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以生物燃料代替部分汽油,从理论到实践,至今约半个世纪。气候条件适合的地区,第一代燃料乙醇已有成功的经验,如巴西的甘蔗乙醇,但也有不少地区引发了"粮食(谷物、糖等)对抗燃料"的意见。从而主攻方向转为第二代纤维质乙醇。通过本世纪的科研实践,难题不少;话题可能是"植物与燃料的对抗",下面简述。1第一代生物燃料(粮—发酵—乙醇)的发展世界第一个用甘蔗为原料生产燃料乙醇计划,于1975年在巴西建立。随后美国也在1978年开始以  相似文献   

新冠疫情下的中巴大豆贸易:现状、机遇与挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
巴西是中国大豆进口的重要来源国,新冠疫情在全球范围内持续发酵,巴西位于疫情"震中"地带,其国内形势日益严峻.本研究介绍了巴西大豆产业发展及出口现状并分析了疫情对巴西大豆生产及出口的影响,在此基础上揭示了中巴大豆贸易面临的机遇与挑战.研究表明:短期来看,疫情下巴西大豆生产暂未受到显著影响.巴西货币大幅贬值使其大豆国际价格...  相似文献   

国内外巴西橡胶树替代作物及技术研发现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
天然橡胶是重要的工业原料和战略物资.近年来其供需日趋紧张,而目前大面积商业化种植生产天然橡胶的巴西橡胶树,只能种植在亚洲和非洲等地的热带地区.为此,美国、欧盟的某些机构相继开展了巴西橡胶树替代作物的研究,并在近期取得了重要进展.这对中国及世界其它国家以巴西橡胶树种植为主的天然橡胶产业构成了潜在威胁.为了对目前国内外非巴西橡胶树生产天然橡胶的研究和开发现状进行较为深入系统地了解,本文对国内外巴西橡胶树替代产胶作物及技术开发利用现状进行概括分析,并建议迅速确立专项开展银胶菊及转基因橡胶草等替代巴西橡胶树产胶作物及技术调研研究.  相似文献   

本文研究了巴西橡胶树叶片的乙醇酸氧化酶活性与光合活性及叶绿素含量的变化规律。同一品系不同物候期和不同叶蓬以及不同光强下的叶片,其叶绿素含量、光合活性和乙醇酸氧化酶活性都不相同,但变化方向一致,即叶绿素含量高(或低)、光合活性强(或弱),则乙醇酸氧化酶活性也强(或弱),三者呈正相关。橡胶树不同年龄或不同光强下的叶片,其乙醇酸氧化酶活性与光合活性的相对比值亦不相同。  相似文献   

甘蔗生产燃料乙醇的可行性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对甘蔗生产燃料乙醇的成本高低、单位面积产乙醇量及燃料乙醇生产技术等方面来进行分析,得出川甘蔗生产燃料乙醇的途径是确实可行,是一个比较有前景的产业。  相似文献   

通过对巴西蔗糖产业种植、管理、贸易、政策、加工等方面的详细分析可知,巴西是世界上最大的甘蔗生产国和出口国,拥有先进的技术水平和管理经验,其制糖成本低、国际竞争力强。其甘蔗病虫害防控实行:⑴重点培育和推广抗病虫甘蔗良种;⑵通过种苗检疫、脱毒和健康种苗繁育技术严防病虫害的发生与传播;⑶建立病虫害监测预警和防控系统;⑷生物防控技术和化学药剂相结合。其糖厂已实行全网络自动化控制系统,蔗糖生产采用两步法生产精制糖。其蔗糖产业发展特点:重视氮高效品种的选育、甘蔗生产全程机械化率高、采用酒精发酵液定量还田技术、燃料乙醇工业发达、多种糖料蔗供应渠道、加工技术先进生产效率高、甘蔗运输成本较高等特点。我们可从中得到的借鉴为:重视强宿根蔗的选种计划、加速推进甘蔗生产全程机械化进程、建立完善的甘蔗病虫害防控系统、加强蔗糖高值化及副产物综合利用。  相似文献   

巴西大豆生产与科研概况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在对巴西大豆生产与科研情况考察的基础上 ,又对相关资料进行了综合 ,供有关部门及研发生产部门在实际工作中参考。  相似文献   

巴西的甘蔗酒精生产在生产甘蔗酒精领域,2004年甘蔗种植面积540万公顷,生产甘蔗大约3.89亿吨,其中生产蔗糖2490万吨,酒精146亿公升。蔗糖出口达到1300万吨,创汇近20亿美元。近两年巴西蔗糖出口约占世界蔗糖出口份额的35%以上。巴西现有大约5万个甘蔗种植户,300家蔗糖和酒精生产厂,解决就业人口可达520万,其中直接就业120万,间接就业达400万。巴西在甘蔗的种植、酒精和糖厂的建设和生产技术以及酒精汽车技术方面均处于世界领先地位。按照巴西科研人员的分析,巴西每吨甘蔗释放的能量相当于1.2桶石油。目前,巴西酒精生产成本为每公升0.19美元,…  相似文献   

大豆主要病虫害研究概况--Ⅲ大豆害虫   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文根据参加2004年2月在巴西伊瓜苏(FozdoIguassu)召开的第七届世界大豆研究会议(ⅦWorldSoybeanResearchConference)、第四届国际大豆加工与利用大会(IVInternationalSoybeanProcessingandUtilizationConference)和第三届巴西大豆会(IIIBrazilianSoybeanCongress)及对巴西大豆研究和生产情况的考察等资料,整理了国际上大豆主要病虫害发生情况和最新研究进展作一概要介绍,以供大豆研究者和生产者参考,本文介绍大豆害虫。  相似文献   

对用甘蔗生产车用燃料酒精的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 车用乙醇汽油是战略举措  开发燃料酒精等石油替代品 ,节约石油资源的举措已列入国家“十五”发展计划纲要。去年 7月份以来 ,我国推广使用车用乙醇工作已进入一个新阶段 ,北方一些省区用玉米生产燃料酒精项目已开始进行建设。  南方的甘蔗 (用发酵方法生产酒精 ) ,也是一种能源作物。前几年我国西部地区 (广西、云南、贵州等省 )种蔗致富脱贫起了较大作用 ,可是因为化学合成甜味剂及进口糖的冲击 ,出现食糖供大于求的现象 ,关停了一些糖厂 ;这些地区是否可借鉴巴西 2 5年来发展甘蔗燃料酒精的经验1 ;糖与酒精并举 ,以价格、市场调整…  相似文献   

Among the various sectors of the Brazilian economy, agriculture plays a prominent role, generating jobs and income for the country. However, the agricultural sector faces systematic annual losses due to pests and diseases. The damage caused by insect pests is one of the primary factors leading to the reduced production of major crops. The study presented here estimates the production losses of major crops caused by insects and the economic impact related to the direct damage caused by insects, to the purchase of insecticides, and to medical treatment for humans poisoned by insecticides. The results indicate that insect pests cause an average annual loss of 7.7% in production in Brazil, which is a reduction of approximately 25 million tons of food, fiber, and biofuels. The total annual economic losses reach approximately US$ 17.7 billion. These results are important for government policies in the agricultural sector, as well as indicate the need for updated data regarding the losses caused by insects in Brazil and the need for systematic monitoring of these losses.  相似文献   

能源甜菜的筛选及生产酒精初步研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
从优良糖用甜菜高代品系中选出8个优良新品系,开展用于能源酒精生产的实验研究。结果表明:JNYL5、JNY7208、JNYB86、JNY41四个新品系酒精产率较高,每吨原料可生产95%酒精分别为:98.2L、114.2L、95.3L和82.3L。初步研究认为:能源甜菜生产酒精与酒精转化率、含糖率和块根产量相关。  相似文献   

警惕麦瘟病全球扩散   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
麦瘟病是南美出现的一种新的小麦病害,流行区域包括巴西、阿根廷、玻利维亚和巴拉圭等热带和亚热带地区,可造成5%~100%的产量损失。气候是影响病害发生流行的主要因素,高温潮湿可导致麦瘟病大流行。麦瘟病的病原菌为Magnaporthe grisea,具有寄主专化性,来自不同寄主的M.grisea菌系对小麦的致病性有显著差异,同时在小麦品种和M.grisea菌系间存在明显的生理专化性。已报道的小麦抗麦瘟病基因有5个,分别是Rmg1、Rmg2、Rmg3、Rmg4和Rmg5。由于生产上尚无控制此病害的有效方法,故应加强研究,以阻止麦瘟病在全球的扩散和蔓延。  相似文献   

Projected change in forage production under a range of climate scenarios is important for the evaluation of the impacts of global climate change on pasture‐based livestock production systems in Brazil. We evaluated the effects of regional climate trends on Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia production, predicted by an agro‐meteorological model considering the sum of degree days and corrected by a water availability index. Data from Brazilian weather stations (1963–2009) were considered as the current climate (baseline), and future scenarios, based on contrasting scenarios in terms of increased temperature and atmospheric CO2 concentrations (high and low increases), were determined for 2013–2040 (2025 scenario) and for 2043–2070 (2055 scenario). Predicted baseline scenarios indicated that there are regional and seasonal variations in P. maximum production related to variation in temperature and water availability during the year. Production was lower in the Northeast region and higher in the rainforest area. Total annual production under future climate scenarios was predicted to increase by up to 20% for most of the Brazilian area, mainly due to temperature increase, according to each climate model and scenario evaluated. The highest increase in forage production is expected to be in the South, Southeast and Central‐west areas of Brazil. In these regions, future climate scenarios will not lead to changes in the seasonal production, with larger increases in productivity during the summer. Climate risk is expected to decrease, as the probability of occurrence of low forage productions will be lower. Due to the predicted increase in temperature and decrease in rainfall in the Northeast area, P. maximum production is expected to decrease, mainly when considering scenarios based on the PRECIS model for the 2055 scenario.  相似文献   

不同品种木薯酒精发酵的出酒率比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以华南124、华南8号、华南5号、华南7号、华南8013、华南205、华南6号7个品种木薯为试验材料,采用摇瓶发酵法,研究不同品种木薯在相同条件下酒精发酵的出酒率.结果表明:华南124和华南205两个品种的出酒率最高,是适合酒精生产的木薯品种;华南7号的淀粉含量最高,但出酒率不高,说明原料的淀粉含量与出酒率之间不存在正相关性.  相似文献   

Wheat is an important crop in the Southern Cone region of Latin America. Some of the common wheat diseases in this region are Xanthomonas streak, spot blotch, tan spot, and leaf blotch and the rusts. Rice blast on wheat could also be a problem in certain years. Disease management through varietal resistance, cultural practices including appropriate fungicidal spraying schedule, levels of tolerance for field and seed infections and seed treatment criteria, have been integrated and used for several years in Brazil. Emphasis in integrated disease management (IDM) is on reduction in use of fungicides and consequently in the cost of production. Wheat productivity in Brazil has almost doubled during the past 10 years, owing mainly to the IDM approach. The IDM practices used in Brazil for each of the major diseases can also be adopted in other Latin-American countries with similar agroecosystems.  相似文献   

香蕉枯萎病是危害全球香蕉产业发展的主要病害,选育抗病品种是控制枯萎病的有效措施,而开展抗病香蕉品种的果实特性及品质研究是选育和推广抗病品种的基础.本研究通过以巴西蕉为对照,对4个香蕉枯萎病抗性品种的果实特性、果实品质及感官评价进行分析.结果表明,'中蕉9号'的单穗重、果梳数和果指直径显著高于巴西蕉,单株产量比巴西蕉增加...  相似文献   

Producing large quantities of high quality mini-tubers at low cost is essential for an economically viable supply of seed potatoes. Here we systematize the technical and economic aspects of aeroponics and provide a benchmark comparison of this technology with other mini-tuber production systems as developed in Latin America: conventional, semi-hydroponics, and fiber-cement tiles technology. Research methodologies included: 3-year registration of cash flows and production registers of aeroponics, economic and technical surveys, in-depth inquiry with managers of technologies. Results show that aeroponics as promoted by the International Potato Center (CIP) has several advantages, including high multiplication rates (up to 1:45), high production efficiency per area (> 900 mini-tubers per m2), savings in water, chemicals and/or energy, and positive economic indicators. The fiber-cement tiles technology from Brazil is also shown to be highly efficient and slightly more robust compared to aeroponics. Preconditions for the successful adoption of the different technologies in developing countries are discussed.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to perform morphological and molecular characterization of Fusarium species within the Liseola section isolated from corn grains from different geographic regions in Brazil, and to evaluate their potential for fumonisins production. The results showed that Fusarium verticillioides is the predominant species (99%) associated with corn grains, and other toxigenic species, Fusarium proliferatum, was incidental in Brazilian corn. Although there was a high variability in the total fumonisin production among the isolates (0.01–2.39 μg g−1), all fifty isolates analyzed produce fumonisins. The level of total fumonisin production was not correlated with the geographic origin of the isolates.  相似文献   

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