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The effects of postharvest application of aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) and 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) on ethylene production and fruit quality, and thus on transportation and shelf-life, were evaluated in melting-flesh peaches. AVG (150 mg L−1) significantly reduced ethylene production, and the effect was enhanced in combination with 1-MCP (1 μL L−1). However, fruit treated with AVG alone softened to untreated control levels 2 d after harvest (DAH). Treatment with 1-MCP significantly reduced the rate of softening until 2 DAH, but the fruit rapidly softened thereafter, and reached untreated control levels by 4 DAH. A combination of AVG and 1-MCP significantly reduced fruit tissue softening throughout ripening. The effect of each chemical on flesh firmness indicated that 1-MCP affected fruit response in the early stages of ripening up to 4 DAH, and AVG significantly reduced softening in the latter stages from 4 to 9 DAH. Peaches treated with AVG and 1-MCP retained their ground color during ripening, but the effect of each chemical on color is unclear. The present study indicates that combined treatment with AVG and 1-MCP significantly delays the ripening of melting-flesh peaches.  相似文献   

Fruit of cv. Monthong durian (Durio zibethinus) were treated with 0 (control) or 500 nL L−1 1-MCP for 12 h at 25 °C. Fruit were then stored at 15 °C. To determine storage life, every 3 days a batch of fruit was transferred to 25 °C. The time to ripeness (adequate eating quality) at 25 °C in controls (no 1-MCP) decreased from 5 days in freshly harvested fruit to 3 days after 18 days of storage at 15 °C. Storage life was considered adequate if the time to ripeness was ≥3 days. The storage life at 15 °C of control fruit (no 1-MCP) was therefore 18 days. After the 1-MCP treatment the time to ripeness at 25 °C was 7 days in fresh fruit, while in fruit stored at 15 °C for 30 days it was about 3 days. The storage life at 15 °C of 1-MCP-treated fruit was therefore 30 days. Pulp firmness and pulp total soluble solids (TSS) were determined after 3 day storage intervals at 15 °C and when the fruit was ripe at 25 °C. These parameters were only slightly affected by the 1-MCP treatment. Furthermore, 1-MCP had no effect on pulp color, but delayed yellowing of the fruit exterior. It is concluded that treatment with 1-MCP before storage at 15 °C extended storage life from 18 to 30 days.  相似文献   

The effect of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) on shelf-life and postharvest quality of sweet basil detached leaves was examined. Treatment with 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 g m−3 1-MCP for 8 h was conducted at 15 °C in the dark. After the treatment the leaves were packed in polyethylene bags then sealed and stored at 20 °C. All 1-MCP concentrations significantly increased the shelf-life of leaves compared to the untreated control, and leaf weight loss with 1-MCP treatment was minimal. 1-MCP treatment significantly retarded the degradation of chlorophyll and protein content of detached leaves during storage and decreased leaf ethylene production. 1-MCP treatment also significantly retarded the decrease of volatile oil percentage in detached leaves during storage compared to the control. Among 1-MCP concentrations, 0.4 g m−3 resulted in the maximum shelf-life as well as improved postharvest quality of the leaves. The results clearly indicate that a single treatment with 1-MCP may provide a feasible technique for extending the shelf-life and maintaining higher volatile oil percentage of sweet basil leaves.  相似文献   

Molecular genetic mapping of peach   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
E. Dirlewanger  C. Bodo 《Euphytica》1994,77(1-2):101-103
Summary A project to develop a linkage map of the peach (Prunus persica) genome is underway using an F2 population segregating for several morphological characters and pest resistance e.g., nectarine (g), weeping shape (pl) and aphid resistance (Rml). The RAPID technique was used to analyse 270 plants. Linkage analysis of the F2 population was performed using the MAPMAKER software. Eight linkage groups were established and RAPID markers flanking thepl gene were found.  相似文献   

1-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP as SmartFresh™ technology), an ethylene antagonist, was evaluated for affecting postharvest decay caused by Alternaria alternata, Botrytis cinerea, and Fusarium spp. on ‘Quality 23’ and ‘Seminis 35’ tomatoes at green or pink stages. Fruit with natural or artificial infection were subjected to 1-MCP at 0.0 μL L−1, 0.6 μL L−1 for 12 h, and 1.0 μL L−1 for 6 h. After 31-42 d storage, disease incidence and severity of individual diseases in 1-MCP treated fruit was significantly reduced compared with that of the untreated controls, except in one inoculated test for ‘Quality 23’ where severity of Alternaria rot in 1.0 μL L−1 treated fruit were significantly higher than that of the untreated control. Fruit treated with 1-MCP at 1.0 L−1 for 6 h also had significantly higher incidence of Alternaria rot in the inoculated ‘Quality 23’ and in the non-inoculated ‘Seminis 35’ compared with the fruit treated with 1-MCP at 0.6 μL L−1 for 12 h. The results of this study indicate that 1-MCP can reduce postharvest decay within a certain storage period.  相似文献   

Abscission or retention of ripening fruit is a major component of seed dispersal strategies and also has important implications for horticultural production. Abscission-related traits have generally not been targeted in breeding efforts, and their genetic bases remain mostly unknown. We evaluated 144 Malus accessions representing wild species, domestic cultivars, and hybrids for abscission-related traits. We found that seasonal timing of fruit abscission in wild species and hybrids showed a broad distribution similar to that seen for domestic cultivars, and that internal ethylene concentration at the time of abscission varied by over three orders of magnitude. Wild species, domestic cultivars, and hybrids all included representatives that showed abscission of fruit prior to substantial production of ethylene, as well as accessions that retained fruit for a significant period of time following ethylene production. For all accessions that retained fruit, fruit removal resulted in abscission of the pedicel, and exogenous ethylene promoted abscission, suggesting that the abscission zone was functional. Our results suggest important roles for mechanisms independent of fruit ethylene production in abscission.  相似文献   

Summary The almond of commerce (Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Webb) is self-incompatible (SI) and requires honey-bees to effect the transfer of pollen among cultivars that flower simultaneously. Four year old trees from the F2 generation of several peach x almond hybrids were studied to determine whether self-compatibility (SC) and the potentiality for natural, i.e., abiotic, self pollination (NSP) are genetically related or are inherited independently. Both SC and the high potentiality for NSP are characteristic of peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) but not almond. Forty percent of SC genotypes exhibited adequate NSP (SC, +NSP) for good fertility i.e., without insect-mediated pollination. The remaining 60% of SC genotypes (SC,-NSP) exhibited an average 61% reduction in fruit set on limbs bagged to exclude honeybees during anthesis relative to fruit set on open pollinated limbs. Our data are consistent with the concept that fertility is dependent upon the load of compatible pollen deposited on the stigma. Fruit set reduction on bagged limbs, compared with bagged and self-pollinated limbs, was presumably due to a) lack of/insufficient pollination for fertilization and/or b) post-zygotic abortion of genetically inferior recombinants. Selection following manual self-pollination may result in SC genotypes with or without the capacity for NSP. In contrast, significant fruit set on limbs enclosed during pistil receptivity necessitates that the genotype selected express both SC and the potentiality for NSP.  相似文献   

The effect of multiple 1-MCP treatments prior to the establishment of controlled atmosphere (CA) storage on the quality of ‘McIntosh’ and ‘Empire’ apples [Malus × sylvestris (L.) Mill. var. domestica (Borkh.) Mansf.] was investigated. Fruit were harvested on three occasions over a 1 week period, and at each harvest cooled overnight and 1-MCP applied the following day. Fruit from the first or second harvests were treated again or for the first time when fruit from each successive harvest was treated. CA conditions were established after the last 1-MCP treatment and fruit were stored for up to 8 months. Delays in 1-MCP application generally resulted in progressively higher internal ethylene concentrations (IECs) at the time of treatment and lower firmness both at the time of treatment and after storage. Multiple 1-MCP applications kept IECs low and maintained firmness compared with single applications that were applied after 4 d. For ‘McIntosh’, external CO2 injury was more prevalent after storage if fruit were treated without delays after harvest for earlier harvests while later harvests were less affected. For ‘Empire’, flesh browning was more prevalent in fruit from later harvests and 1-MCP treated fruit had higher levels than untreated fruit. Either early 1-MCP treatment or multiple treatments reduced senescent breakdown in ‘McIntosh’, and core browning and greasiness in ‘Empire’.  相似文献   

Summary Retention of pollen grains following natural self-pollination was evaluated in 15 cultivars (cvs.) of almond, 4 peach and 2 nectarine cvs., and 37 interspecific peach × almond hybrids compared to 7 almond seedlings. The level of pollen retention was presumed to reflect and integrate the degree of homogamy, the amount of pollen produced by the flower, the extent of anther-stigma contact during anthesis, and the level of pollen germination. Pollen retention averaged 5 times greater in the peach and nectarine cvs. than in the almond cvs. The greater pollen retention, characteristic of the peach, was dominant in expression in the interspecific F1 hybrids over the lower levels of pollen retention, characteristic of the almond. Thus, gametophytic self-incompatibility is not the only trait supporting outcrossing in the almond. Our data are consistent with the concept of co-evolution of floral traits relating to different breeding strategies. The level of pollen retention could often be anticipated at anthesis on the basis of blossom phenotype. That is, stigma-anther contact was observed frequently in the blossoms of peach, nectarine, and the peach × almond F1 hybrids, but only infrequently in almond.  相似文献   

Ethylene production is enhanced by wounding during fresh-cut processing and the accumulation of this gas within the packages of fresh-cut fruit can be detrimental to their quality and shelf-life. The effect of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), an ethylene action blocker, applied before or after processing, on the quality of fresh-cut kiwifruit, mangoes and persimmons was evaluated during storage at 5 °C. Fresh-cut ‘Hayward’ kiwifruit slices softened at a slower rate and their ethylene production rate was decreased in response to 1-MCP application (1 μL L−1 for 6 h at 10 °C) either before or after processing. A 2-min dip in 0.09 M (1%, w/v) CaCl2 synergistically increased the effect of 1-MCP on firmness retention and 1-MCP did not affect the color (L* value) of fresh-cut kiwifruit slices. Softening and browning (decreasing L* value) were delayed when 1-MCP was applied directly on fresh-cut ‘Kent’ and ‘Keitt’ mango slices. Respiration rate of mango slices was not influenced by 1-MCP whereas the ethylene production was affected only towards the end of their shelf-life. Fresh-cut ‘Fuyu’ persimmons treated with 1-MCP after processing presented higher ethylene production rate, slower softening rate and slower darkening of color (decrease in L* value), whereas the respiration rate was not affected.  相似文献   

David Ruiz  Jose Egea 《Euphytica》2008,163(1):143-158
Fruit quality attributes were studied for two consecutive years in forty-three apricot cultivars and selections grown in a Mediterranean climate. Physical parameters (weight, size, flesh and skin colour, percentage of blush, firmness and percentage of dry matter), chemical parameters (total soluble solids content and acidity) and sensory parameters (attractiveness, taste, aroma and texture) were evaluated. A high variability was found in the set of the evaluated apricot genotypes and significant differences were found among them in all studied quality attributes. Year-by-year variations were observed for some pomological traits such as harvest date, flesh colour, fruit weight, firmness and soluble solids content. A high correlation was found among some apricot quality attributes. In addition, principal component analysis (PCA) made it possible to establish similar groups of genotypes depending on their quality characteristics as well as to study relationships among pomological traits in the set of apricot genotypes evaluated.  相似文献   

Summary It was attempted to overcome crossing barriers between the cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), the melon (C. melo L.) and two wild Cucumis spp. (C. metuliferus Naud. and C. zeyheri 2x Sond.) by application of aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) and by limiting the amount of rooting substrate. The reciprocal crosses between both wild species were used as a model system.Crosses between C. metuliferus and C. zeyheri 2x succeeded well if the maternal plants were grown in containers of 10 or 25 1 instead of in open soil. This treatment also improved crossability in the cross C. metuliferus x C. melo. It strongly enhanced the number of female flowers per plant in C. metuliferus. Application of AVG to pollinated flowers initially seemed also to improve crossability in these cross combinations, but later on this effect was not found again.Significant genetic variation for crossability was found in C. zeyheri 2x. Rare plants yielded numerous fruits with embryos after crosses with C. metuliferus and also with C. sativus. Clones from these plants gave similar results.Excessive temperature and radiation decreased crossability especially in crosses with C. metuliferus and C. sativus as maternal parent.  相似文献   

Summary During the period 1988–90, several germplasm collecting trips were made to all republics of former Yugoslavia. A total of 56 old apple cultivars, many of which are represented in up to 5 types, 38 old pear cultivars and 367 genotypes of vineyard peaches were collected. The availability of so much genetic and genotypic wealth made it possible to start apple disease resistance breeding and peach cultivar and rootstock breeding programmes.  相似文献   

Persimmon (Diospyros kaki Thunb.) fruit undergoes intensive cell wall modification during postharvest fruit softening. Xyloglucan metabolism is important in cell wall disassembly. We cloned cDNAs for two xyloglucan endotransglycosylase/hydrolase genes (DkXTH1 and DkXTH2) from ‘Saijo’ persimmon fruit treated with dry ice to remove astringency. In order to determine the ethylene dependence of XTH gene expression, fruit were exposed to 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), an inhibitor of ethylene action, prior to removal of astringency. Ethylene production increased in mature control and 1-MCP-pretreated fruit after dry-ice treatment, and flesh firmness decreased to the same extent during dry-ice treatment in the control and 1-MCP-pretreated fruit. After dry-ice treatment, control fruit softened completely, but fruit firmness was maintained in 1-MCP-pretreated fruit. Accumulation of DkXTH1 mRNA was induced simultaneously with commencement of ethylene production in mature control fruit. Pretreatment with 1-MCP delayed accumulation of DkXTH1 mRNA. DkXTH2 expression also coincided with fruit softening but was intensified by 1-MCP treatment during the deastringency treatment. These results indicate that fruit softening was related to both DkXTH1 and DkXTH2 expression in ‘Saijo’ persimmons.  相似文献   

Environmental variance components associated with year, tree, and harvest date were estimated for fruit softening after harvest in apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) to determine their relative importance and design optimum sampling strategies to discriminate genotypes in apple breeding. Fruit were stored after harvest under 20± 2 C and 80± 5%RH. Softening was evaluated by adapting the change in firmness during storage to a linear regression and defining the regression coefficient as the softening rate. Environmental variances associated with genotype × year interaction, among trees, year × tree interaction, and among harvest dates were all very small, namely, 2.7, 0.1, 5.2, and 5.7%, respectively, to the total variance obtained from the analysis of variance for the softening rate. The variance associated with genotype, at 57.3%, was very large. On the basis of the number of fruit necessary for firmness measurements, two times harvest is an efficient strategy to determine a genotype mean for the softening.  相似文献   

In strawberry, Fragaria × ananassa Duch., fruit, two different endo-β-1,4-glucanase genes, FaEG1 and FaEG3, also named Cel1 and Cel2, are expressed during the softening process that occurs during fruit ripening. It has also been suggested that FaEG3, which contains a putative cellulose-binding domain, could play a key role in fruit development, since previous attempts to down-regulate this gene through transgenesis have been unsuccessful. In this investigation, we obtained transgenic strawberry plants containing an antisense sequence of the FaEG3 gene under the control of the 35S promoter. Ripened fruit from transgenic lines (Acel lines) showed large variation in FaEG3 silencing, but fruit firmness was similar to control fruit in all the lines. Two Acel lines showing almost 95% reductions in FaEG3 mRNA levels were selected for further study. In these lines, FaEG3 down-regulation was high, from 78 to 95%, at all fruit developmental stages, whereas FaEG1 was only slightly suppressed. In spite of the high FaEG3 silencing achieved, EGase activity was not modified in ripe fruit. At the cell wall level, walls from transgenic ripe fruit contained a significantly higher amount of the 4 M KOH fraction, which is enriched in hemicellulosic polymers. The analysis of this fraction by size exclusion chromatography showed that transgenic cell walls contained a smaller amount of higher molecular mass polymers than controls. Altogether, these results indicate that FaEG3 does not play a key role either in fruit development or fruit softening. However, its silencing affects the amount and, in a minor way, the size of hemicellulosic polymers.  相似文献   

Summary Phenotypic stability of bacterial leaf spot resistance in peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) regenerants, either selected at the cellular level for insensitivity to a toxic culture filtrate of Xanthomonas campestris pv. pruni or screened at the whole plant level for resistance to X. campestris pv. pruni, was investigated. A detached-leaf bioassay was used to evaluate the original regenerants again after three years in the greenhouse and also after a two to three year cycle of tissue culture propagation. Peach trees derived through micropropagation from the original regenerants were also evaluated after one to three years growth in the field. Although leaf spot resistance was retained in some regenerants over time in the greenhouse, following in vitro propagation, and under field conditions, resistance was either lost or not expressed in others. Regenerants # 19-1 and #156-6, derived from embryo callus of bacterial spot susceptible Sunhigh, were significantly more resistant than Sunhigh. High levels of resistance were exhibited in greenhouse plants and field-grown trees of regenerant #122-1, derived from embryo callus of moderately resistant Redhaven. This research provides additional evidence that selecting or screening for somaclonal variants with disease resistance is a feasible approach to obtaining peach trees with increased levels of bacterial spot resistance.Abbreviations TC Tissue-Cultured - TF Toxic culture Filtrate  相似文献   

Apricots are climacteric fruits with a high susceptibility to flesh softening and loss of flavor during postharvest storage, and most of the ripening processes are regulated by ethylene, which also has an effect on its own biosynthesis. To understand this process in apricot, inhibition of ethylene biosynthesis and perception was performed for studying key genes involved in the ethylene biosynthetic pathway. Apricots, cv. “Patterson”, were harvested with yellow-green ground color and immediately treated with either the ethylene perception inhibitor 1-methyl cyclopropene (1-MCP) at 10 μL L−1 or the ethylene biosynthesis inhibitor aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) at 1 g L−1. After treatment, quality and physiological attributes such as firmness, color, total soluble solids, acidity, fruit weight, ethylene production and respiration rates were evaluated every 2 d until they ripened at 20 °C. Gene expression analysis was performed by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). Both ethylene inhibitors were effective in reducing ethylene production, respiration rate and fruit softening. Three 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic-acid synthase (ACS) genes were characterized, but only the expression of ACS2 was highly reduced by ethylene inhibition, suggesting a key role in ethylene synthesis at ripening. Contrarily, ACS1 and ACS3 showed a higher expression under ethylene inhibition suggesting that the corresponding genes are individually regulated in a specific mode as observed in other climacteric fruits. Finally, changes in 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic-acid oxidase genes did not show a consistent pattern of ethylene modulation.  相似文献   

The absorption coefficient μa measured at 670 nm in fruit pulp at harvest by time-resolved reflectance spectroscopy (TRS) has been shown to be a good maturity index for early nectarine cultivars. By including individual fruit maturity as a biological shift factor (BSF) into a kinetic model for softening it is possible to select fruit with different shelf-life potential. The BSF approach combined with TRS measurement and kinetic modeling of firmness was applied to a late maturing nectarine cultivar (‘Morsiani 90’), ripened at 20 °C after harvest or after storage at 0 °C and 4 °C, the latter conditions inducing chilling injury. At harvest the absorption coefficient μa had low values and low variability, indicating advanced maturity, while firmness was similar to that of early cultivars. The softening model took into account these differences, showing parameters similar to those of the early cultivars with the exception of the softening rate which was 2-6 times lower, indicating a slower softening in ‘Morsiani 90’ fruit. Decay of μa at 20 °C was also slower. Softening continued during storage at 4 °C, but not at 0 °C. After storage at 0 °C softening was resumed similarly to non-stored fruit, but with much variability. Fruit stored at 4 °C, which showed chilling injury, had a softening rate at 20 °C significantly higher than that of 0 °C fruit. It is suggested that the same changes in cell wall metabolism which induce the appearance of chilling injury also affect firmness and increase softening rate.  相似文献   

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