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The length and weight of Russian sockeye ( Oncorhynchus nerka ) returning to the Ozernaya River (Kamchatka) was substantially reduced in years when the ocean abundances of Kamchatkan pink ( O. gorbuscha ) and sockeye salmon were high. We found that the density-dependent reduction in sockeye growth on a per-capita basis was greater for sockeye than for pink salmon. However, the overall effect of pink salmon abundance on sockeye growth was greater because of the higher numerical abundance of pink salmon. The strongest statistical relationships were found for sockeye from separate age groups; pooled data combining all age classes were statistically insignificant. We estimate that, if pink salmon were absent, the most strongly affected age group of sockeye salmon (2.1 males) would weigh twice as much at maturity than if pink salmon populations from eastern and western Kamchatka were both simultaneously at peak observed abundances. Trophic competition in the ocean between pink and sockeye salmon can therefore have a significant influence on the productivity of sockeye populations for the most strongly affected age groups. These effects are large enough that they should be explicitly considered in the management of salmon populations.  相似文献   

Petrosky CE, Schaller HA. Influence of river conditions during seaward migration and ocean conditions on survival rates of Snake River Chinook salmon and steelhead.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 520–536. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Abstract – Improved understanding of the relative influence of ocean and freshwater factors on survival of at‐risk anadromous fish populations is critical to success of conservation and recovery efforts. Abundance and smolt to adult survival rates of Snake River Chinook salmon and steelhead decreased dramatically coincident with construction of hydropower dams in the 1970s. However, separating the influence of ocean and freshwater conditions is difficult because of possible confounding factors. We used long time‐series of smolt to adult survival rates for Chinook salmon and steelhead to estimate first year ocean survival rates. We constructed multiple regression models that explained the survival rate patterns using environmental indices for ocean conditions and in‐river conditions experienced during seaward migration. Survival rates during the smolt to adult and first year ocean life stages for both species were associated with both ocean and river conditions. Best‐fit, simplest models indicate that lower survival rates for Chinook salmon are associated with warmer ocean conditions, reduced upwelling in the spring, and with slower river velocity during the smolt migration or multiple passages through powerhouses at dams. Similarly, lower survival rates for steelhead are associated with warmer ocean conditions, reduced upwelling in the spring, and with slower river velocity and warmer river temperatures. Given projections for warming ocean conditions, a precautionary management approach should focus on improving in‐river migration conditions by increasing water velocity, relying on increased spill, or other actions that reduce delay of smolts through the river corridor during their seaward migration.  相似文献   

In recent years, returns of adult sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka to the Columbia River Basin have reached numbers not observed since the 1950s. To understand factors related to these increased returns, we first looked for changes in freshwater production and survival of juvenile migrants. We then evaluated productivity changes by estimating smolt‐to‐adult return rates (SAR) for juvenile migration years 1985–2010. We found SAR varied between 0.2 and 23.5%, with the highest values coinciding with recent large adult returns. However, the largest adult return, in 2012, resulted not from increased survival, but from increased smolt production. We evaluated 19 different variables that could influence SARs, representing different facets of freshwater and ocean conditions. We used model selection criteria based on small‐sample corrected AIC to evaluate the relative performance of all two‐ and three‐variable models. The model with April upwelling, Pacific Northwest Index (PNI) in the migration year, and PNI in the year before migration had 10 times the AICc weight as the second‐best‐supported model, and R2 = 0.82. The variables of April ocean upwelling and PNI in the migration year had high weights of 0.996 and 0.927, respectively, indicating they were by far the best of the candidate variables to explain variations in SAR. While our analyses were primarily correlative and limited by the type and amount of data currently available, changes in ocean conditions in the northern California Current system, as captured by April upwelling and PNI, appeared to play a large role in the variability of SAR.  相似文献   

Based on generalized linear models, interspecific interactions were identified between chum and pink salmon. In addition, the effects of sea surface temperature and location on the variability of catch per unit effort (CPUE) of chum salmon from gill‐net surveys carried out between 1972 and 2010 were investigated. In the optimal model, interspecific interactions between CPUEs of chum and pink salmon on a year scale were positive for approximately half of all years in the central Bering Sea. In addition, interspecific interactions on a multi‐year scale were positive in even‐numbered years. The effects of location on the CPUE of chum salmon were significant variables in the optimal model. The CPUEs of chum salmon located near the continental shelf in the Bering Sea were higher than those of other locations. This study provides new evidence of positive interspecific interactions between the CPUEs of chum and pink salmon. The results also suggest that the standardized CPUE of chum salmon from the gill‐net surveys reflects relative chum salmon abundance in the North Pacific Ocean in the following year.  相似文献   

Previous research has documented two main migratory routes of juvenile sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) through the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, Canada, and large interannual variability in marine survival rates of the Chilko Lake stock. Simulation models were used to explore the influence of surface currents on the migratory route of juvenile sockeye salmon (smolts) through the Strait of Georgia. We used a model of downstream migration to generate daily numbers of Chilko Lake sockeye salmon smolts entering the Strait of Georgia, based on daily counts of smolts leaving the rearing lake. A numerical hydrodynamic model (driven by surface wind, tide, and Fraser River discharge) hindcasted surface currents in the Strait of Georgia on a 2 km × 2 km grid. A smolt migration model simulated fish moving through the Strait with different compass-oriented migratory behaviours (i.e. swimming speed and directional orientation) within the time-varying surface advection field. Results showed that surface currents within the Strait of Georgia can affect the migratory route of sockeye salmon smolts in spite of their large size (8 cm). Wind is the forcing mechanism primarily responsible for determining which migratory route would be used. Under prevailing wind conditions (i.e. toward the north-west), most sockeye salmon smolts would use the eastern migratory route; however, relatively brief south-eastward wind events (lasting about 2 days) would force most smolts into the western migratory route. Given the heterogeneity of food for salmon within the Strait, we hypothesize that wind-driven variability in the annual proportion of smolts that use the western and eastern migratory routes in the Strait of Georgia affects early marine survival rates of Fraser River sockeye salmon.  相似文献   

Obtaining reliable estimates of marine survival is essential for understanding anadromous salmon population dynamics. Two common approaches to estimating marine survival are (a) dividing abundance of returning adult salmon abundance by abundance of smolts from the same cohort, or (b) tagging a portion of the migrating smolts and estimating the return rate of tagged adults. This study compared these two approaches to estimating marine survival for coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum), across multiple years in three California streams. Abundance‐based survival estimates were higher than tag‐based estimates; average estimates for the two techniques differed from 1.5‐fold to 7.4‐fold across streams. One likely cause for these divergent estimates is migration of juveniles from natal habitat before smolt trapping begins, resulting in an underestimate of smolt abundance and an overestimate of marine survival rate for the abundance‐based method. Estimates of marine survival obtained from abundance estimates and tag returns are not directly comparable.  相似文献   

In August 2008 the Kasatoshi volcano in the Aleutian archipelago erupted. Prevailing winds carried volcanic ash to the Gulf of Alaska, where its soluble iron dissolved and initiated a widespread phytoplankton bloom. Two years later, the abundance of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) returning to spawn in the Fraser River was larger than any observed since 1913. Kasatoshi's influence on growth and survival has been proposed as the ultimate cause of the abundant return. However, when relevant data are brought to bear on the hypothesis, it shows that: (1) survival of the abundant sockeye salmon cohort was unremarkable when compared with the historical record; (2) without an accompanying volcano, survival of the returns in 2011 was about the same as in 2010; (3) parental abundance that spawned the abundant return in 2010 was the sixth largest since 1948; (4) during their first summer at sea, sockeye salmon are not known to migrate in the offshore region where the anomalous chlorophyll bloom occurred; (5) an older cohort that was likely exposed to the chlorophyll bloom had the second lowest productivity on record when it returned in 2009; (6) immature sockeye salmon do not feed on diatoms, so any trophodynamic benefit derived from excess chlorophyll in mid‐to late August 2008 would have to have found a rapid trophic pathway to sockeye salmon on the continental shelf; and (7) no other populations of sockeye salmon or other species of salmon that are known to rear in the same region had unexpectedly high returns.  相似文献   

To understand the interplay between habitat use and contemporary anadromous Pacific salmon, Oncorhynchus spp., distributions we explored the habitat associations of three species, pink (O. gorbuscha), chum (O. keta) and Chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha) in streams of the Wood River system of Bristol Bay, Alaska, where sockeye salmon (O. nerka) are numerically dominant. We developed models to investigate the occurrence of nondominant salmon in relation to habitat characteristics and sockeye salmon density, using four decades of salmon presence and abundance data. The frequency of occurrence and abundance of nondominant species increased with watershed drainage area and stream depth and decreased with sockeye salmon density. The range of occurrence varied from nonexistent to perennial for the other species in sockeye‐dominated streams. Increasing watershed area resulted in larger stream habitat area and deeper habitats, allowing for the sympatric occurrence and persistence of all salmon species. The relationships between habitat and the presence of these Pacific salmon help define their requirements but also remind us that the patterns of presence and absence, within the overall ranges of salmon species, have yet to be fully understood.  相似文献   

The life history of North American Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is characterized by extensive round‐trip migrations between freshwater rearing habitats and marine feeding grounds off the coasts of Canada and Greenland. Growth is rapid during the marine migration, and growth rate and condition factor may be indicators of salmon health during this period. Growth data were evaluated from a tag‐recovery program conducted from 1969 to 1991 using hatchery‐reared Atlantic salmon smolts released in the Penobscot River, Maine, U.S.A. Information from recaptures of 3167 salmon that were at large in the marine environment for 1 month to 3 yr was analyzed. Length–weight measurements coupled with time‐at‐large data were used to estimate von Bertalanffy and allometric growth parameters specific to the marine phase. Variations in growth and condition factor in relation to smolt age, release date, and temperature conditions in the northwest Atlantic were also examined. The von Bertalanffy k parameter declined with ordinal release date, indicating faster growth rates during the first year of smolts released earlier in the spring. The 2‐yr‐old smolts had a larger k than 1‐yr‐old smolts, although 1‐yr‐old smolts grew to a larger asymptotic size. Sea surface temperature had variable effects on growth parameters and condition factor, with temperature at the beginning of the migration and in overwintering habitat during the first year at sea having the greatest influence on length–weight relationships. Determining the mechanisms that influence growth of individuals during the marine phase will help elucidate the factors responsible for historic growth trends, establishing a baseline for current research.  相似文献   

The effect of origin, smolt size and year of release on the sea migration pattern of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the Baltic Sea was examined by tagging experiments conducted in 1991–1993 on wild and reared smolts of the Simojoki river salmon stock. The tag recovery data analysed by log-linear models revealed significant differences in both spatial and temporal sea migrations between the wild and reared salmon; the variation was attributed to the year of release and to the origin of the fish. Grilse accounted for the majority of reared returners (76%) but for a smaller proportion (46%) of the wild fish. The effect of smolt size could be studied only in the smolt groups tagged in 1991. Wild fish were more frequently (71%) caught in the Baltic Main Basin than were reared fish (51%) during their second sea year, and the size variation between wild and reared smolts did not explain the recovery site. No such differences in spatial distribution were found during the third sea year. The tagging place (hatchery/trap) of the reared fish did not affect their later sea migration. The differences in sea migration patterns suggest that the wild salmon are more vulnerable to the intensive salmon fishery in the Baltic Main Basin than are reared fish.  相似文献   

The timing of smolt migration is a key phenological trait with profound implications for individual survival during both river descent and the subsequent sea sojourn of anadromous fish. We studied relationships between the time of smolt migration, water temperature and light intensity for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and sea trout (Salmo trutta). During 2006–2012, migrating smolts descending the southern Norway River Storelva were caught in a rotary screw trap located at the river mouth. The date of 50% cumulative smolt descent correlated significantly with the date when the river temperature exceeded 8°C for both Atlantic salmon and sea trout smolts. In 2010, smolts of both species were passive integrated transponder (PIT)‐tagged, and the diel timing of their migration was precisely documented. The degree of night migration decreased in both species as the river temperature rose, and at temperatures above 12–13°C, more smolts migrated during day than during night. A multinomial model was fitted for estimating temperature and species effects on probabilities of migration during night, daytime, dusk and dawn. Atlantic salmon smolts preferred migrating under lower light intensities than sea trout smolts during early, but not late spring when both species migrated during bright daylight. In accordance with the early‐season tendency to migrate at night, Atlantic salmon smolts migrated more during darker hours of the day than sea trout. In both species, smaller smolts migrated under dark conditions than during light conditions. Most of the findings on thermal, light and temporal effects on the observed smolt migration pattern can be explained as adaptations to predation avoidance.  相似文献   

The River Bush (Northern Ireland) is an index river for the estimation of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., stock size, population dynamics and marine survival rates. Marine survival estimates are based on the number of smolts counted at a trap 3.5 km upstream of the river outlet. The survival from release to coastal inshore waters for acoustic‐tagged smolts released at the Bushmills trap varied between 32% and 68%, with both year and brightness during river exit playing a significant role in explaining the variations in survival. This constitutes an important survival bottleneck. Contrary to true marine mortality, this significant loss of smolts in the river and nearshore environments could be reduced by focused management actions. More studies on other rivers, where smolts are enumerated above the head of tide, could further partition smolt and post‐smolt mortality, help differentiate true marine survival and help understand fluctuations in adult returns.  相似文献   

The downstream movement of coho salmon fry and parr in the fall, as distinct from the spring migration of smolts, has been well documented across the range of the species. In many cases, these fish overwinter in freshwater, but they sometimes enter marine waters. It has long been assumed that these latter fish did not survive to return as adults and were ‘surplus’ to the stream's carrying capacity. From 2004 to 2010, we passive integrated transponder tagged 25,981 juvenile coho salmon in three streams in Washington State to determine their movement, survival and the contribution of various juvenile life histories to the adult escapement. We detected 86 returning adults, of which 32 originated from fall/winter migrants. Half of these fall/winter migrants spent ~1 year in the marine environment, while the other half spent ~2 years. In addition, the median return date for fall/winter migrants was 16 days later than spring migrants. Our results indicated that traditional methods of spring‐only smolt enumeration may underestimate juvenile survival and total smolt production, and also overestimate spring smolt‐to‐adult return (SAR). These are important considerations for coho salmon life cycle models that assume juvenile coho salmon have a fixed life history or use traditional parr‐to‐smolt and SAR rates.  相似文献   

The abundance and stomach contents of salmonids (Oncorhynchus spp.) and the biomass of prey organisms were examined in the central subarctic Pacific and Bering Sea in the summer of 1991 and 1992. Salmonids were caught by surface longline using the same level of fishing effort. Chum (O. keta) and pink (O. gorbuscha) salmon were the predominant species, representing 44% and 36% sof the total catch (n = 1275) in 1991. In 1992, chum salmon composed 85% of the total catch (n = 603), but the catch of pink salmon decreased to 1% of the total catch due to the odd/even year fluctuation of Asian pink salmon abundance in the study area. It was found that chum salmon changed their dominant diet from gelatinous zooplankton (pteropods, appendicular-ians, jellyfishes, chaetognaths, polychaetes and unidentified materials) in 1991, when pink salmon were abundant, to a diet of crustaceans (euphausiids, cope-pods, amphipods, ostracods, mysids and decapods) in 1992, when pink salmon were less abundant. Local crustacean biomass (wet weight; mg m-3) had significant negative correlation with the CPUE (catch number per 30 hachi) of pink salmon in 1991 (r = -0.586; P = 0.026) and that of chum salmon in 1992 (r =–0.616; P = 0.014). There may be a limitation in the available prey resource for production of salmonids.  相似文献   

Abstract – The possibility to increase the proportion of migrating hatchery‐reared smolts by reducing their food ration was studied. Lake‐migrating, hatchery‐reared salmon (Salmo salar) and trout (Salmo trutta) smolts were either fed normal rations, based on recommendations from the fish‐farming industry, or reduced (15–20%) rations. They were released into the River Klarälven, western Sweden, and followed as they swam downstream to Lake Vänern, a distance of around 25 km. For both Atlantic salmon and brown trout, smolts fed a reduced ration migrated faster than fish fed a normal ration. Furthermore, a higher proportion of salmon smolts fed reduced rations migrated to the lake than fish fed normal rations in 2007 but not in 2006. This difference between years corresponded to greater treatment differences in size and smolt status in 2007 than in 2006. For trout, the proportion of migrating individuals and smolt development did not differ with ration size. Trout migrants fed a normal ration had a higher standard metabolic rate (SMR) than nonmigrants, whereas there was no difference in SMR between migrating and nonmigrating salmon. These results show that it is possible to use a reduced food ration to increase the migration speed of both Atlantic salmon and brown trout and to increase the proportion of migrating Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

Abstract The timing of the smolt run in the Dale River in western Norway was monitored from 2002 to 2007 after annual stocking in late autumn 2000 to 2005 with 5000–10800, 11–16 g, Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., parr. The releases yielded an annual smolt production of 1000–2000 individuals, mainly 1+ smolts. Almost 5700 stocked smolts were trapped during smolt migration and 60% of these were genotyped for family identification. The date for 50% descent varied by 14 days from year to year. For the most part, however, the 2+ stocked smolts and the majority of the wild smolts left the river in May, while the 1+ stocked smolts migrated 23–26 days later in June. It was concluded that the strategy of stocking large parr in late autumn may conflict with the natural timing of smolt migration the following spring.  相似文献   

Two salmon smolt barge transport experiments were conducted to measure tissue trace element selenium (Se) loss during the 30 h transport 500 km downriver past seven hydroelectric dams on the Columbia River. Carcass Se was measured before and after the barge trip. Liver glutathione peroxidase (GTPX) activity and total ascorbate concentrations were assayed to correlate Se loss with GTPX levels. Hatchery‐reared smolt chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), were tested before and after barging. Liver ascorbate concentrations, measured by high‐performance liquid chromatography techniques, showed levels adequate to support GTPX activity. Salmon smolts lost up to 20% of carcass tissue Se during the 30 h barge confinement. Selenium was analysed by analytical polarography. Samples collected after two barging episodes showed Se loss and concomitant elevated liver GTPX activity after the transport. Tissue Se loss may be useful to measure stress in fish, and increasing tissue Se in hatchery salmon smolts prior to release and transport may be warranted.  相似文献   

Piscirickettsia salmonis, the aetiological agent of salmonid rickettsial septicaemia (SRS), is a global pathogen of wild and cultured marine salmonids. Here, we describe the development and application of a reproducible, standardized immersion challenge model to induce clinical SRS in juvenile pink (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha), Atlantic (Salmo salar) and sockeye salmon (O. nerka). Following a 1‐hr immersion in 105 colony‐forming units/ml, cumulative mortality in Atlantic salmon was 63.2% while mortality in sockeye salmon was 10%. Prevalence and levels of the bacterium in kidney prior to onset of mortality were lower in sockeye compared with Atlantic or pink salmon. The timing and magnitude of bacterial shedding were estimated from water samples collected during the exposure trials. Shedding was estimated to be 82‐fold higher in Atlantic salmon as compared to sockeye salmon and peaked in the Atlantic salmon trial at 36 d post‐immersion. These data suggest sockeye salmon are less susceptible to P. salmonis than Atlantic or pink salmon. Finally, skin lesions were observed on infected fish during all trials, often in the absence of detectable infection in kidney. As a result, we hypothesize that skin is the primary point of entry for P. salmonis during the immersion challenge.  相似文献   

Abstract – The survival of brown trout and Atlantic salmon smolts during passage over small weirs was estimated in two small Danish rivers during the spring of 1998. Parallel groups of smolts were released upstream and downstream of the weirs and recaptured in traps further downstream. The results showed a smolt loss varying from 18 to 71% for trout and 53% for salmon. Furthermore, the surviving smolts from the upstream groups were delayed for up to 9 days compared to downstream groups. The study demonstrated that an increased proportion of total river discharge allocated to fish passage increased the smolt survival. Losses may be because of fish penetrating grids erected at fish farm inlets, predation and delays, which may lead to desmoltification. The low survival may seriously threat both the long-term viability of wild populations of anadromous salmonids and the outcome of the intensive stocking programme in Denmark.  相似文献   

Unusually large returns of several stocks of fall Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) from the U.S. Northwest commonly occurred during the late 1980s. These synchronous events seem to have been due to ocean rather than freshwater conditions because natal rivers of these stocks were geographically disconnected. We examined year‐to‐year variability in cohort strength of one of these stocks, Upriver Bright (URB) fall Chinook salmon from the Columbia River Hanford Reach for brood years 1976–99 (recovery years 1979–2002). We used the ocean recovery rate of coded‐wire‐tag (CWT) fish as an index of cohort strength. To analyse year‐to‐year variability in the ocean recovery rate, we applied a log‐linear model whose candidate explanatory variables were ocean condition variables, fishing effort, age of recovered fish, and fish rearing type (hatchery versus wild). Explanatory variables in the best model included fishing effort, and the quadratic term of winter sea surface temperature (SST) measured from coastal waters of British Columbia, Canada during the fish's first ocean year. The coefficient of the quadratic term of SST was significantly negative, so the model shape was convex. Our findings can be used to infer year‐to‐year variability in cohort strength of other fall Chinook salmon whose life history and ocean distributions are similar to the URB fish.  相似文献   

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