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An outbreak of peste des petits ruminants (PPR) in lambs and young goats of Najdi breed of sheep and goats occurred during winter 2005 at Qassim region of central Saudi Arabia. The PPR infection was confirmed by demonstration of antibodies against the virus in the serum of clinically-ill young sheep and goats using competitive ELISA test. Clinical examination of infected animals showed fever, salivation, lacrimation, mucopurulent nasal discharge, difficult breathing and diarrhoea. The disease was particularly severe in the goats. Morbidity was about 20% and mortality was less than 3 percent. Autopsy showed necrotic and ulcerative lesions in the mouth, stomach and intestine. Mesenteric lymph nodes were swollen and congested. The lungs were patchy pneumonic mostly at the diaphragmatic and apical lobes. Liver and kidney lesions were seen in goats only and both organs were congested and necrotic. Histopathological examination revealed necrotic inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. Intracytoplasmic viral inclusions were seen in the enterocytes of goats. Lung sections showed bronchopneumonia and syncytial and giant cells. The bronchial epithelium of goats had intracytoplasmic viral inclusions. Extensive coagulation necrosis, fatty degeneration and presence of intracytoplasmic viral inclusions were seen in hepatocytes and syncytial cells were evident in biliary epithelium of goats. Congestion, coagulation necrosis and syncytial cells were seen in the renal tubular epithelium of goats only. In a survey to determine the magnitude of the outbreak, PPR antibodies were evidenced in 363/996 (36.6%) sheep and 530/962 (55.1%) goats.  相似文献   

Summary The results of an extensive serological survey for brucellosis antibodies using the standard plate agglutination procedure on 14,000 serum samples from native domestic animals and imported livestock over a five year period are reported. The incidence of brucellosis was highest (11.6%) in small ruminants reared intensively in breeding establishments, next highest (2.6%) in imported animals sacrificed during the Hajj season of 1977 and somewhat lower (1.5%) in local livestock sacrificed during the same Hajj season. The incidence was very low among the following groups of livestock: small ruminants raised on desert ranges (0.5%), small ruminants raised in small groups around individual homes (0.4%) and in commercial dairy herds (0.2%).
Incidencia De Brucelosis En Animales Domesticos En Arabia Saudita
Resumen Se describen los resultados de un extenso estudio sobre brucelosis, utilizando la prueba de aglutinación en placa, en 14,000 muestras de suero proveniente de animales nativos e importados, estudio que duró cinco años. La prevalencia de brucelosis fue alta (11.6%) en pequeños rumiantes criados intensivamente, menor (2.6%) en animales importados sacrificados durante la estación Hajj de 1.977 y baja (1.5%) en animales locales sacrificados durante la misma estación. La prevalencia fué muy baja en los siguientes grupos de ganado: pequeños rumiantes criados en el desierto (0.5%), pequenos rumiantes criados cerca de las casas de habitación (0.4%) y en hatos lecheros comerciales (0.2%).

Incidence De La Brucellose Chez Le Cheptel Domestique D'Arabie Saoudite
Résumé Sont présentés les résultats d'une vaste enquête sérologique sur la brucellose portant sur 14000 échantillons de sérum prélevés sur des animaux domestiques et du bétail importé pendante une période de 5 ans. La méthode standard d'agglutination sur lame a été utilisée. L'incidence de la brucellose était la plus élevée (11,6 p. 100) chez les petits ruminants des Centres d'Elevage intensif. Ensuite venaient les animaux importés (2,6 p. 100) sacrifiés pendant la période du Hajj 1977. Enfin, on a trouvé une incidence quelque peu plus faible chez le bétail local (1,5 p. 100) sacrifié la même période du Hajj. L'incidence était très faible parmi les groupes suivants de bétail: petits ruminants élevés sur des parcours désertiques (0,5 p. 100), petits ruminants élevés en petit groupe autour de maisons individuelles (0,4 p. 100) et dans les troupeaux laitiers industriels (0,2 p. 100).

Pericarditis is an inflammation of the pericardium with accumulation of serous or fibrinous inflammatory products. In cattle, it is almost always attributable to a reticular foreign body that has penetrated the reticular wall, diaphragm and pericardial sac. The lead signs of pericarditis are tachycardia, muffled heart sounds, asynchronous abnormal heart sounds, distension of the jugular veins and submandibular, brisket and ventral abdominal oedema. The glutaraldehyde test is an important diagnostic tool because it is positive in >90% of affected cattle. Other common laboratory findings are leukocytosis and hyperfibrinogenaemia (indicating inflammation), and elevation of liver enzyme activity (reflecting hepatic congestion). Radiographs of the thorax and reticulum often show a foreign body cranial to the reticulum. In the majority of cases, massive fibrinopurulent adhesions obscure the cardiophrenic angle, cardiac silhouette and ventral diaphragm.Ultrasonography is the method of choice for diagnosis and characterisation of pericardial effusion. Echogenic deposits and strands of fibrin are seen on the epicardium, and the ventricles are compressed by the effusion. Severe pleural effusion is usually evident. In cattle with distension of the jugular veins and tachycardia, the differential diagnosis includes right-sided cardiac insufficiency attributable to other causes. Distension of the jugular veins without signs of right-sided cardiac insufficiency may occur with obstruction or compression of the cranial vena cava. The prognosis is poor, and pericardiocentesis or pericardiotomy are inadequate methods of treatment. Thus, prompt and humane euthanasia is indicated for cattle with traumatic reticuloperitonitis. Because a definitive diagnosis of traumatic reticuloperitonitis is not always possible based on clinical signs alone, radiography and ultrasonography of the thorax and reticulum are indicated in doubtful cases.  相似文献   

A 6-month-old female Holstein calf was referred with a history of respiratory distress, anorexia and dehydration. When first examined, a loud harsh murmur was clearly audible from both sides of the thorax. Two-dimensional echocardiography demonstrated a markedly dilated right ventricle and right atrium, hypertrophied myocardium, prominent papillary muscles and a thickened interventricular septum (IVS). A large-sized ventricular septal defect was imaged at the top of the IVS. The aorta was dextrally located and overriding both ventricles. The diagnosis was confirmed as tetralogy of fallot on postmortem examination.  相似文献   

An Irish Setter with scrotal enlargement had an agglutination titer to Brucella canis of greater than or equal to 1:200, but B canis was not cultured from the blood. Unusual findings included draining ulcers in the scrotum from which B canis was cultured, a necrotic testicle, and inflammation of the entire scotum. Other clinical and postmortem findings were as previously described in other cases of naturally occurring and experimentally induced canine brucellosis.  相似文献   

Thirteen parasite species, three trematodes, five cestodes, one nematode, and four arthropods, have been reported in livestock in Asir, southwestern Saudi Arabia. The occurrence of Dicrocoelium dendriticum in imported sheep and Paramphistomum cervi in indigenous cattle is recorded for the first time in Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   

Diagnosis of steatitis can be challenging due to nonspecific clinical signs and ultrasonography might be a useful aid for making a diagnosis. The objective of this retrospective clinical case study was to describe history, clinical signs, ultrasonographic findings, treatment and outcome in equids with steatitis. The medical records of all equids presented to the Department of Large Animal Internal Medicine, Ghent University between January 2008 and December 2015 were reviewed retrospectively to identify horses suffering from steatitis. A total of 20 cases with steatitis were reviewed. History included dullness, recumbency, decreased appetite and weight loss. Fever, ventral oedema, stiff/painful gait and a painful neck were found. Low haematocrit, low vitamin E and selenium and increased levels of creatinine kinase and particularly lactate dehydrogenase were almost consistent findings. On ultrasound, ventral oedema was found. Ventral extraperitoneal, perirenal, mesenteric, coronary and caudal mediastinal fat showed homogenously increased echogenicity. The ventral extraperitoneal fat in particular was surrounded by oedema or free fluid. Increased amounts of abdominal, thoracic and pericardial fluid were often found. Fat biopsies were taken in the neck, or from the ventral extraperitoneal fat in the ventral flank. Steatitis was confirmed in all horses where a fat biopsy was taken (n = 13). Treatment consisted of selenium and vitamin E (intramuscular injection followed by oral treatment) supplementation and anti-inflammatory treatment (dexamethasone or prednisolone parenteral or oral) for at least 1–4 weeks. A total of 15 animals (75%) survived. Full recovery took about 2–6 months. In conclusion, steatitis is an uncommon disease in young horses usually seen during winter. It may be underdiagnosed because of nonspecific clinical signs. Ultrasonography is a useful aid for the diagnosis of yellow fat disease based upon the increased echogenicity of ventral extraperitoneal, perirenal, mesenteric, coronary and caudal mediastinal fat and increased amount of surrounding fluid.  相似文献   

Clinical, ultrasonographic, radiographic and pathological findings of a chondrosarcoma diagnosed in an 8-year-old Simmental cow are reported. The primary site was located in the cartilage of the right scapula at the angulus cranialis. The tumour had already spread to the lungs at the time of diagnosis. This is the first report of a bovine scapula chondrosarcoma.  相似文献   

Risk factors for ovine and caprine brucellosis in the Ávila region (center of Spain) were evaluated using data from a cross-sectional study of the most important diseases of small ruminants in this Spanish region between 1996 and 1997. Questionnaire data from 56 herds (35 ovine and 21 caprine) were used. Sixteen (29%) flocks (3 caprine and 13 ovine) were brucellosis-seropositive. Overall, 0.7% of sheep and 0.1% of goats were seropositive. Eleven risk factors were studied at the group level by logistic regression using flock brucellosis-status as outcome, and by linear regression using percentage of brucellosis-seropositivity as outcome. Both final models contained the same variables: contact with sheep and grazing in communal pastures as risk factors, and frequency of disinfecting practices as a protective factor.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to describe the prevalence of brucellosis in various occupations in Tanga, Tanzania. During the year 2004, serum samples were collected from volunteers in various occupations and screened for brucella antibodies using Rose Bengal Plate Agglutination Test. Information on occupation, kind of work and contacts with livestock was collected and age and sex were recorded. The overall sero prevalence of antibodies to Brucella abortus was 5.52%. One variable in a multivariate regression model was significantly associated with seropositivity to B. abortus: abattoir workers. The prevalence of antibody was significantly higher (P < 0.05) among personnel employed in high-risk jobs such as cutting animal throats and cleaning slaughtered animals parts. None of the other factors investigated was associated with seropositivity to B. abortus. This study documents the serological evidence of B. abortus infection for the first time in abattoir workers in Tanzania.  相似文献   

In the first part of the present study, a total of 109 faeces samples collected from calves suffering from diarrhoea were examined for Cryptosporidium parvum oocytes and 39 (35.8%) of them were found to be positive. On the basis of oocyte counts, 14 (36%) samples were assessed as mildly infected and 25 (64%) samples as heavily infected. The occurrence of the disease was more common in winter (56.4%) than during other seasons (autuma 0%, summer 15.4% spring 28.2%. In the present study, the ionophore polyetherantibiotic Lasalocid-Na, that is licensed as a feed additive (Bovatec, 15% Lasalocid-Na, Roche AG) in Turkey, was administered to 11 calves naturally infected with Cryptosporidium and its therapeutic effect was evaluated. Lasalocid-Na (8 mg/ kg BW) was given once daily for 3 days added to the milk. The clinical parameters of infected calves were evaluated before and 3 days after the treatment in 24 hour intervals. The oocyst counts of faeces of calves with cryptosporidiosis were between 15 x 10(6) and 96 x 10(6)/mL before treatment. No oocystes were found in faecal samples of 3 calves (27.3%) after 48 hours and 4 (40%) calves after 72 hours of treatment, respectively. The number of oocytes in the faeces of the remaining calves varied between 90 and 1.2 x 10(6)/mL during the respective period. The number of oocystes before treatment was significantly higher than the number of oocytes after treatment. One of the calves died 56 h after the first treatment despite the treatment. The pH of venous blood was decreased prior to treatment as expected. The lowest pH was 6.83, the lowest bicarbonate concentration was 3.80 mmol/l and the lowest base excess was -31.2 mmol/l. After the treatment, pH, pCO2, HCO3- and BE values of the venous blood increased significantly and reached physiological values before discharge. The differences between the values assessed before the treatment and at the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th sampling time were statistically significant. Number of leucocyte and haemoglobin concentration before the treatment were significantly higher than the values after treatment (p < 0.01). These values returned back to physiological ranges 72 hours after first treatment. Lasalocid-Na was rather well tolerated. Side effects such as the decline of the suckling reflex and intoxication symptoms in respect to present administration form and dosage were found only in one calf (9%). Treatment procedure in the present study with Lasalocid-Na was found to be suitable in combination with an adequate infusion therapy for the treatment of calves on farms with problems related to cryptosporidiosis. Although the use of Lasolacid-Na for the treatment of Cryptosporidium infection in the EU is banned, it might be used as an alternative drug outside of the EU since it has a successful effect for preventing reinfections.  相似文献   

Brucellosis is a highly contagious zoonotic infection affecting livestock and human beings. The disease has been reported worldwide except in few countries where it has been eradicated. The prevalence of brucellosis among cattle from 11 farms having a history of abortions was studied. A total of 481 samples comprising of blood, milk, vaginal swabs, vaginal discharges, placental tissues and fetal tissues were collected from 296 animals. Clinical samples were processed for the isolation of Brucella. Serum samples (n = 296) were tested by Rose Bengal Plate Test (RBPT) and indirect ELISA. A total of 90 (30.40%) and 123 (41.55%) samples were positive by RBPT and indirect ELISA, respectively. Also 27.02% samples were positive by both the tests. Brucella isolates (n = 8) were recovered from clinical samples using Brucella selective media. All the isolates demonstrated PCR amplification for the bcsp31 and IS711 genes. Amplification of Brucella abortus specific primer was demonstrated by all the isolates in AMOS PCR indicating isolates to be of either B. abortus biotype 1, 2 or 4. Risk factors for transmission of brucellosis among cattle population were studied by field surveys. It was observed that lack of awareness about brucellosis (OR = 8.739, P = 0.138) and inadequate floor space (OR = 0.278, P = 0.128) were crucial risk factors for transmission of bovine brucellosis.  相似文献   

Background: In the last decade, Parascaris spp. resistance to anthelmintics has been recorded in many countries. In Saudi Arabia, there are limited data available on Parascaris spp. resistance to anthelmintics.

Objective: To determine the current status of ivermectin, abamectin and praziquantel combined, and fenbendazole resistance to Parascaris spp. in horses in Saudi Arabia.

Methods: Three hundred and forty-one foals from eleven different farms were examined by faecal egg count (FEC). The foals were all Arab horses aged 17.2 ± 4.5 (SD) months. Ivermectin (n = 46 foals), abamectin and praziquantel combined (n = 46), and fenbendazole (n = 46) were administered on day 0 and faeces were collected on day 14. The study comprised 41 untreated foals as controls. Animals that have FEC of ≥100 eggs per gram (EPG) were used to measure anthelmintic efficacy. Parascaris spp. populations were considered susceptible when faecal egg count reduction (FECR) was ≥95% associated with a lower 95% confidence limit (LCL) >90%, suspected resistant when FECR ≤90% or LCL <90% and resistant when FECR <90% and LCL <90%.

Results: Prevalence of Parascaris spp. infection was 53% (179/341 horses). Anthelmintic resistance to Parascaris spp. were highest following fenbendazole (55% of farms and 65% of foals) and to a lower extent following ivermectin or the combination of abamectin and praziquantel which comprised 27% of farms (and 46% of foals) and 18% of farms (and 10% of foals), respectively.

Conclusion: These data indicate that anthelmintics-resistant Parascaris spp. populations are present on horse farms in Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   

The effect of dry season supplementation with crop‐residue‐based rations on bodyweight, scrotal circumference and serum testosterone concentrations in Red Sokoto weaner bucks at 5, 6 and 7 months of age was investigated in the present study. There were 7 treatment groups which were fed a positive control ration (conventional concentrate) fed at 1 and 2% of the bucks’ bodyweights (Rations 1A and 2A), two crop‐residue‐based test rations each fed at 1 and 2% of bodyweight (1B, 2B, 1C and 2C), and a negative control that was unsupplemented (Ration D). All treatment groups had ad libitum access to natural pastures and Digitaria smutsii hay as a basal diet. Bodyweight and scrotal circumference of the bucks significantly increased (P < 0.05) with age from 5.9 kg to 10.2 kg, and 4.40 cm to 6.95 cm, at 5 and 7 months of age, respectively. Bucks on Ration D (unsupplemented group) had the lowest bodyweight and scrotal circumference. Bucks on Ration 2A showed a significant increase in basal testosterone concentration from 0.32 ng/mL at 5 months of age to 0.65 ng/mL at 7 months of age. Peak testosterone concentration also increased from 1.0 ng/mL at 5 months to 2.8 ng/mL at 7 months of age. Bucks on test Ration 2C had higher bodyweights (6.75, 8.00 and 10.00 kg at 5, 6 and 7 months of age, respectively) than bucks on the other test Ration B (6.20, 7.20 and 8.50 kg, respectively). There were no significant differences between the two test rations with regard to scrotal circumferences of the bucks at all ages. However, at 7 months of age, bucks on test Ration 2C had significantly higher peak testosterone concentration (1.80 ng/mL) than their counterparts on test Ration 2B (1.30 ng/mL). The secretory patterns of testosterone were episodic and pulsatile in nature. It was concluded that crop‐residue supplementation in prepubertal Red Sokoto bucks has a significant influence on their bodyweight, scrotal circumference and testosterone production. Test Ration C was a cheap, affordable and better crop‐residue‐based ration for optimal reproductive performance than test Ration B.  相似文献   

Clinical, ultrasonographic and radiographic features of proximal suspensory desmitis in the forelimb and the hindlimb are described. Acute cases may present with slight, localised, oedematous swelling, heat, distension of the medial palmar (plantar) vein and/or pain, whereas chronic cases or those rested immediately after onset of lameness usually have no detectable clinical signs suggestive of the source of pain. In these cases local analgesia is required to identify pain in the proximal metacarpal (metatarsal) region. Transverse ultrasonographic images of the suspensory ligament usually yield the most information and a variety of abnormalities of the proximal suspensory ligament have been identified including i) enlargement ii) poor definition of one or more of the margins of the suspensory ligament, especially dorsally iii) a well circumscribed, central hypoechoic area iv) one or more poorly defined hypoechoic areas, central or more peripheral v) a larger area of diffuse decrease in echogenicity (such lesions were seen most commonly in the hindlimb and appeared to warrant a more guarded prognosis than focal lesions). Radiographic abnormalities were identified in hindlimbs more often than in forelimbs and were usually seen in a dorsopalmar (dorsoplantar) view, and/or a lateromedial projection. Radiographic abnormalities included sclerosis of the trabeculae, a change in orientation of the trabeculae and entheseophyte formation. The most extensive radiographic abnormalities were seen together with an ultrasonographic type v lesion. The prognosis for return to full athletic function and sustained future soundness was better for forelimbs than hindlimbs, especially if the lesion, identified ultrasonographically, resolved.  相似文献   

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