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The magnetic resonance (MR) imaging features of the normal canine thyroid gland were retrospectively compiled from images acquired in 44 dogs presented for a variety of diseases unrelated to the thyroid gland. The appearance of the thyroid gland on different sequences, including pre- and postcontrast T1-weighted, T2-weighted, two-dimensional gradient echo, three-dimensional T2*-weighted gradient echo and proton density weighted images, were described in different image planes. The characteristic shape, location, and intensity of thyroid lobes compared with surrounding structures made them easily detectable in all dogs. The most common location of the thyroid lobes was dorsolateral to the trachea with the maximal cross-sectional area of the lobes located ventral to C2/3 or C3 in more than 85% of the dogs. The majority of the lobes were ovoid on transverse images. An isthmus was seen in one large dog and parathyroid glands could not be seen. The mean maximal thyroid lobe diameter on transverse images was 8.1 mm, being twice the mean diameter of the common carotid artery. Considering the excellent conspicuity and characteristic appearance of the canine thyroid gland, MR imaging can be beneficial in the diagnosis of diffuse thyroid diseases, in differentiating thyroid vs. nonthyroid neck masses and in staging and treatment planning of thyroid tumors in this species.  相似文献   

The computed tomographic (CT) features of the normal thyroid gland were compiled from images acquired in 25 client-owned dogs without thyroid gland disease. The mean pre- and postcontrast attenuation values were 107.5 and 169.0 Hounsfield Units, respectively. After injection of intravenous contrast medium (600 mg iodine/kg), the apparent thyroid gland volume (both lobes combined) increased from a mean value of 1148.0 nm3 to a mean value of 1188.9 mm3. All thyroid lobes were homogeneous on pre- and postcontrast images. In a craniocaudal direction, the gland spanned a region from the 1st to the 8th tracheal ring and the right lobe was often more cranial than the left. On transverse images the lobe shape was ovoid in 72%, and its location was dorsolateral to the trachea in 90% of dogs. Parathyroid glands could not be identified and an isthmus connecting both thyroid lobes was only seen in one dog. Considering the excellent visibility of the normal canine thyroid gland, CT can be beneficial in the differentiation of thyroidal versus nonthyroidal neck masses. CT also yields potential in the staging of thyroid carcinomas.  相似文献   

Acantholytic dermatophytosis is a rarely reported condition of dogs that clinically and histopathologically mimics superficial pemphigus (erythematosus, foliaceus). Histologically, periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) and Grocott's methenamine-silver (GMS) are often necessary to show the fungus. A retrospective histopathological study was conducted on 190 canine skin biopsy specimens: 95 each with the diagnosis of canine dermatophytosis or of superficial pemphigus. All specimens were stained with haematoxylin and eosin, PAS, and GMS. Dermatophytes were not seen in any superficial pemphigus cases. Acantholytic keratinocytes were noted in 14% of the dermatophytosis cases, none of which had clinical signs consistent with superficial pemphigus. Among cases with acantholytic keratinocytes, superficial pemphigus had significantly more acantholytic cells than dermatophytosis (P = 0.02). When comparing face and nonface cases, there was no difference in prevalence of acantholytic keratinocytes in dermatophytosis or number of acantholytic keratinocytes in superficial pemphigus. All dermatophyte cases were both GMS and PAS positive with neither stain being visually superior. No dermatophyte cases where acantholytic keratinocytes were noted had a history, clinical signs and histopathological features compatible with acantholytic dermatophytosis.  相似文献   

Transmission electron and light microscopy studies were carried out on morphologic characteristics of cellular organelles of normal and different neoplastic cells of hepatoid circumanal glands of 16 dogs. The ultrastructural features of the reserve and transitional cells in the adenomas and carcinomas are highly suggestive of different carcinogenic stimuli for each form of hepatoid circumanal gland neoplasm. The reserve cells, in response to the carcinogenic stimuli, appear to be growing at the expense of the degenerating glandular cells.  相似文献   

Objectives To determine (1) the common types of canine splenic disorders, and the breeds affected, that are diagnosed by cytopathological and histopathological examination in Sydney, Australia and (2) the accuracy of cytopathological examination compared with histopathological examination for the diagnosis of canine splenic disorders. Design 69 cytopathological and 51 histopathological diagnoses of canine splenic disorders presented to the Veterinary Pathology Diagnostic Services, The University of Sydney during 2006 and 2007 were tabulated and analysed; 17 cases examined both cytopathologically and histopathologically during 2001–07 were also analysed. Results The most common cytopathological diagnoses were benign disorders of growth, vascular disturbances and necrosis (29%), followed by no abnormalities detectable (28%), malignant neoplasms (20%), equivocal diagnoses (20%) and inflammatory disorders (3%). The most common breeds were Kelpie crosses and mixed breeds. The most common histopathological diagnoses were benign disorders of growth, vascular disturbances and necrosis (49%), followed by malignant neoplasms (43%) and inflammatory disorders (8%). The most common breeds were German Shepherd Dogs, Boxers and Maltese Terriers. Cytopathological and histopathological diagnoses were in complete agreement in 59% of cases, partial agreement in 29% and disagreement in 12%. Conclusion Benign disorders of growth, vascular disturbances and necrosis were the most commonly diagnosed canine splenic disorders, both cytopathologically and histopathologically. Kelpie crosses presented most frequently for cytopathological examination. German Shepherd Dogs were the most common breed diagnosed histopathologically with haemangiosarcoma. Although cytopathological and histopathological splenic examinations are complementary for diagnosis, this study has shown a high correlation for complete and partial agreement between the two.  相似文献   

Apocrine sweat gland adenocarcinomas (AACs) are relatively uncommon skin tumors in dogs. Little prognostic or behavioral information has been published for these tumors. In this retrospective study, 44 AACs from diagnostic archives were reexamined and clinical postexcisional follow-ups for 25 of the 44 cases were obtained by a survey. There were 28 out of 44 (65.9%) AACs that invaded the capsule, stroma, or both, 5 of 44 (11.4%) invaded blood vessels and stroma, and 1 out of 25 (4%) had distant metastases. The presence or absence of stromal and vascular invasion was predicted by clinical examination with more than 80% accuracy. Postexcisional median survival of dogs with AACs was 30 mo at the time of survey. Determination of a correlation between histological features and malignant behavior of AACs was compromised by the low number of cases with clinical AAC-related problems; however, it appears that intravascular invasion is an important indicator of potential systemic metastases.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate microbiological and histopathological features of canine acral lick dermatitis (ALD). Microbial characteristics of ALD are poorly described in current literature. If infection is recognized, antimicrobial selection is usually empirical, based on appearance, cytology or surface culture, rather than deep tissue culture. It was hypothesized that cultures obtained from deep tissue would yield different results than predicted by surface culture and cytology, and that isolates from ALD have unpredictable susceptibility patterns showing resistance to antibiotics routinely administered for canine pyoderma. Biopsies were obtained from 31 lesions and submitted for aerobic, anaerobic and fungal culture, and histopathological evaluation. Surface aerobic culture and susceptibility and cytology were obtained for comparison in 22 dogs. Skin scrapings and dermatophyte culture were performed. Bacteria were isolated in 30 of 31 cases. Staphylococcus intermedius was isolated in 58% of deep cultures. Twenty per cent of deep isolates were methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus species. Forty-eight per cent of cases yielded organisms defined as multidrug resistant on deep culture. Only 57% and 55% of bacteria isolated from tissue culture were sensitive to amoxicillin-clavulanic acid and cefazolin, respectively. Cytology and superficial cultures did not correlate well with deep cultures. Surface culture predicted deep tissue isolates in eight of 22 cases. Microsporum gypseum was isolated from one dog. Histopathological features included acanthosis, follicular elongation, lymphoplasmacytic dermal inflammation, folliculitis, furunculosis, perihidradenitis, hidradenitis and vertical streaking fibrosis. Lesions associated with ALD warrant tissue bacterial cultures as the majority of cases yielded positive growth of bacteria differing from superficial culture and often resistant to empirical drugs.  相似文献   

To accumulate histological information of cetaceans and basic information about metabolic systems of marine mammals, the thyroid gland of Risso's dolphins was examined by gross anatomical and light and electron microscopic observations. Gross anatomically, right and left lobes of the thyroid were not clearly discriminated, and no isthmus was observed. By light microscopy, irregular or oval follicular lumens were seen, and surrounded by follicular epithelial cells. By electron microscopy, the rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER) was seen adjacently to mitochondria at the basal and lateral regions of the follicular epithelial cells. RERs at the basal side of the cells sometimes contained flocculent material with the same electron density as the follicular lumen component. Microvilli were poorly developed at the apical surface of the cells. In the apical regions of the cells, there were typical Golgi complexes, multivesicular bodies, and granules with various size and electron density. The parafollicular cells were recognized among the follicular epithelial cells and in the interstitial regions but never protruded into the follicular lumen. These cells were present singly and/or formed clusters among the follicular epithelial cells, and often located adjacent to capillaries. They were obviously discriminated from follicular epithelial cells by higher electron density of their granules. In their cytoplasm, well-developed rERs, primary lysosomes, secondary lysosomes, multivesicular bodies, and phagosomes were recognized.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between breed and the histopathological grade of canine mast cell tumours (MCTs). A retrospective survey of pathology data of 9375 histopathologically confirmed diagnoses of cutaneous MCTs in the US was evaluated in the context of breed prevalence in over two million registered purebred dogs. Association of histopathological grade with breed, age, sex and spay/neuter status was assessed. The data indicate that the proportion of high‐grade tumours increases with advancing age, and that male and intact dogs have increased odds of developing high‐grade tumours. A significant difference in the proportion of high‐grade tumours between breeds was detected. The Pug was at significantly increased risk of developing low/intermediate‐grade tumours, but not high‐grade tumours, resulting in preponderance of less aggressive MCTs in this breed. The results of this study suggest a genetic association for the development of high‐grade MCTs.  相似文献   

Secretory carcinoma is an uncommon variant of breast cancer, characterized by the presence of intracellular and extracellular eosinophilic secretion. Here, we report the cytologic, histologic, and immunohistochemical findings of a secretory carcinoma diagnosed in the left inguinal mammary gland of a 3-year-old female German Shepherd Dog. The fine-needle aspiration cytology showed numerous large branching sheets of neoplastic cells and isolated cells with cytoplasmic vacuoles. Histologically, the tumor was composed of cells with clear cytoplasm and prominent vacuoles that pushed the nuclei to the periphery, resembling signet ring cells. These cells were arranged in solid or tubular structures with lumenal spaces filled with eosinophilic secretion. Immunohistochemical reactions to cytokeratin (CAM 5.2) and alpha-lactalbumin were strongly positive in all neoplastic cells, and staining for vimentin and S100 protein was negative. The cytomorphologic and immunohistochemical features of this tumor are similar to those seen in tumors in women, hence enabling the diagnosis of a rare case of primary secretory carcinoma of the canine mammary gland.  相似文献   

Benign connective tumours of the canine salivary glands are rare. This report describes lipomatous infiltration of parotid or submandibular salivary glands in seven dogs in which the glands were enlarged as a result of infiltration by fat cells; they appeared to have been successfully treated by local excision. The precise cause of the lipomatous infiltration in the dogs is unclear but different causes of similar lesions in humans are discussed.  相似文献   

Straelensiosis is a relatively new disease described in dogs and produced by a trombiculid larva known as Straelensia cynotis . Few cases have been reported in the English literature. Straelensiosis has been observed in Southern France and Northern Portugal causing a distinctive nodular dermatitis. The present study describes the clinical, histopathological and epidemiological features of 19 cases diagnosed as straelensiosis in the north of Spain and Portugal (2003–2007). A follow-up of the animals after diagnosis was carried out. Differences with previously described cases were observed, especially concerning epidemiology and histopathology. The grade of response to different treatments and new microscopic features are discussed. The study concludes that S. cynotis can cause a nodular dermatitis in rural and hunting dogs in Spain and Portugal and is associated with particular seasonal and geographical factors.  相似文献   

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