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Abstract. In response to the European Community Nitrate Directive (91/676) a catchment scale Geographical Information System (GIS) model of nitrate leaching has been developed to map nitrate vulnerability and predict average weekly fluxes of nitrate from agricultural land units to surface water. This paper presents a pilot study which investigated the spatial variability of soil nitrates in order to: (1) define an appropriate pixel size for modelling N leaching; (2) quantify the within-unit variability of soil nitrate concentrations for pasture and arable fields; and (3) assist in the design of an efficient sampling strategy for estimating mean nitrate concentrations. Soil samples, taken from two 800 m transects in early September 1994, were analysed for water soluble nitrate. The arable soils had a mean nitrate-nitrogen concentration of 0.693 μg/g (S.E. 0.054 μg/g) and the pasture soils had a higher mean nitrate-nitrogen concentration of 0.86 μg/g (S.E. 0.085 μg/g). Spatial variability was investigated using variograms. The pasture data had a weak spatial relationship, whereas the arable data exhibited a strong spatial relationship which fitted a spherical variogram model (r2 0.87), with a range of 40 m. A pixel size of 40 m is suggested for nitrate modelling within the GIS based on the arable variogram and an improved sampling strategy for model validation is suggested, involving bulking sub-samples over a 40 m grid for estimating mean nitrate concentrations in combined land use and soil units.  相似文献   

Abstract. Growing cover crops during the winter before spring-planted crops is often suggested as an effective method to decrease nitrate leaching. A four-course crop rotation (potatoes-cereal-sugarbeet-cereal) was followed through two rotations on a sandy soil in the English Midlands. Three management systems were imposed on the rotation to test their effects on nitrate loss. The effects of cover crops on nitrate leaching and crop yields were compared with the more conventional practice of over-winter bare fallow before potatoes and sugarbeet.
Cover crop N uptake was variable between years, averaging 25 kg ha−1, which is typical of their performance on sandy soils in the UK. The cover crops usually decreased nitrate leaching but their effectiveness depended on good establishment before the start of drainage. Over 7 years, cover crops decreased the average N concentration in the drainage from 24 to 11 mg l−1. Potato yield and tuber N offtake increased after cover crops. Ware tuber yield increased by an average of c . 8%; this was unlikely to be due to additional N mineralization from the cover crop because the potatoes received 220–250 kg fertilizer N ha−1, and non-N effects are therefore implicated. Sugar yield was not increased following a cover crop.
After 8 years of nitrate-retentive practices, there were no measurable differences in soil organic matter. However, plots that had received only half of the N fertilizer each year contained, on average, 0.14% less organic matter at the end of the experiment.  相似文献   

Abstract. Nitrate leaching under newly planted Miscanthus grass was measured for three years. The crop received either no fertilizer-N or an annual spring application of 60 kg or 120 kg N ha-1. During three winters soil water was collected from porous cup probes installed 90 cm deep. Nitrate leaching was calculated from the mean drain flow recorded in two drain gauges multiplied by the mean nitrate-N concentration in the soil water solutions collected. In the first year soil water nitrate concentrations were high on all treatments and N losses were 154, 187 and 228 kg ha-1 respectively on the unfertilized treatment and those that received 60 or 120 kg N ha-1. Leaching losses in the second and third years were, in turn, 8, 24 and 87 kg ha-1 and 3, 11 and 30 kg ha-1 for the unfertilized treatment and for the 60 and 120 kg N ha-1 treatments respectively. Leaching losses were closer to those recorded under extensively managed grassland than arable land. The large losses in the first year were probably due to the previous agricultural management at the site and excessive inputs of N on the fertilized plots. In the second and third year, lower drainage volumes may also have influenced losses. The results show that Miscanthus , once established, can lead to low levels of nitrate leaching and improved groundwater quality compared with growing arable crops.  相似文献   

Abstract. Nitrate leaching and pasture ( Lolium perenne / Trifolium repens ) yields were measured on monolith lysimeters (80 cm diam. × 120 cm depth) of a Templeton sandy loam soil (Udic Ustochrept), following repeated applications of dairy shed effluent (DSE) or ammonium fertilizer (NH4Cl), under spray (50 mm/month) or flood (100 mm/month) irrigation. Applications of DSE at 400 kg N/ha per annum resulted in significantly less nitrate leaching (8–25 kg N/ha per yr) compared with NH4Cl (28–48kg N/ha per yr) ( P < 0.01). Over the two year period, the total mineral N (predominantly nitrate) leached was equivalent to 2.5–3.7% of the total N applied in the DSE and 8.7–9.8% of the N applied in the NH4Cl. There was a trend of slightly less nitrate leaching under the flood irrigation than under the spray irrigation, probably because of the greater potential for denitrification under the wetter conditions. Average nitrate concentrations in the leachate were generally below the drinking water standard except in the NH4Cl treatment under spray irrigation where it averaged 10 mg NO3-N/l over the two year period. DSE was equally as effective as NH4Cl in stimulating pasture dry matter production. Annual nitrogen uptakes were similar for the DSE (343 kg N/ha) and NH4Cl (332–344kg N/ha) treatments in the first year but were higher in the DSE (361–412 kg N/ha) than in the NH4Cl (324–340 kg N/ha) treatments in the second year. Pasture uptakes of phosphorus and sulphur were also higher in the DSE than in the NH4Cl treatments in the second year. The results emphasize the need to set different regulatory limits for land application of organic wastes of various types and for N fertilizers.  相似文献   

Abstract. The large input of research effort on aspects of nitrate leaching over the last two decades has produced many innovative scientific and practical results. The MAFF Nitrate Programme has enabled considerable progress to be made in unravelling much of the complexity of the grassland nitrogen (N) cycle, and identifying gaps as essential first stages in providing improved managements for N in grassland systems. From a practical standpoint, there have been key outputs which have allowed the identification of options for policy, and which should allow grassland farmers to increase the efficiency of N use throughout their farming system and thereby improve the sustainability of their enterprises. As well as quantifying N transformations, transfers and losses, other important outcomes have been the development of user-friendly models of N cycling (NCYCLE and variants) and an easy to use field kit to determine mineral N in pasture soils. The use of modelling to produce fertilizer recommendations with a Decision Support System and of new approaches developed within the Programme, in particular system synthesis desk studies, and 'farmlet' investigations to determine the consequences of modifying N flows and losses, have allowed us to produce solutions to satisfy the dual aims of meeting environmental and economic production targets.  相似文献   

Abstract. Nitrate leaching was measured over the eight drainage seasons spanning the nine years from 1990–1998 on the 157‐year old Broadbalk Experiment at Rothamsted, UK. The weather pattern of two dry, three wet and three dry years was the dominant factor controlling nitrogen (N) loss. Both the concentration of nitrate in the drainage waters and the amount of N leached increased with the amount of N applied, mostly because of long‐term, differential increases in soil organic matter and mineralization. On average, losses of N by leaching were 30 kg ha?1yr?1 when no more than the optimum N application was applied and were typical of amounts leached from arable land in the UK. Losses increased significantly in both amounts and as the percentage of N applied for supra‐optimal applications of N and from autumn‐applied farmyard manure (FYM). Extra spring‐applied fertilizer was very effective at increasing yields on plots given FYM in the autumn but at the expense of leaching losses three times those from optimum fertilizer N applications. Losses increased after potatoes because they left significant amounts of mineral N in the soil, and decreased after forage maize because it used applied N more effectively. Losses measured 120 years ago from identical treatments were 74% greater than current losses because of today's larger yields and more efficient varieties and management practices. Average concentrations of nitrate in drainage waters did not exceed the EU limit of 11.3 mg NO3‐N l?1 until supra‐optimal amounts of N fertilizer (>150–200 kg ha?1yr?1) were applied in spring or FYM was applied in autumn. However some drainage waters from all plots, even those that have not received fertilizer for >150 years, exceeded the limit when rain followed a dry summer and autumn. Nitrate leaching into waters will remain a problem for profitable arable farming in the drier parts of Eastern England and Europe despite increased N use efficiency.  相似文献   

Abstract. The mean extractable sulphur (S) concentration in 315 upland topsoil samples collected in 1988/89 from beneath pasture in NE Scotland was 13 μg S g−1 (range 2–77 μg S g−1). More than two thirds of the samples had S concentrations less than that acceptable for productive soils. Continued decreases in atmospheric S inputs may have increased this proportion subsequently. The analysis of herbage S also indicated that two-thirds of the samples were below 0.2% S. A 'respirometric index', namely CO2 produced during cellulose decomposition without added S as a percentage of that produced with added S, was significantly less than 100% in a quarter of the soils. Results of three different extraction procedures suggested that sulphate in the soils was present mainly as free plus adsorbed rather than precipitated forms. Soil extraction identified a significant non-sulphate S fraction, presumably organic S. The variability in extractable S stemmed from a combination of geographical, depositional and local site and soil factors. Extractable S was significantly correlated with soil organic matter content and inversely with soil pH and together these factors explained 37% of the variability. While significant differences in mean concentrations between geographical area, soil association and drainage status were evident, no trends could be observed between the major soil subgroups or with altitude.  相似文献   

Abstract. A study of the leaching losses of nitrate under urine patches in irrigated and non-irrigated dairy pastures in the South East of South Australia was undertaken with repacked and monolith lysimeters 1 m deep, and with monolith lysimeters 150, 300 and 450 mm deep. The aim was to quantify differences in measurements of drainage and nitrogen fluxes for these different lysimeters. Drainage of water and N flux were found to vary significantly between types and depths of lysimeters. Drainage volumes in repacked lysimeters were 78% and 33% more than in monolith lysimeters in irrigated and non-irrigated paddocks, and N fluxes were 5 and 3 times higher in repacked lysimeters respectively. The results indicate that lysimeter estimates of recharge rates and N fluxes to water tables are best determined by leaching studies which are longer term, and use deep monolith lysimeters. Shorter term studies and the use of shallow or repacked lysimeters have potential to distort conclusions.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effect of drought between summer 1995 and 1997 on stream and river nitrate concentrations was investigated using sites close to the long-running meteorological station in Oxford, UK. Nitrate concentrations in the River Windrush were relatively low during the drought, but after it had ended reached the highest level since records began in 1973. The low concentrations during the drought probably reflect a reduced contribution from agricultural runoff. High nitrate concentrations were found in a field drain at Wytham Environmental Change Network site during and after the drought, but discharge was greatly reduced. A woodland stream at Wytham had much lower nitrate concentrations than the field drain but these similarly increased during and after the drought. There was evidence that both a concentrating effect of low water volumes and enhanced soil nitrogen mineralization and nitrification rates were causing concentrations to rise. The effects of mineralization and nitrification were more important in woodland than agricultural land. Nitrate load over the course of a year was determined largely by discharge, but steeper gradients for the relationship between cumulative load and cumulative discharge were seen during and after the drought than before, reflecting the higher concentrations.  相似文献   

Abstract. Flow and nitrate concentrations were measured weekly for four years at twelve stream-water monitoring sites in a catchment in the English Midlands designated as a Nitrate Advisory Area. Farm surveys and satellite images have provided soil and land use information. Measurements show the nitrate load to be dominated by discharge, with large variability due to differing weather conditions from year to year. Within-year variability in nitrate concentrations is also related to weather conditions, with high concentrations when field capacity is reached if this occurs late in the year. There is also clear evidence of dilution of nitrate during intense storms. The effect of changing weather conditions makes it impossible to identify catchment-scale changes in leaching due to changes in agricultural practice over a period as short as four years. Measurements from a major spring in the catchment show an increasing trend in nitrate concentrations through the period. There is some evidence that the greatest N leaching to streams in the catchment is associated with intensive grassland on soils which are naturally poorly drained.  相似文献   

Abstract. The catchment simulated comprises 57 hectares of heavy clay soil managed as six arable fields. Mole and pipe drains carry surplus water into two ditches, one feeding into the other. Their combined flow was passed through a flume with an automatic water sampler, samples from which were analysed for nitrate. Measurements of nitrate concentration made during periods of water flow from 1990 to 1993 were simulated using a model comprising sub-models for leaching, mineralization, nitrogen uptake by crops and subsoil denitrification. The simulations were plotted against the measurements. For statistical evaluation, the correlation coefficient was used to assess the degree of association between the measurements and the simulations and the mean difference to assess the agreement. The correlation between the simulations and the measurements was significant in two of the three seasons, but the mean difference was significant in all three. However, taking all three seasons together gave a very highly significant correlation and a non-significant mean difference.  相似文献   

Modeling nitrate leaching from grazed pasture A method for estimating nitrate concentrations in seepage water under pastures using the model WASMOD was developed. Urin-N and dung-N input by grazing cattle was calculated as a function of stocking rate, length of grazing, and amounts of urin-N and dung-N excreted (data from literature). Urin-N was modeled as NH4+-fertilizer, dung-N as fresh organic matter (C/N ratio 18.6:1). The model was tested using average stocking rates on pastures and mowing pastures inside the waterworks ‘Föhr-West’ catchment area and a long-term climate scenario (35 yr). The modeled average nitrate concentration (55.5 mg l−1) agreed well with the average nitrate concentration measured in the public wells (59.5 mg l−1). Model studies indicate that the nitrate concentrations in seepage water can be reduced by 40% if the cattle graze only 9 hours per day and no longer than until mid of September.  相似文献   

Investigating preferential flow in a large intact soil block under pasture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. A large soil block was constructed to determine the importance of preferential flow routes compared with matric flow pathways at a pasture site in mid-Devon. The sandy loam soil was well structured and uniform. The soil block measured 5 m×3 m×1 m and was instrumented with an array of 54 tensiometers, TDR wave guides and suction samplers connected to an in situ chloride analysis system. Four steady state irrigation experiments were conducted with a range of rainfall intensities. During each experiment chloride and nitrate tracers were applied and the patterns of movement were observed. Although the application of tracer was uniform and the soil was relatively homogeneous, there was large variability across the block in terms of time taken to reach the peak concentration (TPC) and the peak concentration itself. About 44 samplers operated at the greatest intensities (10–2 mm h−1) and only 35 at the smallest (1 mm h−1). No relationship was found between TPC and depth. The fastest TPC and largest concentrations were associated with the greatest rainfall intensities. Relative importance of the individual water pathways was a function of soil heterogeneity: parts of the soil block were highly active with several pathways having short TPCs and conductivities in excess of 4 m day−1 whereas other areas had longer TPCs and conductivities of 1–2 m day−1. The pattern was also dynamic, with conductivities of the pathways changing through time, though most of the faster pathways maintained their greater conductivities for more than one year.  相似文献   

Abstract. Field peas (Pisum sativum L.) were grown in sequence with winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) or spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in large outdoor lysimeters. The pea crop was harvested either in a green immature state or at physiological maturity and residues returned to the lysimeters after pea harvest. After harvest of the pea crop in 1993, pea crop residues (pods and straw) were replaced with corresponding amounts of 15N‐labelled pea residues grown in an adjacent field plot. Reference lysimeters grew sequences of cereals (spring barley/spring barley and spring barley/winter wheat) with the straw removed. Leaching and crop offtake of 15N and total N were measured for the following two years. These treatments were tested on two soils: a coarse sand and a sandy loam. Nitrate concentrations were greatest in percolate from lysimeters with immature peas. Peas harvested at maturity also raised the nitrate concentrations above those recorded for continuous cereal growing. The cumulative nitrate loss was 9–12 g NO3‐N m–2 after immature peas and 5–7 g NO3‐N m–2 after mature peas. Autumn sown winter wheat did not significantly reduce leaching losses after field peas compared with spring sown barley. 15N derived from above‐ground pea residues accounted for 18–25% of the total nitrate leaching losses after immature peas and 12–17% after mature peas. When compared with leaching losses from the cereals, the extra leaching loss of N from roots and rhizodeposits of mature peas were estimated to be similar to losses of 15N from the above‐ground pea residues. Only winter wheat yield on the coarse sand was increased by a previous crop of peas compared to wheat following barley. Differences between barley grown after peas and after barley were not statistically significant. 15N lost by leaching in the first winter after incorporation accounted for 11–19% of 15N applied in immature pea residues and 10–15% of 15N in mature residues. Another 2–5% were lost in the second winter. The 15N recovery in the two crops succeeding the peas was 3–6% in the first crop and 1–3% in the second crop. The winter wheat did not significantly improve the utilization of 15N from the pea residues compared with spring barley.  相似文献   

Abstract. Experiments were set up at two sites to measure nitrogen (N) leaching loss from applications of separated pig/cattle slurry and cattle farmyard manure(FYM), during winters 1990/91–1993/94 (site A) and from broiler litter and FYM, during winters 1990/91–1992/93 (site B). The manures were applied at a target rate of 200 kg ha-1 total N during the autumn and winter to overwinter fallow or top dressed onto winter rye. The total N in leachate was calculated from leachate N concentrations, in samples collected using ceramic cups buried at 90 cm, and an estimate of drainage volume. Nitrogen losses were greatest following manure applications in September, October and November but losses following applications in December or January were not significantly elevated above those from untreated controls. Losses were consistently lower from FYM than from broiler litter or separated slurry. The presence of a cover crop (winter rye) significantly reduced overall N leaching compared with the fallow, but only reduced the manure N leaching losses at one site during one winter when a high proportion of drainage occurred late. The incorporation of a nitrification inhibitor (DCD) with manures applied in October did not significantly reduce the manure N leaching.  相似文献   

Abstract. The MAFF Nitrate Programme has provided policy makers and the agricultural industry with a much improved understanding of soil nitrogen cycling, and the cost-effectiveness of a range of nitrate reduction strategies. This understanding has been disseminated as improved economically-based advice on fertilizer N inputs to arable and grass crops, and information on the N value of livestock manures as affected by timing and method of application. In addition, strategies for reducing nitrate losses have been developed, including the use of over-winter cover crops, the management of cultivations and crop residues, and the conversion of arable land to low-input grassland.
A wide variety of information dissemination methods have been used, including face-to-face discussions, demonstrations, articles in the farming press, booklets aimed at farmers, technical information for advisers and consultants, recommendation reference books and computer-based fertilizer recommendation systems.  相似文献   

Abstract. Nitrogen (N) leaching losses from a shallow limestone soil growing a five course combinable croprotation (oilseed rape, wheat, peas, wheat, barley) were measured from 1990 until 1995 using porous ceramic cups, at 60 cm depth, and drainage estimates. The crops were grown with three husbandry systems and two levels of N fertilizer. The husbandry systems were designed to reflect local practice (Standard), the best possible techniques to reduce N loss (Protective) and an Intermediate system which was a compromise between the two. Nitrogen was applied at full and half recommended rates. Drainage started during September in four years and November in one year, with above average drainage in three years. Losses of N were largest after peas (58 kg/ha) and oilseed rape (42 kg/ha), and least (17 kg/ha) before peas sown in spring after a cover crop. Over five years, the Protective management system, which used early sowing and shallow cultivation wherever possible, lost least N (31 kg/ha/y) and the Standard system, with conventional drilling dates and ploughing as the primary cultivation, lost most (49 kg/ha/y). Halving the N fertilizer decreased N loss by 11 kg/ha/y, averaged over the rotation. None of the treatments gave mean drainage water nitrate concentrations of less than 50 mg/l, averaged over the five years. Changes to arable cropping alone will not eliminate the need for other measures to control nitrate concen-trations in public drinking water supplies.  相似文献   

Abstract. In dairy farming systems the risk of nitrate leaching is increased by mixed rotations (pasture/arable) and the use of organic manure. We investigated the effect of four organic farming systems with different livestock densities and different types of organic manure on crop yields, nitrate leaching and N balance in an organic dairy/crop rotation (barley–grass-clover–grass-clover–barley/pea–winter wheat–fodder beet) from 1994 to 1998. Nitrate concentrations in soil water extracted by ceramic suction cups ranged from below 1 mg NO3-N l?1 in 1st year grass-clover to 20–50 mg NO3-N l?1 in the winter following barley/pea and winter wheat. Peaks of high nitrate concentrations were observed in 2nd year grass-clover, probably due to urination by grazing cattle. Nitrate leaching was affected by climatic conditions (drainage volume), livestock density and time since ploughing in of grass-clover. No difference in nitrate leaching was observed between the use of slurry alone and farmyard manure from deep litter housing in combination with slurry. Increasing the total-N input to the rotation by 40 kg N ha?1 year?1 (from 0.9 to 1.4 livestock units ha?1) only increased leaching by 6 kg NO3-N ha?1. Nitrate leaching was highest in the second winter (after winter wheat) following ploughing in of the grass-clover (61 kg NO3-N ha?1). Leaching losses were lowest in 1st year grass-clover (20 kg NO3-N ha?1). Averaged over the four years, nitrate concentration in drainage water was 57 mg l?1. Minimizing leaching losses requires improved utilization of organic N accumulated in grazed grass-clover pastures. The N balance for the crop rotation as a whole indicated that accumulation of N in soil organic matter in the fields of these systems was small.  相似文献   

Abstract. A lysimeter study from April 1993 to June 1997 assessed the effects of winter cover crops and unfertilized grass on both the volume of water draining over winter and the amounts of nitrate leached. There were three to five replicates of each treatment in a fully randomized design. The lysimeters were undisturbed monoliths of loamy medium sand, 1.2 m deep and 0.8 m diameter. There were six treatments: sown cover before spring-sown crops (SC), natural regeneration (‘tumbledown’) before spring-sown crops (T), unfertilized grass (UG), bare soil permanent fallow, (PF), winter barley (WB) and conventional overwinter fallow before spring-sown crops (WF). Sugarbeet replaced cereals in 1996 as a disease break, and in consequence no cover was established in SC and T in autumn 1996. Of the four years of the study, two were above-average rainfall, while two were of less than average rainfall. Results are only quoted if statistically significantly different from WB (P=0.10). Over the first winter, NO3―N losses were similar under UG (26 kg ha?1) and PF (29 kg ha?1), due to the slow establishment and growth of the grass. In the following three winters NO3―N losses under UG were small (c. 6 kg ha?1), giving an overall mean of c. 11 kg ha?1. Sown cover crops and T gave means of c. 16 and 22 kg ha?1 respectively, compared with c. 27–31 kg ha?1 under PF, WB and WF. Mean NO3―N concentrations were smallest under UG (4.4 mg l?1) and SC (10.6 mg l?1), although both T (13.7 mg l?1) and PF (12.4 mg l?1) were less than under WB and WF (15.8–18.7 mg l?1). Overwinter drainage was greatest from UG and PF, at 239 and 247 mm respectively. In the three winters that cover crops were grown, drainage was decreased by, on average, 30 mm year?1 compared with WF. However, there were large differences in effects between years, with significant decreases in only one year. We conclude that the widespread adoption of cover crops before spring-sown crops will reduce overwinter drainage in UK Nitrate Vulnerable Zones by no more than c. 2%, compared with no cover before spring-sown crops.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effect of nitrogen fertilizer inputs to cereal crops on nitrate leaching after harvest was tested on 21 experiments on sandy soils in England. At small nitrogen fertilizer rates leaching increased very little with increasing inputs, while at high rates more than half of any additional nitrogen could be accounted for as increase in nitrate leached. In many cases the response fitted two straight lines. Nitrogen offtake in grain also fitted two straight lines, with a form which complemented the leaching response. The gradient averaged 0.52 kg N in grain for every additional 1kg N applied below the break point, but only 0.05 kg/kg above. The break points were generally close to or above the economic optimum N input. The effect of inputs on leaching could he quantitatively related to nitrogen offtake in grain, assuming a constant ratio of nitrogen in grain to total nitrogen uptake. The results show that fields receiving N inputs in excess of the economic optimum cause a disproportionately large nitrate loss. However because of uncertainty in predicting the break point in advance, modest further reduction in leaching will occur by reducing inputs to somewhat below the expected economic optimum.  相似文献   

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