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The blood supply to the descending colon of the horse was studied by gross dissection and methyl methacrylate corrosion casts. The arterial supply is derived from the left colic artery and cranial rectal artery with the left colic artery supplying approximately the proximal three fourths. Each artery gives off four to eight arcuate arteries that form a series of anastomosing arcades. The arcade pattern continues to form a marginal artery that parallels the long axis of the colon. Small branches from the marginal artery anastomose with adjacent branches to form a secondary arcade. The secondary arcade lies approximately 1 cm proximal to the mesenteric teniae and sends off long arteries at regular intervals that course circumferentially around the bowel. The long arteries begin under the serosal mesothelium and perforate the muscular layers to course in the submucosal layer. The long arteries branch off supplying the wall of the colon and arborize over the antimesenteric surface, anastomosing with the vessels from the opposite side. The result is the formation of a series of vascular rings surrounding the colon. Venous return, in general, parallels the arterial supply.  相似文献   

Objectives: To determine (1) the short‐ (to hospital discharge) and long‐ (>6 months) term survival, (2) factors associated with short‐term survival, and (3) the perioperative course for horses with resection and anastomosis of the descending colon. Study Design: Multicentered case series. Animals: Horses (n=43) that had descending colon resection and anastomosis. Methods: Medical records (January 1995–June 2009) of 7 equine referral hospitals were reviewed for horses that had descending colon resection and anastomosis and were recovered from anesthesia. Retrieved data included history, results of clinical and clinicopathologic examinations, surgical findings, postsurgical treatment and complications, and short‐term survival (hospital discharge). Long‐term survival was defined as survival ≥6 months after hospital discharge. Results: Of 43 horses, 36 (84%) were discharged from the hospital. Twenty‐eight of 30 horses with follow‐up information survived ≥6 months. No significant associations between perioperative factors and short‐term survival were identified. Lesions included strangulating lipoma (n=27), postfoaling trauma (4), infarction (4), intraluminal obstruction (2), and other (6). Common postoperative complications included fever and diarrhea. During hospitalization 7 horses were euthanatized or died because of septic peritonitis (3), endotoxemia (3), and colic and ileus (1). Conclusions: Descending colon resection and anastomosis has a favorable prognosis for hospital discharge and survival ≥6 months. The most common cause of small colon incarceration was strangulating lipoma. Clinical Relevance: Complications include postoperative fever and diarrhea but the prognosis is good after small colon resection and anastomosis.  相似文献   

Objective—To describe a method for facilitating movement of enteroliths obstructing the proximal portion of the descending colon.
Study Design—Prospective report. Sample Population—15 horses.
Methods—A seromuscular incision through the antimesenteric taenia of the proximal portion of the descending colon was used to facilitate movement of enteroliths.
Results—Teniotomy allowed proximal descending colon enteroliths located within the abdomen or close to the abdominal wall to be advanced 4 to 15 cm in an aboral direction so that they could be exteriorized for safe removal.
Conclusions and Clinical Relevance
Teniotomy is a feasible method for mobilizing enteroliths in the proximal descending colon in locations that cannot otherwise be exteriorized.  相似文献   

To compare the effects of placing enterotomy incisions on or off the antimesenteric teniae and closing the intestinal mucosa as a separate layer, four longitudinal enterotomies were performed in the descending colon of each of six horses by the following techniques: incision through the antimesenteric teniae with one- and two-layer closure, and incision adjacent to the teniae with one- and two-layer closure. The horses were necropsied at day 33 for evidence of obstruction, adhesions, and ultrasonographic determination of the percent reduction in lumen diameter. Histologic and histomorphometric evaluations included: inflammatory response in the mucosal and seromuscular layers, mucosal atrophy or degeneration, alignment of the incision edges, area of fibrosis, and distance between the incised muscle edges. Adhesions were present in 5 of 24 enterotomies. Incisions adjacent to the teniae resulted in narrower lumen diameters than incisions through the teniae. Inflammatory response was greatest in incisions adjacent to the teniae with two-layer closure. Closure of the mucosa as a separate layer had no effect on any of the parameters evaluated. Enterotomies through the antimesenteric teniae were more easily performed, resulted in less hemorrhage, and maintained a larger lumen diameter than those performed adjacent to the teniae.  相似文献   

Objective: To explore the potential value of transesophageally‐determined descending thoracic aortic blood flow parameters in critically ill dogs undergoing surgery. Design: Observational case series. Setting: Private small animal referral hospital. Animals: Ten anesthetized critically ill dogs that underwent emergent surgery. Interventions: Placement of the ultrasonic transesophageal probe. Measurements and main results: Transesophageally‐determined descending thoracic aortic blood flow, stroke volume, blood velocity, blood acceleration, left ventricular ejection time interval, and heart rate parameters were recorded every minute. Systolic and mean arterial blood pressures were non‐invasively determined and recorded at 1–5 minute intervals. The anesthetist and surgeon were blinded to the descending thoracic aortic blood flow parameters. All dogs received fluid challenges as part of their management, and 2 dogs received dopamine. The variability of the descending thoracic aortic blood flow parameters within each dog was greater than has been reported in non‐critically ill anesthetized dogs. Consistent trends in descending thoracic aortic blood flow parameters after fluid challenges were not found. An escalating dopamine infusion was, however, accompanied by increasing aortic blood flow, stroke volume, acceleration, and peak velocity. Conclusions: Descending thoracic aortic blood flow parameters may eventually be useful for evaluating the responses to and suggesting the need for cardiovascular interventions during emergent surgeries in anesthetized critically ill canine patients. For this to occur, more experience with this technology will be required.  相似文献   

Intestinal obstruction due to foreign body ingestion is one cause of colic in horses. Although it occurs more frequently in juveniles, adult horses also may be affected. The small colon is a common location in which foreign bodies can be found. Depending on the location of the obstruction in the small colon, different techniques to dislodge the foreign body toward areas where it can be safely exteriorized and removed can be attempted. Alternatively, different approaches to the abdomen can be performed to facilitate exteriorization of the obstructed segment and removal of the foreign body. This paper describes a case of large and small colon obstruction in an adult horse caused by two distinct foreign bodies. The large colon obstruction was removed through a pelvic flexure enterotomy using the ventral midline approach, and the small colon obstruction was removed through a small colon enterotomy using a paramedian approach. Information regarding signalment, history, clinical signs, surgical treatment, and follow-up status of the horse are described.  相似文献   

Objective: To compare incidence of postoperative complications and survival of horses that had surgery for enterolithiasis of the ascending (AC) or descending (DC) colon. Study design: Case series Animals: Horses (n=236) that had celiotomy for AC (n=97) or DC (n=139) enterolithiasis. Methods: Medical records (1999–2005) were reviewed for signalment, presenting clinical signs, surgical findings, postoperative complications, and short‐term survival until discharge. Information on performance and survival ≥1 year was obtained by telephone or mailed questionnaire. Results: Number of postoperative complications did not differ between groups (P=.76). The most frequently identified short‐term complications for all horses were incisional problems, gastric ulceration, ileus, diarrhea, fever, and anorexia. Horses with DC enteroliths had a significantly higher incidence of anorexia (P=.04) and fever (P=.01). The most common complications after hospital discharge were incisional problems, laminitis, weight loss, and colic. Although more DC horses were euthanatized intraoperatively (P=.02), no differences were detected for horses that survived until discharge (P=.18) or ≥1 year after discharge (P=.47). Conclusions: Number or type of postsurgical complications or survival after surgery was not influenced by enterolith location and horses have a favorable prognosis for long‐term survival after enterolith removal, regardless of site of obstruction in the colon. Clinical Relevance: Incidence of postoperative complications and survival are not affected by the site of enterolith obstruction in the colon.  相似文献   

采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法对德令哈地区56头柴达木黄牛和17头杂种黄牛的a-乳白蛋白(a-LA)和β-乳球蛋白(β-LG)进行分析。结果发现(1)该地区柴达木黄牛的a-LA和β-LG位点均具有多态性,但a-LA位点的基因杂合度很低(0.0089)。(2)杂种牛的a-LA位点,只有a-LABB一种基因型而呈单态,β-LG位点有三种基因型而呈多态性,且基因杂合度较高(0.500)。  相似文献   

滑坡地质灾害造成较大的人员伤亡和财产损失。滑坡的产生受多种引发因素影响,如何准确分析滑坡的稳定性是治理滑坡的关键。本文以一个滑坡实例,评价滑坡稳定性的分析过程。介绍了土质滑坡勘察的方法和手段、滑坡区的工程地质特征、滑坡要素、规模及分布范围,分析斜坡失稳的发生和发展过程,确定滑坡性质、类型和危害程度,解析其成灾、孕灾机理,提出防治建议,揭示了重大地质灾害体的形成发育特征。  相似文献   

近年来我国公路事业飞速发展,公路建设项目日益增多,公路养护管理工作也面临着更大的压力。公路养护工作属于我国公路事业建设发展的重要组成部分,其工作的好坏在很大程度上决定了公路使用寿命。因此,公路管理部门必须要重视公路养护工作,完善相关制度体系,做好日常养护和路政管理工作。  相似文献   

本文首先扼要介绍了现在大学生最关注的招聘问题现状,简述了招聘问题中招聘者和应聘者之间的信息不对称现象,然后通过冲突分析法静态稳定性分析了理论上可能出现的结果,并且结合实际情况给予综合分析。  相似文献   

通径分析与灰色关联分析的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用两组试验数据对通径分析与灰色关联度分析进行了比较。结果表明:通径分析是在考虑自变数间相互关系的基础上进行的,而灰色关联分析未考虑自变数间的关系。采用两种方法分析同一数据得出的自变量相对重要性位次不同,但关联度位序与相关系灵敏绝对值的位次基本一致。  相似文献   

奶牛繁殖性能的分析研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在过去的几十年中,世界奶牛繁殖性能都呈现整体下降的趋势,限制了全球奶业的持续发展,造成巨大的经济损失。为了系统全面地了解华中地区奶牛繁殖性能,本文统计分析了华中地区6 000多头奶牛与繁殖相关的生产性能,发现整体奶牛繁殖性能较差。奶牛繁殖性能降低与人们一味追求奶牛高产及长期忽略奶牛繁殖性能的选育有关。因此,在不断提高管理水平的同时,要注重提高奶牛的遗传基础;在对奶牛生产性状选育的同时,应该高度重视奶牛繁殖性能的选育;在使用常规育种技术的同时,要注重运用先进的生物学新技术,以改善奶牛的繁殖性能。  相似文献   

Analysis of survey data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data from surveys should be weighted using expansion weights to avoid biased estimates for the inference population. Calculation of expansion weights is a stepwise procedure that can be thought of as allowing respondents to represent all eligibles from the population. Design will have an impact on the variance of the estimates. Furthermore, the impact may be to inflate or deflate the variance and is often variable-dependent. Accounting for the design in estimating the variance will require specialized analysis procedures and often specialized software.  相似文献   

以热力学第二定律为基础,应用单耗分析理论,对整体煤气化联合循环系统进行了分析和计算,建立了各主要设备的(火用)分析模型及单耗计算公式.以典型的案例为基准,计算了该系统的附加单耗分布情况,找出了整体煤气联合循环系统中薄弱环节,为系统的节能降耗提供理论指导,为设备及系统的优化提供方向.  相似文献   

受全球经济下滑的影响,2009年前2个月,国际市场猪肉、禽肉价格回落,3月价格略有反弹;肉类产品生产下降,贸易趋缓.  相似文献   

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