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猪伪狂犬病是国家要求猪场开展净化的病种。为做好猪伪狂犬病的净化工作,对厦门市猪群伪狂犬病感染状况进行了流行病学调查,从而估计其血清学流行率。本研究使用猪伪狂犬病病毒g E-ELISA抗体检测试剂盒,检测了2 402份血清样品;另外实地调查了40个猪场的饲养管理和免疫等情况,分析伪狂犬病发生的风险因素。结果显示,厦门市猪伪狂犬病血清学的场真实流行率为71.8%(95%CI:62.3%~81.2%),个体真实流行率为59.0%(95%CI:57.3%~60.7%);外购种猪是猪场感染伪狂犬病的主要危险因素。  相似文献   

猪伪狂犬病是《国家中长期动物疫病防治规划(2012-2020年)》中优先防治的16种动物疫病之一,到2020年全国所有种猪场猪伪狂犬病都要达到规划设定的考核标准。厦门市同安区为了配合做好猪场净化工作,掌握全区猪群猪伪狂犬病的感染状况,对其进行流行病学调查,估计辖区内猪群猪伪狂犬病的血清学流行率。本研究使用猪伪狂犬病病毒gE-ELISA试剂盒,共检测991份血清样品,并实地调查20家猪场,了解猪场饲养管理和免疫情况。结果显示,同安区猪伪狂犬病血清学场流行率为65.0%,个体真实流行率为47.5%(44.5%~50.4%)。  相似文献   

为了解国家级固定监测点猪群的伪狂犬病流行情况,2015—2017年采用分层随机抽样方法,对安徽省12个固定监测点猪群进行了猪伪狂犬病个体流行率估计,使用猪伪狂犬病病毒gE-ELISA抗体检测试剂盒检测血清样品。结果显示:所调查的12个监测点猪群的个体真实流行率从2015年的33.6%(95%CI:27.8%~39.5%)降为2016年的1.1%(95%CI:0~4.0%),2017年小幅回升为6.9%(95%CI:3.0%~10.7%);12个监测点中,有8个检出猪伪狂犬病感染抗体,最高的个体表观流行率为77.0%(95%CI:62.9%~91.2%);感染猪场中,种猪群的个体阳性率高于其他猪群;2015年存栏量≥1 000头猪场的个体阳性率较高,感染风险是<1 000头猪场的2.0倍(95%CI:1.0~3.8),而2017年却相反,存栏量≥1 000头猪场的感染风险是<1 000头猪场的20%(95%CI:0.1~0.5)。结果表明:安徽省定点监测猪群的伪狂犬病感染面依然较广,但流行程度呈下降趋势;种猪群和小规模饲养猪群是当前猪伪狂犬病防控的重点。  相似文献   

正自2011年起全国各地陆续暴发了猪伪狂犬病,人们对伪狂犬病也是空前的重视起来。2012年,中国动物疫病预防控制中心出台了《国家中长期动物疫病防治规划(2012-2020)》,其中明确规定到2020年全国所有种猪场猪伪狂犬病要达到净化标准。因此猪场对伪狂犬病的重视程度仍然不能减,本文结合猪伪狂犬病的流行情况与疫苗使用情况谈点个人意见,仅供参考。  相似文献   

为了掌握广西贵港市规模猪场猪伪狂犬病(PR)的感染状况,估计场群流行率和分布情况,研究场群感染的潜在风险因素,本试验按照估计流行率的抽样策略,随机抽取81家规模猪场,使用猪伪狂犬病gE-ELISA试剂盒,对1 604份血清样品进行PR血清学检测,并结合问卷调查开展相关风险因素研究,通过单因素分析和多变量logistic回归分析方法,建立PR场群感染的风险模型。结果显示,贵港市规模猪场PR血清学场群真实流行率为23.94%(95%CI:13.90%~33.98%),其中种猪场PR血清学场群真实流行率为33.37%(95%CI:13.20%~53.54%),商品猪场PR血清学场群真实流行率为23.65%(95%CI:12.83%~34.48%)。猪场"位于港南区"、"方圆3 km内有猪场"、"离主干道距离≤500 m"和"饲料来源外购"是贵港市规模猪场感染PR的潜在风险因素。  相似文献   

[目的]制定科学的猪伪狂犬病净化策略,估计猪场伪狂犬病的流行率和群间分布情况。[方法]通过科学合理抽样,采用针对性的检测方法,使用猪伪狂犬病病毒g E-ELISA试剂盒,对采自厦门市一种猪场不同猪群的1561份样品进行了血清学检测。[结果]该猪场伪狂犬病血清学真实流行率为90.8%(95%CI:87.9%~93.7%);不同猪群中,种公猪的g E抗体阳性率最低,其次为育肥猪,哺乳仔猪的g E抗体阳性率最高;不同品种间,黑猪的g E抗体阳性率最高,其次为大白和长白,杜洛克的g E抗体阳性率最低。[结论]该种猪场可能感染了新的伪狂犬病毒,导致血清学流行率较高;在今后类似的伪狂犬病血清学流行率研究中,可以考虑把哺乳仔猪排除在研究群外;如无法在短期内淘汰所有PRV g E抗体阳性种猪,建议首先要淘汰阳性种公猪,其次要探索合理的免疫程序,定期加强监测。  相似文献   

为评估上海市规模猪场(母猪存栏量≥350头)猪伪狂犬病(PR)场群流行率,探寻PR传播的风险因素,通过两阶段随机抽样策略,抽取91个规模猪场,采集母猪血清样品1 349份;采用gp I-ELISA方法进行猪伪狂犬病病毒(PRV)野毒感染抗体检测,同步对采样规模猪场进行问卷调查;将调查的风险因素转换成二分类变量,用Epi info~(TM)7软件进行单因素分析;筛选出P0.05的变量,对其进行多因素Logistic回归分析,并建立ROC曲线,计算模型的预测概率。抗体检测结果显示,上海市规模猪场PR场群流行率为62.76%(95%CI:52.82%~72.69%)。多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示:1年内引进种猪(OR:4.84,95%CI:1.53~15.3,P=0.007)、引进公猪精液(OR:10.63,95%CI:0.88~130.41,P=0.06)、病死猪收集场所位于场区内(OR:3.65,95%CI:1.15~11.59,P=0.03)和场内有流浪犬猫(OR:5.12,95%CI:1.47~17.81,P=0.01)是导致PR传播的主要危害性因素;引种/引进精液时检测PRV g E抗体(OR:0.31,95%CI:0.09~1.12,P=0.07)为主要保护性因素。多因素Logistic回归模型建立的ROC曲线下面积为0.844(95%CI:75.3%~93.5%)。本研究掌握了上海市规模猪场PR的流行和分布情况,建立了规模猪场PR场间传播的多因素Logistic风险模型,为上海市规模猪场的PR防控和净化工作提供了依据。  相似文献   

为了解2018年山西省晋中市规模猪场母猪伪狂犬病血清学场群流行率,寻找猪伪狂犬病毒感染的潜在风险因素,以母猪存栏大于100头的75个规模猪场为研究目标,按照发现疫病的抽样策略,采用两阶段抽样方法,随机选取51个规模猪场,在每个养殖场随机抽取30份血清样品进行感染抗体检测,并对所有检测的规模猪场开展问卷调查。抗体检测结果显示,晋中市规模猪场母猪伪狂犬病场群流行率为40.90%(95%CI:27.3%~54.5%)。单因素分析显示,风险因素为"方圆3 km内有其他家畜养殖场、交易市场或者屠宰场",保护性因素为"引进猪只时检测伪狂犬病毒感染抗体和1年内引进公猪精液"。建立的模型拟合度较好,模型ROC曲线下面积为0.835(95%CI:0.658~1.000)。调查结果提示,新建养殖场要与其他的家畜养殖场、交易市场或者屠宰场保持安全的养殖距离,规模养殖场要坚持自繁自养,在引进种猪和公猪精液时一定要进行严格地PRV检测。  相似文献   

为落实国务院《中长期动物疫病防治规划》的要求,在两年(2017—2019年)内达到猪伪狂犬病免疫净化场的目标。嘉定区梅山猪育种中心加强猪伪狂犬病的免疫接种、严格检疫、淘汰阳性猪、净化猪群、建无毒猪群、消除隐性感染、定期消毒等措施,此外猪场还加强环境管理,做好灭蚊灭鼠等工作,使生产公母猪、后备公母猪伪狂犬病病毒gE抗体检测全部为阴性,伪狂犬病抗体水平90%,窝均产活仔率提高10.20%。经过两年的努力,成功净化了猪伪狂犬病,建立阴性猪群,可为其它猪场净化该疫病提供借鉴。  相似文献   

[目的]了解和评估上海市部分规模猪场母猪群伪狂犬病野毒感染状况。[方法]通过简单随机抽样方法,对上海市35个规模猪场的2097份母猪血清样品,应用gpI-ELISA方法进行猪伪狂犬病野毒感染抗体检测。[结果]2014年上海市部分规模猪场母猪群伪狂犬病猪群感染抗体阳性率为56%(95%置信区间43.46%~68.55%),从2010年至2014年野毒感染抗体呈逐年上升趋势,但大型规模猪场(母猪存栏量>1000头)伪狂犬病的防控成效较为显著。[结论]上海地区部分规模猪场猪群中伪狂犬病流行率较高,通过执行科学的免疫程序,构筑良好的生物安全环境对猪伪狂犬病将起到良好防控效果。  相似文献   

旨在系统评价我国健康猪源大肠杆菌对四环素类药物耐药性的情况,为养殖业合理用药决策提供依据.计算机搜索PubMed、Web“sci-ence、SinoMed、CNKI等10个数据库.应用Revman 5.3软件进行Meta分析,并对各研究间异质性进行评价.共纳入20篇符合条件的研究,共4 343株分离自健康猪源的大肠杆菌...  相似文献   

Herd, within-herd and animal prevalences for Neospora caninum in beef and dairy cattle were compared between four countries. In randomly selected herds from regions of Germany, The Netherlands, Spain and Sweden that were representative for the cattle production of these countries, all animals > or = 2 years were examined serologically by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) with high test specificity (> 98.0%). In a previous study, the ELISAs had been validated against each other. Single reacting animals within a herd were confirmed by immunobloting. At the time of sampling, animal (age, breed, herdtype, sex, lactation stage) and herd data (region) were collected. Considerable differences in N. caninum herd, within-herd, and overall animal prevalence estimations were observed between countries, regions, herdtype, age categories and breeds. Herd prevalences, based on confirmation of single reactors, for dairy herds were estimated to be 16% (95%CI: 10-24%) in Sweden, 49% (95%CI: 39-59%) in Germany, 63% (95%CI: 57-69%) in Spain and 76% (95%CI: 67-84%) in The Netherlands and for beef herds 41% (95%CI: 31-50%) in Germany, 46% (95%CI: 41-51%) in Spain and 61% (95%CI: 50-72%) in The Netherlands. No beef herds were examined in Sweden. The lowest animal true prevalence was estimated in dairy cattle in Sweden (0.5% (95%CI: 0.1-0.8%)) while the highest animal true prevalence was estimated for dairy cattle in Spain (16.2% (95%CI: 14.9-17.5%)). Within-herd prevalences varied greatly, with very few farms in Sweden having more than 10% seropositive animals while in Spain more than 10% of the herds had within-herd prevalences between 50 and 100%. Seropositivity was significantly associated with herdtype (beef versus dairy), age, breed and region within countries. The results of this supranational comparative study showed that the importance of N. caninum infection varied greatly within in Europe. Estimates of prevalence can be used to calculate the economic impact of N. caninum infection as well as to evaluate the effect of prevention and control strategies over time.  相似文献   

A simple random survey was conducted in Ireland during 2005 to estimate the ELISA-prevalence of paratuberculosis, commonly called Johne's disease (JD), in the cattle population. Serum samples were collected from all 20,322 females/breeding bulls over 12 months-of-age in 639 herds. All samples were tested using a commercially available absorbed ELISA. The overall prevalence of infected herds, based on the presence of at least one ELISA-positive animal, was 21.4% (95% CI 18.4%-24.9%). Herd prevalence levels amongst dairy herds (mean 31.5%; 95% CI: 24.6%, 39.3%) was higher than among beef herds (mean 17.9%; 95% CI: 14.6%-21.8%). However, the animal level prevalence was similar. The true prevalence among all animals tested, was calculated to be 2.86% (95%CI: 2.76, 2.97) and for animals >= 2 yrs, it was 3.30% (95%CI: 3.17, 3.43). For animals in beef herds, true prevalence was 3.09% (95%CI: 2.93, 3.24), and for those in dairy herds, 2.74% (95%CI: 2.59, 2.90). The majority of herds had only one ELISA-positive infected animal. Only 6.4% (95% CI 4.7%-8.7%) of all herds had more than one ELISA-positive infected animal; 13.3% (CI 8.7%-19.7%) of dairy herds ranging from two to eight ELISA-positive infected animals; and, 3.9% beef herds (CI 2.4%-6.2%) ranging from two to five ELISA-positive infected animals. The true prevalence of herds infected and shedding Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis is estimated to be 9.5% for all herd types; 20.6% for dairy herds; and 7.6% for beef herds. If ELISA positive animals <2-years-of-age are excluded, the true herd prevalene reduces to: 9.3% for all herd types; 19.6% for dairy herds; and 6.3% for beef herds based on a test specificity (Sp) of 99.8% and test sensitivity (Se) (i.e., ability to detect culture-positive, infected animals shedding at any level) of 27.8-28.9%.  相似文献   

Leishmania infantum is the main cause of human visceral leishmaniasis (HVL; also known as kala-azar) in the Middle East and may be fatal if left untreated. This disease was first reported in 1949 in Iran. Despite marked improvements in hygiene and sanitation conditions, the disease is still endemic in some parts of Iran. It is difficult to determine the current prevalence of HVL in Iran due to the scarcity of comprehensive studies in this regard. In response to this gap, a systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted to gain better understanding of HVL epidemiology in the general population of Iran. English and Persian databases were searched for studies reporting the prevalence and risk factors associated with HVL in the Iranian people from January 1995 to December 2019. The reported data were selected according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. The pooled prevalence of HVL infection and its 95 % confidence intervals were calculated. Quality assessment, heterogeneity testing and publication bias assessment were also done. Literature search revealed 3634 studies, of which 35 studies met our eligibility criteria, with a total of 50,716 individuals. The meta-analysis was performed on 31 out of 35 included studies. The estimated pooled prevalence of HVL infection according to seropositivity was 2% (95 % CI: 1–2%) in the general population of Iran in which western and northern provinces had the lowest and the highest prevalence, 0.5 % (95 %CI, 0.2−0.7%) and 3% (95 %CI, 1–5 %), respectively. The seroprevalence of HVL among females (2%; 95 %CI, 1–2 %) was more than males (1%; 95 %CI, 1–2 %). The ≤10 and >10 years age groups had similar seroprevalence rates (1%, 95 %CI, 1–2 % versus 1%, 95 %CI, 0–1 %, respectively). There was no significant difference in terms of geographic area, age and sex. Of 31 studies included in the meta-analysis, the most common diagnostic test was the direct agglutination test (96.77 %). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first systematic review of the prevalence of HVL in Iran. The results showed a low seroprevalence of HVL infection. However, the lack of published reports of HVL in an area does not exclusively mean the absence of the disease or carrier. We therefore recommend further studies in this regard.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study was conducted in 274 cats for determination of FeLV antigenemia and FIV seropositivity and factors associated with those infections in cats presented at the Veterinary Hospital of the Santa Catarina State University - UDESC (Brazil). Apparent prevalence for sick cats at the hospital population was 28.41% (95%CI 21.88–34.94%) for FeLV, 7.65% (95%CI 3.71–11.50%) for FIV and 2.18% (95%CI 0.56–5.47%) for both viruses. For healthy cats, the apparent prevalence was 9.89% (95%CI 3.75–16.02%) for FeLV, 2.20% (95%CI 0.34–7.75%) for FIV by immunoassay (ELISA). Average age for FeLV- and FIV-positive individuals was 38.32 and 64.25 months, respectively. Behavior such as aggressiveness and sex (male) were both associated with increased odds of result positivity test for FeLV and FIV; older animals were also associated with FIV test results. A very small proportion of the animals were vaccinated against FeLV and none against FIV. Most of the animals were adopted from shelters or rescued from streets, living with multiple cats that had access to outdoors. The high prevalence of FeLV suggests a need for better control strategies against this disease.  相似文献   


A cross-sectional study was carried out between November 2015 and January 2016 to determine the seroprevalence of Brucella antibodies in cattle raised under communal, fenced farms and tethering systems and the associated factors. Seven hundred twenty-eight bovine sera were collected and tested with rose Bengal test as a screening test and the indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay as a confirmatory test. Animal- and herd-level data were collected and binary logistic regression was used to assess the potential risk factors. True animal- and herd-level prevalence was highest in the fenced farms (4.5% (95%CI, 2.3–6.9) and 19.5% (95%CI, 8.2–32.7) respectively). The risks for natural brucellosis infection were sharing water with wild animals (OR = 0.21, 95%CI, 0.104–0.83), herd size (medium: OR = 0.089, 95%CI 0.017–0.449; large: OR = 0.024, 95%CI 0.003–0.203), fenced farms (OR = 3.7, 95% CI, 1.7–7.9), sex (OR = 0.03, 95%CI, 0.01–0.079), and lactation (OR = 0.013, 95%CI, 0.004–0.049). Changes in rangeland tenure and the shift towards intensive cattle production have influenced brucellosis epidemiology. Future studies should aim at identifying the infecting Brucellae and examining the role of wildlife in brucellosis epidemiology.


The complement fixation test (CFT), the c-ELISA and an indirect LppQ ELISA were compared to post-mortem (PM) inspection for the diagnosis of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP). Sera from 797 cattle in the CBPP affected area of Kazungula, Zambia and 202 sera from Lusaka, Zambia, a CBPP-free area were used. The clinical history of CBPP was recorded and all the cattle from Kazungula were slaughtered and PM inspections conducted. The prevalence of CBPP in Kazungula was 67.5% (95%CI 67.2%, 70.8%), 52.6% (95%CI 49.2%, 56.2%), 59.0% (95%CI 55.5%, 62.4%) and 44.4% (95%CI 41.0%, 47.9%) using PM inspection, CFT, c-ELISA and LppQ ELISA, respectively. Three of the 202 negative control animals tested positive on the c-ELISA although they were from a known CBPP negative zone. In this study, the c-ELISA was more sensitive in detecting cattle with lesions in the chronic stage than any other test whilst the CFT detected more during the onset stage. No single serological test could detect all stages of CBPP infection, therefore the use of more than one test is advised.  相似文献   

Herd and individual animal prevalence along with associated risk factors of bovine brucellosis was assessed on dairy farms located in 22 districts in Haryana and Punjab of India. Examination of 4,580 female animals of 119 dairy farms by Rose Bengal test and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay revealed that an overall herd prevalence was 65.54 % (78/119) and individual animal prevalence was 26.50 % (1,214/4,580). Herd prevalence in Haryana was 62.79 % which was not significantly different (P?=?0.4208) from Punjab (72.72 %). Individual animal prevalence was 34.15 % in Punjab which was significantly higher (P?<?0.0001) than Haryana (22.34 %). Prevalence of brucellosis on dairy farms was detected in 20 of the 22 districts, of which 12 districts were in Haryana and 8 in Punjab. Risk factors such as species of animals, age of animals, herd size, awareness of dairymen for brucellosis, entry of a purchased animals on the farm, abortion on farm, use of calving pens, type of breeding, and type of farming were analyzed. The study indicated that the odds ratio (OR) was significant with risk factors of species (OR?=?1.63; 95 %CI?=?1.40–1.90; P?<?0.0001), age (OR?=?0.22; 95 %CI?=?0.17–0.29; P?<?0.0001), awareness of brucellosis among dairymen (OR?=?21.65; 95 %CI?=?2.63–178.04; P?=?0.0042), entry of purchased animal on the farm (OR?=?9.16; 95 %CI?=?2.38–35.18; P?=?0.0012), abortion in animals (OR?=?5.57; 95 %CI?=?1.92–16.10; P?=?0.0015) and on cow farm (OR?=?3.43; 95 %CI?=?1.33–8.82; P?=?0.0105). While the OR was insignificant (P?>?0.05) with risk factors of herd size, use of calving pen on farms, type of breeding and on buffalo and mixed type of farms.  相似文献   

A study aimed at describing the magnitude and distribution of gross lesions compatible with bovine tuberculosis (BTB) in Ethiiopian slaughter cattle in five abattoirs (four municipal and one export) located in various cattle husbandry systems in Ethiopia was carried out from July 2006 to January 2007 using detailed meat inspection procedure. Five representative abattoirs (four municipal and one export) located in distinct livestock management systems were selected. A total of 3322 cattle; 2876 (86.6%) male, 446 (13.4%) female; 3094 (93.1%) indigenous zebu, 140 (4.2%) crossbred and 88 (2.7%) pure exotic cattle were included in the study. A nine-year meat inspection record was also analyzed to elucidate the trend of BTB in the local cattle population.Of the carcasses inspected, 337 (10.2%, 95%CI= [9.2–11.2]) had lesions suggestive of tuberculosis, 69 (20.5%) generalized and 268 (79.5%) localized.TB prevalence showed a marked variation between categories of age, breed, class of animals, abattoir, geographic origin and husbandry system. It was higher in old and young animals than middle age group; in exotic than local breed; in calves than other classes of animals. The highest and lowest prevalence of TB was recorded in Adama (24.7%, 95%CI= [21.1–28.7]) and Yabello abattoirs (4.2%, 95%CI= [2.6–6.6]), respectively. Cattle whose origin was from Addis Ababa and its surrounding areas had higher prevalence of TB infection (23.9%, 95%CI= [17.6–31.5]).Cattle maintained in dairy farms had high degree of exposure (23.9%, 95%CI= [16.7–32.9]) to the infection than those maintained in other types of management system. Analysis of meat inspection records also revealed an increasing incidence of TB over the years. Our study demonstrated a high prevalence of tuberculosis in Ethiopian slaughter cattle and this could infer to similar scenario in a reference cattle population in the country. In view of Ethiopia’s increasing involvement in livestock export trade, the reported high prevalence of tuberculosis could be a major obstacle, particularly at this moment when sanitary requirements from importing countries are so much strict. Furthermore, the growing concern over increasing incidence of tuberculosis/HIV/AIDS co-infection, the high incidence of extra- pulmonary tuberculosis and a high risk of acquiring zoonotic tuberculosis among the majority of the population emphasize the need for paying the necessary attention towards the control of bovine tuberculosis.  相似文献   

One hundred and forty-five traditionally kept lactating camels (Camelus dromederius) were examined for mastitis by combination of clinical, mastitis card test and subsequent bacteriological isolation. Clinical and sub-clinical mastitis were prevalent in 8.3% (95%CI = 4.6, 14.4) and 20.7% (95%CI = 14.6, 28.4) of the studied animals, respectively. This gives an overall mastitis prevalence of 29.0% (95%CI = 21.9, 37.2) at animal and 17.9% (95%CI = 14.9, 21.3) at quarter levels. High proportion (33.8%) of lactating camels had blind teats and 5.5% had lesions on udder or teat. Taking clinical mastitis and blocked teats into account, the study revealed that only 57.9% of the camels have four teats for milk production. Out of the 505 quarter milk samples examined, 80 (15.8 %) quarters were positive for indicator paper. Upon subsequent culturing, 68.8% (55 out of 80) of the quarter milk samples yielded bacteria. Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, E. coli and Bacillus species were the major isolates. Mastitis prevalence was significantly (p < 0.05) affected by tick infestations, udder lesions, and increased age and parity of the animals. In conclusion, mastitis is a major problem in traditionally managed camels and deserves further attention owning to its potential impact on milk production affecting food security.  相似文献   

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