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Systemic lupus erythematosus was diagnosed in a dog with concurrent nematode infection. The clinical signs of disease were unusually severe and included multiple neurologic deficits, polyarthritis, and weight loss. The dog was thrombocytopenic, and serotest results included positive lupus erythematosus test, positive rheumatoid factor test, positive antinuclear antibody test, hypergammaglobulinemia, and high platelet-associated IgG concentration. After treatment of hookworm, whipworm, and heartworm infections concurrently with corticosteroid and empiric treatment, the dog's condition improved. However, 10 days later, cyclophosphamide administration was necessary for continued immunosuppression. The dog was euthanatized because of progressive deterioration and development of canine coronavirus diarrhea. Serotest data generated from the dog's serum obtained at the time of referral suggested that autoantibodies and circulating immune complexes may have included IgE isotypes.  相似文献   

Skin biopsies from 47 dogs, 6 cats and 5 horses with suspected autoimmune skin disease were submitted for immunofluorescence from 1978 to 1985. These cases were predominantly Western Australian in origin, although a number were also referred from Queensland and Victoria. In 5 dogs, 2 cats and 2 horses immunoglobulin binding to intercellular cement substance and/or basement membrane was demonstrated by direct immunofluorescence. Antinuclear antibody was also demonstrated in several of these cases. Immunofluorescence was used in combination with histopathological examination to confirm the clinical diagnosis of autoimmune disease in 19/47 dogs, 4/6 cats and 2/5 horses. There was no age, breed or sex predisposition amongst the 19 positive dogs, however there was a higher incidence of antinuclear antibody (54%) than the normal canine population (10%) and other autoantibodies (rheumatoid factor) were sometimes present. Abnormalities in serum protein electrophoresis and serum complement C4 levels were also recorded in this group.  相似文献   

1. Antisera raised in sheep against chicken adipocyte plasma membranes recognised adipocyte, liver and red blood cell membranes in enzyme immunoassays (EIA). 2. These antisera were cytotoxic when incubated with both adipocytes and their precursors grown in culture, and with red blood cells. 3. Adsorption of antisera with liver membranes completely abolished the response to liver and red blood cell membranes in the EIA. The response in adipocytes was reduced to only about 6% of the titre present in the unadsorbed sample. 4. Adsorption of antisera with liver membranes abolished the cytotoxic response to red blood cells and to adipocyte precursors, but some response to adipocytes still remained. 5. These results are in contrast to the rat for which adipocyte specific antisera were obtained which represented about 75% of the unadsorbed titre.  相似文献   

Antigen specificity in canine autoimmune haemolytic anaemia.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia (AIHA) is the most common clinical manifestation of autoimmunity in the dog and generally presents as a profound, regenerative, Coombs' positive anaemia of acute or chronic onset. The disease pathogenesis involves formation of erythrocyte-specific autoantibodies of the IgG and IgM class that may fix complement resulting in intra- or extravascular haemolysis. Western blotting and immunoprecipitation studies using autoantibody eluted from the erythrocytes of dogs with AIHA have demonstrated specificity for erythrocyte glycophorins and the membrane anion-exchange molecule (band 3). Autoantibodies specific for the cytoskeletal molecule spectrin have been identified in serum by ELISA. The specificity of autoreactive T-cells has been examined in vitro using bulk cultures stimulated with a panel of autoantigens including intact erythrocyte membranes, purified glycophorin and spectrin fractions and a panel of overlapping 15-mer glycophorin peptides. Control responses to ConA and recall (vaccine antigens) and non-recall (KLH) antigens were measured in the same system. PBMC obtained from dogs that had recovered from AIHA consistently proliferated in response to erythrocyte membranes, with occasional responses to spectrin or glycophorin. PBMC from sone clinically normal dogs also responded to erythrocyte membranes. PBMC obtained from dogs closely related to AIHA cases gave the most consistent responses, including proliferation when stimulated by the glycophorin peptides. These data suggest that normal dogs harbour erythrocyte autoreactive lymphocytes, and that these cells may be primed in dogs recovered from AIHA or having genetic susceptibility to the disease.  相似文献   

The presence of antinuclear antibodies (ANAs) is used to support a clinical diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in dogs. However, clinicians must interpret the detection of ANAs with caution, particularly in light of increasing evidence that dogs with known bacterial and protozoal infections can have high ANA titers. Retrospectively, medical records were reviewed for all dogs that were concurrently tested for antinuclear antigens and Bartonella vinsonii (berkhoffii), Ehrlichia canis, or Rickettsia rickettsii antigens between 1990 and 2000. When analyzed on the basis of reactivity to a specific infectious agent, 75% of the B vinsonii (berkhoffii) seroreactors, 16.7% of the E canis seroreactors, and 0% of the R rickettsii seroreactors had concurrent ANAs. Subsequent prospective testing did not detect ANAs in convalescent sera from dogs experimentally infected with B vinsonii (berkhoffii), E canis, or R rickettsii. However, 10-20% B vinsonii (berkhoffii), E canis, or Leishmania infantum reactive sera from naturally infected dogs contained ANAs. In addition, 45% of sera from dogs that are reactive to multiple vectorborne organisms were more likely to contain ANAs when compared to sera from dogs reactive to only 1 test antigen. When interpreting the relevance of seroreactivity to nuclear antigens, clinicians should recognize that dogs with seroreactivity to B vinsonii (berkhoffii), E canis, or L infantum antigens (especially those with seroreactivity to more than one of these pathogens) may produce ANAs.  相似文献   

Histopathologic, immunopathologic and clinical evaluation of two hundred thirty dogs resulted in a diagnosis of canine autoimmune skin disease (AISD) in eighty four of the suspected cases. Pemphigus foliaceus was the most common diagnosis, followed by bullous pemphigoid and pemphigus vulgaris. The highest percentage of cases were mixed breeds, followed by shelties, collies, German shepherds and poodles. There was no apparent age or sex predilection. Eighty seven percent of the eighty four cases of AISD were diagnosed on the basis of supportive clinical criteria in addition to compatible histopathologic and/or direct immunofluorescent findings. Thirteen percent of the cases with a final clinical diagnosis of AISD lacked supportive immunohistopathologic criteria on biopsy and the diagnosis was based upon clinical appearance, exclusion of other dermatoses, and response to immunosuppressive therapy. This latter group included four cases of SLE diagnosed using a combination of clinical criteria and a positive test for antinuclear antibody. Thirty three percent of the AISD cases were diagnosed on the basis of compatible findings on both histopathology and direct immunofluorescence. A histopathologic diagnosis of AISD was made in sixty nine percent of the cases. Positive direct immunofluorescence was found in fifty two percent of the cases. Thirty five percent of the AISD cases were diagnosed on histopathologic criteria without supportive immunofluorescent findings, while nineteen percent had positive direct immunofluorescence with nonspecific histopathologic changes. The number of definitive positive results was greater for direct immunofluorescence (38%) than for histopathology (25%). There was an equal incidence (21%) of false positive results among non-AISD cases with both tests. Indirect immunofluorescence appears to have little value in the diagnosis of canine AISD. The recommended diagnostic approach to canine AISD involves the use of both histopathologic and immunopathologic evaluations.  相似文献   

This paper describes the essential features of the conditions causing chronic respiratory disease in the dog including: chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, primary and secondary lung tumours, filaroidiasis, actino-mycotic infections and tuberculosis. Epidemiology, diagnostic clinical signs and methods of treatment are emphasized. A consideration of hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy is included since it frequently occurs in conjunction with chronic respiratory disease and may be a useful diagnostic marker.  相似文献   

Tracheobronchial collapse and chronic bronchitis (CB) are the two most common forms of chronic tracheobronchial disease in dogs. These conditions may exist independently of one another, although CB and some degree of tracheobronchial collapse often co-exist in the same patient. Diagnosis of CB can be established on clinical grounds alone, whereas radiographic or bronchoscopic evidence is required to confirm the diagnosis of tracheobronchial collapse. Although glucocorticoid drug therapy remains one of the most effective methods for managing CB, surgical implantation of a prosthetic airway device may be of great benefit for some dogs with a focal area of collapsing trachea. With early diagnosis and aggressive medical and surgical management, the prognosis for many dogs with chronic tracheobronchial disease is good for reasonable quality of life.  相似文献   

The importance and the role of spirochetes in periodontal disease is controversial since the means to study these particular bacteria are limited. Because of specific requirements for growth, spirochetes are difficult to culture. Spirochetes could have profound effects on the perpetuation of periodontal disease. A review of the literature related to spirochetes is described.  相似文献   

A 5-week-old mixed-breed dog was examined because of emaciation and depression associated with chronic anorexia, diarrhea, and vomiting. Its rectal temperature was subnormal and it died on the day of admission. At necropsy, small focal lesions were distributed through the liver. Enteric alterations included catarrhal enteritis with fluid contents, excess production of mucus, and mucosal hyperemia. Microscopically, the hepatic lesions were disseminated foci of coagulative necrosis, with little or no associated inflammatory cell response. Numerous organisms morphologically consistent with Bacillus piliformis were demonstrated within viable hepatocytes at the periphery of the necrotic foci and in the intestinal mucosa. Numerous coccidial forms were found within the epithelial cells of the intestinal mucosa, which was focally necrotic.  相似文献   

A 7-year-old female Cocker spaniel-cross was referred with an 8-month history of mucocutaneous erosive dermatitis. On physical examination, skin lesions affected the eyelids and periocular area, lips and vulva. Lesions were symmetrical with small diffuse superficial ulcers, haemorrhagic crusts, adherent purulent exudation in haired skin, and alopecia with hyperpigmentation and scarring. Histopathologic evaluation showed multiple, non-intact dermoepidermal junction vesicles and ulceration associated with a dermal lichenoid infiltrate. Immunohistochemistry showed strong to moderate reactivity in the dermoepidermal junction for the antibodies directed against canine IgG, human IgG lambda light chains and C3, respectively. A diagnosis of autoimmune subepidermal blistering dermatosis was made. Treatment with oral prednisone at 2 mg/kg and mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) at 20 mg/kg twice daily was initiated and after 4 weeks the ulcers and erosions were cured. During the rest of treatment, MMF was maintained at 10 mg/kg twice daily and prednisone could be tapered to 0.25 mg/kg once every other day without recurrences. In conclusion, this case report shows that MMF was well tolerated and might be effective as steroid-sparing agent in the long-term treatment of this autoimmune subepidermal blistering disease.  相似文献   

Atopic disease in the dog   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Heart disease in the dog is first described on the basis of the varying clininical syndromes which can occur as a result of cardiac and other lesions. The diagnostic features of the arrhythmias and lesions causing these syndromes are then elaborated with regard to their specific clinical appreciation. Mention is made of the diagnostic information which can be obtained by simple electrocardiography and simple radiology. Résumé . L'affectation du c?ur chez le chien est d'abord décrite sur la base des divers syndromes cliniques pouvant résulter de lésions, cardiaques ou autres. On élabore ensuite sur les éléments diagnostiques des arythmies et lésions causant ces syndromes, par rapport à leur estimation clinique spécifique. Il est fait mention des renseignements diagnostiques qui peuvent ětre obtenus par simple électrocardiographie et simple radiologie. Zusammenfassung . Herzkrankheiten bei Hunden werden zunächst aufgrund der verschiedenen klinischen Syndrome beschrieben, die als Folgeerscheinung von Herzbeschädigungen und anderen Läsionen auftreten können. Die diagnostischen Merkmale der Arrhythmien und Läsionen, die zu diesen Syndromen führen, werden danach mit Rücksicht auf ihre spezifische klinische Auswertung ausgearbeitet. Weiter werden Informationen zur Diagnostik der Herzbeschwerden, welche durch einfache radiologische und elektrokardiographische Untersuchungen gewonnen werden können, mitgeteilt.  相似文献   

Addison's disease in the dog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Copper is a ubiquitous trace metal necessary for normal function of a variety of cellular proteins. Intracellular copper metabolism is complex, and only a few of the proteins/genes involved are known. Copper deficiency does not appear to be a clinical problem in dogs. Excess copper accumulation in the liver as a cause of hepatitis and cirrhosis was first demonstrated among Bedlington terriers. Subsequently, copper accumulation in the liver has been shown to occur in several other breeds of dogs. Excess hepatic copper has been found in dogs with normal liver histology, dogs with hepatitis, and dogs with end stage cirrhosis. Evidence is accumulating that copper is a cause of liver disease in breeds of dogs other than Bedlington terriers. Moreover, as more data are accumulated, the copper storage disease appears to have characteristics that are very similar among all of the affected breeds.  相似文献   

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