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Fourier transform horizontal attenuated total reflectance (FT-HATR) was used to examine changes in the secondary structure of gluten proteins in a flour-water dough system during mixing. Midinfrared spectra of mixed dough revealed changes in four bands in the amide III region associated with secondary structure in proteins: 1317 (alpha-helix), 1285 (beta-turn), 1265 (random coil), and 1242 cm (-1) (beta-sheet). The largest band, which also showed the greatest change in second derivative band area (SDBA) during mixing, was located at 1242 cm (-1). The bands at 1317 and 1285 cm (-1) also showed an increase in SDBA over time. Conversely, the band at 1265 cm (-1) showed a corresponding decrease over time as the doughs were mixed. All bands reached an optimum corresponding to the minimum mobility of the dough as determined by the mixograph. Increases in alpha-helix, beta-turn, and beta-sheet secondary structures during mixing suggest that the dough proteins assume a more ordered conformation. These results demonstrate that it is possible, using infrared spectroscopic techniques, to relate the rheological behavior of developing dough in a mixograph directly to changes in the structure of the gluten protein system.  相似文献   

A new Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopic method based on single-bounce attenuated total reflectance (SB-ATR) spectroscopy was developed for the analysis of distilled liquors and wines. For distilled liquors, a partial least-squares (PLS) calibration was developed for alcohol determination based on the SB-ATR/FTIR spectra of mixtures of ethanol and distilled water. An independent set of 12 different distilled liquor samples was predicted from the PLS calibration, and a standard deviation of the differences for accuracy (SDD(a)) between actual and predicted values of 0.142% (v/v) was obtained. The potential utility of SB-ATR/FTIR spectroscopy for the analysis of wines was initially evaluated based on a comparison with Fourier transform near-infrared (FT-NIR) spectroscopy and FTIR spectroscopy using a flow-through transmission cell. PLS calibrations for alcohol, total reducing sugars, total acidity and pH were developed using pre-analyzed wine samples (n = 28), and for SB-ATR/FTIR spectroscopy, the SDD(a) for the leave-one-out cross-validation statistics were of the order of 0.100% (v/v), 0.707 g L(-1), 0.189 g L(-1) (H2SO4), and 0.230, respectively. Overall, the SB-ATR/FTIR results were better than those obtained using FT-NIR spectroscopy and comparable to those obtained with transmission FTIR spectroscopy. A PLS calibration based on preanalyzed wine samples (n = 72) for the prediction of 11 different components and parameters in wines by SB-ATR/FTIR spectroscopy was subsequently developed and validated using an independent sample set (n = 77). Good coefficients of correlation between the reference and predicted values for the validation set were obtained for most of the components and parameters except citric acid, volatile acids, and total SO2. The results of this study demonstrate the suitability of SB-ATR/FTIR spectroscopy for the routine analysis of distilled liquors and wines.  相似文献   

基于红外衰减全反射光谱的温室土壤盐分特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
与传统的露地耕作土壤不同,温室土壤在耕作过程中受较多的人为调控,但在调控的过程中产生了多种问题,如大量施肥导致的土壤盐渍化[1]。因此,研究如何表征温室土壤的离子特征并预测温室土壤的发展是当前设施农业发展所面临的重要问题。常规农化分析只从不同的角度分析温室土壤的特征,很难实现整体上的综合表征。红外光谱能够综合反应土壤的理化性质,在温室土壤研究中有具有明显的特点。常规的透射光谱在研究土壤时存在制样时间长和难以定量的缺点,而衰减全反射红外光谱(ATR-FTIR)则可克服这一缺点,结合化学计量学的方法,能够实现土壤的定性与定量分析[2,3]。红外光谱包含大量化学键信息,在分析时需进行合理的降维,抽取  相似文献   

The conformation of oat globulin dispersions (10% in D2O) under the influence of pH, chaotropic salts, protein structure perturbants, and heating conditions was studied by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The FTIR spectrum of oat globulin showed major bands from 1670 to 1634 cm(-1), corresponding to the four major types of secondary structures, that is, beta-turns, beta-sheets, alpha-helices, and random coils. At extreme acidic and alkaline pH conditions, there were changes in intensity in the bands attributed to beta-sheet structures (1626, 1634, and 1682 cm(-1)), and shifts of the bands to higher or lower wavenumbers, indicating changes in conformation. In the presence of some chaotropic salts, the 1626 and 1634 cm(-1) bands were shifted upward, with a marked decrease in the intensity of the 1634 cm(-1) peak. The addition of several protein structure perturbants led to a slight shift in the alpha-helix/random coil bands and a marked reduction in the beta-sheet peaks, suggesting protein unfolding. Heating under aggregating conditions led to slight shifts in all of the major bands and progressive changes in the intensity of the alpha-helix, beta-sheet, and beta-turn peaks, suggesting protein denaturation. This was accompanied by marked increases in intensity of the two intermolecular beta-sheet bands (1682 and 1624-1626 cm(-1)) associated with the formation of aggregated strands. The IR spectra of soluble and insoluble aggregates showed a redistribution of native and extensively denatured proteins in the two fractions.  相似文献   

Extracted fractions from black and red common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) were studied using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). Beans were stored under three conditions: control at 4 degrees C; hard-to-cook (HTC) at 29 degrees C, 65% RH for 3.5 months; and refrigerated at 2 degrees C, 79% RH for 3.5 months after a HTC period (called HTC-refrigerated). Two fractions isolated from the beans, the soluble pectin fraction (SPF) and the water insoluble residue of the cell wall (WIRCW), were analyzed using diffuse reflectance (DRIFTS) FT-IR. The soaking water and cooking water from the beans were also studied using attenuated total reflectance (ATR) FT-IR. The DRIFTS FT-IR results from the SPF and WIRCW fractions were consistent with previously published data for Carioca beans showing that in general, more phenolic compounds were associated with the SPF of HTC beans than in the control beans. Results also showed that HTC-refrigerated beans had higher concentrations of phenolic compounds than control beans in the SPF. The ATR FT-IR results for soaking and cooking waters from the HTC-refrigerated and HTC beans had higher concentrations of absorbing compounds than the control beans, indicating that they lost more constituents to the water. Additionally, results indicate that the mechanism(s) for reversibility of the HTC defect could be different than the one(s) involved in the development of the defect.  相似文献   

Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) methods and common chemometric techniques [including discriminant analysis (DA), Mahalanobis distances, and Cooman plots] were used to classify various types of dietary supplement oils (DSO) and less expensive, common food oils. Rapid FT-IR methods were then developed to detect adulteration of DSO with select common food oils. Spectra of 14 types of DSO and 5 types of common food oils were collected with an FT-IR equipped with a ZnSe attenuated total reflectance cell and a mercury cadmium telluride A detector. Classification of DSO and some common food oils was achieved successfully using FT-IR and chemometrics. Select DSO were adulterated (2-20% v/v) with the common food oils that had the closest Mahalanobis distance to them in a Cooman plot based on the DA analysis, and data were also analyzed using a partial least-squares (PLS) method. The detection limit for the adulteration of DSO was 2% v/v. Standard curves to determine the adulterant concentration in DSO were also obtained using PLS with correlation coefficients of >0.9. The approach of using FT-IR in combination with chemometric analyses was successful in classifying oils and detecting adulteration of DSO.  相似文献   

Pressure-induced conformational changes in D(2)O solutions of the two genetic variants of beta-lactoglobulin A (beta-lg A) and beta-lactoglobulin B (beta-lg B) and an equal mixture of both variants (beta-lg A+B) were studied by employing variable-pressure Fourier transform infrared (VP-FTIR) spectroscopy. Changes in the secondary structure of beta-lg A were observed at lower pressure compared to beta-lg B, indicating that beta-lg A had a more flexible structure. During the decompression cycle beta-lg A showed protein aggregation, accompanied by an increase in alpha-helical conformation. The changes in the secondary structure of beta-lg B with the pressure were minor and for the most part reversible. Upon decompression no aggregation in beta-lg B was observed. Increasing the pressure from 0.01 to 12.0 kbar of a solution containing beta-lg A+B resulted in substantial broadening of all major amide I bands. This effect was partially reversed by decreasing the hydrostatic pressure. beta-lg A+B underwent less aggregate formation than beta-lg A, possibly as a result of protein-protein interactions between beta-lg A and beta-lg B. Hence, it is likely that the functional or biological attributes of beta-lg proteins may be affected in different ways by hydrostatic pressure.  相似文献   

Attenuated total reflection Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR), followed by multivariate treatment of the spectral data, was used to classify seed oils of the genus Cucurbita (pumpkins) according to their species as C. maxima, C. pepo, and C. moschata. Also, C. moschata seed oils were classified according to their genetic variety as RG, Inivit C-88, and Inivit C-2000. Up to 23 wavelength regions were selected on the spectra, each region corresponding to a peak or shoulder. The normalized absorbance peak areas within these regions were used as predictors. Using linear discriminant analysis (LDA), an excellent resolution among all categories concerning both Cucurbita species and C. moschata varieties was achieved. The proposed method was straightforward and quick and can be easily implemented. Quality control of pumpkin seed oils is important because Cucurbita species and genetic variety are both related to the pharmaceutical properties of the oils.  相似文献   

In some soils, aggregate coatings and walls of biopores differ in the content of clay and organic carbon from that of the aggregate interiors or the soil matrix. The composition of the organic matter on aggregates and on the surfaces of biopores is largely unknown. We have compared the composition of organic matter between inner and outer parts of aggregates and between biopore walls and the soil matrix in a loamy arable soil and a sandy forest one. Hot‐water‐ and sodium‐pyrophosphate‐extractable organic matter was analysed by Fourier transform infrared (FT‐IR) spectroscopy. For the sandy forest soil, the FT‐IR spectra showed that organic matter from the walls of root channels contains fewer functional groups with absorption bands at 1740–1710 cm?1 and 1640–1600 cm?1 than that from burrow fillings. For the arable soil, the content of these functional groups in hot‐water‐soluble organic matter from the coatings is less than in that from the interiors in the topsoil, and the reverse is so in the subsoil, probably because water‐soluble organic matter containing these functional groups has moved from topsoil to subsoil. The results indicate that root channels in the forest soil have more reactive zones in an otherwise relatively inert sandy matrix, whereas aggregate coatings in the arable subsoil have a greater cation exchange capacity and a greater sorption potential for hydrophobic substances than the aggregate interiors.  相似文献   

Aspartame is a low-calorie sweetener commonly used in soft drinks; however, the maximum usage dose is limited by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy with attenuated total reflectance sampling accessory and partial least-squares regression (PLS) was used for rapid determination of aspartame in soft drinks. On the basis of spectral characterization, the highest R2 value, and lowest PRESS value, the spectral region between 1600 and 1900 cm(-1) was selected for quantitative estimation of aspartame. The potential of FTIR spectroscopy for aspartame quantification was examined and validated by the conventional HPLC method. Using the FTIR method, aspartame contents in four selected carbonated diet soft drinks were found to average from 0.43 to 0.50 mg/mL with prediction errors ranging from 2.4 to 5.7% when compared with HPLC measurements. The developed method also showed a high degree of accuracy because real samples were used for calibration, thus minimizing potential interference errors. The FTIR method developed can be suitably used for routine quality control analysis of aspartame in the beverage-manufacturing sector.  相似文献   

Monovarietal white wines from Maria Gomes and Bical Portuguese Bairrada varieties were prepared according to different maceration and pectic enzyme clarification procedures. The polysaccharide-rich extracts, obtained by wine concentration, dialysis, and lyophilization, were fractionated by graded ethanol precipitation. A wide range of fractions rich in polysaccharides were obtained. Using the spectral region between 1200 and 800 cm(-)(1) of the FTIR spectra of the wine polysaccharide dry extracts, using PCA and CCA chemometric methods, it was possible to discriminate the extracts on the basis of their polysaccharide composition. Moreover, it was possible to identify the wine-making processes involved and their influence on the wine polysaccharides. Furthermore, a calibration model using a PLS1 was proposed for the quantification of mannose in the samples obtained by precipitation with 60% ethanol aqueous solutions. This information will allow an expeditious assessment and monitoring of the polysaccharide composition and modifications that occur during the wine-making processing and evolution.  相似文献   

Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy with microattenuated total reflectance (mATR) sampling accessory and chemometrics (partial least squares and principal component regression) was used for the simultaneous determination of saccharides such as fructose, glucose, sucrose, and maltose in honey. Two calibration models were developed. The first model used a set of 42 standard mixtures of fructose, glucose, sucrose, and maltose prepared over the range of concentrations normally present in honey, whereas the second model used a set of 45 honey samples from various floral and regional sources. The developed models were validated with different data sets and verified by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) measurements. The R (2) values between the FTIR-mATR predicted and HPLC results of the different sugars were between 0.971 and 0.993, demonstrating the predictive ability and accuracy of the procedure.  相似文献   

In this study, the rationale for exploring the thermal deterioration mechanism of the bio-oil pyrolyzed from rice husk is established. This is based on identification of the unstable intermediates in the thermal deterioration process. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy was used to monitor such a thermal deterioration process of bio-oil samples in thermal treatment and/or during long-term storage at ambient temperatures of 20-30 °C. Terminal olefins, as a key intermediate, so-called "signature", were identified qualitatively by using FTIR spectroscopy. A band shift observed at 880 cm(-1), which was assigned to the C-H out-of-plane deformation vibration of terminal olefins, indicates the start-up of the bio-oil thermal deterioration. A two-step pathway was proposed to describe the thermal deterioration process of bio-oil. This study suggests that the status of bio-oil could be rapidly monitored by the FTIR method.  相似文献   

为了对市售小麦粉中的石灰类添加物进行现场快速检测,该文采用衰减全反射-中红外光谱(mid-infrared spectroscopy combined with attenuated total reflection,ATR-MIR)结合偏最小二乘算法建立了小麦粉中掺入氧化钙、氢氧化钙、碳酸钙、氧化钙+氢氧化钙以及石灰总量的定量校正模型,并采用外部验证集对各模型进行验证。结果表明,氧化钙、氢氧化钙、碳酸钙、氧化钙+氢氧化钙和石灰总量模型的决定系数均大于0.98;校正均方根误差(root mean square error of calibration,RMSEC)均小于0.3;交互验证均方根误差(root mean square error of cross validation,RMSECV)均小于0.5;外部验证的预测均方根误差(root mean square error of prediction,RMSEP)均小于0.95;各模型的相对预测性能(ratio performance deviation,RPD)均大于4.5,该模型具有较高的精度,可以满足小麦粉中石灰含量的现场快速检测要求。该研究可为市售小麦粉的快速质量安全筛查提供新的方法,对小麦粉市场质量监控具有重要意义,并且对小麦粉中其他违禁添加物的检测亦有参考价值。  相似文献   

An improved method for the determination of pectin degree of esterification (DE) by diffuse reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (DRIFTS) was developed. Pectin samples with a range of DE as determined by gas chromatography were used for developing a calibration curve by DRIFTS. A linear relationship between the DE of pectin standards and FTIR peak ratio for ester carboxyl peak area to total carboxyl peak area was found (R(2) = 0.97). Pectin DE of various samples was calculated from the linear fit equation developed by DRIFTS. Accuracy of the DRIFTS method was determined by comparing the DE values of four commercial pectins obtained by DRIFTS methods to the values obtained by the gas chromatography method. Greater precision was obtained for the FTIR measurement of test pectin samples when the ester peak ratio was used relative to the ester peak area.  相似文献   

Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR, 4000-600 cm(-)(1)) was used to discriminate between intact and sonication-injured Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 19114 and to distinguish this strain from other selected Listeria strains (L. innocua ATCC 51742, L. innocua ATCC 33090, and L. monocytogenes ATCC 7644). FT-IR vibrational overtone and combination bands from mid-IR active components of intact and injured bacterial cells produced distinctive "fingerprints" at wavenumbers between 1500 and 800 cm(-)(1). Spectral data were analyzed by principal component analysis. Clear segregations of different intact and injured strains of Listeria were observed, suggesting that FT-IR can detect biochemical differences between intact and injured bacterial cells. This technique may provide a tool for the rapid assessment of cell viability and thereby the control of foodborne pathogens.  相似文献   

傅立叶变换近红外光谱法检测白酒总酸和总酯   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
该文研究白酒总酸和总酯的快速检测技术,通过解析不同白酒样品的近红外光谱图,对光谱数据进行不同的处理,结果表明:用一阶导数预处理光谱,谱区选择6102~5446 cm-1,利用人工神经网络与傅立叶变换近红外光谱相结合,采用内部交叉验证法建立模型,效果较好。其中,总酸模型的决定系数为96.73%,内部交叉验证均方根差为0.048 g/L;总酯模型的决定系数为99.58%,内部交叉验证均方根差为0.085 g/L;进一步对总酸和总酯的模型进行验证和评价,结果表明总酸模型验证集的相关系数为99.2%,预测标准偏差为0.074 g/L;总酯模型验证集的相关为99.7%,预测标准偏差为0.134 g/L,表明建立的模型可靠,预测效果好,能满足白酒生产中总酸和总酯的快速检测要求。  相似文献   

Drying oils, such as linseed oil and tung oil, have the potential as coating materials to improve barrier properties of biobased packaging films. Oil drying is a chemical reaction in which polyunsaturated fatty acids undergo autoxidation. During drying, oils polymerize and form water-resistant films. However, drying rates tend to be too slow for practical applications. Metal driers are used in the paint industry to accelerate drying, but often driers are not safe for food contact. The objective of this work was to investigate the effect of ionizing radiation on the oxidation or drying rate of drying oils. The effect of irradiation dose on the drying rate of linseed and tung oils was monitored by FTIR spectroscopy. The peak at 3010 cm (-1) was found to be a useful index of oxidation rate. The decrease in peak intensity with time was fitted with exponential functions of the form Abs = Abs 0 exp (- t/ k), where Abs 0 is the initial absorbance and 1/ k is the rate constant for the oxidation process. Values for k were 9.91 ( R (2) = 0.98), 6.59 ( R (2) = 0.95)n and 6.44 ( R (2) = 0.97) for radiation levels of 0, 50, and 100 kGy, respectively. The k values suggested that the oxidation rate increased as the radiation dose increased from 0 to 50 kGy. A further increase to 100 kGy had only a limited effect.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the performance of different supervised discrimination methods based on IR data for the classification of starches according to the type of chemical modification undergone. The goal of the supervised classification methods is to develop classification rules. Representative samples of each group (known beforehand) were available, from which the relevant characteristics (chemical modification) were known. On the basis of a training data set, classification rules are determined, which can then be applied to classify new (unknown) samples.  相似文献   

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