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The breadmaking quality of wheat is affected by the composition of gluten proteins and the polymerisation of subunits that are synthesised and accumulated in developing wheat grain. The biological mechanisms and time course of these events during grain development are documented, but not widely confirmed. Therefore, the aim of this study was to monitor the accumulation of gluten protein subunits and the size distribution of protein aggregates during grain development. The effect of desiccation on the polymerisation of gluten proteins and the functional properties of gluten were also studied. The results showed that the size of glutenin polymers remained consistently low until yellow ripeness (YR), while it increased during grain desiccation after YR. Hence, this polymerisation process was presumed to be initiated by desiccation. A similar polymerisation event was also observed when premature grains were dried artificially. The composition of gluten proteins, the ratios of glutenin to gliadin and high molecular weight-glutenin subunits to low molecular weight-glutenin subunits, in premature grain after artificial desiccation showed close association with the size of glutenin polymers in artificially dried grain. Functional properties of gluten in these samples were also associated with polymer size after artificial desiccation.  相似文献   

Both genetic and environmental factors influence the types and amounts of wheat proteins that link together to form polymers essential for flour quality. To understand how plant growth conditions might influence gluten polymer formation, protein fractions containing small and large polymers were separated from flour from the US wheat Butte 86 grown in the absence or presence of post-anthesis fertilizer. Proteins in the polymer fractions were analyzed by quantitative two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE). The ratio of high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) to low molecular weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GS) increased in both fractions in response to fertilizer, due in part to small increases in the proportions of individual HMW-GS. There were also changes within the LMW-GS. In particular, omega and alpha chain terminators increased in proportion in both polymer fractions, but changes were more pronounced in the large polymer fractions. Serpins also increased in both polymer fractions. Additionally, the study revealed differences in the proportions of traditional LMW-GS in small and large polymer fractions. LMW-s type proteins were more abundant in the large polymers while LMW-i type proteins were more prevalent in the small polymers, suggesting that these proteins may play different roles in the gluten polymer.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate variation in protein content and gluten viscoelastic properties in wheat genotypes grown in two mega-environments of contrasting climates: the southeast of Norway and Minnesota, USA. Twelve spring wheat varieties, nine from Norway and three HRS from Minnesota, were grown in field experiments at different locations in Norway and Minnesota during 2009–2011. The results showed higher protein content but lower TW and TKW when plants were grown in Minnesota, while the gluten quality measured as Rmax showed large variation between locations in both mega-environments. On average, Rmax of the samples grown in Minnesota was higher than those grown in Norway, but some locations in Norway had similar Rmax values to locations in Minnesota. The data showed inconsistent relationship between the temperature during grain filling and Rmax. Our results suggest that the weakening effect of low temperatures on gluten reported in this study are caused by other environmental factors that relate to low temperatures. The variety Berserk showed higher stability in Rmax as it obtained higher values in the environments in Norway that gave very weak gluten for other varieties.  相似文献   

The variations of the amounts of individual high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS), of the ratios HMW-GSy to HMW-GSx and HMW-GS to low molecular weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GS) and of protein content were evaluated for eight durum wheat cultivars in two regions using four fertilizer combinations during two successive years. All measured parameters showed significant variation with genotypes (G), environments (E) and fertilizers (F). The interaction E × G × F was highly significant for glutenin amount variation. Amongst cultivars possessing HMW-GS 20, landraces seem to better value the N-fertilizer use for the accumulation of HMW-GSy than high yielding cultivars. Both HMW-GSy to HMW-GSx and HMW-GS to LMW-GS ratios were found to be positively correlated (p < 0.05) with total protein content.  相似文献   

Most of the unique properties of waxy wheat have been associated with the lack of amylose, that in turn may affect the mutual interactions between starch and proteins. To address this particular aspect, we carried out molecular, rheological, and calorimetric studies on flours from two waxy wheat lines that were compared with a non-waxy one. Dough thermal properties and water binding capacity were investigated by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and by thermogravimetric analysis, respectively. Protein solvation, aggregation, and thiol accessibility were also investigated, together with dough mixing properties and stickiness. Proteins in waxy wheat samples needed more water to complete solvation, likely because of the water-retaining capacity of waxy wheat starch. In waxy wheat dough, water was tightly bound to starch, and DSC studies indicated an increase in gelatinization temperature. Moreover, the low water mobility in waxy wheat resulted in low and retarded gluten hydration and in high stickiness. In samples with the highest stickiness, protein aggregates were stabilized mainly by hydrophobic interactions. Differences between waxy wheat lines may be attributed to a different structural organization of components within each class of biopolymers.  相似文献   

Wheat gluten was isolated in a laboratory dough-batter flour separation process in the presence or absence of lipases differing in hydrolysis specificity. The obtained gluten was blended with wheat starch to obtain gluten-starch (GS) blends of which the water and oil binding capacities were investigated. Furthermore, GS blends were mixed into dough and processed into model breads, of which dough extensibility and loaf volume were measured, respectively. In comparison to GS blends prepared with control gluten, oil binding capacity was higher when GS blends contained gluten isolated with Lecitase Ultra (at 5.0 mg enzyme protein/kg flour), a lipase hydrolyzing both non-polar and polar lipids. Additionally, dough extensibility and total work needed for fracture were lower for dough prepared from GS blends containing gluten isolated with Lipolase (at 5.0 mg enzyme protein/kg flour), a lipase selectively degrading non-polar lipids. In GS blend bread making, this resulted in inferior loaf volumes. Comparable GS blend properties were measured when using control gluten and gluten isolated with YieldMAX, a lipase mainly degrading N-acyl phosphatidylethanolamine. In conclusion, properties of GS blend model systems are altered when gluten prepared in the presence of lipases is used to a degree which depends on lipase specificity and concentration.  相似文献   

Wheat germ flour (WGF) has been developed as a functional food ingredient with high nutritional value. In this study, WGF was applied in steamed bread-making in order to improve the quality of Chinese steamed bread (CSB). Partial substitution of wheat flour with WGF at levels of 3%, 6%, 9% and 12% (w/w) was carried out to investigate physicochemical properties of blends and their steaming performance. Falling number (FN) values of composite flours ranged from 199 to 223 s. Viscosity analysis results showed that wheat flour mixed with WGF had higher pasting temperature and lower viscosities. Dough rheological properties were also investigated using farinograph and extensograph. The addition of WGF diluted the gluten protein in dough and formed weak and inextensible dough, which can be studied by scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis. CSB made with WGF had significantly lower volume, specific volume and higher spread ratio. The sensory acceptability and physicochemical quality of CSB were improved with the application of a low level of WGF (3% and 6%). However, results showed that a high level of WGF over 9% is not recommended because of unsatisfactory taste. As a whole, addition of appropriate level of WGF in wheat flour could improve the quality of CSB.  相似文献   

The influence of high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) on wheat breadmaking quality has been extensively studied but the effect of different Glu-1 alleles on cookie quality is still poorly understood. This study was conducted to analyze the effect of HMW-GS composition and wheat-rye translocations on physicochemical flour properties and cookie quality of soft wheat flours. Alleles encoded at Glu-A1, Glu-B1 and Glu-D1 locus had a significant effect over physicochemical flour properties and solvent retention capacity (SRC) profile. The null allele for Glu-A1 locus presented the highest cookie factor observed (CF = 7.10), whereas 1BL/1RS and 1AL/1RS rye translocations had a negative influence on CF. The three cultivars that showed the highest CF (19, 44 and 47) had the following combination: Glu-A1 = null, Glu-B1 = 7 + 8, Glu-D1 = 2 + 12 and no secalins. Two prediction equations were developed to estimate soft wheat CF: one using the HMW-GS composition and the other using physicochemical flour parameters, where SRCsuc, SRC carb, water-soluble pentosans, damaged starch and protein turned out to be better CF predictors. This data suggests that grain protein allelic composition and physicochemical flour properties can be useful tools in breeding programs to select soft wheat of good cookie making quality.  相似文献   

Starch is a crucial component in wheat endosperm and plays an important role in processing quality. Endosperm of matured wheat grains contains two distinct starch granules (SG), referred to as larger A- and smaller B-granules. In the present study, 166 Chinese bread wheat cultivars planted in four environments were characterized for variation in SG size. A genome-wide association study (GWAS) using the 90 K SNP assay identified 23 loci for percentage volumes of A- and B-granules, and 25 loci for the ratio of A-/B-granules volumes, distributing on 15 chromosomes. Fifteen MTAs were associated with both the percentage volumes of A-, B-granules and the ratio of A-/B-granules volumes. MTAs IWB34623 and IWA3693 on chromosome 7A and IWB22624 and IWA4574 on chromosome 7B associated with the percentage volumes of A- and B-granules consistently identified in multiple environments were considered to be stable. Linear regression analysis showed a significantly negative correlation of the number of favorable alleles with the percentage volumes of A-granules and a significantly positive correlation between the number of favorable alleles and the percentage volumes of B-granules, respectively. The loci identified in this study and associated markers could provide basis for manipulating SG size to obtain superior noodle quality in wheat.  相似文献   

High quality requirements are set on durum wheat (Triticum durum) from semolina mills and pasta producers. For the production of semolina and pasta with good cooking quality, high grain protein content and vitreosity is required. The dependency of vitreosity on protein content as well as its stability under the influence of humidity was not well investigated up to now. We (1) compared two methods to determine vitreosity, (2) investigated the relationship between vitreosity and protein content, (3) developed a method to analyze vitreosity under humidity, and (4) examined the relationship between protein content and agronomical as well as quality traits in durum wheat. The results showed that the formation of vitreous kernels greatly depends on the protein content. To evaluate the stability of vitreosity under the influence of humidity a new method was elaborated and employed to assess the durum germplasm under study. This revealed that vitreosity of a durum wheat variety depends on the potential to form vitreous kernels but also to maintain this vitreosity under the influence of humidity. Our results further show that protein content is a central trait in durum wheat that strongly influences important traits like grain yield, vitreosity, and b-value.  相似文献   

To provide food and nutrition security for a growing world population, continued improvements in the yield and nutritional quality of agricultural crops will be required. Wheat is an important source of calories, protein and micronutrients and is thus a priority to breed for improvements in these traits. The GRAIN PROTEIN CONTENT-B1 (GPC-B1) gene is a positive regulator of nutrient translocation which increases protein, iron and zinc concentration in the wheat grain. In the ten years since it was cloned, the impacts of GPC-B1 allelic variation on quality and yield traits have been extensively analyzed in diverse genetic backgrounds in field studies spanning forty environments and seven countries. In this review, we compile data from twenty-five studies to summarize the impact of GPC-B1 allelic variation on fifty different traits. Taken together, the results demonstrate that the functional copy of the GPC-B1 gene is associated with consistent positive effects on grain protein, Fe and Zn content with only marginally negative impacts on yield. We conclude that the GPC-B1 gene has the potential to increase nutritional and end use quality in a wide range of modern cultivars and environments and discuss the possibilities for its application in wheat breeding.  相似文献   

Increasing cereal yield is needed to meet the projected increased demand for world food supply of about 70% by 2050. Sirius, a process-based model for wheat, was used to estimate yield potential for wheat ideotypes optimized for future climatic projections for ten wheat growing areas of Europe. It was predicted that the detrimental effect of drought stress on yield would be decreased due to enhanced tailoring of phenology to future weather patterns, and due to genetic improvements in the response of photosynthesis and green leaf duration to water shortage. Yield advances could be made through extending maturation and thereby improve resource capture and partitioning. However the model predicted an increase in frequency of heat stress at meiosis and anthesis. Controlled environment experiments quantify the effects of heat and drought at booting and flowering on grain numbers and potential grain size. A current adaptation of wheat to areas of Europe with hotter and drier summers is a quicker maturation which helps to escape from excessive stress, but results in lower yields. To increase yield potential and to respond to climate change, increased tolerance to heat and drought stress should remain priorities for the genetic improvement of wheat.  相似文献   

The genotype, environment and their interaction play an important role in the grain yielding and grain quality attributes. The main aim of this study was to determine the contributions of the genotype, environment and their interaction to the variation in bread-making traits. The data that were used for the analyses performed in this study were obtained from 3 locations in Poland from post-registration multi-environment trials with winter wheat in 2009 and 2010. The experimental factors were the cultivar (7 cultivars) and the crop management level (low input and high input). In the multi-environment trials, 17 traits were investigated that characterize grain, flour and dough quality. Most of the traits were affected much more strongly by environmental factors (i.e., year and location) than by genotype. The variance components revealed an especially strong effect of the year on the baking score, loaf volume and water absorption, as well a strong effect of the location on dough development and protein content. The obtained results demonstrate that the grain quality as measured by the parameters based on the protein content and quality may be substantially improved by crop management practices, especially by N fertilization level.  相似文献   

Increases in the proportion of amylose in the starch of wheat grains result in higher levels of resistant starch, a fermentable dietary fiber associated with human health benefits. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of combined mutations in five STARCH BRANCHING ENZYME II (SBEII) genes on starch composition, grain yield and bread-making quality in two hexaploid wheat varieties. Significantly higher amylose (∼60%) and resistant starch content (10-fold) was detected in the SBEII mutants than in the wild-type controls. Mutant lines showed a significant decrease in total starch (6%), kernel weight (3%) and total grain yield (6%). Effects of the mutations in bread-making quality included increases in grain hardness, starch damage, water absorption and flour protein content; and reductions in flour extraction, farinograph development and stability times, starch viscosity, and loaf volume. Several traits showed significant interactions between genotypes, varieties, and environments, suggesting that some of the negative impacts of the combined SBEII mutations can be ameliorated by adequate selection of genetic background and growing location. The deployment of wheat varieties with increased resistant starch will likely require economic incentives to compensate growers and millers for the significant reductions detected in grain and flour yields.  相似文献   

Native (NF, 13.5% w.b) and moistened (MF, 27% w.b) wheat flours were treated with superheated steam (SS) at 170 °C for 1, 2 and 4 min, and their protein structure as well as dough rheological properties were analyzed. Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and SDS-PAGE patterns indicated the formation of protein aggregates with reduced SDS extractability after treatment. Farinograph and dynamic rheometry measurements showed that the strength as well as elastic and viscous moduli of the dough made from SS-treated flours progressively increased with SS treatment time. And both the improvements were more pronounced for superheated steam-treated moistened flours (SS-MF) than for superheated steam-treated native flours (SS-NF). Size-exclusion high performance liquid chromatography (SE-HPLC) analysis demonstrated that dough rheological parameters have positive correlations with SDS unextractable polymeric proteins (UPP) contents. SS treatment on flours led to a transition of protein secondary structures to more ordered form (α-helix and β-sheet). Additionally, free sulfhydryl (SH) contents decreased after treatment, which implied that disulfide bonds accounted for protein extractability loss and dough rheological properties improvement. Elevated moisture level promoted the modification of both protein structure and dough behaviors of flours during SS treatment.  相似文献   

Consumption of whole-wheat based products is encouraged due to their important nutritional elements that benefit human health. However, the use of whole-wheat flour is limited because of the poor processing and end-product quality. Bran was postulated as the major problem in whole wheat breadmaking. In this study, four major bran components including lipids, extractable phenolics (EP), hydrolysable phenolics (HP), and fiber were evaluated for their specific functionality in flour, dough and bread baking. The experiment was done by reconstitution approach using the 24 factorial experimental layout. Fiber was identified as a main component to have highly significant (P < 0.05) and negative influence on most breadmaking characteristics. Although HP had positive effect on farinograph stability, it was identified as another main factor that negatively impacted the oven spring and bread loaf volume. Bran oil and EP seemed to be detrimental to most breadmaking characteristics. Overall, statistical analysis indicates that influence of the four bran components are highly complex. The bran components demonstrate multi-way interactions in regards to their influence on dough and bread-making characteristics. Particularly, Fiber appeared to have a high degree of interaction with other bran components and notably influenced the functionality of those components in whole wheat bread-making.  相似文献   

The interactions of puroindolines with polar lipids were investigated using polarization of fluorescence probes preincorporated into a liposomal bilayer containing PC, PI, PS, MGDG, DGDG, and sulfolipids. The intrinsic fluorescence of Trp residue method was also used. Regardless of the kind of lipid used for liposome preparation, proteins interacted with the liposomes. Conformational changes of the proteins were observed simultaneously with the change in the molecule packing in the lipid bilayer of the liposomes. Puroindoline interactions with the surface of the liposomes have explicit importance for the net charge of this surface. The strong interaction between the proteins and lipids takes place in the presence of a ligand with a negative charge. The obtained results confirm that lipids take part in puroindoline–starch granule surface interactions.  相似文献   

Recently, the immune stimulation properties of cereal arabinoxylans (AX) have been reported. The aims of this study were to identify the molecular features and potential immune stimulation activities of AX and enzymatic modified arabinoxylan (AXE) from the pentosan fraction of wheat flour.The results of molecular characterization of AX and AXE show that AXE contains a larger portion (85.7%) of low Mw arabinoxylans (≤25 kDa) and has a higher degree of branch substitution (0.81 ± 0.01) compared to AX (49.5% and 0.62 ± 0.02). In in vitro testing, the ability of AX and AXE to stimulate immune cells, as measured by NO2 production by U937 cells and IL-8 secretion by Caco-2 cells were found to be dose–dependent in the range tested (100–5000 μg/mL p ≤ 0.05). AXE showed a greater activity at each concentration (100–5000 μg/mML) than AX (p ≤ 0.05).In conclusion, the greater immune stimulating activity of AXE may be associated with its low Mw (≤25 kDa) and a higher degree of branch substitution (0.81 ± 0.01).  相似文献   

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