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我们无法穷尽1984年国家恢复肉鸡生产统计以来中国肉鸡业的发展细节,也无法统计中国白羽肉鸡二十年来的生产细节;我们所能做的,就是从这些同白羽肉鸡生产紧密联系了二十年的人们身上,看到中国白羽肉鸡业发展的侧影。  相似文献   

任重道远的白羽肉鸡产业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007年6月23~24日中国禽业发展大会期间,白羽肉鸡企业于24日下午进行分组讨论。与会众多企业家、专家学者就我国肉鸡产业发展中存在的问题进行了细致讨论,为我国肉鸡产业的长远规划作出了探讨。  相似文献   

白羽肉鸡是我国高度集约化生产、全面市场化经营的重要家禽产业.经过多年快速发展,生产规模、鸡肉产量、产品质量均得到了全面提高,为人民生活提供了重要的蛋白产品,为解决农村就业、农民增收、农业增效做出了突出贡献,这其中,白羽商品肉鸡多元化的生产组织形式起到了重要推动作用.本文通过全面分析白羽商品肉鸡生产组织形式的演进和发展历...  相似文献   

正一、行情很多人都在关注行情,都在盼望行情尽快好起来。那什么是行情?真正的行情是消费带来产品的价值体现(价格)和变动趋势。决定行情好坏的永远是供求关系,少了就贵、多了就滥。没有"市场"的畜牧产业是个不完美的价值链,也是一条龙企业难受的根本原因,消费者的喉咙就是产业的瓶颈。产业链上的每个环节都有均衡的盈利和风险分摊才健康,否则就是畸形发展。  相似文献   

本文指出目前肉鸡的现状:当前发展态势强劲,效益颇丰;饲料原料价格上扬,成本增加,加工企业有利可图,毛鸡价高;疫病综合防治措施有待加强。同时指出肉鸡业在市场供求机制、良繁体系建设、黄鸡饲养标准、市场品牌建设、产业化经营机制等方面要推进。从消费和市场容量看,肉鸡业具有广阔发展空间。  相似文献   

中国肉鸡的发展,伴随着祖国改革开入的历程,从无到有,从小到大,不断地发展壮大,从上世纪八十年代起步,经过20多年的努力,我国逐步形成了品种优良化,饮料全价化和饲养规模化,产业化的格局。并一跃成了世界第二大鸡肉生产国,鸡肉产量逐年递增(见表1)。鸡肉的人均消费量,从上世纪九十年代初每人每年3.4千克增加到2001年每人每年11千克,城乡居民鸡肉消费占整个肉类消费总量的19%-22%。虽然我国每年鸡肉的出口量仅占全部生产量的10%左右,同时国外肉鸡产品每年进口约90万吨,但是中国肉鸡产量仍以5%-10%的速度持续增长,这说明中国肉鸡市场有巨大的潜力。  相似文献   

6月23日晚,在中国畜牧业协会秘书长沈广主持下,农业部畜牧业司畜牧处处长王俊勋与肉鸡生产企业家进行了交流对话,旨在了解在当前畜牧生产形势下,如何发挥政府调节与市场调节作用,稳定发展畜禽生产。大家畅所欲言,气氛热烈。  相似文献   

2009年,是全球经济危机影响较为深远的一年,同时也是中国经济发展经历较为严峻考验的一年。在这一年里,国内白羽肉鸡产业的发展也遇到了很大的困难。国外进口的低价禽肉、走私的下水等对我国白羽肉鸡市场的冲击,部分原料价格上涨带来的饲料成本的全面上涨,甲流在全国大部分地区的肆虐,出口禽内在部分国家的受阻,部分进口种鸡征税等均给2009年我国白羽肉鸡产业带来了较大的打击。在此背景下,我国大部分白羽肉鸡生产企业仍坚守阵地,积极开拓市场和销售渠道,实现了企业本年度的盈利。  相似文献   

<正>国家应该设立祖代肉鸡发展风险基金,当市场出现剧烈波动时,立即启动,对祖代种鸡场进行扶持与保护,以稳定祖代种鸡数量,防止市场价格出现大涨大跌。经历了上半年的反复震荡以后,7月下旬,特别是上海福喜事件发生以后,我国白羽肉鸡行情全面复苏,就当前产品价格分析,肉鸡行业除祖代种鸡企业外,其他相关领域已经全面摆脱亏损。一、肉鸡生产形势分析肉鸡生产形势去年以来跌宕起伏,分析原因大体有以下几点:  相似文献   

白羽肉鸡是一种快大型肉鸡,具有生长速度快和饲料转化率高等特点。影响白羽肉鸡生长性能的主要因素有遗传、营养、环境、管理等,白羽肉鸡高效生产与营养因素密不可分。本文基于白羽肉鸡生长发育规律,主要从能量、蛋白质(氨基酸)、矿物元素和维生素等营养需要及相关研究进行综述,旨在为白羽肉鸡高效生产提供参考依据。  相似文献   

谢显泰 《中国家禽》2000,22(10):1-2
1黄羽肉鸡的特点与选育进展   黄羽肉鸡按其生长发育的快慢可分为快大型、中速型和优质型三种。快大型黄鸡 50~ 60 d即可上市,生长性能和生产效率高,肉质、肉味、羽色方面略有不足,脚稍粗大,但生产成本低。中速型黄鸡体型外貌、羽色和肉质肉味较好,销路大,价格适中。而优质型黄鸡是在地方鸡种保存、整理和利用的基础上培育起来的小型鸡种,脚细而黄,肉味鲜美, 110日龄左右体重达 1.1~ 1.3千克,售价较高。   为了充分、合理、有效利用地方鸡种资源,逐步建立优质鸡的繁育、生产体系,早在 1980年,中国农科院畜牧所、江苏省家…  相似文献   

日粮中添加大豆肽对白羽肉鸡肉品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨大豆肽对肉鸡肉品质的影响,试验选用1日龄的健康AA+白羽肉鸡180只,采用单因素随机试验设计分为5个处理,每个处理设4个重复,在相同基础日粮中添加0、0.2%、0.4%、0.6%、0.8%(大豆肽≥40%)的大豆肽,试验期为6周。试验结束时,从每个重复中随机选取2只试鸡屠宰,进行胸肌采样,测定其pH值、肉色、嫩度、保水性及肌内粗脂肪的含量。结果表明:日粮中添加大豆肽能提高肉鸡胸肌pH值及嫩度;增强其保水性并改善肉色;粗脂肪含量略微下降,但差异性不显著,不影响其风味。  相似文献   

1. This study compared the development of thermal resistance of the feather coat in broilers, with early or late feathering genes, and with or without the naked neck gene, allowed ad libitum or restricted feeding. 2. Male and female broilers of one of the 4 genotypes were reared to 6 weeks of age and allocated to one of the two feeding regimes. The thermal resistance of the back and crop region was measured at weekly intervals. A sample of birds were killed at the same ages and total feather weight, primary and secondary flight feather weight, liver weight and abdominal fat weight were measured. 3. All three main factors, sex, feeding and genotype, had significant effects on feather weight over time. The primary and secondary flight feathers were less affected by feed restriction than the feather coat as a whole. Birds with the naked neck gene showed a greater depression in growth rate than birds with a normal neck under conditions of restricted feeding. 4. The thermal resistance of the feathers on the back was greater in females, increased by early feather growth and decreased by restricted feeding. 5. Relative to metabolic body size, birds on restricted feeding had a greater feather weight and a smaller liver. There was a marked reduction in fat deposition, to almost negligible levels by 6 weeks of age. 6. Broilers given restricted feeding, in preparation for breeding, would benefit by a warmer environment, particularly those with feathering genotypes which confer a lower thermal resistance.  相似文献   

1. The inclusion of 25 g hydrolysed feather meal (HFM) in each kilogram of diet (floor experiment) and 60 g/kg (cage experiment) did not depress performance.

2. Chemical tests indicated 72.5% of the total lysine in HFM was available.

3. Total lysine concentration of 11.3 g/kg diet maximised performance during the period 0 to 34 d.

4. Reduction in dietary methionine content during the period 0 to 34 d from 4.2 g/kg to 3.2 g/kg did not depress performance on diets containing 60 g HFM/kg.

5. The results indicate that at least 57% by weight of the total sulphur amino acid requirement of broilers can be provided by cystine.  相似文献   

Broilers with feather follicle inflammation and birds free of this disorder were selected from the broiler chickens kept on plastic (bralen-)coated metallic slats. Both groups of broilers were killed on a sanitary slaughter line and the samples of breast and thigh muscles were analyzed for the basic composition and characteristics of the metabolism of nitrogenous and lipidic components. The content of individual amino acids in the muscles and the proportion of fatty acids in the intramuscular fat of broilers were determined for the evaluation of nutritive value. The samples of the affected spots of skin and samples of organs (liver) were subjected to microbiological examination. The resultant finding represented the common mesophilous microflora. No substantial statistically significant differences in chemical characteristics were found between the two groups. It follows from the results that the inflammation of feather follicles is a local skin disorder with no effect on the quality of the meat.  相似文献   

随着肉鸡业生产集约化、规模化程序的提高,细菌性疾病的种类和数量也呈上升趋势。业主为减少死亡,抵御以沙门氏菌为主的病原微生物的定植侵袭,往往借助广谱、高效的抗生素作为预防和治疗用药,甚至长期滥用各种抗生素药物,以及在饲料里添加抗生素作为促生长剂,阻碍了肉鸡生长性状的正常发挥,更造成了胴体药物残留,严重影响了食品卫生。改变依赖抗生素的弊端,明显减少肉鸡体内以沙门氏菌为主的病  相似文献   

我国白羽肉鸡产业,从上世纪八十年代起步,经过近30年的努力,已成为我国农业产业化发展最迅速、最典型的行业,是世界三大白羽肉鸡生产国之一,鸡肉产品逐渐在国际市场上占有一定的地位,目前已发展成为中国肉食品中唯一能够大量出口创汇的行业.  相似文献   

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