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The arterial supply of the six cubital joints from bactrian camels was studied. There were 15 arterial branches supplying the joint. The branches that arose from the transverse cubital artery were the medial anterior, superior anterior, lateral anterior, middle anterior, inferior anterior, superior lateral, middle lateral, inferior lateral, superior posterior and superior lateral posterior cubital branches. The branches originating from the collateral ulnar artery were the medial, middle posterior, inferior posterior, medial posterior and inferior lateral posterior cubital branches. These arteries united with each other around the cubital joint.  相似文献   

双峰驼跖趾关节解剖结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用大体解剖学方法,研究了成年双峰驼的8个跖趾关节,并与马、牛、羊、猪、犬等动物的对等器官进行了比较。结果发现,双峰驼跖趾关节的形态结构有以下显著特征:(1)跖骨远端关节面后部有矢状嵴,近趾节骨近端关节面后部有与之相对应的矢状沟,这种结构与跖行动物和趾行动物相类似;(2)籽骨上没有对应近趾节骨近端的关节面;(3)籽骨间韧带只连接同一趾上的2个籽骨,与牛的将2趾的4个近籽骨连在一起的结构不同;(4)轴侧侧副韧带不像牛的那样与对侧的同名韧带共同起始于跖骨远端滑车间切迹,而是分别起始于此切迹的轴侧韧带窝及韧带结节;(5)轴侧侧副韧带仅为1层,而远轴侧侧副韧带分为2层;(6)籽骨直韧带、趾间趾节骨籽骨韧带及趾间近韧带均缺如。  相似文献   

Camels usually inhabit remote areas, where diagnostic facilities and laboratories are very scarce. The species differences between the camel and other domestic animals necessitate some specific examination techniques. The objective of this study was to describe the clinical examination methods and sources of common errors that require special consideration in the camel. Young camels are examined in the standing position, while adults require restraint. Restraining procedures, both standing and in sternal recumbency, are described. New equipment and a crush were designed. The body temperature of the camels examined fluctuated from 35.7 to 38.9 degrees C, being lowest in the morning and highest in the afternoon; high temperature in the morning is indicative of fever, while high afternoon temperatures could be hyperthermia. It was difficult to take the pulse rate for routine procedures. The heart rate ranged from 35 to 50 per min; there was no difference between the heart rate in the morning and in the afternoon. The mean respiratory rate was 11 per min and respiration was of thoracol-lumbar type. The mucous membranes of the eye were an important site for appreciating signs of discoloration, while those of the mouth, rectum and vagina were unsuitable. The left flank was the best site for determining the rate of rumen contractions, which was 3+/-1.2 every 5 min, as determined by auscultation; counting the contractions by the application of the fist was difficult. The palpable external lymph nodes were the parotid, maxillary, prescapular, inferior cervical, thoracic, cubital, ilial and popiteal; they are large and can be seen on inspection in healthy animals, so that was not indicative of disease. A list of diagnostic indicators for the rapid diagnosis of ten endemic camel diseases was generated from the empirical signs.  相似文献   

The arterial supply of the six carpal joints was studied in Bactrian camels. The arterial branches supplying the carpal joints were the proximal medial dorsal, middle medial dorsal, distal medial dorsal, proximal lateral dorsal, distal lateral dorsal, proximal medial palmar, distal medial palmar, lateral palmar, proximal palmar and dorsal palmar carpi and the dorsal interosseous antebrachium branches. Some small unnamed branches supplied the diverticulum and the antebrachiocarpal joint capsule. All these arteries arose from the lateral and medial branches of the radial artery.  相似文献   

The arterial supply of the six metacarpophalangeal joints was studied in Bactrian camels. The arterial branches supplying the metacarpophalangeal joints were derived from the metacarpal distal perforating, medial and lateral branches of the palmar metacarpal artery III, medial and lateral branches of the palmar common digital artery III and the abaxial palmar proper digital arteries III and IV. These arterial branches were the proximal dorsoaxial distal metacarpal, distal dorsoaxial distal metacarpal, abaxial distal metacarpal, palmar distal metacarpal, interosseous distal metacarpal, dorsoaxial proximal proximal phalangeal, palmoaxial proximal proximal phalangeal, palmoabaxial proximal proximal phalangeal and dorsoabaxial proximal proximal phalangeal branches. They linked with each other around the metacarpophalangeal joint.  相似文献   

The Arterial Supply to the Eye of the Bactrian Camel (Camelus bactrianus)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The arterial supply to the eye of the bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus) was studied by gross dissection. The supply came from the external ophthalmic, external ethmoidal and malar and maxillary tubercular arteries, ophthalmic rete mirabile, and the rostral epidural rete mirabile. The external ophthalmic artery gave rise to branches to supply the dorsal oblique muscle, lacrimal gland, superior and inferior eyelids, and the lateral angle of the eye, and to take part in the formation of the rostral epidural rete and the ophthalmic rete mirabile. The external ethmoidal artery detached off some branches to supply the ventral and medial dorsal rectus oblique muscles, the conjunctiva of the superior eyelid and the fat body of the orbit. The branches of the malar artery supplied the inferior, superior and third eyelids, ventral oblique muscle, and the medial angle of the eye. The ophthalmic rete mirabile gave off many branches to supply the rectus muscles of the eye, dorsal oblique and retractor oculi muscles, levator muscle of the superior eyelid, and the choroid.  相似文献   

The normal values are reported of the concentration of vitamin A (retinol) in the plasma of 44 male and female adult camels (Camelus dromedarius) in the United Arab Emirates. The concentrations of the vitamin in the plasma of eight camels of both sexes afflicted with aflatoxicosis were also determined. The mean concentration (±SD) of the vitamin in healthy camels was 460.1±49.3 ng/L. Sex had no significant effect on the concentration of the vitamin. Camels with aflatoxicosis had a mean concentration of retinol in the plasma of 243.4±32.3 ng/L. The concentrations of aflatoxins in the liver and ruminal contents of these animals were 18.2±1.3 and 243.4 g/kg, respectively.  相似文献   

双峰驼胃底腺区黏膜组织学与组织化学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用组织学和组织化学研究方法重点观察了双峰驼胃底腺的细胞组成、分布及其组织化学特性。结果表明,双峰驼胃底腺区有发达的黏膜皱襞和厚的黏膜层,固有层中充满长而直的分支管状腺,由颈黏液细胞、壁细胞、主细胞和亲银细胞组成。颈黏液细胞分布在腺颈部,为混合黏液细胞,以分泌酸性糖共轭物为主。壁细胞十分丰富,分布于整个腺体,以腺体体部最多,细胞内含有酸性磷酸酶和碱性磷酸酶以及活性较强的非特异性醋酶,糖共轭物呈色均为阴性。主细胞位于腺体体部和底部,胞质中有大量的嗜碱性颗粒,含非特异性醋酶,但无糖共轭物。在黏膜褶顶部腺体体部和底部常看到不成熟的主细胞,其形态同颈黏液细胞和主细胞相似,为矮柱状或立方状,胞质有大量细小的颗粒,糖共轭物呈色反应和颈黏液细胞相似。糖共轭物呈色结果还显示,胃底腺区黏膜表面上皮仅分泌中性糖共轭物,胃小凹上皮和颊部腺上皮可分泌混合糖共轭物,胃小凹浅层上皮以中性糖共轭物为主,而底部上皮和颊部腺上皮以酸性糖共轭物为主。此外,在网状纤维染色时我们发现颈黏液细胞有明显的嗜银现象,核上胞质可见大量的嗜银颗粒,不成熟的主细胞有类似表现,但较其弱,颊部腺上皮也有较弱的嗜银性,而成熟的主细胞则无此特点,建议将此法作为颈黏液细胞和主细胞的鉴别方法。虽然双峰驼胃底腺区黏膜的微观结构及组织化学特性同其他动物和人有差异。但基本结构相似。  相似文献   

Ovulation in the Bactrian camel depends upon ovulation-inducing factors in the seminal plasma. The present study was conducted to isolate and purify the bioactive fractions from the seminal plasma of these camels. The seminal plasma was fractionated by anion-exchange chromatography, and six fractions were obtained. The bioactive potential of each fraction was estimated from its effect on rat pituitary tissue cultured in vitro and by the effect of an intramuscular injection of the fraction into female camels in vivo. Both the third fraction (F3) and the fifth fraction (F5) stimulated the release of LH in vitro and in vivo. In addition, female camels ovulated within 48 h after intramuscular injection of F3. However, neither F3 nor F5 had any significant effect on the secretion of FSH, either in vitro or in vivo. When F3 was further fractionated into four subfractions, the third subfraction (F3-3) still stimulated the in vitro release of LH, but not of FSH. An attempt to further purify the ovulation-inducing factors in F3-3 failed owing to the similarity of the molecular characters.  相似文献   

双峰驼水代谢与血液中无机离子浓度的动态关系   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
对双峰驼禁水15d,于禁水前、后及暴饮后采血,测定其血液中多种无机离子的浓度变化。结果表明,全血碳酸氢盐含量在禁水期变化极显著,与禁水前相比,冬季试验升高28.09%,夏季试验升高26.59%;暴饮后快速下降,冬、夏季试验分别比禁水前低9.5%和7.8%,4d后恢复正常。血清中K+和Fe2+含量未见统计学差异。血清中Na+、Cl-、Ca2+、Mg2+、和P3+的含量于禁水期逐渐上升,暴饮后快速下降,其变化均有显著差异,其中Na+的正常值显著高于其他反刍动物。结果表明,双峰驼在禁水期具有较高的血液渗透压和碱储量,其对保证缺水时血液酸碱平衡的调节,维持血容量,保证机体正常水代谢功能具有重要作用,是骆驼耐干渴的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

The objective of the current study was to describe the structures of the pastern and coffin joints in dromedary camel using x-ray, bone and soft tissue windows computed tomography (CT) and three-dimensional volume rendering (3DVR) of CT imaging. 3DVR of CT was obtained at the slight flexed dorsal view, plantar view, dorsolateral view and lateral view which explained all the surfaces and structures of the digit bony parts even the parts of the articular surface. The processed images of 3DVR of CT showed different patterns of the cortical, cancellous, subchondral bones and medullary cavity of the bones of the digits. The present study showed clearly all the hard and soft tissues in the pastern and coffin joints of the camel in CT images; however, the plantar ligaments of the pastern joint and ligaments of the navicular cartilage identified on CT images. The CT soft tissue window visualized the joint cavity and their pouches and tendon sheath of the flexor tendons better than the bone window CT. The radiographic, CT and 3D images could be used as a normal reference for the interpretation of some clinical diseases in the pastern and coffin joints of the camel.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the plasma disposition kinetics of ceftriaxone in female camels (n=5) following a single intravenous (i.v.) bolus or intramuscular (i.m.) injections at a dosage of 10mg kg(-1) body weight in all animals. A crossover design was carried out in two phases separated by 15 days. Jugular blood samples were collected serially for 48h and the plasma was analysed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Following single i.v. injections the plasma concentration time curves of ceftriaxone were best fitted to a two-compartment model. The drug was rapidly distributed with half-life of distribution t(1/2alpha) of 0.24+/-0.01h and moderately eliminated with elimination rate constant and elimination half-life of 0.27+/-0.13h(-1) and 2.57+/-0.52h, respectively. The volume of distribution at steady state (V(dss)) was 0.32+/-0.01lkg(-1) and the total body clearance (Cl(tot)) was 0.11+/-0.01lkg(-1)h(-1), respectively. Following i.m. administration, the mean T(max), C(max), t(1/2el) and AUC values for plasma data were 1.03+/-0.23h, 21.54+/-2.61microg ml(-1), 1.76+/-0.03h and 85.82+/-11.21microg ml(-1)h(-1), respectively. The i.m. bioavailability was 93.42+/-21.4% and the binding percentage of ceftriaxone to plasma protein was moderate, ranging from 33% to 42% with an average of 34.5%.  相似文献   

采用试管二倍稀释法测定了双峰乳中驼乳铁蛋白(CLF)的抗菌活性.结果表明,CLF对大肠埃希菌的最小抑菌浓度(MIC)为3 mg/mL,对金黄色葡萄球菌的最小抑菌浓度为2 mg/mL,与溶菌酶联合应用,则能明显增强其抗菌作用.CLF的抗菌活性还与其铁饱和度密切相关,随着铁饱和度的增加其抗菌活性明显下降.葡萄糖、蔗糖、麦芽糖、牛血清白蛋白(BSA)、尿素和硫酸铵在0 mg/mL~10 mg/mL的质量浓度范围内,对CLF的抗菌活性影响不大.而NaCl或KCl的浓度为25 mmol/L~100 mmol/L,MgCl2或CaCl2的浓度为1.0 mmol/L~5.0 mmol/L时,CLF的抗菌活性则会明显降低.经较低温度加热处理后CLF能很好的保持其活性;而经较高温度加热处理会使CLF变性并失去抗菌活性.不同pH条件下的抗菌试验结果表明,当pH在7.5~8.0时CLF的抑菌效果最好.  相似文献   

双峰驼脾脏的组织形态学观察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
骆驼脾脏的形状和其它动物明显不同,为镰形,外缘呈锯齿状。其被膜很厚,富含平滑肌和弹性纤维,平滑肌层比结缔组织层厚,主要由相互垂直的两层构成。次级平滑肌性小梁发达,相互交织成网状,构成红髓的主要支架。白髓有典型的脾小结和动脉周围淋巴鞘,无边缘窦。边缘区明显,分布在脾小结、动脉周围淋巴鞘周围,可见大量吞噬含铁血黄素、ACP活性很强的巨噬细胞,开口于此的中央动脉分支十分丰富。鞘毛细血管主要分布在边缘区,其次是脾索的滤过区,白髓发达的个体更为多见,常见红细胞从椭球漏出,但胞质中未见含铁血黄素,ACP呈色反应呈阴性。脾索滤过区可见大量的毛细血管和吞噬有含铁血黄素、ACP活性很强的巨噬细胞。脾窦十分发达,窦壁细胞ACP和AKP均呈强阳性,窦腔中也有上述巨噬细胞。淋巴细胞在脾脏中的分布和其它动物及人相似。上述结果证实,骆驼脾脏属于免疫功能很强的防御性脾。  相似文献   

选用DEAE-纤维素离子交换柱对双峰驼精清进行分离,各层析组分用于大鼠垂体组织体外培养,并给母驼肌注有活性的组分,以RIA法测定垂体组织培养液和母驼血浆中LH及FSH的浓度。结果表明,驼精清经DEAE-纤维素柱分离后可得到5个蛋白组分(L1-L5),其中L3在大鼠垂体培养时引起LH释放明显增加(P<0.05),FSH则无明显变化。给卵巢上无大卵泡发育的母驼肌注有活性的组分L3,可引起血浆中LH明显升高,FSH也无变化。由此表明,L3在体内外试验中均具有引起LH释放的生物活性,它可能是诱导排卵的活性因子或其成分之一。  相似文献   

The detailed coronary arterial anatomy of seven camels was studied and compared with that of horses and cattle. In camels, there is a bilateral coronary supply, the right coronary artery being the larger. The left coronary artery follows the same pattern as that in horses. The ramus collateralis proximalis in camels separates off some distance away from the origin of the ramus interventricularis paraconalis, as in horses, whereas it separates off very quickly in cattle. The ramus collateralis distalis has two branches in camels, whereas the left distal ventriculi ramus does not branch. The ramus angularis is also absent but the left distal atrii ramus is present.Abbreviations LCR left ramus circumflexus - RCR right circumflexus ramus - RIS ramus interventricularis subsinosus - RIVP ramus interventricularis paraconalis  相似文献   

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