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通过水培试验,对水曲柳幼苗进行氮素浓度和氮素形态处理,同时利用Li-7000 H2O/CO2分析仪闭路系统(LI-COR inc.)连接自制的根系呼吸室测定不同处理水曲柳幼苗的根系呼吸。结果表明:在氮素浓度处理下,水曲柳幼苗在生长季节(7月和8月),根系呼吸达到极其显著水平(P〈0.01),而在幼苗的生长初期(5月)和生长末期(9月),氮素浓度对根系呼吸的影响不显著(P〉0.05),不同氮素浓度处理之间Q10值差异也不显著(P〉0.05);在氮素形态处理下,5—9月,以单位表面积计算的根系呼吸速率呈现出规律性的变化趋势,基本上随着硝态氮比例的增加而增加,而以单位体积计算的根系呼吸速率变化趋势较单位表面积根系呼吸速率不明显,以单位表面积计算的Q10值随着NO3--N所占比例的升高而升高,但不同处理之间差异并不显著(P〉0.05)。  相似文献   

通过对水曲柳与落叶松混交林的调查得出结论,科学营造水曲柳与落叶松混交林是有其优势和发展前途的。  相似文献   

以水曲柳和落叶松人工林为研究对象,于2007年和2008年5月(春)、7月(夏)和10月(秋)分别对2个林分土壤线虫进行调查研究,采用淘洗-过筛-蔗糖离心法提取土壤线虫,探讨土壤总线虫和各营养类群线虫密度的土层变化与季节动态,以及它们与土壤温度、湿度和pH值的关系.结果表明:1)水曲柳林总线虫密度显著高于落叶松林,水曲柳林每100 g干土中1079条,落叶松林每100g干土394条(2年平均值),其中植食线虫占比例最高,食细菌线虫次之,杂食-捕食线虫和食真菌线虫密度最少;2)土壤总线虫和各营养类群线虫密度均随土壤深度的加深而逐渐下降,且各土壤深度间差异显著;3)在2林分中,土壤总线虫和各营养类群线虫密度均在秋季(10月)最高,秋季与夏季或春季差异显著;4)土壤水分和pH值与线虫总密度显著负相关,春季和夏季土壤温度与线虫密度显著正相关,这3个因子的综合作用可以解释线虫总密度变异的46%(水曲柳)和49%(落叶松).这些研究结果对于了解水曲柳和落叶松人工林土壤线虫密度变化,以及与环境因子之间的关系具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Nutrient retranslocation in trees is important in nutrient budgets and energy flows in forest ecosystems. We investigated nutrient retranslocation in the fine roots of a Manchurian Ash(Fraxinus mandshurica) and a Larch(Larix olgensis) plantation in northeastern China. Nutrient retranslocation in the fine roots was investigated using three methods, specifically, nutrient concentration, the ratio of Ca to other elements(Ca/other elements ratio) and nutrient content. The method based on nutrient content proved most suitable when investigating nutrient retranslocation from fine roots of the two species. The nutrient-content-based method showed that there were retranslocations of N, P, K and Mg from the fine roots of Manchurian Ash, with retranslocation efficiencies of 13,25, 65, and 38 %, respectively, whereas there were no Ca retranslocations. There were retranslocations of N, P, K, Ca and Mg from the fine roots of Larch, with retranslocation efficiencies of 31, 40, 52, 23 and 25 %, respectively.  相似文献   

Fine roots are important in root absorption of nutrient and water,and in root turnover.Accurate definition of fine roots is a prerequisite to improved estimation of the physiological and ecological functions of forest ecosystems.Root development and physiological functions are reflections of root anatomical structure.In this study,the anatomical structures of different root orders were analyzed by examining paraffin sections of one-year old Fraxinus mandshurica seedlings.One-year-old F.mandshurica seedlings had over five root orders.The root anatomical structures of all orders showed more differences.First and second order roots consisted of four sections: the epidermis,cortex,pericycle,and vascular bundles.Fourth and fifth order roots were mainly composed of the skin and peripheral vascular bundles(including the xylem and phloem).Third order roots had root epidermal and cortical structures,but the quantity and integrity of the cortical cells were inferior to those of the first and second order roots,and superior to those of the fourth and fifth order roots.All the first and second order roots and some third order roots with discontinuous cork layer(0.4 mm in diameter),but not the fourth and fifth order roots,were the fine roots of one-year old F.mandshurica seedlings.Although they had similar diameters,different portions of root systems had different anatomical structures and therefore,vary in capacity to absorb water and nutrients.Fine roots were accurately defined by root diameter,branch orders,and anatomical structural features of one-year old F.mandshurica seedlings.  相似文献   

Fine root turnover plays important roles in carbon allocation and nutrient cycling in forest ecosystems. Seasonal dynamics of fine roots is critical for understanding the processes of fine root turnover. From May to October 2002, soil core method was used for estimating the seasonal pattern of fine root (diameter < 1 mm) parameters (biomass, specific root length (SRL) and root length density (RLD)) in a Manchurian ash (Fraxinus mandshurica) plantation located at the Maoershan Experiment Station, Heilongjiang Province, northeast of China. The relationships of fine root biomass, SRL and RLD with available nitrogen in soil, average soil temperature per month in 10 cm depth and soil moisture content were analyzed. Seasonal variation of fine root biomass was significant (P < 0.05). The peak values of fine root biomass were observed both in spring and in autumn, but SRL and RLD were the highest in spring and lowest in autumn. Specific root length and root length density were higher in spring and summer, which means that fine root diameter was thinner. In autumn, both parameters decreased significantly due to secondary incrassation of fine root diameter or the increase of tissue density. Seasonal dynamics of fine roots was associated with available nitrogen in soil, soil temperature in 10 cm depth and moisture content. Fine root biomass has a significant relationship with available NH4 +-N in soil. Available NO3 -N in soil, soil temperature in 10-cm depth and moisture content have a positive correlation with fine root biomass, SRL and RLD, although these correlations are not significant (P > 0.05). But the compound effects of soil available N, soil temperature and soil moisture content are significant to every root parameter. The variations of these three root parameters in different seasons show different physiological and ecological functions in different growing periods. Translated from Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2006, 42(9): 7–12 [译自: 林业科学]  相似文献   

皮层和中柱对水曲柳和落叶松吸收根直径变异的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用植物解剖学和通径分析方法研究皮层和中柱对水曲柳和落叶松人工林根系前2级根(最末端的根尖为1级根)直径变异的影响。结果表明:1)根直径、皮层厚度和中柱直径具有明显的季节变化,三者具有相同的变化规律;2)随着皮层厚度或中柱直径的增加,根直径显著增加,皮层厚度可以解释直径变异的85%~95%,中柱直径可以解释直径差异的92%~97%,表明皮层和中柱均对直径变异有重要的影响;3)通径分析结果显示,水曲柳根直径变异和季节变化主要是皮层变化起直接作用,中柱仅起间接作用;而落叶松则是皮层起间接作用,中柱起直接作用。研究结果为认识木本植物吸收根种内直径变异的机制提供重要基础。  相似文献   

落叶松与水曲柳混交林特征研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
落叶松和水曲柳是我国东北地区的主要造林树种,适合我国东北地区广泛栽培。本文对现有国内外落叶松和水曲柳种间关系、立地条件以及混交优势对生长的影响进行总结,其结果对落叶松和水曲柳混交林的经营及管理具有重要的理论意义。  相似文献   

以10 a生落叶松幼树为试验对象,在CO_2浓度升高和对照处理的开顶式气室(OTC-Ⅰ型)内,研究分析高浓度CO_2对其针叶质膜过氧化物产量的影响,结果表明:短时间(60 d)高浓度CO_2处理条件下,MDA含量降低,细胞质膜过氧化程度减轻;但长时间(超过70 d)处于高浓度CO_2条件下则会严重损伤细胞,导致植物体受害。MDA与O2-·产生速率存在正相关关系,但并不显著,在短时间(60 d)CO_2浓度升高条件下,O2-·产生速率与H2O2含量降低;长期高浓度CO_2处理下,O2-·产生速率与H2O2含量略有上升。  相似文献   

Liu  Guancheng  Xing  Yajuan  Wang  Qinggui  Wang  Lei  Feng  Yue  Yin  Zhiwei  Wang  Xiaochun  Liu  Tong 《European Journal of Forest Research》2021,140(4):763-776

Human activities accelerate global nitrogen (N) deposition, and elevated N availability may alter the stoichiometric balance of nutrients and then affect nutrient absorption by plants. The boreal forest is considered one of the world’s most N-limited ecosystems, and its response to N deposition is already a hot issue. In order to explore how long-term nitrogen addition influences nutrient uptake and distribution in Larix gmelinii in a boreal forest, four N treatment levels (0, 25, 50 and 75 kg N ha?1 yr?1) have been applied in a boreal forest since May 2011. Nitrogen addition significantly reduced the soil pH, significantly changed the soil N availability, increased the total N and N/P in needles and fine roots, and decreased the total P in needles and the C/N in soil. Nitrogen addition significantly reduced nitrogen resorption efficiency, and its impacts on P resorption efficiency were not significant. Nitrogen addition significantly increased the root length, surface area and diameter of 4th- and 5th-order transport fine roots. The N and N/P of needles showed seasonal variation. The needle N concentration and N/P were positively correlated with N addition, while the needle P was negatively correlated with nitrogen addition. With increase in nitrogen addition, Larix gmelinii increased its investment in its belowground parts, which may explain why Larix gmelinii tended to put more C in long-lived roots to improve its C utilization efficiency. Given the P deficiency caused by N addition, Larix gmelinii may be more likely to absorb P from the soil and adjust its C distribution to meet its P demand rather than relying on internal nutrient resorption.


对长白落叶松移植苗进行了追肥试验,研究了追施氮肥量和追肥时间对苗木生长量和各器官养分分配规律的影响.结果表明:不同施肥处理对长白落叶松移植苗的苗高、地径和生物量均有显著的影响.追施氮肥量为120 kg/hm2,追肥时间为7月初是最佳的施肥处理,其苗高、地径、叶生物量、茎生物量、根生物量及总生物量分别比对照增加26%、24%、69.3%、119%、70.3%和88.2%;追肥时间对苗木生长量及体内N、P浓度影响相对较小;长白落叶松体内全N和全P在各器官的分配状况为叶>根>茎,全N在苗木内浓度随着尿素施用量的增加而增加,而全P在苗木体内的浓度则随着氮肥使用量的增加而下降.  相似文献   

Improved understanding of the link between photosynthesis and below-ground processes is needed to better understand ecosystem carbon(C) cycling and its feedback to climate change. We conducted a short-term shading and nitrogen(N) addition experiment from June to September 2013 to investigate the effect of photosynthate supply by Manchurian Ash(Fraxinus mandshurica) seedlings on soil respiration(SR). Shading significantly reduced SR in early and middle growing season, but not in late growing season, leading to a decrease in mean SR by 24 % in N-unfertilized treatments. N addition increased mean SR by 42 % in un-shaded treatment. The stimulation of SR was largely attributed to accelerated autotrophic respiration by increasing photosynthesis, leaf area index and belowground biomass. Shading reduced mean SR by 32 % in N addition treatment. The strengthened shading effect on SR resulted from N addition was because of more photosynthates supply at low soil temperature. Our findings highlight the predominance of photosynthates supply in regulating the responses of C cycling to global change.  相似文献   

对长白落叶松与水曲柳二代林栽培技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多年来长白落叶松(Larix gmelini)人工林的二代林更新是林区营林工作面临的一个大问题,由于落叶松人工纯林的种种弊端,特别是林地酸化和肥力的减退,引起了人们关注。通过试验证明了对长白落叶松间伐第一次后,可以直接营造水曲柳二代林,通过第二次间伐可以保证二代林的正常生长发育。  相似文献   

水曲柳苗木不同根序对干旱胁迫的生理生化反应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以1年生水曲柳苗木为试材,在温室土基盆栽,测定干旱胁迫后苗木1级根和2级根细根活力、膜透性、可溶性蛋白含量和抗氧化物酶系(POD、SOD、CAT)活性的变化.结果表明:在干旱胁迫过程中,1,2级根均发生活力下降、膜透性增加、可溶性蛋白含量减少的现象,且1级根变化程度大于2级根.在干旱胁迫过程中1,2级根SOD活性均先上升后下降,CAT和POD活性虽然在胁迫后期(40天)显著高于对照,但与胁迫初期相比(15,30天)也呈显著下降趋势,对照变化不显著.抗氧化酶系还原活性氧分子的能力逐渐减弱,膜质过氧化程度加重,导致细胞膜透性升高,活力下降(r2=0.45~0.58).与2级根相比,1级根对干旱胁迫的生理生化反应更明显.  相似文献   

细根根序的研究为进一步深入了解各级根序细根的功能及其对森林生态系统生态学过程和森林生产力的提高中的贡献提供了重要途径。水曲柳、黄波椤和胡桃楸为东北林区重要用材树种,研究其根系结构,了解细根的生理生态功能,对其科学经营管理,提高林分生产力有现实意义。  相似文献   

We measured dormant season (November through February) maintenance respiration rates (R(m)) in stems and branches of 9-year-old loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) growing in plots under conditions of controlled nutrient and water supply in an effort to determine the relationships between R(m) and tissue size (surface area, sapwood volume, sapwood dry weight), tissue nitrogen content and temperature. Dormant season R(m) per unit size (i.e., surface area, &mgr;mol m(-2) s(-1); sapwood volume, &mgr;mol m(-3) s(-1); or sapwood dry weight, nmol g(-1) s(-1)) varied with tissue size, but was constant with respect to tissue nitrogen content (&mgr;mol mol(-1) N s(-1)). Cambium temperature accounted for 61 and 77% of the variation in stem and branch respiration, respectively. The basal respiration rate (respiration at 0 degrees C) increased with tissue nitrogen content, however, the Q(10) did not. Improved nutrition more than doubled stem basal respiration rate and increased branch basal respiration by 38%. Exponential equations were developed to model stem and branch respiration as a function of cambium temperature and tissue nitrogen content. We conclude that failure to account for tissue nitrogen effects on respiration rates will result in serious errors when estimating annual maintenance costs.  相似文献   

We examined fine-root (< 2.0 mm diameter) respiration throughout one growing season in four northern hardwood stands dominated by sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.), located along soil temperature and nitrogen (N) availability gradients. In each stand, we fertilized three 50 x 50 m plots with 30 kg NO(3) (-)-N ha(-1) year(-1) and an additional three plots received no N and served as controls. We predicted that root respiration rates would increase with increasing soil temperature and N availability. We reasoned that respiration would be greater for trees using NO(3) (-) as an N source than for trees using NH(4) (+) as an N source because of the greater carbon (C) costs associated with NO(3) (-) versus NH(4) (+) uptake and assimilation. Within stands, seasonal patterns of fine-root respiration rates followed temporal changes in soil temperature, ranging from a low of 2.1 micro mol O(2) kg(-1) s(-1) at 6 degrees C to a high of 7.0 micro mol O(2) kg(-1) s(-1) at 18 degrees C. Differences in respiration rates among stands at a given soil temperature were related to variability in total net N mineralized (48-90 micro g N g(-1)) throughout the growing season and associated changes in mean root tissue N concentration (1.18-1.36 mol N kg(-1)). The hypothesized increases in respiration in response to NO(3) (-) fertilization were not observed. The best-fit model describing patterns within and among stands had root respiration rates increasing exponentially with soil temperature and increasing linearly with increasing tissue N concentration: R = 1.347Ne(0.072T) (r(2) = 0.63, P < 0.01), where R is root respiration rate ( micro mol O(2) kg(-1) s(-1)), N is root tissue N concentration (mol N kg(-1)), and T is soil temperature ( degrees C). We conclude that, in northern hardwood forests dominated by sugar maple, root respiration is responsive to changes in both soil temperature and N availability, and that both factors should be considered in models of forest C dynamics.  相似文献   

采用裂区试验设计,研究N肥不同追施处理对长白落叶松播种苗生长的影响.结果表明:施肥次数和施肥量分别对苗高和地径生长产生显著影响;间隔期为11d的5次施肥处理对苗高生长具有显著影响,36.3 g·m-2的施肥量对地径的生长具有明显的促进作用;36.3 g·m-2处理对苗高和地径的施肥效率显著低于13.7 g·m-2处理和...  相似文献   

Xinzhu Du  Xing Wei 《林业研究》2018,29(5):1321-1327
Fine roots are important in root absorption of nutrient and water, and in root turnover. Accurate definition of fine roots is a prerequisite to improved estimation of the physiological and ecological functions of forest ecosystems. Root development and physiological functions are reflections of root anatomical structure. In this study, the anatomical structures of different root orders were analyzed by examining paraffin sections of one-year old Fraxinus mandshurica seedlings. One-year-old F. mandshurica seedlings had over five root orders. The root anatomical structures of all orders showed more differences. First and second order roots consisted of four sections: the epidermis, cortex, pericycle, and vascular bundles. Fourth and fifth order roots were mainly composed of the skin and peripheral vascular bundles (including the xylem and phloem). Third order roots had root epidermal and cortical structures, but the quantity and integrity of the cortical cells were inferior to those of the first and second order roots, and superior to those of the fourth and fifth order roots. All the first and second order roots and some third order roots with discontinuous cork layer (< 0.4 mm in diameter), but not the fourth and fifth order roots, were the fine roots of one-year old F. mandshurica seedlings. Although they had similar diameters, different portions of root systems had different anatomical structures and therefore, vary in capacity to absorb water and nutrients. Fine roots were accurately defined by root diameter, branch orders, and anatomical structural features of one-year old F. mandshurica seedlings.  相似文献   

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