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苹果根系构型及其调控研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨洪强  范伟国 《园艺学报》2012,39(9):1673-1678
 根系是果树栽培管理的基础和中心。重点介绍了苹果根系研究试材的选择、苹果根系构型的类型以及环境营养、土壤条件、栽培容器和生长调节剂等对苹果根系形态构型的影响和调控等方面的研究进展,并提出了进一步研究的内容。  相似文献   

植物营养、核酸与果树花芽分化的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
果树的花芽分化是指果树枝条上的芽从叶芽状态转化为花芽状态的过程,花芽分化是一个比营养器官分化更为复杂的过程.人们对果树花芽分化机理的研究是与克服大小年结果、改善果实品质及提早幼树结果联系在一起的.所以关于花芽形成的原因和控制问题,引起不少人的重视.  相似文献   

2007年冬至2008年春,我市部分苹果、桃树遭受冻害,根颈上下20cm范围内的干、根皮层变褐腐烂,轻者在阳面出现一缕纵向死皮,重者沿根颈一周的皮层全部坏死,导致地上部萌芽延迟,或花后(桃树坐果后)新梢干枯死树.  相似文献   

平邑甜茶幼苗生长、根构型及吸收特性的容器调控   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
范伟国  杨洪强 《园艺学报》2009,36(4):559-564
 以平邑甜茶[Malus hupehensis (Pamp.) Rehd.] 幼苗为材料, 研究了栽培容器形状对幼苗新梢生长、幼苗根构型特征及根系营养吸收特性的影响。结果显示, 生长在“深窄盆”中的幼苗新梢生长量最大, 主根粗, 侧根多且短, 毛细根丰富, 对钙及锌的吸收能力较强, 但根系活力及根系对磷、铁的吸收能力较弱; “等高径盆”中幼苗新梢生长量小, 根冠比接近1, 主根细短、一级侧根少且粗长, 对钾的吸收能力较强; “浅宽盆”幼苗根冠比最大, 一级侧根数量、长度和粗度居中, 二级侧根粗长, 根系活力及根系对磷、铁的吸收能力较强, 但对钾、钙及锌的吸收能力弱。  相似文献   

Peng柑花芽分化期矿质营养与成花的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
戴良昭  张群 《中国柑桔》1995,24(3):20-21

果树的生长过程需要进行科学的管理,要及早、科学地进行果树的营养诊断。其诊断方法主要包括土壤诊断、叶片诊断、休眠期枝条诊断和诊断施肥综合法等4个方面的内容。通过营养诊断,进而对果树的园艺化培育技术和园艺化管理技术进行改进,以保障果树的健康生长和果实的优质高产,满足社会大众的需求。  相似文献   

浆果的营养与人类健康吕云波很久以前,人们在食品中就运用了一些野生浆果植物的果实,随着作物学的发展,很多浆果植物又列入到果树作物当中,其重要性也越发得以表现。主要浆果作物包括草莓、黑穗醋栗、沙棘、树梅、醋栗等.这些浆果的果实中主要含有维生素、有机酸、无...  相似文献   

干旱胁迫对砂糖橘树体营养的影响及其与成花的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李文庆  康少杰  张明月 《园艺学报》2011,38(11):2085-2091
 为了探讨干旱胁迫对砂糖橘(Citrus reticulata‘Shatangju’)树体营养的影响及营养与成花的关系,设置了不同干旱胁迫时间(0、2、4、6、8周)和不同氮素水平(每次每盆单独施N︰P2O5︰K2O为15︰15︰15的复合肥5 g和另外加尿素6 g两水平)两因素进行盆栽试验研究。结果表明,干旱胁迫4周后树体氮素和钾素增加,而非结构性碳水化合物糖和淀粉呈下降趋势,磷素无明显变化,树体中C/N,P/N与对照相比降低。各养分含量及相互比率在干旱胁迫4周左右存在一个明显拐点,且与砂糖橘的成花时间表现高度一致。每枝成花数量和氮素及钾素有显著正相关关系,和C/N呈负相关关系,而和树体磷含量无显著相关关系。在正常供水情况下不同营养状况砂糖橘均未成花,但在干旱胁迫情况下氮素、钾素以及C/N和成花特性间有很好的相关关系。  相似文献   

果树的生长需要相应的科学技术,而科学的果树园艺技术包括果树的园艺培育和管理技术,同时要及时有效的对果树进行营养诊断,常用的诊断方法有:对土壤的诊断、对施肥的诊断、对休眠期枝条的诊断以及"四看诊断法"等。  相似文献   

我国设施蔬菜生产中氮肥环境污染问题十分突出,实现水肥资源高效利用与产量共同提升具有重要意义。根系吸收效率低下是阻碍设施番茄高产高效的一个重要原因。本文结合根系构型的最新研究进展,论述了生产中番茄根系的分布特点及其在控释氮素供应条件下的根系形态响应,分析了控释肥料和常规化肥一次性施肥形成的时空异质性养分供应对根系生长与分布的影响,提出利用控释尿素与普通肥料共同调控番茄根系形成表层密集主根深入的理想根系构型。在此基础上通过地上部群体结构调节构建根层连续体,可以在蔬菜集约化生产中进一步促进植株根系对氮素的吸收,减少氮素淋洗损失,进而在氮肥减施条件下实现番茄高产。  相似文献   

WGD-2叶面肥与植物生长调节剂对澳洲坚果的保果效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
WGD-2是南亚热带作物研究所研制的用于澳洲坚果的保果叶面肥。以澳洲坚果品种Hinde(H2)为试材,研究了6个处理对澳洲坚果在幼果期和谢花至幼果形成期的保果效果。6个处理分别为清水对照(CK)、120mg·L-1WGD-2(T1)、120mg·L-1WGD-2+1mg·L-1NAA(萘乙酸)(T2)、120mg·L-1WGD-2+10mg·L-12,4-D(2,4-二氯苯氧乙酸)(T3)、120mg·L-1WGD-2+20mg·L-1CPPU(N-(2-氯-4-吡啶基)N'-苯基脲)(T4)、120mg·L-1WGD-2+40mg·L-1GA3(赤霉酸)(T5)。结果表明各处理在幼果期(果实直径0.5cm左右)施用均有不同程度的保果效果,2次施用效果具有累加效应,即重复施用可加强保果效果,以T1、T4处理效果最好。谢花至幼果形成期施用,T1和T4处理仍然具有累加效应;T2处理没有效果;T3处理重复施用刺激幼果脱落;T5处理具有刺激幼果脱落效应。在澳洲坚果生产中推荐WGD-2单独使用或与CPPU搭配使用,并严格控制WGD-2与植物生长调节剂搭配使用的质量浓度和处理时期。  相似文献   

We tested the effect of extended drying of half the root system on fruit yield and fruit Ca concentration, an indirect measure of fruit quality, in avocado (Persea americana Mill. cv Hass). In a field experiment on a sandy soil, withholding irrigation and plastic sheeting was used to dry the root-zone beneath the whole canopy (DD) or half the canopy (WD), compared with well-watered trees (WW). The irrigation water contained added nutrients and was slightly saline. Yield, shoot growth, leaf conductance, leaf and fruit water status and mineral concentrations of leaves and fruit were studied. The responses of treated trees were assessed in the following season during which normal irrigation practices were restored. With respect to yield, the WD treatment behaved the same as the DD treatment. It reduced yield by more than half and proportionately more than the reduction in water supply thus reducing irrigation efficiency. Re-watering did not restore yield of WD or DD-trees in the next season. The WD and DD treatments had no effect on the concentration of Ca in the fruit mesocarp and so are unlikely to affect fruit quality. The main impact of reduced water supply on the trees was fruit abscission and this was linked to dry soil around the roots rather than the water status of the leaves or fruits. We conclude that extended drying of half of the root-zone in one season reduced irrigation efficiency for two seasons by promoting the abscission of developing fruit to the same extent as occurred when the whole root system was exposed to extended drying.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to document the range in soil nutrients, trunk and shoot growth, leaf characteristics and nutrient content, flower bud characteristics, yield, fruit quality, disease occurrence, light penetration, and shoot bark color in a 15-year-old ‘Fuji’ apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) orchard on M.26 rootstocks trained to four growing systems. SS trees naturally growing had greater width and volume than the LT lightly heading, MLT heavily heading, and S trees thinning and bending. LT trees had more upward terminal shoots at old branches, large numbers of lateral shoots, and longer total shoot length. Leaf [N], [P], and [K] were the lowest for the MLT trees. SS and S trees had greater flower bud density and fruit yield, but LT trees had poor fruit color and less soluble solids and firmness. Percent light penetration into the canopy was the highest with the S system but not different from MLT or SS. The lowest was for the LT system, however, it was not statistically different from MLT or SS.  相似文献   

果树单倍体和加倍单倍体(DH)技术研究与应用进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
果树具有生殖周期长、基因高度杂合、树体高大、通常自交不亲和的特点,导致其无法通过传统育种方法获得纯系。单倍体和加倍单倍体(DH)的产生为解决这一问题提供了一种强有力的生物技术工具。与传统育种方法相比,单倍体和加倍单倍体(DH)可缩短从杂合亲本中获得纯系的时间,这一特点使其被广泛应用于植物育种和遗传研究。果树单倍体的获得...  相似文献   

EST-SSR标记及其在果树研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
姚利华  滕元文 《果树学报》2008,25(2):219-224
近年来大量ESTs数据的出现已成为开发SSR标记的重要来源。EST-SSR作为一种新型的分子标记,不仅具备传统基因组SSR标记的特点,而且以其开发经济和通用性高等优势已在很多植物中得到开发和应用。简要介绍了EST-SSR标记的原理和特点,重点综述了其在果树的遗传多样性分析、遗传连锁图谱的构建、比较作图和分子系统发育等研究领域的应用现状,期望为今后该项技术在果树研究上的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

A study was conducted to evaluate the effect of branch and tree thinning on growth, yield and fruit quality in 8-year-old non-astringent persimmon (Diospyros kaki L.f.) trees in a high-density orchard over 6 years in Korea. Adjacent trees in the rows were removed in 2008 (first-year thinning) or in 2010 (gradual thinning). Trees in the second treatment also had 25% of the main scaffold branches removed in the first two seasons. Control plots were left unthinned. First-year thinning elevated leaf macro-nutrient concentrations, increased the production of short fruiting shoots (less than 20 cm) per tree, decreased water sprout development and weight of pruned biomass, and increased fruit set compared with values recorded on control trees and with gradual thinning. First-year thinning gave higher photosynthetic photon flux in the centre of the canopy and better fruit quality. There were generally only small differences in total yield across the three treatments in individual years, but much higher total marketable yield from 2010 to 2013 in the first-year thinning plots. First-year thinning improved overall tree productivity, and the gross returns were 80% higher than those of control from 2008 to 2013 when the extra cost of the thinning was taken into account.  相似文献   

参考国内外有关文献,综述了应用荧光原位杂交技术对45S和5S rDNA在果树染色体上的比较定位以及rDNA特异序列在果树系统进化研究中的应用现状,并指出其在果树应用中存在的问题和未来的发展现状。研究表明,果树的45S rDNA位点一般为1~4对,在染色体上多定位于随体处(即核仁组织区,NORs),也常分布于短臂和着丝粒区;5S rDNA为1~3对,在染色体上没有固定的分布模式,且与45S rDNA独立分布。rDNA定位已经用于识别果树染色体,校正传统核型以及研究基因组的进化模式。ITS序列是目前果树系统研究中应用最广泛的序列之一,但应用时需要检验是否存在假基因,未来的关注点应是综合运用多种DNA序列。  相似文献   

以9a生红灯甜樱桃(Prunus avium L.)为试材,对其果实不同发育时期果肉及种子中内源激素含量的变化动态进行了测定分析,结果表明,甜樱桃果肉及种子中内源激素含量与其果实的生长发育有密切关系。果实发育第Ⅰ速长期(盛花后5~15d),果肉中生长促进型激素(ZRS、IAA和GAS)含量均较高,进入硬核期(盛花后15~25d)均呈下降趋势,其中IAA和GAS均降到最低值,随果实的第Ⅱ次速长果肉中ZRS、IAA和GAS含量均迅速增加且分别出现最大值;与之相反,种子中ZRS、IAA和GAS含量在第Ⅰ、Ⅱ速长期较低,在硬核期含量最高,这与甜樱桃果实及种子的生长规律相吻合。果肉中ABA含量分别在盛花后5、15和35d出现高峰,与甜樱桃的落果(花)时期基本一致。  相似文献   

Watersprout occurrence and growth were investigated over a two-year period in an early maturing peach cultivar (Alexandra) under different intensities of dormant pruning for fruited and defruited trees. A preliminary study focused on identifying the laws that determine the probability of presence and occurrence of watersprouts in relation to watersprout-bearing shoot (WBS) length. The increase in watersprout probability of presence and occurrence resulting from greater WBS length illustrated the high capacity of peach for sprouting. Watersprout lengths were measured, as well as the lengths of young shoots, one-year-old fruit-bearing shoots (FBSs) and older branches considered as WBS in order to evaluate total shoot growth within the tree. Watersprout number and total length tended to be higher under severe dormant pruning and in fruited trees than under light dormant pruning and in defruited trees. This stimulation of watersprout length appeared to compensate for the concomitant lower total length of young shoots, resulting in a constant overall vegetative growth rate for the whole tree. In the second year of the experiment, watersprouts were either removed by summer pruning or not in order to evaluate watersprout incidence on the rest of the tree. After light and severe watersprout removal (WSR), the annual diametrical growth of FBS tended to be higher and lower, respectively, compared to trees not submitted to summer pruning. Light WSR might favour light interception in the centre of the canopy, thus improving assimilate production and allocation to FBS, whereas severe WSR could prevent carbohydrate export from watersprouts to FBS. Under our conditions, the limit at which WSR intensity became detrimental for FBS diametrical growth appeared to be after approximately 75% of the watersprouts were removed. Severe WSR appeared likely to improve fruit diameter, whereas it had no significant impact on the percentage of soluble solids.  相似文献   

为了明确李果实花青苷合成的调控因子,以安哥诺李为试材,对果皮花青苷、内源激素和PAL、PPO活性的变化以及内源激素、酶活性与花青苷的相关性进行研究。结果表明,果皮花青苷含量在发育前期含量很低,发育后期含量迅速升高,呈上升趋势;果皮中ABA、乙烯、ZT含量和PPO活性与花青苷的变化趋势相同,乙烯释放量与花青苷呈极显著正相关关系r=0.8885**,ABA和ZT含量与花青苷呈显著正相关关系r=0.7159*和r=0.7476*,PPO活性未达显著水平;果皮中IAA、GA3含量和PAL活性变化在发育前期含量较高,在发育后期含量较低,果实发育过程中IAA、GA3含量呈逐渐下降趋势,与花青苷呈显著负相关关系r=-0.7039*和r=-0.8238*,PAL活性未达显著水平。  相似文献   

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