-entry and independent students indicates that they are more confident using the modules without tutor supervision.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of demographic and experiential factors on first-year veterinary students career choices and attitudes to animal welfare/rights. The study surveyed 329 first-year veterinary students to determine the influence of demographic factors, farm experience, and developmental exposure to different categories of animals on their career preferences and on their attitudes to specific areas of animal welfare and/or rights. A significant male gender bias toward food-animal practice was found, and prior experience with particular types of animals--companion animals, equines, food animals--tended to predict career preferences. Female veterinary students displayed greater concern for possible instances of animal suffering than males, and prior experience with different animals, as well as rural background and farm experience, were also associated with attitude differences. Seventy-two percent of students also reported that their interactions with animals (especially pets) had strongly influenced the development of their values. Animals ranked second in importance after parents in this respect. The present findings illustrate the importance to issues of animal welfare of the cultural context of past experience and influences on attitude development. The results also suggest that previous interactions with animals play a critical role in guiding veterinary students into their chosen career, as well as in helping to determine their specific employment preferences within the veterinary profession. From an animal welfare perspective, the dearth of women choosing careers in food-animal practice is a source of concern.  相似文献   

Tablet computers offer a new method of information management in veterinary medical education. With the tablet computer, students can annotate class notes using electronic ink, search for keywords, and convert handwriting to text as needed. Additional electronic learning resources, such as medical dictionaries and electronic textbooks, can be readily available. Eleven first-year veterinary students purchased tablet computers and participated in an investigation of their working methods and perceptions of the tablet computer as an educational tool. Most students found the technology useful. The small size and portability of the tablet allowed easy transport and use in a variety of environments. Most students adapted to electronic notetaking by the second week of classes; negative experiences with the tablet centered on a failure to become comfortable with taking notes and navigating on the computer as opposed to writing and searching on paper. A few performance-related problems, including short battery life, were reported. Tablet software allowed conversion of faculty course notes from a variety of original formats, meaning that instructors could maintain their original methods of note preparation. Adopting a consistent naming convention for files helped students to locate the files on their computers, and smaller file sizes helped with computer performance. Collaboration between students was fostered by tablet use, which offers possibilities for future development of collaborative learning environments.  相似文献   

Students in veterinary schools can experience stress in balancing the different demands on them-academic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and professional or work related-as well as managing potential conflict between animal and human interests. Practicing veterinarians report many similar stressors and reactions. Stressful stimuli produce stress reactions that can be inimical to physical and psychological well-being, and students' performance in veterinary programs can be adversely affected if they do not have coping resources. While there has been some research into stress among university students in general, and among medical students in particular, there is little on the experience of veterinary students. This article describes a study by the School of Psychology, commissioned by the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, at Murdoch University in Western Australia. It was designed to investigate the levels and causes of stress among, and the frequency and type of coping strategies used by, fourth- and fifth-year students. Results indicate that the students in this cohort faced frequent stressors and felt at least moderately stressed but did not routinely and systematically use a range of coping strategies. Academic stressors and perceived responsibilities attached to moving into practical or professional areas figured strongly and were associated with higher levels of stress in the students, in particular physical sequelae. Though the numbers were small, it is of concern that some students were using measures that were potentially harmful. Some recommendations are made here about measures that veterinary programs may be able to incorporate to address stress in their students. Information is included on current strategies within the curriculum to manage potential stressful situations as part of students' professional development.  相似文献   

With the Journal of Veterinary Medical Education's recent summer 2005 theme issue on stress, the mental-health concerns of veterinary medical students has been brought to the forefront of the field. Since it is anticipated that research on this topic will continue and that educational institutions may implement changes based upon these results, it is of the utmost importance that this research be of the highest quality. Of particular concern with human-subject inquiries are response rates and confidentiality. In order to accommodate these concerns, an example of a survey research protocol that promotes high response rates and minimizes threats to internal validity influenced by student mistrust in assurances of confidentiality is presented. Specifically, the protocol is designed to ensure anonymity and to preserve the ability to track students longitudinally through the use of anonymous longitudinal identifiers. This protocol was tested with the first-year class of veterinary medical students at Kansas State University in October 2004 and March 2005. The two data collection periods yielded 90% and 76% response rates, respectively. The matching rate of participants, according to the anonymous longitudinal identifiers from Time 1 to Time 2, was 88%.  相似文献   

Students in veterinary schools can experience stress in balancing the different demands on them-academic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and professional or work related-as well as managing potential conflict between animal and human interests. Practicing veterinarians report many similar stressors and reactions. Stressful stimuli produce stress reactions that can be inimical to physical and psychological well-being, and students' performance in veterinary programs can be adversely affected if they do not have coping resources. While there has been some research into stress among university students in general, and among medical students in particular, there is little on the experience of veterinary students. This article describes a study by the School of Psychology, commissioned by the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, at Murdoch University in Western Australia. It was designed to investigate the levels and causes of stress among, and the frequency and type of coping strategies used by, fourth- and fifth-year students. Results indicate that the students in this cohort faced frequent stressors and felt at least moderately stressed but did not routinely and systematically use a range of coping strategies. Academic stressors and perceived responsibilities attached to moving into practical or professional areas figured strongly and were associated with higher levels of stress in the students, in particular physical sequelae. Though the numbers were small, it is of concern that some students were using measures that were potentially harmful. Some recommendations are made here about measures that veterinary programs may be able to incorporate to address stress in their students. Information is included on current strategies within the curriculum to manage potential stressful situations as part of students' professional development.  相似文献   

Objective To provide information on changes in the social and educational backgrounds of veterinary students over a 10 year period in an effort to determine the extent to which they are representative of the community.
Methods Questionnaires were completed by first-year veterinary students at The University of Queensland in 1985 and 1986 (152 students), and 1995 and 1996 (154), and the data were analysed using the SAS System for Windows.
Results The gender ratio of first-year veterinary students was 50:50 (male:female) in 1985 and 1986 but 10 years later it had changed to 38:62. In 1985 and 1986 77% had come directly from school, with 43% of the total coming from government schools, 17% from Catholic schools and 34% from other private (Independent) schools. A decade later the percentage coming directly from school had decreased to 40%, that from Independent schools increased to 45% and that from cities increased from 53% to 64%. The educational backgrounds of parents varied widely though a high percentage had university degrees; mothers had received less formal education than fathers, and the educational attainments of both parents were higher at the beginning than at the end of the study. More than half (57% initially; 67% 10 years later) the fathers were in professional or managerial occupations, and a similar number (50% initially; 48% 10 years later) of mothers were teachers, nurses or clerks. The number of males from country areas decreased from 26 to 16 over this period.
Conclusion These veterinary students differed from the community generally in that progressively more were female, more were from Independent schools, their parents had more formal education and more of their parents were in professional, managerial or clerical occupations.  相似文献   

Although veterinary medicine endorses high moral character and adherence to a code of ethics, to our knowledge, virtually no studies have examined the influence of veterinary medical education on the moral development of its students. Using the Kohlberg standard moral judgment interview, this study examined that relationship in a sample of 20 veterinary medical students (16.0% of the veterinary college's student body). The students were tested at the beginning and at the end of their veterinary medical education to determine whether their moral reasoning scores had increased to the same extent as those of other postgraduate students. It was found that normally expected increases in moral reasoning did not occur over the four years of veterinary medical education for these students, suggesting that their veterinary medical educational experience somehow inhibited their moral reasoning ability rather than facilitated it. With a range of moral reasoning scores between 313 and 436, the mean increase from first year to fourth year of 12.5 points was not statistically significant. Statistical analysis revealed no significant correlations between the moral reasoning scores on age or gender, although there were significant correlations with Medical College Admissions Test scores and grade point average scores.  相似文献   

Veterinary students completed an online survey regarding personal and academic concerns they experienced during their first year of veterinary school. Quantitative results showed a high degree of stress and anxiety among the study participants as well as concerns about time management and study skills. Quantitative analysis using chi-square tests revealed significant associations between concerns about study skills and the independent variables of relationship status and time since obtaining an undergraduate degree. Results of a thematic analysis undertaken with the qualitative data provide further insight into first-year experiences, indicating concerns about the intensity of the program and especially about time commitment, the amount of information students were expected to learn, and the amount of material they were expected to memorize. Another theme revealed that students did not feel academically prepared for some of their first-year courses, which led to their not liking those courses for which they lacked appropriate groundwork. Other themes highlighted the students' desire for more clinically relevant experiences during their first year as well as surprises regarding the maturity level of classmates and the level of support offered by professors. Given the results of this study, suggestions for counselors and others who work with veterinary students are provided.  相似文献   

Leadership skills are important for many facets of professional life, but no known leadership training programs exist in North American veterinary schools. It was the purpose of this project to develop, deliver, and evaluate a leadership program for first-year veterinary students. Leadership attributes emphasized in the course included effective communication, openness to learning from others, self-awareness, commitment beyond self-interest, motivation, decision making, understanding issue complexity, and team building. The five-day course was delivered to 21 new veterinary students randomly selected just prior to their first-year orientation in the fall of 2000. Participants ranked themselves higher than non-participants in a post-course evaluation on their ability to be effective leaders. Participants reported an increase in self-confidence and a clearer understanding of their leadership roles. Participants also noted new support systems among co-participants and expressed a new ability to consider complex issues more broadly. Most reported that they frequently used enhanced skills in giving and receiving feedback and team building. Other leadership tools identified as valuable included negotiation, group dynamics, a structured approach to problem solving, time management, and an awareness of personal learning style preferences as a means to improve communication.  相似文献   

Concerns about new trends in the veterinary profession in several industrialized countries have received significant attention recently. We conducted an online survey among first-year veterinary students enrolled between 2005 and 2008 in France's four National Veterinary Schools (Ecoles Nationales Vétérinaires [ENV]) to inquire into what determined future graduates' practice-area interests and how they built a concept of their future work. A total of 1,080 students-or 70% of first-year students-responded to the survey. These students were predominantly of middle and higher social classes and most of them lived in urban areas. About 96% of the respondents had made the ENV their first choice when taking the entrance examination. In total, 39.7% declared "vocation" as the leading factor influencing their career choice. Together, the three leading practice types (wild animals, pets, and mixed) contemplated by students after graduating amount to 64.7% of the points awarded. Practice types that are not directly related to animal health were disregarded in this analysis. The results convey both how early and how firmly the choice of the veterinary career is made. They highlight the preponderance of the image of the veterinarian as an "animal doctor," the gap between the respective proportions of practice areas in the current employment pattern of veterinarians, and the aspirations of students upon admission to the ENV. A longitudinal study after one year is needed to test whether or not these career choices change during the five years of the ENV program under the influence of teaching and extramural studies.  相似文献   

Transition into higher education requires students to adjust to a new environment while showing greater independence in managing their own academic and personal life. This is often more difficult for international students who have to adjust to a different country, culture, and potentially another language. A cohort of first-year veterinary medicine students (17% international students) was investigated at a UK university using qualitative and quantitative questionnaires rating first-year experience and support services and statistical analysis of students' assessment performance. While the overall undergraduate perception was that they had learned a lot and progressed well, students in both groups struggled to cope with the workload. The non-UK educated students and students with English as a foreign language also struggled more with teaching delivery in lectures and participation in self-directed group learning and were more likely to feel that the veterinary degree program was too difficult. There was no statistical difference in how British and international students perceived the support system, although it was noticeable that the level of tutorial support was perceived as tutor-dependent. The international students particularly struggled with the assessments in early modules and also with the spot assessment method. However, in the practical assessments, using observed, structured practical exam stations, international and British students performed equally well. Increased support in the initial transition time, especially with regard to communication skills and confidence required for interactive teaching and learning environments such as small-group teaching, as well as increased time for specific assessment types, might benefit the needs of many international students.  相似文献   

RATIONALE FOR THIS STUDY: This article describes and evaluates two molecular biology practical classes based around the theme of genetic susceptibility to scrapie in sheep. These practical classes allow students to experience a range of molecular biology techniques in the context of a clinically based genetic disease. METHODOLOGY: The two molecular biology practical classes described are evaluated in terms of their perceived usefulness to study by first-year veterinary medicine students. The students' ratings are then assessed in relation to the approaches to studying (i.e., deep, strategic, and surface). These dimensions of learning are measured using the 52-item Approaches to Studying Inventory (ASI). RESULTS: The overall ratings from students in relation to both the practical classes were found to be positive. The scrapie genotyping practical was the highest-ranking laboratory-based practical in the first-year curriculum. Ratings in terms of usefulness to studies for both practical classes were found to be significantly higher for students with higher deep learning scores. CONCLUSION: The practical classes described here provide a clinically relevant scenario within which molecular biology concepts and methods can be illustrated to veterinary students. The positive correlation with deep learning is more evident for the scrapie genotyping practical than for the DNA extraction practical. This may reflects the complexity of the former, which is greater both technically and conceptually.  相似文献   

The process of obtaining a veterinary medical education creates a number of potential cognitive, emotional, physical, interpersonal, and developmental stressors for veterinary students. Although most universities offer stress management interventions for their students, these programs are often directed toward undergraduate students or non-veterinary graduate students, whose educational programs differ significantly from those of veterinary students. There is a need for specific stress management programs tailored to the needs of veterinary students. This article summarizes research drawn from the psychology, medical, and veterinary medical literature about the causes of stress that veterinary students experience. Interventions are discussed, and several Oregon State University (OSU) programs and liaisons are described. Stress management resources are suggested.  相似文献   

This study measured the attitudes of 55 medical students and 30 veterinary medical students as they participated in an experiment of collaborative teaching and learning about basic surgical skills. Two parallel forms of an attitude questionnaire were developed, with three subscales: confidence in one's own surgical skill; collaboration with the other type of student; and inter-professional collaboration in general. These attitude scales were administered before and after an experiment involving the veterinary medical students teaching the medical students incision and exploratory laparoscopy in a laboratory setting using live rabbits. After the experiment, measures of the medical students' attitudes had increased significantly on all three subscales. Measures of the veterinary students' attitudes increased significantly on two subscales but declined on the subscale of inter-professional collaboration.  相似文献   

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