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To develop targeted approaches to improve the quality of preharvest sprouted (PHS) wheat as a raw material for food manufacturing, knowledge on the nature and distribution of hydrolytic enzymes in PHS wheat is crucial. Results of the present study indicate that α-amylase and endoxylanase activities are heterogeneously distributed among a population of PHS kernel. Within individual severely sprouted kernels, the enzyme activities are heterogeneously distributed throughout the different tissues. α-Amylase activity, almost exclusively of endogenous nature, is mainly detected in the germ region and to a lesser extent in the aleurone layer. Endoxylanase activity is predominantly of microbial origin and located on the kernel surface. In spite of this, light and epifluorescence microscopy show decreased kernel integrity and cell wall breakdown in the crushed cells layer, the endosperm, and the aleurone layer in a selection of kernels upon preharvest sprouting. This knowledge offers opportunities for the development of treatments to reduce the enzyme load in PHS wheat at postharvest level to improve its flour quality.  相似文献   

The nature of the adverse effects of wheat bran fractions on bread-making quality was studied. Two fractions of bran, representing different tissue layers and having different compositions, were used. The particle size of the bran fractions was varied by various milling techniques. All fractions were added to white flour and water addition was adjusted to obtain dough with a constant consistency.  相似文献   

The study aimed to characterize and identify anti-diabetic and anti-hypertensive bioactive peptides generated upon enzymatic hydrolysis of quinoa protein isolates. Different quinoa protein hydrolysates (QPHs) were produced using food grade enzymes like Bromelain, chymotrypsin and Pronase E at a hydrolysis interval of 2 h up to 6 h. QPHs were characterized for their physicochemical properties using degree of hydrolysis, SDS-PAGE, and their anti-diabetic properties via inhibition of dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (DPP-IV) and α-glucosidase (AG), and anti-hypertensive property via inhibition of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) were explored. IC50 for DPP-IV, AG and ACE inhibitory activities of QPHs were in the range of 0.72–1.12, 1.00–1.86 and 0.18–0.31 mg/mL, respectively. The chymotrypsin derived 6 h hydrolysate (QC6) was sequenced for peptides identification and 136 peptides were identified among which 35 peptides were predicted as potential bio-active peptides (BAPs) based on their Peptide Ranker score. Results showed that identified peptides were predicted to possess high potential in inhibiting the DPP-IV, AG and ACE. In particular, QHPHGLGALCAAPPST was found to bind to the highest number of active hotspots of the target enzymes that are involved in their enzymatic activities. In conclusion, quinoa protein hydrolysates were identified as potential sources of BAPs with inhibitory properties towards key enzymes involved in the control of type 2 diabetes and hypertension.  相似文献   

Phytate of three concentrations was sprayed on the leaves of an indica rice Yuanfengzao in heading stage, full heading stage, filling stage and wax ripeness stage respectively. The effects of phytate on the enzyme activity in endosperm and rice grain quality were determinated. Plants sprayed with distilled water were used as control. It was showed that spraying solutions in full heading stage had the most manifest effect. The activity of amylosynthetase between the 100mg/kg and 150mg/kg phytate treatment was identical, which was 7.4% higher than that of 50mg/kg treatment. On the other hand, amylase activity on the 50mg/kg treatment was 12.5% and 8.7% lower than those  相似文献   

Zein was recovered from corn distiller's dried grains with solubles (DDGS) by a modified method using 70% (w/w) aqueous 2-propanol (70-IPA) or 70% (v/v) aqueous ethanol (70-EtOH) solvents, and a commercial method using 88% (w/w) aqueous 2-propanol (88-IPA). Yield, purity, and film properties of the isolated zein were determined. The modified procedure extracted two fractions of zeins: a mostly α-zein fraction, and a mostly γ-zein fraction. The modified method increased α-zein yield from 4% to 14%. Enzyme cellulase pretreatment did not improve zein yield, but grinding did. The α-zein fraction showed electrophoretic bands at 40, 22, 19, and 10 kDa, corresponding to α-zein dimer, α1-zein, α2-zein, and δ-zein, respectively. The α-zein of DDGS retained its film forming capability. The α-zein film of unmodified DDGS was cloudy and rough, unlike the clear and smooth films of α-zeins isolated from corn gluten meal and enzyme-treated DDGS.  相似文献   

Protoplasts were fused to produce somatic hybrids between a triploid (2n=3x=32-34) interspecific somatohaploid betweenSolanum brevidens Phil. andS. tuberosum L., and a dihaploid (2n=2x=24) anther-derived line ofS. tuberosum cv. Van Gogh. A total of 265 plants were regenerated from protoplast fusion derived calli and their hybridity was verified using fusion partner specific RAPD markers. These “second generation” somatic hybrids were aneuploid pentaploids (2n=5x=51-65) with a 2C DNA content ranging from 3.36 to 4.43 pg, which corresponded to the sum of the 2C values of each of the fusion partners (somatohaploid: 2.22 pg; and the dihaploid line of cv. Van Gogh: 1.87 pg). Most of the “second generation” somatic hybrids were vigorous, but variable in morphology. They were extremely resistant to PLRV and they had tolerance to PVY infection derived from the somatohaploid fusion partner. Even though most of the “second generation” hybrids tuberized, the tuber morphology was variable and most were poorly shaped. InErwinia soft rot resistance tests, the tubers showed higher level of resistance than the tetraploidS. tuberosum cultivars, the dihaploidS. tuberosum fusion partners and the hexaploid somatic hybrids betweenS. brevidens andS. tuberosum. The “second generation” somatic hybrids were all male sterile and failed to produce berries or seeds.  相似文献   

Despite efforts made by the Ethiopian research and extension system during the past 40 years to disseminate improved maize (Zea mays L.) variety seeds for increased crop production, the diffusion and use remained low, particularly in moisture-stressed areas. The topic of smallholder farmers’ access to quality seed is an ongoing issue in Ethiopia. The purpose of this paper is to identify and explain maize seed sources for smallholder farmers and assess the seed quality status in the drought-prone Central Rift Valley (CRV) of Ethiopia. Data for this study were obtained from farm households and other stakeholders survey in 2011 from East Shewa Zone, Oromia Regional National State. The survey results indicated that informal seed sources contributed 84% of annually planted maize seed. Sixty percent of maize growers obtained improved seed through farmer-to-farmer seed exchange and the informal seed market (ISM). Regarding the socioeconomic characteristics and maize seed acquisition behavior of the farm-household heads, a higher proportion of female-headed households and resource-poor farm households depended on other farmers and ISM than male-headed farm households. A quarter of the better-off maize-grower households also used ISM. Formal seed sources were found to be key in new variety introduction. The quality of the seeds obtained from informal sources was found to be acceptable relative to purity and germination. The effectiveness of the seed-supply system tended to rely on the complementary integration of formal and informal seed systems, as both systems had their own peculiarities in serving the farm community to enhance food security.  相似文献   

The cell wall composition and structure of the maize stalk directly affects its digestibility and in turn its feed value.Previous studies of stem quality have focused mostly on common maize germplasm,and few studies have focused on high-oil cultivars with high grain and straw quality.Investigation of the genetic basis of cell wall composition and digestibility of maize stalk using high-oil maize is desirable for improving maize forage quality.In the present study,a high-oil inbred line(By804)was crossed as male parent with the maize inbred line B73 to construct a population of 188 recombinant inbred lines(RILs).The phenotypes of six cell-wall-related traits were recorded,and QTL analysis was performed with a genetic map constructed with SNP markers.All traits were significantly correlated with one another and showed high broad-sense heritability.Of 20 QTLs mapped,the QTL associated with each trait explained 10.0%–41.1%of phenotypic variation.Approximately half of the QTL each explained over 10%of the phenotypic variation.These results provide a theoretical basis for improving maize forage quality by marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

The effect of treatment and supplementary value of corn (C) or crayfish (CR) on the protein quality of breadfruit (Treculia Africana) flours were studied in eighteen young rats. The 7030 or 701515 (Protein basis) combinations of breadfruit flours and corn or crayfish or both provided 1.6g N/100 g diet for the 35 day study. The addition of akanwu to the cooking water reduced cooking time and crude protein and saved fuel. The addition of akanwu and replacement of CR with C was not beneficial as judged by the parameters tested except for the wt. gain and PER. On the other hand, when crayfish was the only source of supplementary protein (30%) to breadfruit cooked without akanwu there were increases in all parameters tested over those with added akanwu except for the N intake, wt. gain, and PER.These results appear to suggest that addition of akanwu to TA was detrimental to its protein utilization and that TA appears to be an economic source of N in areas where it is a staple. Based on the results of this study, one would suggest that the use of akanwu as a tenderizer should be seriously looked into before further use.  相似文献   

To expand the potential of pseudopterosins and seco-pseudopterosins isolated from the octocoral Pseudopterogorgia elisabethae of San Andrés and Providencia islands (southwest Caribbean Sea), we report the anti-microbial profile against four pathogenic microorganisms (Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans) and report a more complete cytotoxic profile against five human cells lines (HeLa, PC-3, HCT116, MCF-7 and BJ) for the compounds PsG, PsP, PsQ, PsS, PsT, PsU, 3-O-acetyl-PsU, seco-PsJ, seco-PsK and IMNGD. For the cytotoxic profiles, all compounds evaluated showed moderate and non-selective activity against both tumor and normal cell lines, where PsQ and PsG were the most active compounds (GI50 values between 5.8 μM to 12.0 μM). With respect to their anti-microbial activity the compounds showed good and selective activity against the Gram-positive bacteria, while they did not show activity against the Gram-negative bacterium or yeast. PsU, PsQ, PsS, seco-PsK and PsG were the most active compounds (IC50 2.9–4.5 μM) against S. aureus and PsG, PsU and seco-PsK showed good activity (IC50 3.1–3.8 μM) against E. faecalis, comparable to the reference drug vancomycin (4.2 μM).  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》2004,87(1):23-34
The Osborne protein fractions of seeds of 17 Lupinus albus cultivars from different regions in Portugal (obtained from plants grown at the same location) were analysed. The objective of this work was to examine the variability in the seed protein fractions of such a L. albus germplasm sample in order to disclose existing genetic relationships and to obtain information useful for a breeding program. Globulins and, interestingly, the fraction extracted with NaOH (“glutelins”) were the major seed protein constituents. The several protein fractions were separated by electrophoresis (reducing SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) and the patterns examined by multivariate analysis. Bands of “glutelins” together with those of glycosylated polypeptides were found to have the highest discriminating capacity. Lupin populations were grouped according to their clinal geographical distribution from north (small-seeded, higher plant architecture and later flowering type) to south (large-seeded, shorter and early flowering type). It is also possible that polypeptide patterns could reflect microclimatic specificities related with altitude and temperature. In fact, one cultivar from the south but from high altitude was grouped with the north plant types adapted to colder and wetter weather, whereas two cultivars from a warmer north region were grouped with the southern types. The results show, in addition, that a general correlation exists between cultivar early flowering characteristics and higher amounts of both total seed protein and glutelins, and lower glutelin glycosylation. Since high seed protein content and early flowering are important aims of lupin breeding programs, these findings on the seed protein fractions could stimulate and direct future research in lupin improvement.  相似文献   

Milling fractions of hull-less barley, and dough and bread with hull-less barley flour (40%) and wheat flour (60%) were analysed in an investigation of how the properties of (1→3, 1→4)-β-glucan were affected by milling, dough formation and bread making. Calcofluor average molecular weight (M¯cf) and molecular weight distribution and the cellotriosyl/cellotetraosyl ratio of the (1→3, 1→4)-β-glucan were determined. Four different hull-less barley samples were milled to produce straight-run white flours, shorts, bran and whole-meal flours. The molecular weight distributions were unimodal for all fractions, and the (M¯cf) range was between 117×104 and 188×104. These parameters were similar for all barleys, although (M¯cf) was somewhat lower in white flour and bran fractions and somewhat higher in shorts and whole-meal. The cellotriosyl/cellotetraosyl ratio (1.5–1.8) was also similar in all fractions. Doughs and breads were made to study how flour type (sifted or whole-meal barley flour), water content, yeast, mixing time and fermentation time affect (1→3, 1→4)-β-glucan. The molecular weight distribution of (1→3, 1→4)-β-glucan was polymodal with two or three populations for all doughs and breads, and the (M¯cf) decreased with increasing mixing and fermentation time. These results indicated that (1→3, 1→4)-β-glucan was degraded by endogenous β-glucanases in the barley and/or wheat flour. The molecular weight was not significantly affected by bread-baking and other factors. After mixing and fermentation the cellotriosyl/cellotetraosyl ratio was about 1.7–1.8 and was thus not significantly different from that of the flour blends. Thus to retain high molecular weight (1→3, 1→4)-β-glucan, which is important for its cholesterol-lowering effect, it is thus important to keep the mixing and fermentation time as short as possible when baking hull-less barley bread.  相似文献   

Proximate analysis of sieved and unsieved maize mash revealed that there was a decrease in the protein and lipid content of the sieved maize mash as compared to that of the unsieved maize mash. Crude fibre and ash was completely absent in the sieved maize mash, while they were present in the unsieved mash.Chemical analysis of the fermented unsieved maize mash revealed an increase in the protein content from 9.9% (unfermented) to 13.4% after 3 days of fermentation, whereas the protein content of the sieved maize mash increased from 7.1% (unfermented) to 8.4% after the same period of fermentation. Furthermore, the results revealed that the protein content of the fermented unsieved maize mash was 32.1% higher than that of the fermented sieved maize mash indicating that the unsieved maize mash was of a better nutrient quality and should be preferred to sieved maize mash for use in Ogi production.  相似文献   

Tea fruit peel is the main byproduct during manufacture of tea seed oil. The great increase in tea seed oil production in recent years brings the challenge of finding application for tea fruit peel. The aims of this study were to obtain tea fruit peel extracts enriched with bioactive compounds by several solvent extraction methods and to evaluate their antioxidant activity and inhibitory potential against α-glucosidase and α-amylase in vitro. Flavonoids and phenolics were accumulated in ethyl acetate, butanol, and chloroform fractions, and these fractions possessed much better antioxidant activities, including scavenging effect on 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radicals (DPPH) and 2,2′-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) cation radicals (ABTS+), and reducing activity, compared with those of the 75% ethanol extract and water fraction. Moreover, the ethyl acetate, butanol, and chloroform fractions exhibited excellent inhibitory activity against α-glucosidase, much stronger than that of the positive control (acarbose). These fractions also showed mild inhibition on α-amylase activity.  相似文献   

The Glu-B1, Glu-D1 and Glu-B3 encoded glutenin subunit compositions of a population of synthetic hexaploid wheats (AABBDD, 2n=6x=42), which was random for flour protein (FP), SDS-sedimentation (SDSS), Alveograph strength (W), the tenacity/extensibility (P/G) ratio and bread loaf volume (LV) were examined in this study. The synthetics were produced from various crosses involving several Triticum lurgidum cultivars and Triticum lauschii (coss.) Schmal accessions. The Glu-A1 null allele as well as three Glu-B1 (subunits 7 + 8, 6 + 8 and 20), 13 Glu-D1 and two Glu-B3 (LMW-1 and LMW-2) allelic variants were present in the synthetic population. Thirty-six different glutenin subunit combinations, including the Glu-B1, Glu-D1 and Glu-B3 encoded alleles, were observed. The synthetic hexaploids showed large variations for all quality parameters evaluated. All quality characteristics except one (P/G ratio, which showed no association with allelic variations at Glu-B3) were influenced by allelic variations at the Glu-B1 and Glu-B3 loci; subunits 6 + 8 and 7 + 8 showed significantly better quality effects than subunit 20. Low Mr glutenin subunits LMW-1 and LMW-2 showed both negative and positive quality effects. The Glu-D1 locus of T. tauschii contributed various alleles not found in bread wheat. The influence of new Glu-D1 alleles on the bread-making quality characteristics of the synthetic wheats could not be established, partly because there was a limited frequency of some of the alleles in the population, and partly because some synthetics, having a common Glu-D1 allele, showed quality differences associated with allelic variation at Glu-B1 and/or Glu-B3. Differential quality effects could be observed, however, among some Glu-D1 alleles. Synthetics derived from a common durum wheat source showed better overall quality characteristics and bread loaf volume when they possessed subunits 5 + 12 or 1·5 + 10 than when they had any other Glu-D1 encoded glutenin subunit.  相似文献   

The identification of “stay-green” in sorghum and its positive correlation with yield increases has encouraged attempts to incorporate “stay-green”-like traits into the genomes of other commercially important cereal crops. However, knowledge on the effects of “stay-green” expression on grain quality under extreme physiological stress is limited. This study examines impacts of “stay-green”-like expression on starch biosynthesis in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) grain under mild, severe, and acute water stress conditions induced at anthesis. The proportions of long amylopectin branches and amylose branches in the grain of Flagship (a cultivar without “stay-green”-like characteristics) were higher at low water stress, suggesting that water stress affects starch biosynthesis in grain, probably due to early termination of grain fill. The changes in long branches can affect starch properties, such as the rates of enzymatic degradation, and hence its nutritional value. By contrast, grain from the “stay-green”-like cultivar (ND24260) did not show variation in starch molecular structure under the different water stress levels. The results indicate that the cultivar with “stay-green”-like traits has a greater potential to maintain starch biosynthesis and quality in grain during drought conditions, making the “stay-green”-like traits potentially useful in ensuring food security.  相似文献   

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