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A case of pulmonary carcinoma in a 23-year-old Quarterhorse mare is described. On physical examination, depression, poor body condition, tachypnea, bilateral serosanguineous nasal discharge and a wide area of reduced breath sounds in association with the right hemithorax were detected. Laboratory evaluation showed leukocytosis with neutrophilia and lymphopenia, hyperfibrinogenemia, hyperprotidemia, hypoalbuminemia, increased beta 2 and gamma globulin fractions, hypoxemia, and normocapnia. Radiography and thoracic ultrasonography revealed a large rounded mass extending from the 9th to the 14th right intercostal space, where neither bronchial nor vascular structures were detectable. Endoscopy showed a large amount of serosanguineous fluid within the tracheal lumen and a mass of reddish soft tissue completely obliterating the right caudal lobar bronchus. Histopathology of the endobronchial mass and of the transthoracic ultrasound-guided biopsy samples was consistent with a primary pulmonary epithelial tumor. Due to worsening of the clinical condition, the mare was euthanized. Postmortem examination confirmed the presence of a large 30-cm mass located in the right caudal pulmonary lobe, characterized by epithelial cells arranged in papillary projections and alveolar structures, findings consistent with bronchioloalveolar carcinoma.  相似文献   

The present article reports a case of multicentric hemangiosarcoma in a 22-year-old Warmblood mare presented for recurrent fever and weight loss. Thoracic ultrasonography showed multiple small areas of pulmonary consolidation. Ultrasonography in the region of the right liver lobe showed the presence of a rounded mass, approximately 24 × 19 cm2 in size, extending from the 9th to 14th rib of the right side, characterized by multiple fluid-filled cavities and hypo- and hyperechoic rounded areas. On the left side, several hyperechoic rounded areas were detected in the spleen. Because of sudden onset of hemoperitoneum and worsening of the clinical conditions, the mare was humanely destroyed. Necroscopy confirmed the presence of hepatic, splenic, and pulmonary lesions, and showed further nodules on the stomach wall. The microscopic appearance of the lesions was consistent with hemangiosarcoma with multiple visceral metastases. Because the reported prevalence of equine hemangiosarcoma is as low as 0% to 0.7%, this case report may provide further information and describe one of the possible ultrasonographic patterns of multicentric hemangiosarcoma in horses.  相似文献   

Thirty-five cases of disseminated hemangiosarcoma (21 clinical cases and 14 previously reported cases) were reviewed to describe the disease in horses. Hemangiosarcoma occurred in mature, particularly middle-aged horses, with no apparent sex predilection. Thoroughbreds seemed to be overrepresented (13 cases) but a true breed predilection could not be established. The respiratory and musculoskeletal systems were most commonly affected and presenting complaints included dyspnea (26%), subcutaneous or muscular swelling (24%), epistaxis (17%), and lameness (12%). Heart and respiratory rates were usually increased and mucous membrane color was frequently pale or icteric. Capillary refill time and rectal temperature were often normal. Anemia (88%), neutrophilic leukocytosis (62%), and thrombocytopenia (48%) were common. Examination of tissue samples collected by fine-needle aspirate or biopsy established an antemortem diagnosis in 4 horses. The diagnosis was made during postmortem examination in the remaining 31 horses. The lung and pleura (77%), skeletal muscle (46%), and spleen (43%) were most commonly affected. A primary site of tumor involvement could be identified in 22 horses. Hemangiosarcoma should be included as a differential diagnosis for horses with evidence of hemorrhage into body cavities, skeletal muscle, or subcutaneous locations.  相似文献   

Background: Renal carcinoma is a rare tumor of horses.
Hypothesis: Presenting complaints and clinical signs of this disease are vague and early diagnosis increases survival time.
Animals: Data were collected from the medical records of 4 horses presented to Washington State University as well as the 23 previously published case reports of horses with renal carcinoma.
Methods: Retrospective study.
Results: Renal carcinoma affects horses of all ages with most cases observed in geldings and Thoroughbreds. The most common presenting complaints are nonspecific and usually do not occur until late in the course of the disease. Routine laboratory results generally are unremarkable with no evidence of renal dysfunction. Urine and peritoneal fluid analyses are consistently abnormal, but the changes usually are nonspecific. Rectal palpation often allows detection of an abnormal kidney or a mass in the area of the kidney. Renal ultrasound examination is the most rewarding imaging procedure, and when combined with renal biopsy, antemortem diagnosis can be achieved. Renal carcinoma is both locally invasive and metastatic, necessitating careful staging for metastasis using thoracic radiography and abdominal ultrasound examination. If the tumor is localized to 1 kidney, nephrectomy is the treatment of choice. No chemotherapy or radiation treatment for renal carcinoma has been reported in the horse. Median survival for this series of cases was 11 days (0 days–1 year).
Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Prognosis is poor to grave.  相似文献   

There are few reports describing hypertrophic osteopathy (HO) in horses and no reports describing this in the Irish equine population. This case series outlines the clinical, radiological and pathological features of HO in horses in Ireland and compares and contrasts the findings to previous reports. Overall, the prevalence of HO in Irish horses was found to be low with clinical signs similar to previous reports. Diagnosis of the primary lesion was low, largely due to the limited diagnostic evaluation in a large proportion of the horses evaluated. The horses had a low average age and a high prevalence (35.5%) of mandibular and facial involvement.  相似文献   

Thoroughbred racehorses which suffered a fatal musculoskeletal injury (FMI) while racing or race training at a California racetrack during 9 months of 1991 were studied to determine the importance of intensive, high-speed exercise schedules prior to injury. Seventy-seven horses which sustained an FMI while racing and 45 horses which sustained an FMI while race training were successfully matched by race or timed workout session with one control horse and included in the analyses. Race and timed workout (racing-speed exercise) histories were obtained for the case and control horses. Two-month cumulative, racing-speed cutoff distances were calculated from the control horse sample by two methods. Median racing-speed exercise frequencies and distances of the control horses were used to estimate age-specific (2, 3, 4 and ≥ 5 years), 2-month cumulative, racing-speed distances (Method 1). For the second method, the last race or timed workout for each control horse occurring just prior to, or on the date of injury for the matched case horse was identified. Cumulative racing-speed distances 2 months prior to these exercise events were determined for each control horse and used to estimate median age-specific (2, 3, 4 and ≥ 5 years), 2-month cumulative racing-speed distances (Method 2). The cumulative cutoff distances estimated from both methods were used to classify each matched pair according to the presence or absence of a 2-month cumulative, racing-speed distance which exceeded the age-appropriate cutoff distance (exercise distance cluster) within 6 months prior to injury. Manlel-Haenszel matched-pair odds ratios and 95% confidence limits were calculated separately for the racing and race-training fatal injuries. The relative risk for racing FMI was significantly greater for those horses which ran 2-month, cumulative racing and timed workout distances in excess of the cutoff values determined with Method 1 (relative risk (RR) = 3.0, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.2, 7.6) and Method 2 (RR = 7.2, 95% CI = 2.6, 20.6). The relative risk for race-training FMI was significantly greater for those horses which ran 2-month, cumulative racing and timed workout distances in excess of the cutoff values determined with Method 2 (RR = 3.4, 95% CI =1.0, 13.2).  相似文献   

Stereotypies are considered a cause and symptom of impaired welfare, and have been associated with suboptimal husbandry systems. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of stereotypic and other abnormal behaviors in Chilean thoroughbreds by direct observation, and examine their associations with biological characteristics and management practices. Seven hundred forty-three racehorses were observed directly, every 5 minutes during 1 hour before and after feeding, to identify behavioral disorders. A questionnaire was administered to handlers to obtain information about the animal and husbandry practices.  相似文献   

In Thoroughbred breeding, it is sometimes necessary to tranquilize a maiden mare to accomplish safe breeding by natural service. To determine whether tranquilization adversely affected fertility of maiden mares, pregnancy rates achieved in 792 matings of 531 maiden Thoroughbred mares were evaluated. One hundred sixty-three matings were accomplished after administration of a tranquilizer cocktail (20 mg acepromazine, 100 mg xylazine, and 10 mg butorphanol tartrate, injected intravenously), whereas 598 matings were accomplished without tranquilization. Pregnancy rate/cycle did not differ between maiden mares tranquilized before (64%; 105/163) and mares not tranquilized before mating (69%; 434/629) (χ2 = 1.048; P > .05). We concluded that tranquilization of maiden Thoroughbred mares immediately before mating did not adversely affect fertility.  相似文献   

In 2020, an outbreak of equine coronavirus (ECoV) infection occurred among 41 horses at a riding stable in Tokyo, Japan. This stable had 16 Thoroughbreds and 25 horses of other breeds, including Andalusians, ponies and miniature horses. Fifteen horses (37 %) showed mild clinical signs such as fever, lethargy, anorexia and diarrhoea, and they recovered within 3 days of onset. A virus neutralization test showed that all 41 horses were infected with ECoV, signifying that 26 horses (63 %) were subclinical. The results suggest that subclinical horses played an important role as spreaders. A genome sequence analysis revealed that the lengths from genes p4.7 to p12.7 or NS2 in ECoV differed from those of ECoVs detected previously, suggesting that this outbreak was caused by a virus different from those that caused previous outbreaks among draughthorses in Japan. Among 30 horses that tested positive by real-time RT-PCR, ECoV shedding periods of non-Thoroughbreds were significantly longer than those of Thoroughbreds. The difference in shedding periods may indicate that some breeds excrete ECoV longer than other breeds and can contribute to the spread of ECoV.  相似文献   

A 25 year old Arabian gelding (case 1) presented for a large mandibular swelling involving the caudal aspect of the left horizontal mandible and a 14 year old Quarter Horse gelding (case 2) presented for a soft tissue swelling on the labial mucosa adjacent to 304. Both horses were bright and alert on presentation. Computed tomography allowed for further characterization regarding the extent of bone penetration within the lesions. This facilitated surgical planning and resection in Case 2. Histopathology of both masses diagnosed fibrosarcomas. Case 1 was humanely euthanized due to the severity of bone involvement and the grave prognosis. Case 2 underwent a left subtotal rostral hemimandibulectomy that proved to be successful in complete resection of the fibrosarcoma with a comfortable and cosmetic post-operative outcome. Surgeries that were once deemed radical should be considered for the treatment of neoplastic masses involving the soft tissues and bony structures of the oral cavity. With the aid of computed tomography, assessment of tumor penetration into deeper tissues can be achieved, thus facilitating complete surgical excision.  相似文献   

A nine-year-old gelding quarter horse, whose discipline is barrel racing, was experiencing difficulty performing tight turns around the barrels for 8 months prior to treatment. He demonstrated tail swishing as if aggravated when under the saddle, which would escalate to bucking for 3 weeks prior to treatment. This gelding had no previous history of bucking under the saddle. Static and motion palpation findings indicated multiple segmental joint fixations located throughout the spine and extremities. High-velocity low-amplitude adjustments were performed to address the joint fixations found during examination. A comparison of pre and post-treatment thermographic images showed a temperature change indicative of autonomic nervous system improvement caused by joint manipulation. A follow-up at two weeks revealed subjective long term improvements. Subjective, objective, and thermographic evidence indicated that segmental joint dysfunction was causing increased nociception and autonomic dysregulation, most notably over the sacroiliac joints, lateral front left cannon bone and right carpus. Previous research has indicated causative effects of joint manipulation on the autonomic nervous system and nociceptive processes. This case shows the positive thermographic effects post-adjustment on the nervous system, and a two week follow-up indicated that the gelding no longer showed signs or symptoms of pain. This case demonstrates how joint manipulation can affect the autonomic and nociceptive nervous systems in the equine patient.  相似文献   

Pneumocystis pneumonia is an opportunistic respiratory infection that occurs in immunocompromised animals. In horses, pneumocystic pneumonia is observed mostly in foals and often progresses rapidly. Here, we report pneumocystic pneumonia in a Thoroughbred racehorse. A 3-year-old Thoroughbred racehorse colt had marked respiratory symptoms for 3 weeks and was unresponsive to antibiotic treatment. At necropsy, firm, tan, patchy lesions were scattered diffusely in the lungs. Microscopically, alveolar septa thickened by proliferation of collagen fibers and infiltration of inflammatory cells were observed. In the alveolar spaces, many brown-black yeast-like organisms similar to cystic forms of Pneumocystis carinii were recognized by staining with Gomori's methenamine silver. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) obtained before necropsy included macrophages engulfing the fungus bodies. Amplified products were obtained from BALF and lung tissue samples by Pneumocystis-specific nested PCR. Phylogenetic analysis based on the 18S rRNA gene sequence revealed that the P. carinii organism from BALF was related to the Pneumocystis spp. detected in other animals and was especially close to P. carinii derived from ferrets. This is a rare case of pneumocystic pneumonia in a colt with chronic pulmonary lesions.  相似文献   

Thoroughbred and Standardbred horses in race training were selected at random and examined for gastric ulcers. The mucosa of the stomach was examined by endoscopy and was scored for ulcers on a scale of 0 (no ulcers, normal mucosa) to 3 (severe ulceration with at least five deep lesions). A total of 79 horses were examined; 37 of these horses had one to four follow-up examinations, and 42 horses had only an initial gastroscopic examination. On the first examination, 33 of 79 (42%) horses had normal mucosa (ulcer score = 0), and 22 of 79 (28%) had ulcers with an ulcer score of 2 or greater. Seven horses (9%) had severe gastric ulceration (ulcer score = 3). The average ulcer score for all 79 horses on initial examination was 1.1 and 1.2 for the 37 horses with follow-up gastroscopic examination. Males (including male castrates) had slightly higher ulcer scores (1.2) than females (1.0), and 2-year-old horses had lower ulcer scores (0.7) than horses older than 3 years (1.4), but these differences did not reach statistical significance. Each of these average scores was significantly (P < .05) greater than zero. For the 37 horses with follow-up examinations, the males had higher scores (1.6) than females (0.7), and 2-year-old horses had higher ulcer scores (1.0) than 3-year-old horses (0.7) and lower ulcer scores than horses older than 3 (1.8), which were statistically significant. Follow-up examinations revealed ulcer scores ranging from 0 to 3; 23 of 37 (63%) horses had an ulcer score of 2 or greater, and 4 of 37 (12%) horses had severe ulcer disease. Average ulcer scores were significantly higher at subsequent examinations than at the initial examination. Risk of gastric ulceration increases with the length of time horses are in race training.  相似文献   

Adverse drug reactions in horses are rare. The antimicrobials are in the list of the most common drugs associated with reaction in horses. The aim of this report is to describe the clinical presentation of an adverse drug reaction after the intramuscular administration of ceftiofur hydrochloride. A 5-year-old crioulo broodmare at one day postpartum presented signs of difficulty to walk, positive pulse in the four limbs, and heart rate of 80 beats per minute (bpm), with a history of fighting with another mare. The clinical suspicions were rhabdomyolysis and laminitis. Initially a dose of flunixin meglumine was administrated intravenous to prevent an endotoxemia. On the same day, the blood collection showed an elevated number of white blood cells, predominantly neutrophils and monocytes. An antimicrobial treatment with ceftiofur hydrochloride at a dose of 2.2 mg/kg intramuscular was applied. At the first day, the mare does not show signs of drug side effect. However, 24 hours later, in the second application, the patient presents incoordination, dizziness, and loss of equilibrium. At the same time, dexamethasone was administrated. The signs were reverted, and the mare was normal after the reaction. The treatment with ceftiofur was changed to enrofloxacin, and the animal had a complete recovery. These drug reactions are not common in the routine of equine clinical practitioners, but they cause a great preoccupation for the owner and the veterinarian.  相似文献   

A 12-year-old Thoroughbred gelding exhibited a unilateral exophthalmos on the left side. There had been no other clinical symptoms, such as rhinorrhea, before the first consultation. Clinical, hematologic, plasma biochemical, cytologic, and computed tomography (CT) examinations and complete necropsy were performed. These examinations did not reveal neoplastic lesions. CT images suggested that maxillary and frontal sinuses may have been filled with fluid. Cytologic and pathologic examinations revealed that the maxillary and orbital bones were pushed up with a large amount of the inflammatory fluid effused by chronic sinusitis. The CT and cytologic examinations were of great use for differential diagnosis in this case. This was an unusual case of exophthalmos induced by deformation of the orbital bones resulting from chronic sinusitis.  相似文献   

A 1-month-old male Thoroughbred foal was presented at necropsy. A focal purulent lesion was observed in the right ventricular free wall of the myocardium. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of Streptococcus zooepidemicus myocardial abscessation in an equine.  相似文献   

Schwannomas of the external auditory canal (EAC) are exceedingly rare in human beings and domestic animals. Herein we describe the clinicopathological and immunohistochemical features of a benign schwannoma arising in the EAC of a 2.5-year-old filly. Microscopically, the mass showed a spindle cell tumor composed of hypocellular Antoni type B areas as a myxomatous arrangement of mesenchymal cells and hypercellular Antoni type A areas displaying short fascicles of densely packed neoplastic cells in the collagenous stroma. Immunohistochemically, the tumor cells were diffusely positive for S100 protein and vimentin but negative for Ki67. It was concluded that schwannomas should be included in the differential diagnosis of EAC masses, and immunohistochemical markers such as S100 protein can strongly help in differentiating this tumor from other spindle cell tumors.  相似文献   

A 9-year-old multiparous Thoroughbred broodmare presented for evaluation of acute signs of colic. The patient had a 4-month history of poor appetite, weight loss, and decreased body condition after parturition, despite appropriate feeding by the farm to minimize weight loss associated with increased nutrient requirements. The patient was diagnosed with a diaphragmatic hernia through transabdominal and thoracic ultrasonography. The diaphragmatic hernia was repaired surgically under general anesthesia.  相似文献   

Exenteration of an eye may be necessary in clinical practice for a variety of disease processes. Specifically, neoplastic processes may require wide excision margins that may not allow primary closure of the surgical site. This report describes a series of horses undergoing unilateral radical eye exenteration for which primary closure was not possible because of the extent of tissue excised. For each case, the underlying pathology, surgical technique, perioperative treatments, and outcome are described. Six cases were treated of which three survive at this time, two were euthanized because of recurrence, and one was euthanized for unrelated problem. Radical exenteration of the eye with wide margins and second intention healing is easy to perform and well tolerated in horses. It should be considered when extensive resection is required for instance in neoplastic processes. Aftercare is required as for all wounds that heal by second intention; time from surgery to epithelialization is approximately 4 months.  相似文献   

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