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Extension and communication needs amongst small-scale pig producers, described as pig producers with less than 100 sows, have been previously identified. These producers, who are believed to pose a biosecurity risk to commercial livestock industries, are characterized by a lack of formal networks, mistrust of authorities, poor disease reporting behaviour and motivational diversity, and reliance on other producers, veterinarians and family for pig health and production advice. This paper applies stakeholder identification and analysis tools to determine stakeholders' influence and interest on pig producers' practices. Findings can inform a risk communication process and the development of an extension framework to increase producers' engagement with industry and their compliance with biosecurity standards and legislation in Australia. The process included identification of stakeholders, their issues of concerns regarding small-scale pig producers and biosecurity and their influence and interest in each of these issues. This exercise identified the capacity of different stakeholders to influence the outcomes for each issue and assessed their success or failure to do so. The disconnection identified between the level of interest and influence suggests that government and industry need to work with the small-scale pig producers and with those who have the capacity to influence them. Successful biosecurity risk management will depend on shared responsibility and building trust amongst stakeholders. Flow-on effects may include legitimating the importance of reporting and compliance systems and the co-management of risk. Compliance of small-scale pig producers with biosecurity industry standards and legislation will reduce the risks of entry and spread of exotic diseases in Australia.  相似文献   

Recent studies have highlighted concerns regarding the skills, career prospects, and economic prosperity of veterinarians. Human resource departments in a wide variety of organizations and industries have adopted a competency-based approach to managing the selection, training, placement, and ongoing development of their staff. This paper defines competencies, characterizes their typical use in industry, and examines the potential applications of a competency-based approach for veterinary medicine. It is argued that the competency-based approaches honed in the private sector promise to assist veterinary colleges, employers of veterinarians, and professional societies in influencing the state of the profession through the selection, education, and development of veterinarians.  相似文献   

This workshop provided an overview of how the role of the extension service has evolved and provided audience members with the knowledge and resources to address current and future needs of the nation’s poultry industry. Future expectations of extension to support the nation’s poultry industry were presented by different individuals with varying relationships with extension. Perspectives from a student, industry personnel, faculty member, and administration were presented. The role of extension in meeting past, present, and future challenges facing different sectors of the industry was also addressed. These areas included youth and underserved audiences, production, processing, and health and food security.  相似文献   

A study was conducted 1) to identify the concerns that producers believe the public has regarding animal agriculture, 2) to provide a self-assessment by producers of their industries, and 3) to identify issues producers feel the public may misunderstand and which can be alleviated through public education. Surveys were mailed to Pennsylvania producers of five animal industries: beef, dairy, swine, poultry, and veal. The response rate received was 18 to 22%, depending on the industry (n = 540). The two most frequent complaints received by the producers from the public were odor and flies, respectively. Self-assessments indicated that the highest-ranked concern of producers was harmful chemicals in the food supply; food storage and use of too many inputs were of least concern. Issues identified by producers as frequently being misunderstood by the public and in need of the most public education were water quality, food safety, air quality, farm animal welfare, soil quality, use of resources, and recycling of by-products, respectively. This survey demonstrated that a majority of livestock producers (63.2%) maintains that the care they currently provide to their animals has improved over the past 10 yr; however, only 26.3% of the producers believe that the public feels that the quality of animal care has improved. This discrepancy may be a result of an increasing absence of filial ties to production agriculture and the tendency of the public to rely on non-farm sources of information about farming.  相似文献   

茶多酚是茶叶的次级代谢产物,因具有抗氧化性、抗癌和预防心血管疾病等作用而被广泛应用于食品和医药行业。茶多酚与牛乳蛋白的相互作用会使牛乳蛋白结构发生变化,进而影响乳制品的功能特性和生物利用度。牛乳蛋白具有特殊的结构,因此其与酚类物质的结合一直受到广泛关注。本文综述了茶多酚与牛乳蛋白的相互作用机理、影响因素、产物特性、机理分析方法的研究进展以及这种相互作用对乳制品功能特性和生物利用度的影响,为后续利用茶多酚和牛乳蛋白联合开发新型产品提供参考。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify the research-based educational needs and preferred dissemination methods for the Thoroughbred and Standardbred racing and breeding industries in New Zealand. An online survey was used to collect data from members of the Thoroughbred and Standardbred industries who were registered with racing and breeding industry governing bodies. A link to the survey was sent to all members with an e-mail address listed in their contact information. The survey was available online for 1 month (May 1-31, 2012). A total of 602 usable survey responses were included in the analysis. Approximately half the population was from the Thoroughbred sector (53%) of the industry, with most respondents being breeders (45%). Respondents were most interested in research-based information on feeding and nutrition, injuries and lameness, health and exercise, and training. Veterinarians, websites, friends or other horse owners, and printed magazines were used most often for obtaining information on equine research; these sources were also rated as most preferred. Social media and other online sources (videos and forums) were rarely used. The survey identified topics of interest to the members of the racing and breeding industries in New Zealand and highlighted preferred sources that could be used to disseminate information. Survey results also highlighted opportunities to better use and adapt current industry sources of information to ensure that the educational needs are being met for this sector of the equine industry in New Zealand.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine characteristics of cats and their owners with regard to outdoor access of owned cats. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. ANIMALS: 184 owned cats admitted to a veterinary referral center for nonemergency health concerns. RESULTS: Cats acquired recently were less likely to be allowed outdoors than those acquired during previous years. Outdoor access was often limited during the day; few owners allowed their cats to remain outdoors at night. Cats acquired from shelters were more likely to be kept exclusively as indoor pets than those cats acquired as strays. The presence of dogs but not other cats in the household was associated with increased outdoor access. Age, health status, and onychectomy status were not significantly associated with outdoor access. Cats allowed outdoor access were more likely to have been bitten by other cats. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The basis for an owner's decision to allow outdoor access appears to be multifactorial, and there may be regional differences in outdoor access of owned cats. Acquisition source is associated with outdoor access of owned cats. Availability of information regarding outdoor access of cats may influence decision making. Educational efforts targeted at specific groups of cat owners, as well as programs that acknowledge owner beliefs regarding quality of life for their cats, may help to address the health, safety, and population concerns associated with outdoor access of owned cats.  相似文献   

The equine industries in Ireland are vibrant and growing. They are broadly classified into two sectors: Thoroughbred racing, and sports and leisure. This paper describes these sectors in terms of governance, education and training in equine welfare, and available data concerning horse numbers, identification, traceability and disposal. Animal welfare, and specifically equine welfare, has received increasing attention internationally. There is general acceptance of concepts such as animal needs and persons' responsibilities toward animals in their care, as expressed in the 'Five Freedoms'. As yet, little has been published on standards of equine welfare pertaining to Ireland, or on measures to address welfare issues here. This paper highlights the central role of horse identification and legal registration of ownership to safeguard the health and welfare of horses.  相似文献   

The concern about environmental issues centering around CAFOs is appropriate. The veterinary profession can be an important force in meeting these challenges by broadening its scope of knowledge and practice into the broader environmental field. Although animal agriculture's contribution to environmental concerns is the focus of this article, it is only one of several sectors that contributes to environmental degradation. Crop production, as well as livestock production industries, contribute to pollution. Manufacturing industries, municipalities, private individuals, our consumptive lifestyles, and agriculture all contribute to the degradation of our environment. One must keep in mind the huge importance of our agricultural industry and not single it out to the detriment of its progress. We have an abundance of high-quality foods at the lowest cost to the individual of any industrialized nation. We export over 40 billion dollars in agricultural products yearly. Agriculture sustains our rural economies and provides opportunities for over 2 million private enterprises scattered across the country; however, there is a goal that we have a sustainable agriculture. A big part of that depends on development and enhancement of an agriculture that does not pollute, that sustains its farm operators and workers, and that does not make the area residents ill or degrade their quality of life; however, the current situation is not promising. Much remains to be learned about the actual acute and long-term health consequences of animal agricultural pollution. Many health concerns are speculative, even though based on sound facts. We know that many surface waters have excess N and P that leads to eutrophication and possibly enhanced growth of undesirable organisms such as Pfiesteria piscicida. We know that other animal pathogens, such as cryptosporidia, have caused large community outbreaks. There are other potential pathogens, such as Salmonella sp, for which we do not know the hazard. We know that our soils may become excessively laden with P, Cu, and Zn, which retard plant growth and create toxic conditions for grazing animals. There are concerns about air pollution. Odors have negative sensory and physical health consequences. H2S and dust may cause toxic effects on neighbors. NH3 vaporizing from manure sources may be carried with precipitation to cause eutrophication in lakes or altered ecosystems in natural areas. CH4 escaping from degrading manure contributes to greenhouse gases. Workers in confined livestock structures have high risk for a variety of chronic respiratory conditions. They also are at risk for acute poisoning from H2S in operations where liquid manure is stored in confined spaces. There have been numerous health complaints in recent years from community neighbors of large-scale livestock operations. One study showed adverse altered mood states, and another showed evidence of respiratory illness similar to what workers experience. Although it has not been possible to objectively measure conditions and know toxic levels of substances causing these illnesses, there are so-called extratoxic mechanisms, such as inherent aversion to putrefactive odors and exacerbation of preexisting conditions that lower the tolerance threshold. Environmental concerns regarding livestock production are not new. In the early and mid-1970s, there were many conferences and publications regarding odors and water contamination from livestock operations. Although most of what is known in this area has been known for 20 years, relatively little effective efforts have been made to correct the concerns. In fact, trends over this past decade have increased the concerns. This past decade has seen a tremendous acceleration in the concentration and consolidation of agriculture, capping a slow trend over the past 50 years toward larger, fewer, and more-specialized farms. This trend has gone against the old saying that "dilution is the solution to pollution.  相似文献   

刘会  邓波  张英俊  杨富裕  陈晨 《草业科学》2009,26(9):231-236
草业为我国的新兴产业之一,已经形成了生产、加工、经营一体化,并在畜牧业生产中占据重要位置。针对目前草业生产管理技术体系、技术推广与服务体系建设和完善过程中,存在的对草业发展认识不足、体系不够完善、资金短缺、技术人员少、培训方式落后和培训内容单一、枯燥等问题进行了详细阐述和分析,同时针对这些问题提出了科学完整的培训方式,以及增加资金投入、提高推广和管理人员的素质、确定培训形式、改进推广方式、增加培训对象和拓展培训内容等建议和解决对策。  相似文献   

Semen is collected and processed from a variety of animal species for use in artificial insemination breeding programmes. Because of the inherent nature of the semen collection process, bacterial contamination of the ejaculate is a common occurrence. Additionally, manipulation of the ejaculate during processing in the laboratory can expose the sample to possible introduction of bacterial contamination. If preventative measures at the stud fail to adequately control these risks, decreases in semen quality, dose longevity and fertility may occur. Multiple mammalian and non-mammalian sources have been identified as origins of contamination in the stud. Knowledge of these sources has aided the industries in developing strategies that help in controlling the introduction of contaminant bacteria in extended semen. A primary step in minimizing contamination is in the practice of good hygiene by stud personnel. Prudent general sanitation protocols should also be followed in the laboratory, animal housing and semen collection areas. Cleanliness and attention to the actual semen collection process can also aid in reducing bacterial load originating from the stud semen donor. Attentiveness to all of these steps significantly contributes to an overall reduction in the type and amount of bacterial contamination. However, their complete elimination stills remains unavoidable. To address residual bacteria load in the sample, antimicrobials are commonly used in semen extenders intended to promote in vitro sperm longevity beyond that of a few hours. Current research by the animal industries continues in the selection and prudent use of antimicrobials that will lead to the success and sustainability of this modality in controlling bacterial contamination.  相似文献   

振兴老工业基地是重庆在较短时期内实现赶超经济先进国家和地区的重要手段,选择和培育主导产业是振兴老工业基地的重要策略。比较优势理论是市场经济体制下选择主导产业标准的主要依据;培育主导产业应坚持政府支持与市场竞争相结合。根据重庆新时期发展的优势和劣势、机会和威胁的分析,重庆主导产业的选择和培育着重可从交通运输设备制造业、现代服务业、资源加工业、装备制造业和高新技术产业五大产业寻找机会。同时,还需进一步发挥政府在重庆主导产业培育和发展中的职能。  相似文献   

Domestic cats are an important part of many Americans' lives, but effective control of the 60–100 million feral cats living throughout the country remains problematic. Although trap–neuter–vaccinate–return (TNVR) programmes are growing in popularity as alternatives to euthanizing feral cats, their ability to adequately address disease threats and population growth within managed cat colonies is dubious. Rabies transmission via feral cats is a particular concern as demonstrated by the significant proportion of rabies post‐exposure prophylaxis associated with exposures involving cats. Moreover, TNVR has not been shown to reliably reduce feral cat colony populations because of low implementation rates, inconsistent maintenance and immigration of unsterilized cats into colonies. For these reasons, TNVR programmes are not effective methods for reducing public health concerns or for controlling feral cat populations. Instead, responsible pet ownership, universal rabies vaccination of pets and removal of strays remain integral components to control rabies and other diseases.  相似文献   

Increasing environmental concerns are forcing animal industries to reevaluate current feeding practices and their relationships to nutrient excretion. Previous modeling efforts have used simple budgets of nutrient flows through animals, assuming a constant productivity level. This assumption is not valid if animals are not in a steady state. A response model of dairy cow production to levels of net energy for lactation (NEL) and crude protein (CP) was derived from an abrupt threshold and plateau model of individuals. Monte Carlo techniques were used to simulate populations of cows fed diets of various NEL and CP concentrations, to derive the optimum allocation of NEL and CP, and to estimate how the optimum is affected by herd production potential, prices of inputs, and uncertainty of parameters. The simulation showed that a 25% increase in milk production reduced N excretion per kilogram of milk produced by 8%. Improved knowledge of the biology involved and feed composition can reduce N excretion by an additional 8%. Grouping strategies and number of groups used affect optimum allocation of nutrients. An optimum of six milking groups per production unit was derived from the simulation and would reduce N excretion by 8% compared to herds fed in one group.  相似文献   

肉牛产业是新疆建设优质畜产品产业集群、全面推进乡村振兴的重要产业之一,伊犁州是新疆重要的肉牛繁育生产基地,也是肉牛存栏最多、牛肉产量最高的地区。本文从肉牛产业链延炼、补链、拓链出发,从新疆伊犁州当前肉牛产业发展情况、短板等方面,全面剖析伊犁周肉牛产业高质量发展之路,为新疆伊犁州肉牛产业发展提供对策参考。  相似文献   

我省农区“三元结构”生产体系的初步设想   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以粮食作物、经济作物、饲料作物协调发展的“三元结构”生产体系,是发展生态农业的必由之路。四川省人口多,耕地少,养殖业中猪的比重达80%以上,饲料粮紧缺限制了畜牧业的进一步发展。因此,建立我省农区“三元结构”生产体系,扩大饲料资源,以缓解饲料短缺的矛盾。四川水热条件较好,有大量可推广的饲用作物,可根据我省四种不同区域类型,采用填闲、轮作、间作、套作、人工草地等主要示范模式建立农区“三元结构”生产体系。  相似文献   

The European Economic Community was one of the major concerns of the later years of the late Campbell MacKellar. Besides being deeply involved in the affairs of the UEVP--the body representing the practising arm of the veterinary profession in Europe--he was one of the United Kingdom's representatives on the Federation of Veterinarians of the EEC over a period which saw that body emerge into an active pressure group with a real contribution to make to veterinary affairs within the Community. So said Alastair Porter in his introduction to the first MacKellar Memorial Lecture, which he gave last autumn. The following article is abridged from Mr Porter's address.  相似文献   

Veterinary students completed an online survey regarding personal and academic concerns they experienced during their first year of veterinary school. Quantitative results showed a high degree of stress and anxiety among the study participants as well as concerns about time management and study skills. Quantitative analysis using chi-square tests revealed significant associations between concerns about study skills and the independent variables of relationship status and time since obtaining an undergraduate degree. Results of a thematic analysis undertaken with the qualitative data provide further insight into first-year experiences, indicating concerns about the intensity of the program and especially about time commitment, the amount of information students were expected to learn, and the amount of material they were expected to memorize. Another theme revealed that students did not feel academically prepared for some of their first-year courses, which led to their not liking those courses for which they lacked appropriate groundwork. Other themes highlighted the students' desire for more clinically relevant experiences during their first year as well as surprises regarding the maturity level of classmates and the level of support offered by professors. Given the results of this study, suggestions for counselors and others who work with veterinary students are provided.  相似文献   

During the past century, reductions in animal diseases have resulted in a safer, more uniform, and more economical food supply. In the United States, the passage of the 1906 Federal Meat Inspection Act mandated better sanitary conditions for slaughter and processing, as well as inspection of live animals and their processed products. Following World War II, Congress passed the Poultry Products Inspection Act. Both acts are regulated by the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). The USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is responsible for regulations governing the health of live animals prior to slaughter. This article is a brief overview of the ways in which the current predominance of zoonotics among emerging diseases underscores the importance of veterinary health professionals and the need for continued coordination between animal-health and public-health officials. Examples of intersections between animal- and public-health concerns include bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and Johne's disease, as well as extending beyond food safety to diseases such as avian influenza (AI). In the United States, we have in place an extensive public and private infrastructure to address animal-health issues, including the necessary expertise and resources to address animal-health emergencies. However, many challenges remain, including a critical shortage of food-animal veterinarians. These challenges can be met by recruiting and training a cadre of additional food-supply veterinarians, pursuing new technologies, collaborating with public-health officials to create solutions, and sending a clear and consistent message to the public about important animal-health issues.  相似文献   

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