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Although, wheat bran is a good source of dietary fibre (DF), it has certain disadvantages due relatively lower levels of soluble DF. Therefore, in the current study, the effect of extrusion treatment on microstructure and enzymatic hydrolysis of wheat bran was investigated. Extrusion treatment increased fibre solubility at all process conditions and the screw speed was found to be the most effective parameter. Physicochemical properties of bran were affected from extrusion treatments. While the water-binding capacities of extruded brans were lower than that of non-extruded wheat bran, their water solubilities were higher. Enzymatic hydrolysis increased the soluble DF content of the bran samples as compared to those of respective samples at the beginning of incubation. The results showed that extrusion treatment can be used to disrupt the wheat bran microstructure and thus to increase the soluble fibre content. Enzymatic hydrolysis can also be used for increasing solubility further. The outcomes of this study can be utilized for improving the technological functionality of cereal fibres to develop high fibre ingredients for food applications.  相似文献   

Wheat bran is one of the major dietary fiber sources widely used in the food industry in order to produce fiber-rich foods. The effects of particle size and addition level of wheat bran on the quality of flour and of dry white Chinese noodles (DWCN) were investigated. Results suggested that increasing wheat bran concentration and particle size decreased midline peak value (MPV). However, the MTxW and MPT increased as particle size increased. Peak viscosity, trough, final viscosity, area of viscosity, breakdown, and setback of blends decreased significantly with increasing bran levels from 5% to 20%, but there were no significant differences in the impact of particle size on pasting properties. For the 5% and 10% addition levels, there was no distinct effect in breaking strength of the noodles when bran size was 0.21 mm and 0.53 mm. Hardness, gumminess and chewiness of cooked DWCN showed a downtrend with increasing addition levels and particle size, while adhesiveness showed uptrend. The total score of DWCN showed a downtrend with increasing of addition level and particle size. For the 5% bran level, the scores of cooked DWCN were more than 83 when wheat bran particle size was 0.21 mm and 0.53 mm. By using 5–10% fine bran or using 5% medium bran in wheat flour, it is possible to satisfactorily produce fiber-rich DWCN.  相似文献   

The target of this work was to develop a novel, industrially applicable process for simultaneously releasing different valuable components from wheat bran, including carbohydrates, oligomeric arabinoxylan and antioxidants. The process was based on alkaline pretreatment with potassium hydroxide (KOH) and subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis. Increasing KOH-dosage and thermal severity in pretreatment promoted carbohydrate solubilisation in hydrolysis, reaching glucose and arabinoxylan yields up to 86% and 76%, respectively. Release of antioxidants was particularly promoted by increasing KOH-dosage, while both the pretreatment severity and KOH-dosage promoted the release of oligomeric arabinoxylan in enzymatic hydrolysis. Two bran syrups, with or without KOH-treatment, were tested in bread making by substituting added sugar in the dough with bran syrup. The KOH-derived KCl also substituted 30% of NaCl in the bread formulation. The addition of bran syrup did not affect the baking properties of wheat bread dough. However, a decrease in bread flavour balance was observed with addition of syrup from KOH-pretreated bran. Conceptual level techno-economic assessment indicated that production of bran syrup would be economically feasible at a minimum selling price of 770 €/t and 1030 €/t with KOH-pretreatment and without KOH, respectively.  相似文献   

Phenolic compounds present in native wheat bran are majorly bound to polysaccharides and entrapped in the fibre matrix. Recently, it was demonstrated that the microfluidization process could significantly improve physicochemical properties of wheat bran due to particle size reduction and microstructure modification. The current study provides further evidence that the process also significantly increased the contents of surface-reactive, alkaline and acid hydrolysable phenolics by 280%, 60% and 20%, respectively, after a total of 8 passes through the IC200 and IC87 chambers. Accordingly, the associated antioxidant capacity increased with increase in the extent of the treatment. However, there was a decrease in solvent extractable phenolic contents due to their dispersion in water and loss during the treatment. It is also worth noting that the residues after alkaline and acid hydrolysis still contained a high content of surface-reactive phenolics, which might indicate a significant underestimation of the total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of wheat bran when using the conventional method based on solvent extraction and alkaline and/or acid hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Effect of thermal treatment at 50–90 °C on wheat gluten hydrolysis by papain was evaluated in this study. Thermal treatment decreased the amount of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) extractable protein. The treatments at 80 and 90 °C had a strong impact on protein extractability. Thermal treatment for 30 min resulted in a significant reduction in SDS extractable glutenin level in wheat gluten. A significant drop in free sulphydryl level was found in wheat gluten treated at 70 °C for 30 min. It indicated that cross-linking of glutenin through S–S occurred during thermal treatment. The treatments at 70–90 °C led to significant decreases in soluble and nitrogen level, while significant increases in peptide nitrogen amount in the hydrolysates from treated gluten were found. A time-dependent effect was observed for the changes in soluble forms of nitrogen and PN. Thermal treatment resulted in molecular mass distribution change according to gel permeation chromatography analysis. Thermal treatment significantly increased the amount of fractions with molecular mass beyond 10 K (67.2%) in the hydrolysates and greatly decreased the amounts of fractions with MM of 10–5 K and below 5 K in hydrolysates.  相似文献   

Wheat bran is the main by-product during wheat flour processing. Although wheat bran is rich in the bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacity, it is not widely utilized in its natural state. To improve the antioxidant and nutritional properties of wheat bran, a dominant strain, Enterococcus faecalis M2, was screened from lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from various foods. Following solid state fermentation, the soluble dietary fiber content of wheat bran nearly quadrupled compared to the raw material. Total proportion of phenols, flavonoids, alkylresorcinols, along with the antioxidant capacity and free radical scavenging rate were significantly improved, particularly the ferulic acid content increased by 5.5 times. Additionally, the free amino acid content increased with degradation of wheat bran protein, whereas the level of anti-nutrient phytic acid decreased. The results of this study could provide an effective method for biological modification of wheat bran, which further enhance the health benefit and utilization of bran.  相似文献   

High fibre breads were produced with the addition of durum wheat bran fractions (regular bran and a fraction extracted from the most internal bran layer) and their physico-chemical properties and water status were characterised during storage. Bran enriched breads exhibited similar properties during storage, they were harder, less springy and less cohesive than the control. Water status was strongly affected by bran addition, independently of bran composition: water activity, moisture and frozen water content (measured by Differential Scanning Calorimetry) were generally higher in the bran samples than in the control bread during storage. Amylopectin retrogradation was significantly larger in the presence of bran fractions. 1H NMR mobility (T2 number of populations and relaxation times) was different in the high fibre breads as compared to the control sample. The changes in protons mobility observed upon storage indicated an influence of bran on water/gluten/starch molecular domains and their dynamics, that may have affected the development of the gluten network resulting in different textural properties.  相似文献   

White, blue, black and purple red wheat bran powders were prepared by ultrafine grinding to the particle size distribution of 0.5–100 μm. The effects of wheat bran addition on the qualities of dry Chinese noodles were investigated. Rapid Visco Analyzer results suggested that peak viscosity, hot paste viscosity, cool paste viscosity, breakdown viscosity and setback viscosity of the blends decreased with the increasing bran levels from 2.0% to 6.0% (P < 0.05). Color of dough sheet (L*) decreased with the addition of wheat bran, while a* and b* values increased distinctly. Water absorption and firmness of the cooked noodles showed up trends with increasing addition of bran, while cooking loss showed a downtrend. Tensile strength and elongation rate decreased when bran addition was 2.0%, but increased when bran addition reached 4.0%–6.0%. Storage modulus (E′) and loss modulus (E″) showed decreasing trends with increases in bran addition at frequencies of 0.1–10 Hz. SEM revealed that bran presence could slightly decrease surface connectivity between starch granules and gluten. It is possible to produce fiber-rich noodles by using 2.0%–6.0% ultrafine-ground bran in wheat flour.  相似文献   

Biscuits contain high amount of fat and sugar thus having high calorie but low nutrient density. Wheat bran is a good source of dietary fibre (DF) and protein and is thus a good candidate for nutritional enrichment of cereal foods. The aim of this study was to understand the effect of bran incorporation and particle size reduction on biscuit microstructure, texture and in vitro starch digestibility. Five different biscuits containing 5–15% DF were produced. Two different particle sized wheat brans were used: coarse (450 μm) and fine (68 μm). Bran particle size reduction increased the elastic modulus and hardness of biscuits. Biscuits containing fine bran had visually more compact structure without any surface or internal defects than those with coarse bran. Fine bran containing sample had the highest hardness value. Sensory evaluation showed that roughness and breakdown of biscuits in the mouth was significant for the coarse bran with highest level of bran addition. The instrumental elastic modulus, stress and hardness were closely related to sensory hardness and strength to break. Increasing DF content from 5 to 15% increased hydrolysis index by 16%, from 32 to 37.  相似文献   

The objectives of this work were to 1) determine the physical structure of untreated wheat bran and the differences in physical structure between its dissected layers; 2) evaluate how bran hydration affected bran crystallinity and polymer order; and 3) determine how enzymatic treatment of wheat bran affected its physical structure. For the first time, X-ray diffraction (XRD), small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), solid-state 13C cross-polarization magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (13C CP/MAS NMR), and polarized light microscopy with a waveplate were used to study the physical structure of wheat bran and its dissected layers. The XRD and solid-state 13C CP/MAS NMR both confirmed the presence of crystalline cellulose in untreated bran, enzymatically treated bran, and dissected bran layers. The outer pericarp had the highest crystallinity of the dissected bran layers and showed negative birefringence. The aleurone layer was low in cellulose content and completely amorphous, yet the cell walls in the aleurone layer showed strong positive birefringence. The treatment of destarched and deproteinated bran with the Updegraff reagent removed amorphous material, leaving its crystalline cellulose structure intact. Hydration of the outer pericarp increased its crystallinity index and CP/MAS NMR resonance intensity, which indicated a possible increase in polymer order. The SAXS also confirmed that cell wall polymers, possibly aggregated cellulose microfibrils, increased in order as a result of hydration.  相似文献   

Hydroxycinnamate and protein contents and monosaccharide composition were determined for 11 industrial wheat (Triticum aestivum) brans and related to the susceptibility of their arabinoxylans (AX) to enzymatic degradation. There was significant variation in carbohydrate, A/X ratio, protein, hydroxycinnamic acid and diferulic acid (DiFA) content among the wheat brans. In addition, a strong correlation was found between AX and ferulic acid contents. Brans were extracted with water followed by a dry-thermal treatment to remove 90% starch and to inactivate endogenous enzymes and proteinaceous inhibitors. Treated brans were compared with respect to AX degradation by a family 11 xylanase. Digestion with xylanase had a strong impact on the chemical composition of the residual bran. The A/X ratio changed from 0.60 to 1.07. The solubilised AX had an A/X ratio of 0.32. The A/X ratio of enzyme-depleted bran was negatively correlated with the loss of AX. Total DiFA in destarched brans was negatively correlated with the amount of soluble AX. These relationships indicate that structural features of AX and the extent of its cross-linking in the cell walls of the bran tissues influence its susceptibility to xylanase treatment. Thus, the amount of enzyme-solubilised AX was not directly related to the content of AX in the destarched bran. However, brans differed in their susceptibility to xylanase attack.  相似文献   

Addition of wheat bran to sorghum flour (Dabar cultivar) at two extraction rates 72% and 80% resulted in lowering reducing sugars. The percent decreasewas 75.6% compared with the control at the end of fermentation period. There was a highly significant (p 0.05) increase in crude fiber content as a result of addition of wheat bran. The increase was from 0.8 to 5.2 and from 0.5 to 5.3% for the 80% S/WB and 72% S/WB blends, respectively. Sorghum bread containing wheat bran was lower in reducing sugars and showed a significant increase (p 0.05) in starch content. Sorghum bread containing wheat bran resulted in a lower in vitro protein and starch digestibilities.  相似文献   

Ultra-fine grinding increases the antioxidant capacity of wheat bran   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to study the influence of wheat bran particle size on its antioxidant capacity, the wheat bran was ground under normal and cryogenic conditions with variable intensity to produce ten fractions with different physical structures. The high energy grinding increased 3-fold the specific surface of the bran fractions and also the proportion of particles smaller than 50 μm assimilated to the proportion of disrupted aleurone cells. All the ground bran fractions presented similar total ferulic acid concentration and chemical form (free, conjugated, linked). A positive effect of the grinding on the antioxidant capacity of the bran fractions was noticed. The antioxidant capacity increased from 30 to 45 mmol TEAC/kg when the specific surface increased from 0.09 to 0.26–0.30 m2/g. The antioxidant capacity of the bran fractions was linearly correlated with the specific surface, with the D50 values and with the proportion of particles smaller than 50 μm. In in vitro gastric conditions, the finely ground bran inhibited the accumulation of conjugated dienes more efficiently than coarse bran. In conclusion, the bran structure affects its antioxidant capacity. This effect remained in gastric conditions showing that grinding can be used to produce wheat bran fractions with higher nutritional value.  相似文献   

In this study, the effect of immature wheat flour (IWF) on the fermentation activity of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and on the nutritional quality properties of bread were evaluated. IWF was added in the as the ratio of 10g/100g in sourdough fermentation medium, and the fermentation activity (total LAB, pH, titration acidity (TA), and total reducing sugar (TRS)) of LAB cultures was monitored. Additionally, some physical quality characteristics (specific volume, texture profile and colour value), estimated glycaemic index (eGI), rapidly digestible starch (RDS), slowly digestible starch (SDS), and the total dietary fibre content of sourdough bread were determined. According to the statistical test, it was revealed that the IWF addition stimulated LAB growth and increased their fermentation activity. The pH of the fermentation medium decreased from 6.57 to 3.50, and TA raised from 0.13% to 1.2% in 48 h. The highest TRS content was determined in IWF enriched sourdough samples, and as a result of this, the eGI of sourdough bread increased. Compared to the control sample, the SDS and total dietary fibre content were higher in IWF added sourdough bread, and a positive correlation was noted between these two components. IWF utilisation of sourdough bread formulation increased the hardness value by nearly 50%.  相似文献   

The aim of this experimental work was to evaluate the effect of inulin addition on the rheological properties of common wheat doughs and bread quality. Three commercial fructan products of different number average degree of polymerisation (DPn) were used (DPn = 10 for inulin ST; DPn = 23 for inulin HP and HP-gel). Inulin contents from 2.5 to 7.5% on dry matter (wheat flour plus inulin) were used. Dough rheological properties were investigated using farinograph and dynamic rheological measurements. Upon addition of dietary fibre (DF), significant increase in mixing time and stability, and decrease in water absorption were recorded. Inulin ST exerted greater effect on water absorption than HP products.  相似文献   

Arabinoxylan (AX) has a major impact on the functional properties of wheat bran, and it has been shown that technological properties of bran can be improved by using endoxylanases. Enzymatic treatments are typically conducted at high water content. However, in industrial applications, low water content may be advantageous, especially when targeting dry end products. The aim of the study was to examine the impact of water content, ranging from 20 to 90%, on the efficiency of endoxylanase treatment of wheat bran. Interestingly, AX solubilisation was highest at the water contents of 40 and 90%. At water contents 50–80%, AX solubilisation was lower than at 40 and 90%. Furthermore, at low water content, less depolymerisation was detected. At water content of 40%, the bran-water mixture was transformed from powder-like into compact mass. Probably the compact consistency of the material enhanced AX solubilisation by increased breakdown of bran cell walls due to shear forces or via enhanced enzyme binding to the substrate. The results show that solubilisation of bran AX can also be efficiently performed at low water content.  相似文献   

Gluten-free (GF) breads are often characterised by low nutritional quality as they are mainly starch based and contain low amounts of vitamins, minerals and in particular dietary fibre. The objective of this study was to improve the physical, nutritional and sensory quality and shelf life of rice-based GF bread by adding different fractions of rice bran, containing different amounts of protein, fat, dietary fibre (DF) and different ratios of insoluble (IDF) to soluble (SDF) DF.  相似文献   

Eight wheat varieties, originating from various geographical regions were examined for their rheological properties during large uniaxial and biaxial extensions and for their baking quality. Extensibility during uniaxial extension as well as biaxial extensional viscosity proved to be significant properties in predicting loaf volume. Multiple regression analysis indicated uniaxial extensibility and biaxial extensional viscosity as best predictors for loaf volume. The varieties with the highest strain hardening index were those of high loaf volume and also fine and soft crumb, whereas varieties of low strain hardening index were of poor baking quality. However, baking behaviour was not completely explained by considering only the strain hardening index. Crumb fineness was also investigated and it was taken into consideration when evaluating the varieties for their baking quality. 3D scatter plots of loaf volume, cell volume, and number of cells in the slice, divided the wheat samples in groups depending on their baking quality and common rheological characteristics were observed for these groups. The samples were also examined for their proofing capacity. Maximum dough height from the rheofermentometer correlated with loaf volume and was affected by rheological properties of the samples.  相似文献   

Effects of bran concentration, bran particle size distribution, and enzyme addition – fungal phytase, fungal alpha-amylase – on the mixing and fermentative behaviour of wheat dough and on the amount of phytic acid remaining in bread have been investigated using a factorial design of samples 24. Bran concentration and bran particle size significantly affected all Farinograph parameters, whereas enzyme effects were particularly observed on both the water absorption of the flour and the parameters characterizing the overmixing. Water absorption was maximized in doughs with higher fine bran addition and/or in doughs with no enzymes, and was minimized in blends containing coarse added bran and alpha-amylase and/or alpha-amylase and phytase. alpha-Amylase addition had a significant positive effect on dough development and gassing power parameters during proofing. At low bran addition, phytate hydrolysis takes place to a greater extent than at high bran addition levels. Combination of bran with amylolytic and phytate-degrading enzymes could be advisable for overcoming the detrimental effect of bran on the mineral availability (phytase) or on the technological performance of doughs (alpha-amylase).  相似文献   

The present study explored the effect of size reduction by superfine grinding on the performance and rheological properties of bran-enriched dough. Coarse (D50 = 328.98 μm) and superfine-ground (D50 = 50.76 and 28.37 μm) wheat brans were incorporated into the wheat dough to replace 10–30% of plain flour. Both fundamental and empirical tests were performed to assess the mixing properties, pasting properties, large deformation rheology, small deformation rheology, and stickiness of the dough. With the increasing amount of bran added, dough water absorption capacity increased, while the dough became less sticky and more rigid. Superfine grinding reduced the water retention capacity of the bran by 17–20%. Dough fortified with the finest bran (D50 = 28.37 μm) showed an overall better stability and uniaxial extensibility. However, the results suggested that superfine grinding not necessarily improve every aspect of dough performance, particularly the pasting properties. High peak and final viscosity were observed for dough fortified with superfine bran, indicating their end products, such as noodle, might exhibit high stickiness after cooking, and a high degree of starch retrogradation. Results of this study contributed to a better understanding of the modification effect of superfine grinding on dietary fibre.  相似文献   

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