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正吴文君,高希武,张帅主编该书在简述生物农药基本概念与基本特点的基础上,详细介绍了各大类型生物农药如植物源农药、微生物源农药、昆虫信息素、微生物农药、天敌昆虫以及植物农药等内容;另外,介绍了生物农药的制剂加工与应用技术、生物农药的登记管理等;重点介绍了欧美及我国对生物农药登记的具体资料要求。在介绍我国开发、生产的生物农药品种的同时,也介绍了国外曾经或正在生产、研究的品种,以供开发与设计新农药时参考。  相似文献   

本文从数量、品种结构、剂型、使用等方面对我国猕猴桃用农药的登记现状进行了梳理,并结合田间实际用药情况进行了讨论分析。结果表明,我国猕猴桃用药登记品种存在数量不足,无药可用,生物农药和新剂型占比不高,用药指导不到位等问题。针对发现问题,作者提出了继续开展小宗作物联合登记试验,促进生物农药及新剂型研发,结合用药实际情况开展用药指导等建议。  相似文献   

本文对我国当前小麦病虫害防治药剂中的生物农药登记情况进行了总结,综述了未登记品种在小麦上的研究现状,并提出发展建议。  相似文献   

本文梳理了我国韭菜上农药登记情况,针对登记农药的产品数量、品种结构、剂型、毒性等方面进行分析讨论.结果表明,韭菜用登记农药存在产品同质化严重、杀菌剂有效成分单一、混剂农药和生物农药不足,传统剂型仍是主流等问题.为此,作者提出了完善农药登记管理制度、逐步淘汰传统剂型农药以及加强生物农药研发等建议.  相似文献   

<正>出于进一步严格登记要求的考虑,欧盟将对审查现有生物农药,包括田间筛选农药的管理规则予以更新。欧盟委员会表示,修改将反映以危害为基础的标准来评估有效成分、指定更为安全的替代产品等新条款。规则草案已经于今年8月份在欧盟部长级会议上散发。文件包括仍然在进行审议的有效成分以及已经不再受最初的支持者支持可能会转交给愿意提供登记数据的其他公司的有效成分清单。审查项目根据前欧盟生物农药产品指令  相似文献   

生物农药是农药的一个组成部分,由于生物农药的特性,其登记资料要求和一般常规农药有所不同。目前,我国对生物农药登记资料尚无明确的要求,现将联合国粮农组织规定的要求翻译于后,供我国生物农药登记时参考。——校译者  相似文献   

<正>农业部办公厅近日印发《2015年种植业工作要点》指出,农业系统要扩大低毒生物农药示范补贴试点范围,创新推进绿色防控。2015年中央一号文件也强调要大力推广低毒低残留农药。利好政策出台让生物农药企业为之一振,期望借此扭转生物农药长期以来叫好不叫座的局面。目前我国有40多家生物农药研究机构,在研发上保持着与世界同步的水平。国内生物农药登记的品种有80多个,产品2500多个,发达国家有的品种我国基本上都有。然而,  相似文献   

<正>4月27—28日,中国农药发展与应用协会、中国植保学会生物防治专业委员会等单位将在湖北恩施州举办"2015年生物农药发展与应用交流大会"。会议内容包括生物农药应用与推广政策解读、国内外生物农药登记管理动态、我国生物农药出口动态、农产品质量安全管理与生物农药应用、我  相似文献   

我国生物农药的登记及推广应用现状   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,化学农药的大量使用引起的害虫抗药性、农药残留、环境污染、食品安全等问题日趋严峻,严重制约我国社会经济的可持续发展。使用高效、安全、环境兼容性好的生物农药,减少化学农药的使用,是保障我国食品安全和生态安全的重要措施。本文比较了国内外生物农药界定的差异,详细介绍了现阶段我国生物农药的登记情况和推广应用现状,并就其今后的发展提出了建议和展望。  相似文献   

生物农药包括生物化学农药、微生物农药、植物源农药,近年来尽管在整个农药产业中所占的比例还较低,但生物农药总体势头发展良好,且在减少化学农药使用、保障农产品质量安全和生态环境安全及特色农作物的有害生物防控中发挥了重要的积极作用.本文对我国生物农药登记管理的基本情况、产业发展取得的主要成效和当前发展中存在问题等进行了详细梳...  相似文献   

总结、分析了2019年及近年我国农药登记的基本情况和特点。最近7年来,每年微毒/低毒农药登记数量与当年农药登记总量的比值,及与本年度新增登记数量的比值均持续上升,其比值的年均值分别为82.0%和93.4%;环境友好的剂型在迅速增加,悬浮剂与本年度新增产品登记数量的比值一直处于领先位置,可分散油悬浮剂的比值增长突显,乳油比值在逐年递减;杀虫剂、杀菌剂和除草剂3大类农药登记数量与本年度新增登记数量的比值趋向显著平均;低风险的新农药登记数量在不断增加,生物源农药登记数量增长稳定,5年来其有效成分和产品的年均增长率分别为9.88%和9.46%。从政策和技术上促进特色小宗作物用药登记产品数量快速增加。上述特点表明,我国农药正朝着有利于人畜健康和生态环境安全的方向发展。  相似文献   

The introduction of new food safety regulations in the European Union has resulted in the withdrawal of many synthetic active substances used in plant protection products, in light of their potential or actual harmful effect on human and animal health, as well as on the environment. Alternatives to these compounds are being developed – naturally occurring pesticides, also referred to as biopesticides. The use of biopesticides in crop protection leads to decreased levels of pesticide residues in foods, and as a result to lower risk levels for the consumer. Biologically active agents defined as biopesticides are varied, and therefore application of the same environmental and consumer safety criteria to all of them is impossible. This presents serious complications in the approval of these pesticides as active plant protection products and in their registration. It needs to be stressed that, in the registration procedure of the European Union, biopesticides are subject to the same regulations as synthetic active substances. This situation has resulted in the need to introduce numerous new provisions in the legislation, as well as the preparation of new guidelines facilitating the registration of biopesticides. These activities aim to promote naturally originating pesticides. © 2014 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The five‐year value in the compound annual growth rate of the biopesticides sector is predicted to be 16% by 2017 and to produce a global market worth $US 10 billion. Despite this, several impediments occur within the EU that negatively affect biopesticide research and innovation. At present, there are fewer biopesticide‐active substances registered in the EU compared with the United States, India, Brazil and China. The relatively low level of biopesticide research in the EU (6880 ISI papers) versus the United States (18 839), India (9501) and China (7875) relates to the greater complexity of EU‐based biopesticide regulations compared with these other countries. In this light, it is worth noting that tensions may exist between regulators that emphasise the beneficial nature of biopesticides in environmentally friendly crop management and those that adopt a more technologically based approach dependent on a chemical‐pesticide‐driven model. Compared with the other aforementioned countries, far fewer biopesticide products are available in the EU market, mainly as a direct result of the severe regulatory factors present there. The extent to which this trend will continue depends largely on a range of interacting political and/or regulatory decisions that influence environmentally friendly agricultural industries. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

对国家春小麦西北旱地区域试验的几点认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过4a的实地调查和对区域试验结果的统计分析,针对国家春小麦西北旱地区域试验存在问题的分析,提出在均衡布点的基础上,要加强区试点基础设施建设、提高管理水平、保持试验地块的稳定性、提高旱地试验出苗率、注意病虫害的防治、增加辅助对照品种和提高人员素质等。  相似文献   

For registration, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) separates pesticides into conventional chemical pesticides and biochemical and microbial pesticides. Natural products generally fall into the latter category. The USEPA has specified the test requirements for registration in the United States in the guidelines for registration of biorational pesticides (Subdivision M of 40 CFR Part 158). A discussion of the regulatory issues requires some reference to the accompanying scientific developments. The potential application of chemicals that affect insect behavior and development appeared an extremely promising approach to the reduction of adverse environmental and health impacts associated with many conventional pesticides. In addition to these benefits, the new biopesticides generally affected a very specific range of target species. However, although juvenile hormones and semiochemicals offer exciting new approaches to pest control, and are potentially valuable components of pest management strategies, acceptance of these techniques has been slow. Commercial development has been difficult for several reasons. Regulatory requirements may appear burdensome. Unconventional pest-control technologies may call for special formulations or application equipment. It may not be easy to establish the efficacy of non-lethal potential techniques. Investigators who derive funds from the public sector may have neither responsibility nor resources to carry the technology beyond the experimental stage. Because most activities in this field have been heavily research-oriented, few workers have possessed the additional resources to obtain safety data or data to satisfy regulatory requirements. Difficulties in preparing and administering guidelines for registration of biopesticides lie in the novelty of the pest control agents and the diversity of the techniques involved in their effective use. Rapid advances in molecular biology and other disciplines continually strain the capabilities of regulators who are responsible for making safety assessments regarding pest-control agents. Although regulatory authorities are familiar with conventional pesticides, safety assessment of biopesticides calls for totally different approaches.  相似文献   

生物防治是草地植保学科的重要范畴。进入21世纪以来,随着生命科学和生物技术的发展,使该分支学科在我国得到了快速发展。本文概述了“十二·五”期间草地有害生物生防技术在我国的发展现状,在分析我国本领域学科发展水平与国际差距的基础上,指出了我国草地有害生物生防领域存在的主要问题及未来优先发展方向。  相似文献   

伴随着"新四化",我国农药管理也正步入新的阶段,农药登记工作作为农药管理链条的重要元素和第一关口,承载着发展现代农业、保障主要农产品有效供给及消费安全、促进农业可持续发展的重任,越来越受到社会的关注。本文就农药登记管理中的登记政策导向、登记试验管理、风险评估应用、残留标准制定及农药标签管理、知识产权保护等当期热点问题进行了初步思考和探讨,以期为我国农药管理提供参考。  相似文献   

微生物农药管理现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微生物农药,是指利用微生物或其代谢产物来防治危害农业的病、虫、草、鼠等有害生物以保护或促进植物生长的生防制剂。近几年来,由于化学农药的滥用,使得害虫抗药性、农药残留、环境污染等问题日益严峻,而作为化学农药替代品的微生物农药则发挥着越来越重要的作用。本文重点回顾了国内外微生物农药登记管理的发展历程,总结了各国微生物农药登记管理的资料要求,结合我国农业生产现状,分析了我国微生物农药登记管理的现状,为进一步完善我国微生物农药登记管理工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

黄脊竹蝗为重大林业害虫,多在竹林造成为害。2020年黄脊竹蝗从老挝、越南等地跨境进入中国云南省并在农区造成了严重为害。本文主要综述了黄脊竹蝗在我国发生的历史与现状、暴发的原因以及主要的防治措施,归纳了黄脊竹蝗不同发育阶段的有效防治措施,重点总结了利用生防天敌和生物农药防治黄脊竹蝗的研究进展,为黄脊竹蝗综合防控提供参考依据。  相似文献   

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