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庭园象甲(Phlyctinus callosus)是一种能对水果、观赏植物造成严重危害的害虫,原产南非,现已传播到新西兰和澳大利亚等地,我国尚无分布记录.庭院象甲寄主广,适应性强,为害具有较高的隐蔽性,有较大的入侵风险.本文对庭园象甲的分类地位、寄主、分布、形态特征、为害特点、生物学特性、防控措施等进行了详细介绍,为口...  相似文献   

叶子花绵粉蚧(Phenacoccus peruvianus Granara de Willink)是叶子花属(Bougainvillea)、番石榴属(Psidium)、辣椒属(Capsicum)等多种农作物和观赏植物的重要害虫,对寄主植物造成严重危害。该虫原产于阿根廷、秘鲁等国家,于2007年由著名蚧虫学家Granara定名。近10年来,该虫频繁入侵新领地,迄今已传播到欧洲、非洲、北美洲等4个洲。该虫在我国尚未见分布报道,具有潜在的入侵风险。本文对其寄主、分布、形态特征和为害情况进行了叙述,并就其进入中国的风险进行评估,对其早期监测、预警及检疫具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为评估入侵害虫红棕象甲Rhynchophorus ferrugineus对本土农林生态系统的风险,于2016—2019年采用受害植株调查和成虫诱捕的方法跟踪监测该虫在加拿利海枣Phoenix canariensis引种点及周边1 600 m半径范围内本土棕榈Trachycarpus fortune上的发生情况,并对来自野外加拿利海枣与棕榈上的成虫形态及繁殖力进行比较。结果显示,红棕象甲可随加拿利海枣引种定植而入侵当地生态系统,当其在加拿利海枣上暴发成灾后,还能转移到周边棕榈上继续为害,红棕象甲为害致死的棕榈植株数随着引种植物死亡数的增加而增加。野外加拿利海枣与棕榈上红棕象甲成虫的体重、体长以及按雌雄1∶1配对交配后的产卵量、孵化率相当,但棕榈种群雌虫的翅展较加拿利海枣种群明显变短,表明红棕象甲转移取食本土棕榈后可成功定殖、建立种群,且适合度并未降低。雌虫翅展变短可能与该入侵种表型可塑性有关,反映出其对棕榈的快速适应与进化,表现为"前适应"策略。考虑红棕象甲成虫飞行能力强,建议调高棕榈分布省份该虫的风险预警等级、调整防控策略,开展跟踪监测以了解入侵地实情。  相似文献   

苜蓿叶象甲Hypera postica是我国苜蓿Medicago sativa上的重要害虫, 主要分布在新疆、甘肃、内蒙古等畜牧业主产区。作者2023年4月在安徽省芜湖市南陵县调查紫云英Astragalus sinicus虫害时, 在当地紫云英留种田中发现疑似苜蓿叶象甲严重为害紫云英茎叶, 对紫云英生长和产量产生严重影响。为明确该种害虫的分类地位, 在田间收集了幼虫并带回室内饲养, 在对幼虫和成虫形态学初步鉴定的基础上, 采用DNA条形码进行了分子鉴定, 最终确定为苜蓿叶象甲, 且发现该地区苜蓿叶象甲种群存在明显的种内分化。结合苜蓿叶象甲的生物学与生态学特性, 对其在我国的传播及其对绿肥作物的危害做出了预警, 并提出了防治建议。  相似文献   

高危检疫害虫——红棕象甲的识别和防治   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高危检疫害虫——红棕象甲随海枣等棕榈科植物传播并造成严重为害,且防治难度大。文章就其形态特征、为害特点和防治方法做了较为全面的介绍,以利于对该检疫害虫的防治。  相似文献   

结合稻水象甲的分布、寄主、传播特点及广西稻区的气候等实际情况,对该虫入侵广西的潜在风险进行了分析。结果表明,稻水象甲传入广西稻区并定殖扩散的可能性极大,风险较高。并由此提出管理对策。  相似文献   

稻水象甲(Lissorbqptrus oryzqphilus Kuschel)是水稻的一种毁灭性害虫,繁殖扩散迅速,防控困难,已被10多个国家列为检疫性有害生物。水稻是上海市郊种植面积最大的粮食作物,目前上海水稻种植区尚未发现该虫的发生与危害。为探明稻水象甲在上海地区的风险性,本文以上海市的气候、水稻种植情况及稻水象甲的生物学特性为基础,利用有害生物多指标综合评估方法,分析了稻水象甲入侵上海的风险性。结果显示,稻水象甲入侵上海的风险值为2.28,属于高度危险类型。同时,根据稻水象甲较高的入侵上海的潜在风险,提出了对稻水象甲入侵风险管理的对策。  相似文献   

黄条灰翅夜蛾(Spodoptera ornithogalli Guenée)是一种原产于美洲大陆,具有严重危害性的农业害虫。寄主范围广泛,涉及78科209种(属)植物,多数为我国重要经济作物。概述黄条灰翅夜蛾的生物学特性、寄主植物、为害特点、分布范围及传播方式等,评估该虫入侵我国的风险。结果表明,黄条灰翅夜蛾入侵我国的风险级别高,一旦进入将严重威胁我国农业生产。将其与同属害虫草地贪夜蛾进行比较分析,为针对该虫的检疫监管工作提供依据。  相似文献   

文章从稻水象甲生物学特性、寄主、传播方式、传播途径及桂南稻区的气候条件等几个方面,对其传入的风险进行了评估,结果认为稻水象甲入侵桂南稻区并定殖扩散的可能性极大,风险较高。  相似文献   

警惕危险性害虫草地贪夜蛾入侵中国   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda(Smith)是一种原产于美洲的重要的毁灭性农业害虫,目前已经入侵到撒哈拉以南非洲地区及亚洲的印度,对我国构成入侵威胁。本文综述了草地贪夜蛾的生物学特征、为害、分布区域及入侵性、形态及分子鉴定方法,以及防治措施,并对其入侵中国的风险进行了预测分析,同时提出应对策略。  相似文献   



Monitoring is an integral component of integrated pest management (IPM) programmes used to inform crop management decisions. Vine weevil, Otiorhynchus sulcatus F. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), continues to cause economically significant losses in horticultural crops due to an inability to reliably detect the presence of this species before crop damage occurs. To improve vine weevil monitoring we investigated the behavioural responses of adult vine weevils to visual (monitoring tool shade/colour, height and diameter as well as the effect of monitoring tool and plant density) and olfactory (host plant and conspecifics) cues under glasshouse conditions.


Monitoring tool shade, height and diameter all influenced monitoring tool efficacy, with individuals exhibiting a preference for black, tall and wide monitoring tools. The total number of individuals recorded in monitoring tools increased with monitoring tool density. By contrast, plant density did not influence the number of individuals recorded in monitoring tools. Yew-baited monitoring tools retained a larger number of individuals compared to unbaited ones. Similarly, more vine weevils were recorded in monitoring tools baited with yew and conspecifics than in unbaited monitoring tools or those baited with only yew. Baiting monitoring tools with conspecifics alone did not enhance the number of vine weevils recorded in monitoring tools.


Our study confirms that visual and olfactory cues influence vine weevil behaviour. This provides information on key factors that influence vine weevil monitoring tool efficacy and can be used to inform the development of a new monitoring tool for this pest. © 2023 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

基于MAXENT的稻水象甲在中国的入侵扩散动态及适生性分析   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
稻水象甲Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel是中国水稻上的重要植物检疫性害虫,根据稻水象甲的分布数据及其主要寄主水稻的分布,利用MAXENT生态位模型和ArcGIS对其在中国的入侵扩散动态及适生性进行了再分析和预测。稻水象甲在中国的扩散主要分为2个阶段:1988—1996年为零星扩散阶段,稻水象甲分布集中在环渤海湾及东南沿海地区,首次入侵发现地大多出现在港口城市;2001年至今为快速扩散阶段,稻水象甲逐步从沿海地区向内陆省份扩散,首次入侵发现地大多位于铁路或公路沿线城市。稻水象甲在中国的适生区广泛,90%以上水稻种植区均适合其生存,高度适生区域主要集中分布在南方稻区,少量分布在环渤海湾一带。  相似文献   

红棕象甲在江西省的风险性分析及防控管理对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红棕象甲是我国检疫性害虫之一。该虫于2007年在江西省南昌、宜春、新余三地发现之后,近些年少有报道。为了评估红棕象甲在江西的潜在危险性,以制定科学的检疫对策。本文参照国际通用的有害生物风险分析方法,结合江西省气候资源,按照省内适生分布范围、潜在的危害性、传播扩散和定殖可能性、风险性管理难度等5个方面开展了该虫的风险性分析和综合评估。结果表明:红棕象甲在江西省的综合评估风险R值为2.20,属于高度危险性林业有害生物。并由此提出江西省红棕象甲的防控策略。这对于有效防止该有害生物在江西省的进一步扩散蔓延和监测防治具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

韭菜和辣椒间作对辣椒疫病的防治效果及其化感机理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为明确韭菜和辣椒间作对辣椒疫病的防治效果及其化感机理,比较了韭菜和辣椒不同行比间作对辣椒疫病的防治效果,测定了韭菜茎、叶挥发物与浸提液对辣椒疫霉菌的抑制作用,并分析了韭菜根系对辣椒疫霉菌游动孢子侵染和传播行为的影响。结果表明,韭菜与辣椒行比为3∶1间作能显著控制辣椒疫病的扩展与传播;2.0 g/皿韭菜茎挥发物及0.15 m L/m L茎浸提液对辣椒疫霉菌菌丝生长的抑制活性可达33.33%和88.75%;辣椒疫霉菌游动孢子对韭菜根系具有明显的趋化活性,且于根围迅速休止并萌发,丧失在土壤中继续寻找寄主的能力,其传播侵染行为受到干扰。研究表明,韭菜和辣椒间作可以有效控制辣椒疫病的扩展蔓延,实现对辣椒疫病的生态防控。  相似文献   


One‐week‐old traps made from split banana pseudostems were 1.5–1.7‐fold more attractive to adult banana weevils than 2–3‐week‐old traps. In one experiment, all available pseudostem material was used for trapping, and weekly collecting of weevils over an 11‐month trapping period led to a 50% reduction in weevil catches in one field. In another field with a lower initial weevil density the trapping did not reduce weevil populations. In another experiment, the effect of intensive use of pseudostem traps and daily collecting of trapped weevils was estimated by a mark and recapture method over a period of 6 weeks. Reductions in weevil densities were calculated using a modified version of the Lincoln‐Index. Weevil populations were reduced by 48.5% after 3 weeks and by 62.5% after 6 weeks. Trapping efficiency declined during the experiment and appeared to be related to weevil population densities. This cultural control system may be effective in weevil control in small‐farm situations where labour availability is not a limiting factor.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The cabbage seedpod weevil, Ceutorhynchus obstrictus (Marsham), is a major pest in the production of canola (Brassica napus L.) in North America and Europe, and effective population control is often essential for economical crop production. In North America, neonicotinoid insecticides have been used for several years in canola as seed treatments for reducing herbivory by flea beetles. The neonicotinoids clothianidin and imidacloprid were investigated to determine their effects on preimaginal development and on emergence of new‐generation adults of C. obstrictus in comparison with effects of lindane, a chlorinated hydrocarbon seed treatment. RESULTS: Mean numbers of second‐ and third‐instar larvae were significantly higher in plants seed‐treated with lindane than in plants treated with the neonicotinoid compounds, even though weevil oviposition was similar for all treatments. Emergence of new‐generation adults was reduced by 52 and 39% for plants seed‐treated with clothianidin and imidacloprid, respectively, compared with emergence from plants treated with lindane. CONCLUSION: Seed treatment with both clothianidin and imidacloprid produced systemic insecticidal effects on larvae of C. obstrictus, with clothianidin slightly more effective than imidacloprid. Use of clothianidin or imidacloprid as seed treatments can comprise an important component in the integrated management of cabbage seedpod weevil in canola. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The rice water weevil Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Brachycerinae) was detected in Northern Italy in 2004. As Italy is the major European rice producer, and the rice water weevil is considered to be one of the major pests of rice in the world, a multiyear study was carried out to determine the spread of the pest in Northern Italy, to evaluate its establishment potential and to improve the knowledge on its biology in this new habitat. The survey allowed the distribution of the insect in Italian rice areas to be evaluated and confirmed that L. oryzophilus behaves as a monovoltine parthenogenetic species in Northern Italy. Information about the phenology of the insect and its management are also provided.  相似文献   


The mango seed weevil, Sternochetus mangiferae (Fabricius), is one of the major mango insect pests in northern Australia. A reasonable level of control can be obtained with insecticide sprays together with orchard sanitation, but the only option available for organic growers is the latter. Weaver ants, Oecophylla smaragdina (Fabricius), are effective in controlling the main insect pests in citrus, cashew and mango orchards. To determine whether weaver ants, which are usually abundant in non-sprayed mango orchards, have the potential to control the mango seed weevil, field experiments together with regular monitoring programmes at six orchards in the Northern Territory of Australia were conducted from 2001 to 2003. Data from two conventional orchards showed that the treatment with weaver ants plus soft chemicals produced lower levels of downgraded fruits (<0.5%) compared to the treatment with chemical insecticides (1.4 – 2.1%). In three organic or insecticide-free orchards, fruits were much less damaged on trees with weaver ants (<1%) than on trees without the ants (2.5 – 15.7%). In the sixth orchard, that had much higher mango seed weevil populations than the others, levels of downgraded fruits were lower on trees with abundant weaver ants than on trees with fewer weaver ants. We conclude that weaver ants are efficient biocontrol agents of the mango seed weevil, and that for successful control of the pest it is important both to maintain the ants at high levels and to destroy excess fruits.  相似文献   

外来有害生物能够严重影响一个国家或地区经济与环境的可持续发展,有害生物风险分析的目的是制定积极主动的外来有害生物防治策略,本文从入侵途径、传播扩散以及经济影响等风险分析的主要评估对象阐述国内外关于有害生物风险分析的研究进展,以及对我国相关研究的启示。  相似文献   

地中海实蝇Ceratitis capitata(Weidemann)是全球分布范围最广、为害最大的害虫之一。为评估地中海实蝇入侵中国风险并制定针对性的检疫措施,基于其在全球的分布数据,选取与其发生相关的温度、湿度等7个变量,利用MaxEnt模型预测其适生区,并结合我国进境口岸截获数据及寄主分布情况评估其入侵风险。结果显示,地中海实蝇在全球的适生区范围主要集中在热带、亚热带地区,在我国的适生区范围主要集中在南部地区。该虫在越南、老挝、缅甸、印度、不丹和尼泊尔等我国邻国多地适生,且在我国进境口岸每年也均有截获,2003—2015年共截获274批次;其主要寄主苹果、咖啡、榅桲和无花果在我国的适生区范围内种植面积及产量均较高。因此中国具备了该虫进入、定殖的适生条件,具有较高的扩散风险。为预防其入侵,需完善边境疫情监测体系,加强进境口岸管理力度,并制定科学管理措施以降低其进入、定殖及扩散的风险。  相似文献   

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