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牛胚胎玻璃化冷冻技术的发展和应用概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胚胎冷冻保存是动物胚胎工程的重要组成部分,它是胚胎移植技术在生产中推广应用的重要基础。和现在通用的常规冷冻法相比,玻璃化冷冻具有用时短,所需设备少和操作简单等优点,成为目前国内外胚胎冷冻保存领域发展新方向。本文就牛胚胎玻璃化冷冻的概念、方法和国内外发展状况做一简要综述。  相似文献   

影响玻璃化冷冻兔胚胎效果的一些因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
试验对影响玻璃化冷冻兔胚胎效果的一些因素进行探讨,以找出理想的玻璃化冷冻方法。在测试的5种玻璃化溶液中,含35%乙二醇(EG)和1.0mol/L蔗糖的溶液(VS1)对胚胎的毒性最小。用VS1冷冻桑椹胚和囊胚的理想程序是:在室温下使胚胎分别在20%EG和35%EG中平衡2、3分钟后,移入VS1中,0.5分钟内(囊胚也可在2分钟后)投入液氮中冷冻。桑椹胚的存活率为91.7%(33/36),囊胚的存活率为97.1%(33/34)~97.3%(36/37)。8~16细胞胚胎的理想冷冻程序为:在室温下使胚胎在20%EG、35%EG中平衡2、3分钟,移入4℃的37%EG+1.0mol/L蔗糖溶液中平衡2分或10分钟后冷冻,胚胎存活率分别为100%(37/37)、86.1%(31/36)。  相似文献   

The first successful equine embryo transfer was reported in 1972, 21 years after the first reported embryo transfer in cattle. Adaptations of embryo transfer and the various related technologies have generally been more rapid in the equine than in cattle, with the exceptions of superovulation, in vitro fertilization and cryopreservation. Recent progress has been achieved in all three of these areas. This paper presents a time line of various events in the history of equine embryo transfer and related technologies. Approximately 25,000 equine embryo transfers are being conducted per year, worldwide.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the optimum conditions for vitrifying in vitroproduced day 7 porcine embryos using different vitrification devices and blastocoele collapse methods. Firstlyembryos were collapsed by micro-pipetting, needle puncture and sucrose with and without conductingvitrification. In the next experiment, non-collapsed embryos were vitrified in an open device using eithersuperfine open-pulled straws (SOPS) or the CryoLoopTM system, or vitrified in a closed device usingeither the CryoTipTM or Cryo BioTM’s high security vitrification system (HSV). Thepost-thaw survival of embryos vitrified in the open devices did not differ significantly (SOPS: 37.3%;CryoLoopTM: 37.3%) nor did the post-thaw survival of embryos vitrified in the closed devices(CryoTip™: 38.5%; HSV: 42.5%). The re-expansion rate of embryos that were collapsed via micro-pipetting(76.0%) did not differ from those that were punctured (75.0%) or collapsed via sucrose (79.6%) whenvitrification was not performed. However, embryos collapsed via sucrose solutions (24.5%) and needle puncture(16.0%) prior to vitrification were significantly less likely to survive vitrification than the control(non-collapsed) embryos (53.6%, P < 0.05). The findings show that both open and closed vitrificationdevices were equally effective for the vitrification of porcine blastocysts. Collapsing blastocysts prior tovitrification did not improve survival, which is inconsistent with the findings of studies in other species.This may be due to the extremely sensitive nature of porcine embryos, and/or the invasiveness of thecollapsing procedures.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine the vitality and developmental competence of equine oocytes after in vitro maturation (IVM) and vitrified by Rapid-i method. In experiment 1, oocytes after IVM were vitrified using media: EquiPro VitKit (group 1) or medium containing 18% Ficoll, 40% ethylene glycol, and 0.3 M sucrose (group 2). For evaluation of toxicity effect, oocytes were exposed to media without a plug to liquid nitrogen. To evaluate viability, oocytes were stained with fluorescein diacetate and ethidium bromide. In experiment 2, oocytes after IVM and vitrification were activated by 7.5 μM ionomicin in TCM 199 (5 minutes) combined with 2 mM 6-DMAP in TCM 199 with 10% fetal bovine serum (4.5 hours). Survival rate was: 63% in group 1 (n = 54), 55% in group 2 (n = 69), and 73.2% (n = 56) in the control group. After parthenogenetic activation, 10.2% (n = 49) of 2–4 blastomeres were observed. This percentage was lower than in the nonvitrified group: 38.5% (n = 53).  相似文献   

随着生物工程技术的进步,出现了许多生物工程小鼠品系,促使小鼠胚胎冷冻保存技术得到了广泛的应用,采用胚胎冷冻的方法来长期的保存这些品系,可以节省大量的人力和物力,目前,在小鼠胚胎冷冻方面的研究主要是围绕提高存活率和简化操作过程,本文综述了在小鼠胚胎冷冻保存方面的国内外研究进展。  相似文献   

The use of equine FSH (eFSH) for inducing follicular development and ovulation in transitional mares was evaluated. Twenty-seven mares, from 3 to 15 years of age, were examined during the months of August and September 2004, in Brazil. Ultrasound evaluations were performed during 2 weeks before the start of the experiment to confirm transitional characteristics (no follicles larger than 25 mm and no corpus luteum [CL] present). After this period, as the mares obtained a follicle of at least 25 mm, they were assigned to one of two groups: (1) control group, untreated; (2) treated with 12.5 mg eFSH, 2 times per day, until at least half of all follicles larger than 30 mm had reached 35 mm. Follicular activity of all mares was monitored. When most of the follicles from treated mares and a single follicle from control mares acquired a preovulatory size (≥35 mm), 2,500 IU human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) was administered IV to induce ovulation. After hCG administration, the mares were inseminated with fresh semen every other day until ovulation. Ultrasound examinations continued until detection of the last ovulation, and embryo recovery was performed 7 to 8 days after ovulation. The mares of the treated group reached the first preovulatory follicle (4.1 ± 1.0 vs 14.9 ± 10.8 days) and ovulated before untreated mares (6.6 ± 1.2 vs 18.0 ± 11.1 days; P < .05). All mares were treated with prostaglandin F (PGF), on the day of embryo flushing. Three superovulated mares did not cycle immediately after PGF treatment, and consequently had a longer interovulatory interval (22.4 vs 10.9 days, P < 0.05). The mean period of treatment was 4.79 ± 1.07 days and 85.71% of mares had multiple ovulations. The number of ovulations (5.6 vs 1.0) and embryos (2.0 vs 0.7) per mare were higher (P < 0.05) for treated mares than control mares. In conclusion, treatment with eFSH was effective in hastening the onset of the breeding season, inducing multiple ovulations, and increasing embryo production in transitional mares. This is the first report showing the use of FSH treatment to recover embryos from the first cycle of the year.  相似文献   

为探究开放式拉长细管(OPS)玻璃化冷冻对四倍体胚胎发育的影响,本实验利用2-细胞胚胎电融合法制备四倍体胚胎,再对四倍体胚胎进行OPS玻璃化冷冻,分别观察记录二倍体胚胎、四倍体胚胎以及冷冻解冻后四倍体胚胎的发育情况。结果表明:2-细胞胚胎电融合效率为96.1%;二倍体胚胎组与电融合后四倍体胚胎组的囊胚率和孵化囊胚率差异不显著;冷冻解冻后四倍体胚胎的囊胚率(100%)与四倍体新鲜组(93.3%)差异不显著,其孵化囊胚率(72.3%)较新鲜组(64.9%)显著增高(P<0.05);四倍体冷冻解冻组的囊胚细胞数(31.96)与新鲜组(32.54)无显著差异;冷冻解冻后的四倍体早期囊胚进行体外培养时其发育速度比对照组更快。可见,冷冻对小鼠四倍体胚胎的囊胚率和囊胚细胞数均无显著影响,但孵化囊胚率显著提高,且OPS玻璃化冷冻后使四倍体胚胎的发育速度更快。  相似文献   

Methods for holding of oocytes and embryos during shipment as well as for their cryopreservation can greatly aid equine reproductive management. Oocytes can be held at room temperature overnight or at cooler temperatures for two nights without affecting maturation or embryo development after intracytoplasmic sperm injection. In contrast, methods for cryopreservation of equine oocytes that support high rates of embryo development have not yet been established. Equine embryos may be held overnight at temperatures from 5°C to 19°C without reduction in viability, but longer holding periods, or higher holding temperatures, may be detrimental. Small equine embryos (<300 μm), either in vivo derived or in vitro produced, can be slow frozen or vitrified successfully. In the last decade, methods have been developed to allow in vivo–derived expanded blastocysts, up to Day 8, to be vitrified successfully after blastocoele collapse. These methods of shipment and preservation allow mare owners in remote locations to have access to sophisticated assisted reproductive technologies.  相似文献   

转基因兔胚胎玻璃化冷冻保存的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在25℃条件下,将兔体外受精精子载体转基因兔桑椹胚置于含有40%乙二醇、18%Ficol、0.3mol蔗糖的mPBS溶液(EFS40)中平衡2分钟,然后直接投入液氮,成功地进行了玻璃化冷冻保存。解冻后桑椹胚发育至囊胚和孵化囊胚的比例分别为65.81%和39.24%,与未经冷冻的鲜胚发育比例(71.05%和43.42%)相比,没有明显的差异。78枚经玻璃化冷冻和解冻的桑椹胚移植给5只受体,其中2只妊娠,共产下8只活仔兔。  相似文献   

选取奶牛体内生产胚胎93枚(其中囊胚54枚,桑椹胚39枚),比较研究了不同冷冻方法和保护剂对其的保护效果。结果表明:乙二醇处理组对奶牛囊胚的保护效果优于One-Step-Freezing组、甘油组和玻璃化组(回收率、形体正常率和继续发育率四组分别为91.0%、82.0%、66.6%;91.0%、91.0%、88.8%;86.6%、85.0%、83.3%和80.0%、66.7%、50.0%),其中继续发育率在乙二醇组、甘油组和玻璃化组间差异显著(P<0.05);而桑椹胚的各项指标以乙二醇处理组最高,玻璃化组最低,但各组间差异不显著。结果说明乙二醇处理组对胚胎的保护效果优于其它几个处理组。  相似文献   

鲜整胚及分割双半胚移植试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验结合我省胚胎移植的现状,用7头纯种西门塔尔牛作供体,46头杂交牛作受体,进行同期发情和超数排卵,获得鲜整胚59枚,双半胚32枚;用鲜整胚22枚,双半胚24枚进行移植,研究鲜整胚与分割双半胚的移植效果。结果表明:鲜整胚单枚移植妊娠率为27.3%(6/22),分割双半胚移植妊娠率为54.2%(13/24),鲜整胚单枚移植妊娠率比分割双半胚移植妊娠率低26.9个百分点,经t检验差异显著(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

胚胎冷冻保存已广泛用于胚胎移植、动物克隆以及动物资源保护.此技术的应用需保证胚胎在冷冻-解冻后具有较高的成活率.自从1972年小鼠胚胎冷冻保存获得成功以来,许多学者在简化冷冻程序,缩短冷冻时间,方面进行了深入的研究.本文就胚胎冷冻的原理、保护剂、冷冻方法以及解冻方法等方面进行了综述.  相似文献   

胚胎冷冻保存已广泛用于胚胎移植、动物克隆以及动物资源保护。此技术的应用需保证胚胎在冷冻—解冻后具有较高的成活率。自从1972年小鼠胚胎冷冻保存获得成功以来,许多学者在简化冷冻程序、缩短冷冻时间等方面进行了深入的研究。文章就胚胎冷冻的原理、保护剂、冷冻方法以及解冻方法等方面进行了综述。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to clarify the feasibility of newly developed vitrificationtechniques for porcine embryos using the micro volume air cooling (MVAC) methodwithout direct contact with liquid nitrogen (LN2). Expanded blastocystswere vitrified in a solution containing 6 M ethylene glycol, 0.6 M trehalose and 2%(wt/vol) polyethylene glycol in 10% HEPES-buffered PZM-5. The blastocysts werecollected from gilts and vitrified using the new device (MVAC) or a Cryotop (CT).Blastocysts were stored in LN2 for at least 1 month. After warming,cryoprotective agents were removed using a single step. Survival of the embryos wasassessed by in vitro culture (Experiment 1) and by embryo transferto recipients (Experiment 2). In Experiment 1, the embryos vitrified by the MVAC orCT and fresh embryos without vitrification (Control) were used. The survival rates ofembryos in the MVAC, CT and Control groups were 88.9% (32/36), 91.7% (33/36) and 100%(34/34), respectively, after 48 h culture, and the hatching rates of embryos after 48h incubation were 69.4% (25/36), 63.9% (23/36) and 94.1% (32/34), respectively. InExperiment 2, 64 vitrified embryos were transferred to 5 recipient gilts, and 8healthy piglets were produced from 3 recipients in the MVAC group. Similarly, 66vitrified embryos were transferred to 5 recipient gilts, and 9 healthy piglets wereproduced from 2 recipients in the CT group. These results indicated that porcineexpanded blastocysts can be cryopreserved using the MVAC method without potentialpathogen contamination from LN2.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the correlation of age and heat cycle to determine reproductive efficiency in young and aged Thoroughbred mares bred on foal heat (FH) or on second heat (SH) after foaling. Embryo mortality (EmbM) was determined every time a mare was found open after a positive pregnancy diagnosis. Parturition to breeding interval, pregnancy rate (PregR) and EmbM rate were the dependent variables and the treatments were breeding on the FH or on SH. The cutoff age to obtain above-average probability for the EmbM was 10 years old. PregR in mares bred on FH was lower compared with SH (P < .01); however, it was neither affected by the age of mares (P > .05) nor by the age group of mares (P > .05). Regarding FH and SH, there was a difference in PregR in young mares (P < .01), unlike in aged mares (P > .05). EmbM rate was not different between mares bred on FH or SH (P > .05) although it was affected by age of mares (P < .01). EmbM was higher in oldest than young mares (P < .01). Aged mares bred on FH had a significantly higher EmbM rate compared with the young group also bred on FH (P < .01). In conclusion, the reproductive efficiency of Thoroughbred mares bred on FH is dependent of the age. Aged mares (≥10 years old) should be bred at their SH to reduce EmbM and improve reproductive performance.  相似文献   

The development of methods to produce embryos in vitro in the horse has been delayed compared with other domestic species. Oocytes can be collected from excised ovaries or from the small or preovulatory follicles of live mares. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection is the only reliable method to fertilize equine oocytes in vitro. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection-produced embryos can be transferred into the oviducts of recipient mares or cultured to the morula or blastocyst stage of development for nonsurgical embryo transfers into recipients' uteri. Embryos cultured in vitro have some morphological differences compared with embryos collected from the mares' uteri. Most notably, the embryonic capsule does not form in culture, and the zona pellucida fails to expand completely. However, embryo produced in vitro can result in viable pregnancies and healthy offspring.  相似文献   

胚胎冷冻保存是保存和繁殖遗传优势动物的主要工具,是胚胎移植产业的重要组成部分。目前广泛使用的冷冻方法主要有慢速冷冻和玻璃化冷冻2种。由于玻璃化冷冻具有成本低、效率高、操作简单等优点,玻璃化冷冻法越来越受到人们的重视。经过多年研究,研究人员已经在玻璃化冷冻方法、冷冻液等方面取得了大量进展,玻璃化冷冻法已经开始进入商业化应用。本文综述了牛胚胎冷冻保存技术的研究进展,旨在为相关从业人员提供一定借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the viability of 7- and 8-day-old equine embryos cooled and stored for 6 or 24 hours in two different transport systems. Embryos (n = 97) were recovered on day 7 or 8 and assigned to 10 groups (n = 10/group). Embryos within the same age group (D7 or D8) were evaluated immediately after collection (Group-0h) or after storage in an Equitainer at 5°C for 24 hours in 5 ml Emcare Holding Solution (EHS) (Group-E-24h) or 5 ml Ham's F10 (Group-H-24h) or in a refrigerator at 5°C in 500 ml Emcare Flushing Solution (EFS) for 6 hours (Group-B-6h) or 24 hours (Group-B-24h). After collection or storage, embryos were incubated in 1 μg/ml DAPI to determine the percentage of dead cells per embryo (DAPI positive, fluorescent cells). Subsequently, embryos were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde and re-stained with DAPI to determine the total number of cells. The percentage of dead cells in group-0h and B-6h was similar and significantly lower than for embryos stored for 24 hours in groups B-24h, E-24h, and H-24h. The percentage of dead cells was similar for embryos stored in an Equitainer (groups E-24h and H-24h) and was significantly higher for embryos stored 24 hours in EFS (Group B-24h). Within each storage system (0h, B-6h, B-24h, E-24h, and H-24h) no significant difference in the percentage of dead cells was observed between 7- and 8-day-old embryos. Storage in 500 ml EFS at 5°C for 6 hours resulted in embryos of better quality than after the traditional 24-hour storage in an Equitainer, suggesting that this simplified system offers a good alternative for short-term storage and transport.  相似文献   

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