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Hydrochemistry of an alluvial river was investigated employing the chemometric techniques such as cluster analysis (CA), principal component analysis (PCA), discriminant analysis (DA) and partial least square (PLS) with a view to extract information about the variables responsible for spatial and temporal variations in river hydrochemistry and water quality, the hidden factors explaining the structure of the hydro-chemical database of the river, factors/processes influencing the river hydro-chemistry. Analysis of spearman's correlation coefficient revealed non-significant correlation of the pollution indicator (BOD, COD, SO4, F, NH4-N, NO3-N) variables with season and significant correlation with site, indicating contribution of the site-specific anthropogenic sources in the catchments. Spatial CA clustered the monitoring sites (10nos.) into three groups of relatively non-polluted sites, moderately polluted sites, and highly polluted sites. Temporal CA differentiated among the samples of monsoon and non-monsoon months. PCA rendered considerable data reduction, in terms of eight parameters explaining about 71% of the total variance and evolved six PCs. PCA grouped samples belonging to different seasons and sites distinctly correlating them with natural and anthropogenic variables. Temporal and spatial DA rendered 97 and 92% correct assignations of the samples, respectively, and revealed that temperature, pH, BOD, DO, alkalinity and Ca are the most significant variables to discriminate between the different seasons and account for most of the expected temporal variations in hydrochemistry of the river, whereas, hardness, DO, BOD, COD, Ca and Mg were the most significant discriminating variables in space. Spatial and temporal groupings of the samples were successfully achieved through PLS modeling. PLS showed that the summer season samples are dominated by PO4, TDS, F, K, COD, BOD, Na, Cl, hardness and alkalinity, whereas, samples of winter season by DO, pH, NH4-N and coliforms. Furthermore, PLS indicated site-specific dominance of anthropogenic contaminants suggesting for their pollution sources in the corresponding catchments of these sites.  相似文献   



In order to assess sediment quality and to account for the great geochemical heterogeneity of Italian coasts, Local Sediment Quality Guidelines (LSQGs) have to be defined for specific portions of the coastline based on the approach developed by ICRAM–APAT (2007). This paper describes the application of LSQGs to the harbour of Fiumicino (Rome, Italy). The aims were to evaluate the quality of dredging sediments through an integrated chemical–ecotoxicological approach and to define suitable management options.

Materials and methods

Thirty-eight sediment cores, covering the planned dredging depth, were collected in the study area and sliced into 92 sediment samples. Chemical analyses, including inorganic and organic contaminants as well as microbiological parameters, were carried out for all the samples. A bioassay battery composed by the bacterium Vibrio fischeri, the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus and the alga Dunaliella tertiolecta was applied on one third of the samples. LSQGs were derived from chemical and ecotoxicological data of the harbour area, and were integrated with those from the identified dumping site. The Baseline Chemical Level, corresponding to an absent or unlikely ecotoxicological hazard, and the Limit Chemical Level, corresponding to a probable ecotoxicological hazard, were the LSQGs derived for each chemical.

Results and discussion

A gradient of increasing contamination, moving inland due to urban and agricultural effluents, was observed. Ecotoxicological analyses, similar to microbiological ones, confirmed the poor sediment quality, with the exception of a sample located at the port entrance, where hydrodynamics flush sediment away from the site. Principal component analysis allowed a clear discrimination of three areas, each affected by a different contamination degree and influenced by many sources related to industrial, commercial and/or urban activities. Using LSQGs and the results of bioassays, it was possible to classify the sediment quality of the whole harbour area and to define the most suitable management options. It was found that Fiumicino harbour sediment was not suitable for either beach nourishment or for offshore dumping, with the exception of a negligible amount located at the port entrance. In turn, most sediment seemed to be suitable for disposal in a properly sealed confined disposal facility or for mechanical/chemical treatment.


This case study provided useful insights for implementing the development of LSQGs for more realistic sediment management and will assist in promoting its application to harbour dredging at the local level.  相似文献   

A new method for the "one-pot" synthesis of S-methyl thioesters has been developed by reacting methyl chlorothiolformate with carboxylic acids. The resulting "flavor library" contained all the intended thioesters and a single major impurity, identified by GC-MS as S, S-dimethyldithiocarbonate. Quantification of individual compounds present in the library was performed by GC analysis using two independent methods of detection, SCD and FID. It was shown that apart from S-methyl thioacetate (0.8 mol %), molar concentrations of other thioesters varied in a relatively narrow range from 4.2 mol % for S-methyl thiopropionate to 14.1 mol % for S-methyl thiohexanoate. In general, medium chain S-methyl thioesters were present in slightly higher molar concentrations than those prepared from short or long chain carboxylic acids. This variation was attributed to partial loss of the most volatile components during extraction and the lower reactivity of higher homologues. The library was used for the characterization of some physicochemical parameters of thioesters. In particular, lipophilicity coefficients (log k(w)) and thioester retention in 10, 20, and 33% triolein (used as a model lipid phase) were determined directly by reverse-phase HPLC and extrapolated from the respective data. This analysis illustrates that substantial information can be generated using a library containing a relatively large number of compounds in effectively the same way as is necessary for the analysis of a single sample.  相似文献   

A general method for the analysis of ecological count data with extra zeros is presented using a Markov birth process representation of discrete distributions. The method uses a non parametric formulation of the birth process to model the residual variation and therefore allows the data to play a greater role in determining an appropriate distribution. This enables a more critical assessment of covariate effects and more accurate predictions to be made. The approach is also presented as a useful diagnostic tool for suggesting appropriate parametric models or verifying standard models. As an ill ustrative example, data describing a bundance of a species of possum from the montane ash forests of the central highlands of Victoria, southeast Australia, is considered.  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - Figure 4 is not correct in the PDF format of the originally published article. Please note that in the HTML or online format, the image is correct.  相似文献   

Corridors are critical elements in the long-term conservation of wide-ranging species like the jaguar (Panthera onca). Jaguar corridors across the range of the species were initially identified using a GIS-based least-cost corridor model. However, due to inherent errors in remotely sensed data and model uncertainties, these corridors warrant field verification before conservation efforts can begin. We developed a novel corridor assessment protocol based on interview data and site occupancy modeling. We divided our pilot study area, in southeastern Nicaragua, into 71, 6 × 6 km sampling units and conducted 160 structured interviews with local residents. Interviews were designed to collect data on jaguar and seven prey species so that detection/non-detection matrices could be constructed for each sampling unit. Jaguars were reportedly detected in 57% of the sampling units and had a detection probability of 28%. With the exception of white-lipped peccary, prey species were reportedly detected in 82–100% of the sampling units. Though the use of interview data may violate some assumptions of the occupancy modeling approach for determining ‘proportion of area occupied’, we countered these shortcomings through study design and interpreting the occupancy parameter, psi, as ‘probability of habitat used’. Probability of habitat use was modeled for each target species using single state or multistate models. A combination of the estimated probabilities of habitat use for jaguar and prey was selected to identify the final jaguar corridor. This protocol provides an efficient field methodology for identifying corridors for easily-identifiable species, across large study areas comprised of unprotected, private lands.  相似文献   

Short-term erosion rates by overland flow under forested conditions are considered in relation to long-term valley development. Five catenas which are representative of the range of valley forms in the study area were selected, and the nine unit landsurface model was used as a sampling framework to locate experimental plots within the catenas.Factors affecting data validity include the spatial and temporal sampling pattern, and human-induced changes to the physical environment. Over the longer time-scale of valley development, problems in extrapolating the short-term data include establishing the time period within which valley development has occurred, and identifying and estimating the effects of climatic fluctuations on process intensities.The results show that, in the long-term context, measured contemporary erosion rates are ‘reasonable’ for three of the five catenas, but that considerable additional experimental work is required to resolve the identified problems. In some instances the means by which relevant data may be obtained are not apparent.  相似文献   

We tested the suitability of the collembolan community as a bioindicator for assessing the effects of forest soil-liming and fertilization on the belowground decomposer community. Our investigation was based on a 5-year survey that took place in a German oak-hornbeam and spruce forest in which amelioration measures took place in 1988, 1994 and 1995, with chemical parameters and Collembola being sampled between 1993 and 1997. To address these questions, we applied new methods which have not yet, to our knowledge, been used in biomonitoring studies on forest soils. We used a time-lag analysis for the detection of directional change and a regression-tree induction to show the relationship between Collembola and soil factors. Soil parameters changed considerably after the onset of liming and fertilization. However, no change was detected in community composition over time, nor was there a relationship between Collembola and soil parameters that would make possible the development of a model with at least a moderate predictive success. Taking into account the effort invested in this study (5-year sampling period, identification of 35,000 Collembola, 99 species, 1,170 chemical analyses), we question the suitability of collembolan communities as a bioindicator for forest disturbance.  相似文献   

Abstract. Biophysical and economic data from numerous sources are integrated using the ALES expert system. A systematic approach to data collection and evaluation procedure is presented. The collection of management data is emphasized if management and crop yield data are to be adequately correlated. Different land utilization types are evaluated for numerous land mapping units. The results show that direct comparison of land mapping units is possible both within and between different land utilization types. Use of the model enabled objective relationships to be developed between biophysical criteria, crop productivity and management, allowing economic measures of performance to be routinely determined for large databases. The study shows that land mapping units with the most favourable physical suitability class may not necessarily have the largest net return and that the best lands are determined not only by their ability to produce high yields but also their ability to achieve them at the least cost.  相似文献   

Weight per cent compositions of individual peaks of Aroclors 1016, 1242, 1248, 1254, and 1260 were determined under standard gas-liquid chromatographic (GLC) conditions. The GLC peak compositions were determined by using a Hall electrolytic conductivity detector for chlorine measurement and chemical ionization mass spectrometry with single ion monitoring for molecular weight characterization. The Aroclors used are available as reference materials for individual peak quantitation of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) residues by electron capture GLC. On the basis of a limited interlaboratory study and a collaborative study, the individual peak method shows improved interlaboratory precision and/or accuracy in PCB quantitation over existing methods.  相似文献   

Soil microbial communities are so vastly diverse that complex interactions, which alter ecosystem functions, may occur among microbial species and functional groups. In this review, we explore the empirical evidence for situations when shifts in the community structure of microbes would elicit a change in ecosystem process rates, specifically decomposition, even when microbial biomass remains constant. In particular, we are interested in a subset of these scenarios in which knowledge of microbial community structure would improve model predictions for ecosystem functions. Results from microcosm and field studies indicate that microbial species diversity, functional group diversity, and community composition can all influence ecosystem process rates. The underlying mechanisms that may elicit changes in ecosystem functions from shifts in microbial community structure include evolutionary constraints on microbial trait adaptation, trait correlations, dispersal limitation, and species interactions. The extent of microbial diversity in soils is not known, so it is presently not possible to model all scenarios of microbial community structure shifts. However, by incorporating documented patterns in functional groups that are relevant for a particular ecosystem process and potential relationships between microbial phylogeny and function, the predictive power of process models will be significantly improved. The inclusion of this information into process models is critical for predicting and understanding how ecosystem functions may shift in response to global change.  相似文献   

An initial 5% (w/v), followed thereafter with replacement aliquots of 3% (w/v), whey protein isolate (WPI) (ca. 86.98% Kjeldahl N x 6.38), was hydrolyzed using Protease N Amano G (IUB, Bacillus subtilis) in an enzymatic membrane reactor (EMR) fitted with either a 10 or 3 kDa nominal molecular weight cutoff (NMWCO) tangential flow filter (TFF) membrane. The hydrolysates were desalted by adsorption onto a styrene-based macroporous adsorption resin (MAR) and washed with deionized water to remove the alkali, and the peptides were desorbed with 25, 50, and 95% (v/v) ethyl alcohol. The desalted hydrolysates were analyzed for antibody binding, free radical scavenging, and molecular mass analysis as well as total and free amino acids (FAA). For the first time a quantity called IC50, the concentration of peptides causing 50% inhibition of the available antibody, is introduced to quantify inhibition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) properties. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used for data reduction. The hydrolysate molecular mass provided the most prominent influence (PC1 = 57.35%), followed by inhibition ELISA (PC2 = 18.90%) and the antioxidant properties (PC3 = 10.43%). Ash was significantly reduced in the desalted fractions; the protein adsorption recoveries were high, whereas desorption with alcohol was prominently influenced by the hydrophobic/ hydrophilic amino acid balance. After hydrolysis, some hydrolysates showed increased ELISA reactivity compared with the native WPI.  相似文献   

J.J. Stoorvogel 《Geoderma》1993,60(1-4):277-292
Nutrient depletion may be reduced by effective land use planning using a nutrient balance model and linear programming techniques to optimize the distribution of land use over different land units. This technique plans the geographical distribution of land utilization types and creates a more sustainable basis for agriculture in an area. In contrast with traditional land use planning where land utilization types are matched with land units on the basis of maximizing present agricultural production, this approach focuses on long-term effects.

A case study was carried out in an area of 3340 ha in the southern part of a settlement scheme in the Atlantic Zone of Costa Rica. Land units vary between young fertile volcanic soils and relatively old, leached unfertile soils. Land utilization types vary between extensively grazed pasture and intensively cultivated annual and perennial crops. Information on land units with its land qualities and on land utilization types was stored in a geographical information system which was integrated with a nutrient balance model (NUTBAL). This model, initially developed for Kenya and calibrated for local conditions in Costa Rica, was based on separate assessments of 5 nutrient input factors: mineral fertilizers, organic manure, wet and dry deposition, nitrogen fixation and sedimentation, and 5 nutrient output factors: harvested product, crop residue removal, leaching, denitrification and erosion. For every combination of land unit and land utilization type the nutrient balance was modelled. With a linear programming model, the land utilization types were distributed over the different land units, such that nutrient depletion was minimized in the area within a set of boundary conditions. Two different scenarios were elaborated. One in which all land utilization types were redistributed and one in which the location of forest areas was fixed at their present location.

The optimized land use distribution based on current land use types was compared with the actual distribution which had an average nutrient depletion of 22, 5 and 13 kg ha−1 yr−1 for respectively N, P and K. There was little difference in nutrient depletion between the two scenarios. The first scenario resulted in a nutrient depletion of 18, 3 and 9 kg ha−1 yr−1 and the second one in 19, 3 and 10 kg ha−1 yr−1 for N, P and K respectively. However, there was a large difference with the actual situation on one hand and the two scenarios on the other. In both cases there was a slight increase in the estimated agricultural production. The introduction of a nutrient depletion model in land use planning seems to constitute a useful complement to the existing procedures.  相似文献   

Summary In the summer 1983 the joint activities for the collection of autochthonous material of cultivated plants have been continued in the outermost western regions of Georgia (Abkhazia, Megrelia). Altogether 434 accessions could be obtained, more than one third of them being grain legumes, and one fourth vegetables and spice plants, resp. The remaining part includes mainly maize. Gene-erosion is very advanced especially for cereals and some grain legumes besidesPhaseolus vulgaris for which an astonishing genetic variability could be confirmed within the local material. Some details of the accessions regarding botanical interest and breeding value have been outlined. The collecting work should be continued.
Bericht über eine Reise in die Georgische SSR 1983 zur Sammlung indigenen Materials von Kulturpflanzen
Zusammenfassung Im Sommer 1983 wurde eine weitere gemeinsame Reise zur Sammlung autochthonen Kulturpflanzenmaterials unternommen, die in die westlichen Teile von West-Georgien (Abchasien, Megrelien) führte. Es konnten insgesamt 434 Proben gesammelt werden, von denen mehr als ein Drittel Körnerleguminosen und je etwa ein Viertel Gemüse- und Gewürzpflanzen waren. Getreide war fast ausschließlich durch Mais vertreten. Die Gen-Erosion ist bei Getreide und einigen Körnerleguminosen bereits sehr weit fortgeschritten, während beiPhaseolus vulgaris wiederum eine erstaunliche Vielfalt an Formen festgestellt werden konnte. Besonders interessantes Material von Knoblauch, Blattkohlformen und einigen Spinatgemüsen wird kurz vorgestellt. Die Sammeltätigkeit sollte fortgesetzt werden.

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Eighteen commercial beers have been analyzed in both liquid and gas phases using colorimetric sensor arrays made from selected chemically responsive dyes printed on a hydrophobic membrane. Digital imaging of the dye array before and after exposure to the complex analytes in either the liquid phase or the head-gas provides a color change profile as a unique fingerprint for the specific analyte. The digital data libraries generated were analyzed using statistical and chemometric methods, including principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical clustering analysis (HCA). In either liquid- or gas-phase experiments, facile identification of specific beers was achieved using comparison of the color change profiles; using HCA statistical analysis the error rate of identification was <3%. Differentiation between even very similar beers proved to be straightforward. In addition, differentiation of pristine beer from the effects of watering or decarbonation proved to be possible. These results suggest that colorimetric sensor arrays may prove to be useful for quality assurance/quality control applications of beers and perhaps other beverages.  相似文献   

Although root crops are widely cultivated in Iran, little is known about soil loss due to crop harvesting (SLCH). We assessed the annual exported soil, soil organic matter (SOM) and nutrients from 47 farms under root crops in southwestern Iran. Soil losses for garlic, potato, sugar beet, radish and beetroot were estimated as 6.27, 2.52, 2.26, 4.10 and 6.95, Mg ha?1, respectively, which on average was of the order of soil losses by water erosion in the watershed basins of Iran. Total N, P2O5 and K2O losses were estimated as 36.61, 1.10 and 31.50 kg ha?1 and their costs as 18.24, 0.74 and 19.93 USAlthough root crops are widely cultivated in Iran, little is known about soil loss due to crop harvesting (SLCH). We assessed the annual exported soil, soil organic matter (SOM) and nutrients from 47 farms under root crops in southwestern Iran. Soil losses for garlic, potato, sugar beet, radish and beetroot were estimated as 6.27, 2.52, 2.26, 4.10 and 6.95, Mg ha?1, respectively, which on average was of the order of soil losses by water erosion in the watershed basins of Iran. Total N, P2O5 and K2O losses were estimated as 36.61, 1.10 and 31.50 kg ha?1 and their costs as 18.24, 0.74 and 19.93 US$ ha?1, respectively. For the whole country, total soil, N, P2O5, K2O and SOM losses for garlic, potato and sugar beet were estimated as 731.7 × 103, 836, 27, 476 and 14.5 × 103 Mg, respectively (radish and beetroot were excluded due to no reliable data on their planted areas). Correlation analysis showed no significant relationship between soil properties and SLCH (except soil moisture content for radish and clay content for beetroot). The findings indicated that the exported soil, SOM and nutrients were at such levels that SLCH should be considered in soil erosion studies.  相似文献   

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