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信宜市位于广东省西部,属于南亚热带季风气候,但又有复杂多变的山区气候特点。随着海拔高度的不同,形成北热带、南亚热带、中亚热带、北亚热带几个气候带。甜柿自2002年引进栽培,发展较快,目前该市甜柿种植面积已达533hm2,结果面积有400hm2。甜柿生产已成为信宜市山区农民增收致富的一条前景广阔、发展潜力大的好门路。现将低纬度地区引种日本甜柿的关键技术要点概括如下。  相似文献   

云南省甘蔗增施黄磷炉渣肥的肥效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
云南省甘蔗区主要分布在南亚热带、热带北缘,土壤多为砖红壤、赤红壤等,是易受冲刷淋洗的地区;加上多年连作,又未施硅肥,造成土壤缺硅面积日益扩大.  相似文献   

崇左市位于广西西南部,属南亚热带季风气候,非常适宜甘蔗的生长,近10年来,当地政府因地制宜把制糖业作为第一大支柱产业来扶持。2007/2008年榨季该市产糖量占全国的18.64%,占广西的30.71%,其糖产量连续多年在全国同行中占据龙头地位,有"中国糖都"之称。桂糖  相似文献   

黑河中游绿洲农田防护林发展问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
南亚热带丘陵赤红壤地区水热资源丰富,可大力发展荔枝、龙跟、香蕉、芒果等岭南佳果基地和高效益的蔬菜基地,是广东省以至全国的一块得天独厚的宝地。分析了南亚热带的自然概况、广东南亚热带地区的资源优势及丘陵赤红壤的特征。研究了广东省南亚热带丘陵赤红壤受气候因素的制约,土壤贮水库容和有效库容小,下层非饱和导水率及土壤水力扩散度低等水分特性及问题。提出了改善生态环境,利用生物或工程措施截流降雨、减少地表径流,提高降雨入流率从而增加土壤贮水量和有效贮水量。通过改良土壤,提高土壤保水性能和土壤供水能力,采取防止或减缓土壤水分蒸发措施,发展节水灌溉技术等土壤水分调控与管理技术措施。  相似文献   

南亚热带高温多雨,年降雨量大而分布不均,台风雨季节降雨强度大,全年降雨多集中4~9月,占全年的80%以上,因而大大地增加了降雨所起的地表径流,径流也主要集中在多雨季节,特别是在5~8月,占全年降雨径流量的90%左右,形成了南亚热带坡地独特的地表径流特征,南亚热带的降雨入渗对表土层的影响较大,在暴雨过程中,0~30cm土层水分易产生饱和,因而易产生地表径流,从而减少水分入渗,这对作物生长产生不利的影  相似文献   

南亚热带土壤温度动态变化特征及其意义   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
根据定位系统观测资料,阐述了南亚热带山地常绿森林区,丘陵旱作区和平原水稻区多种土壤的温度变化与气温的变化,观测研究结果表明,低山常绿森林区温度的三维空间差异比丘陵区,平原区大,丘陵区又比平原区大,南亚热带林区的气温,地表温,30cm,土温比中亚热带的高,比热带的低;南亚热带林区的谷地气温高于针叶林,混交林和阔叶林,谷地20cm,土温低于针叶林,混交林而高于阔叶林,在气温一致的丘陵区栽植物不同,其地  相似文献   

甘蔗绵蚜在广西的发生为害情况,因蔗区的生态结构的不同而略有不同,根据广西甘蔗研究所报导,我区各蔗区由于地理位置、地形地貌、气候条件不同,可分为桂南南亚热带区,桂中中亚热带区和桂北中亚热带区三大区和八个类型。南宁、武鸣等县市的蔗地属于桂南南亚热带台地型蔗区,这类型蔗区的主要特点是常年高温多雨,年平均温  相似文献   

从保山国家木薯试验站引进新品种(系)10个,以当地的主栽品种红鳝尾(主体遗传为南洋红)为对照,对文山南亚热带中高海拔河谷山地(海拔1100 m左右)进行木薯新品种(系)引种观察鉴定试验,通过2年的试验观察鉴定分析与调查评价,基本掌握了各参试品种(系)的生物学特性及经济学性状,为今后文山南亚热带中高海拔河谷山地的木薯种植品种选择提供了科学的依据。  相似文献   

南亚热带不同植被根际微生物数量与根际土壤养分状况   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
研究了包括尾叶桉、广东凤丫蕨、柳叶竹、大叶相思、青皮、木荷、湿地松在内的7种南亚热带不同植物植被下土壤根际微生物与根际养分状况及其相关关系。结果表明,根际环境对细菌有明显的正效应,对放线菌和真菌有正、负两方面的影响,但对根际微生物总量具有根际效应明显;在南亚热带森林生态系统中,在植物的某些生长季节,微生物的根际效应与土壤养分的根际效应一致。  相似文献   

我国甘蔗气候区划的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
一、甘蔗生产合理布局的意义甘蔗是我国最重要的糖料作物。除制糖外,还可以综合利用,为工业提供大量原料。我国甘蔗生产存在着有利的气候条件。大部分产区,分布在南亚热带地区和热带偏北的少数地区。这些地区早霜、冻害问题没有温带地区严重,干旱问题又没有热带地区突出,生长季长,有利于获得高产、优质。  相似文献   

以昆明溪麓·南郡小区样板别墅区的景观规划为实例,从场地的地形、景观与建筑、瀑布与溪流、公共景观与私家景观,以及植物的选配等规划手法,阐述分析山地别墅住宅景观设计的要点,探寻山地住宅区地域性景观建设的策略。作者认为:山地居住区的景观设计要结合建筑的空间布局进行合理组织,做到室内外景观的一致性;结合人性化设计,从使用者的角度考虑景观布置的合理性;发展立体绿化,结合山地地形起伏的特点,创造出具有自然野趣的人工绿化;水体营造时考虑人们的亲水愿望、水体净化以及水体循环利用的问题。  相似文献   

We studied the soils of the Patio de la Acequia garden of the Generalife, a palatial villa forming part of La Alhambra, a World Heritage Site in Granada, Spain. This garden, which is estimated to be around 700 years old, is the oldest historical garden in the Western World. The soils are man‐made cumulimollihumic‐calcaric (hypereutric, anthric) Regosols. Noteworthy amongst the main pedogenic processes, in relation to the human activities of cultivation, irrigation and tillage, are horizonation, melanization (the contents of organic carbon varied between 0.59% and 8.87%, and those of P205 extracted with citric acid between 723 mg kg−1 and 7333 mg kg−1, with maximae in the Ap horizons) and structure formation. The soil fabric, studied at the ultramicroscopic level using scanning electron microscopy, is of laminar and partition‐walls’ type in the lower horizons, depending on the microped zones. The partition‐walls’ fabrics found are different to those of the possible pre‐existing sedimentary fabrics. These are numerous lithological discontinuities and at least two burials, leading us to deduce that there have been two main stages of filling with materials in the formation of these soils. The first is Arabic‐Medieval (13th century), when the garden was created, its surface being some 50 cm below the level of the paved area of the present patio. In the deeper parts, the materials employed in the fill are similar to the in situ soils of the zone, unaffected by the buildings. The second stage is Christian (15th century to the present day). During this period the Medieval garden was gradually buried under a layer of materials from the nearby soils and/or sediments mixed with manure until the surface was only just below the level of the paved area of the patio. In this work we discuss the difficult classification of these relatively little studied soils. In spite of their being clearly related to human activity, they are not classified as Anthrosols in the FAO system (1998) because soil materials cannot be classified as anthropopedogenic or as anthropogeomorphic.  相似文献   

阐述了云南省大理白族自治州喜洲镇白族农户生态庭园的6种模式类型,即普通型、集约养殖型、劳务输出型、庭园车间型、水面开发型和服务经营型,并在研究模式结构基础上简析了庭园经营与大田生产的关系和白族庭园的特殊性,提出了进一步建设农户生态庭园的若干建议。  相似文献   

河南省信阳有机茶生产技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
阐述了河南省信阳有机茶生产技术开发要点,即严格选择茶园基地,建立茶园有机生态结构,实施常规茶园向有机茶园转化技术和有机茶茶园土壤管理技术,禁止施用化肥及其他人工合成肥料,按照有机肥料质量标准在茶园平衡施用不同有机肥、微生物肥和无机(矿质)肥等,并采用以农业防治为基础,生物防治为重点的茶园病虫害综合防治技术,不施用人造杀虫刑、除草剂和抗真菌剂等,确保茶园生态环境良性循环。  相似文献   

王佳  蔡平 《南方农业》2010,4(5):7-13
结合可园所处的地理环境,分析其空间布局特色,阐述其建筑形态与建筑特色,归纳总结文人园林的精神品质与艺术风格,旨在引发对可园保护与修复的思考。  相似文献   

Soil fertility is the basis for production of high green mass, which has numerous essential benefits in urban areas. This study aimed to investigate the soil fertility of urban land. This was done by comparing soils from a vegetable garden and its surrounding arable land. A local brickwork dump was included. The soils were Hortisols, slightly stagnogleyic Luvisols, and a Regosol from sandy loamy silt. The location of the study was in the center of one of the world’s largest urban, hard-coal mining and heavy industry areas, the Ruhr area in Germany. The investigations for identifying the characteristic features of the soil fertility involved determination of the profile horizons, texture, pH, bulk density, C/N ratio, content and stocks of organic carbon, total nitrogen, available phosphorus and potassium, and soil water by field capacity. As they are expected to become construction land, the sites were already in a derelict state. The results show that all three soil types had high fertility characteristics. However, the fertility of the garden soils was much greater than that of the local arable land. This was due to the strong and deep accumulation of organic carbon due to compost application. The available phosphorus and potassium contents and field capacity were also distinctly increased in the garden soils. The spatial distribution and distribution with depth of pH, bulk density, organic carbon, nitrogen, available phosphorus, and potassium were extremely heterogeneous among the individual garden soils. In contrast, in the arable land, they were uniform. The organic carbon accumulation in the dump was in the range of that of the garden soils, but the nutrient contents were lower. These results show that the diversity of properties of urban soils is much higher than that of arable soils. The dereliction of arable, garden, and dump soil and vegetation by bushes and trees also affect the soil properties. There should be greater awareness of the high fertility of urban soils, such as vegetable garden soils. Vegetable garden soils have a high potential for contributing to solving urban problems by producing high volumes of biomass and storing water. Therefore, it should be demanded that vegetable garden soils receive a high protection status, and they should not be used for the establishment of construction.  相似文献   

黄土高原沟壑区长武县景观格局分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于遥感、GIS技术和景观生态学方法,以黄土高原沟壑区陕西省长武县为研究对象,在2005年TM影像的基础上,分析土地利用与景观格局的总体特征。结果表明:景观构成上,长武县以园地、林地为景观基质,其他景观类型作为斑块镶嵌其中;在景观总体水平上,研究区景观多样性较低,分布均匀性较强,而异质性较弱,整体景观破碎化程度和分离程度均较低;景观类型水平上,从斑块平均面积和斑块密度反应出研究区农地、园地斑块的破碎化程度最大,而林地的破碎化程度最低;景观指数的相关性分析表明,园地面积与林地面积之间存在极显著负相关,优势度指数与聚集度指数间存在极显著正相关。各个乡镇景观指数的分析结果是,高优势度、高聚集度和低分维数的区域为彭公乡,土地利用以大面积的园地、林地为主导。  相似文献   

Can enhancement of garden habitat for native birds have conservation benefits, or are garden bird assemblages determined by landscape and environmental characteristics? The relative roles of vegetation structure, floristics and other garden attributes, and environmental and landscape controls, on the abundance and richness of bird species in 214 back or front gardens in 10 suburbs of Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, are addressed to answer this question. Birds were counted in each garden and the resources they utilized noted. Vascular plant species and other attributes of the garden were noted, along with rainfall, altitude, distance from natural vegetation, distance from the city and garden size. Garden floristics and bird assemblages were ordinated, and garden groups characterized by particular assemblages of birds identified. General linear modelling was used to determine the combinations of independent variables that best predicted the richness of birds and the abundance of individual bird species and groups of species. The models for bird richness, bird species and groups of bird species were highly individualistic. Although native birds showed a preference for native plants, they also utilized many exotic plants. Exotic birds largely utilized exotic plants. Variation in garden characteristics does substantially affect the nature of garden bird assemblages in Hobart, with weaker environmental and landscape influences. The fact that gardens can be designed and managed to favour particular species and species assemblages gives gardeners a potentially substantial role in the conservation of urban native avifauna.  相似文献   


Nowadays, the city area of Toruń is dominated by anthropogenic and technogenic soils – developed by humans or significantly altered, mainly disturbed in terms of morphology and chemical and physical properties. This study is a continuation of research on the soil cover of the city. The aim of the presented study is to assess extent of garden soils in the city and characterize its properties on the base of five soil profiles in four exemplary gardens in Toruń and evaluate if they meet the classification criteria for Hortic Anthrosols according to World Reference Base (WRB) for Soil Resources. Within the administrative boundaries of the city, 66 allotment gardens are located which totally cover an area of more than 300 ha. They occupy 3% of the city area. None of the studied mineral surface horizons meets the criteria for hortic horizon according to WRB 2015, due to too low phosphorus content. Other hortic criteria were fulfilled. The research on classification issues of garden soils should be continued on larger scale to evaluate if WRB criteria are not too strict taking into account the features of most typical, few decade-old garden soils.  相似文献   

Private, residential gardens form a substantial proportion of the undeveloped land in urban areas. Evaluating their role in supporting biodiversity is crucial to (i) predicting which plant and animal species can persist in towns and cities, (ii) understanding the regional impacts of urbanisation, and (iii) guiding sympathetic garden management by owners. To obtain baseline information on a poorly-studied component of garden biodiversity, we measured the size and composition of the cryptogam assemblages in 61 domestic gardens in the city of Sheffield, UK. A total of 67 bryophyte and 77 lichen taxa were recorded. Bryophytes ranged from 3 to 24 species per garden, with a mean richness of 11.3 species; lichens ranged from 2 to 30, with a mean of 14.9 species. Stone substrates supported the highest lichen richness, although minor substrates contributed unique species. Just over one fifth of bryophyte species were recorded in grass lawns, and these were more widespread than those of other habitats. Most cryptogams were scarce, with around one quarter of both bryophytes and lichens occurring in single gardens, and only 10% were found in more than half of the gardens. Garden area - correlated with substrate richness - and garden altitude were the only two factors explaining variation in cryptogam richness (bryophytes 39.1%, lichens 32.4%). Positive correlations existed among bryophyte, lichen and vascular plant richness, and these were only partially mediated by the effect of garden area. Therefore the opportunity remains for garden owners to support cryptogam richness, the most effective action being to enhance substrate diversity.  相似文献   

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