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Dairy calves less than 1 month of age are commonly infected with Cryptosporidium spp. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence of Cryptosporidium spp. among dairy calves or=810 oocysts/field. This study shows that Cryptosporidium spp. is one of the causes of calf neonatal diarrhoea in a rural area of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The highest intensity of infection reported for the 相似文献   

Faecal Eimeria oocyst excretion and levels of antibodies to first generation merozoite antigen of E. bovis in sera and colostra were followed in 86 and 70 cow-calf pairs in northern (group EF) and central Germany (group H), respectively, over periods of 3 weeks before to 3 weeks after calving in cows and from birth to an age of 63 days in calves. Oocysts were found in 30 and 7.7% of cows in groups EF and H, respectively. They belonged to 10 (group EF) and four Eimeria spp. (group H) with E. bovis, E. ellipsoidalis, E. auburnensis and E. zuerni as the most frequently occurring species. Prevalence and intensity of oocyst excretion varied with time resulting in peak values around the date of parturition, particularly in the case of E. bovis. Peak values at the time of parturition were also seen in case of strongyle egg excretion. Seven (group H) and nine Eimeria spp. (group EF) were found in the calves. The predominant species E. ellipsoidalis, E. zuerni, E. bovis and E. auburnensis were detected for the first time earlier after birth (3-5 weeks) than the others. The prevalence of Eimeria infections increased to 67.1% (group EF) and 50.1% (group H) 9 weeks after birth. Specific IgM and IgA antibody levels (the latter only determined in group EF) in cow sera remained almost constant throughout the observation period, whereas IgG(1) and IgG(2) levels were reduced at the time of parturition. Levels of specific antibodies in sera and colostra were significantly correlated. Except IgM antibodies, significant inverse correlations were found in cows between intensity of infection with E. bovis and specific serum IgG (group H) and IgG(2) (group EF) antibodies. Antibodies to E. bovis were detected in calves sera only after colostrum intake with significant correlations between levels in calves sera and colostra. Levels decreased, starting within the first week of life (most conspicuously in case of IgM and IgA) until the third week. Subsequently, but except IgG(1) antibody concentrations increased until the end of the observation period. Interrelations between antibody levels and the total amount of E. bovis oocysts excreted by the calves until the ninth week of life varied with the age of the animals. Inverse relationships in the first 3 weeks of life as suggested by negative correlation coefficients could not be proven statistically. Thus, there is no unambiguous proof for immunoprotection of calves against E. bovis via maternal immunity. Considering antibody levels in the 3-9 weeks old calves significant direct correlations with E. bovis oocyst excretion were found in case of IgM, IgG(2) and IgA, reflecting an active immune response of young calves to coccidial infection.  相似文献   

Campylobacter fetus is a major venereal pathogen of cattle that is considered to be widespread among the livestock population of Argentina. The disease accounts for a 10% reduction in the weaning rate of Argentine infected herds and annual losses of $165 million. A case-control, questionnaire-based study was developed with the objective of quantifying the association between C. fetus infection and demographic, husbandry, and sanitary factors in 196 herds located in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Abortions observed in the herd (OR=3.08, 95% CI=1.52, 6.23), and trespassing of bulls from neighboring herds (OR=2.03, 95% CI=0.98, 4.20), were positively associated with the risk of finding C. fetus-infected bulls, whereas buying bulls was a protective factor for the disease (OR=0.53, 95% CI=0.26, 1.08). Results presented here will help to develop and implement actions aimed at preventing the spread and reducing the incidence of C. fetus infection in the beef cattle population of Argentina.  相似文献   

Bovine trichomonosis (BT) is a contagious disease, characterized by reproductive failure, embryonic losses, infertility, and abortions, which directly impacts the reproductive performance of cattle. In this cross-sectional questionnaire-based study, 56 veterinarians provided information on the geographic location and on the demographic, husbandry, and sanitary characteristics of 173 beef herds located in 26 (21%) counties of the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Herds rearing beef cattle (OR=2.5, 95% CI=1.0, 6.3), with low pregnancy rate in cows (相似文献   

During the past 10 years, the prevalence of canine dirofilariosis in the City of Buenos Aires and its outskirts, particularly in the northern and southern areas, has increased significantly. In the present work, studies were carried out in dogs living in the city and in its northern, western and southern outskirts from 1997 to 2001. For this purpose, 782 blood samples were collected and analyzed to determine circulating antigen, processed with the Witness Merial antigen test. The samples resulted in negative tests for subjects who lived in the city; however, 17.7 and 23.5% of the tests were positive from the northern and southern outskirts, respectively. When analyzed by sex, positive results were distributed as follows: 62.5% males and 37.5% females (P<0.05). No significant statistical difference was found on comparing purebred and cross-breds (P<0.05). It is interesting to point out the geographical distribution of the disease, which confirms that ecological factors such as water currents, abundant vegetation and the existence of mosquitoes all year round, are important for the biological cycle of Dirofilaria immitis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Age-related changes in hematologic values are known to occur in many species. Few published studies include repeated measurements of hematologic parameters in calves during the first months of life. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to monitor hematologic values by sequential measurements from birth to 6 months of age in 15 healthy calves of the Norwegian Red breed, and compare the results to reference intervals for adult, lactating dairy cows. METHODS: Fifteen clinically healthy calves were sampled every week during the first 5 weeks of life and every month thereafter until 6 months of age. Hematologic values were measured using the ADVIA 120 hematology system. Reference intervals were determined for 75 healthy adult cows of the same breed. RESULTS: Compared with adult reference intervals, the MCV was lower and the RBC count was higher in calves throughout the investigation period. Hemoglobin concentration stayed largely within the adult reference interval. Mean MCHC was lower than adult values for 5 weeks, then increased and reached adult values by weeks 10-12. The mean lymphocyte count for calves reached adult reference values at weeks 6-8, and the mean monocyte count increased steadily until weeks 14-16. For most leukocytes, interindividual variation was larger during the first 5-8 weeks of life. The mean platelet count for calves was higher than the adult reference interval until weeks 19-21 of age. CONCLUSIONS: Age-specific reference intervals for calves from birth to 6 month of age are needed for RBC count, MCV, MCHC, red cell distribution width, and platelet and lymphocyte counts.  相似文献   

A multicenter field efficacy study was performed in six farms located in Belgium, France and Germany with a history of suspected coccidiosis outbreaks and the proven presence of Eimeria bovis and/or Eimeria zuernii. At each of these trial sites the calves were randomly allocated to two groups (T, treated; C, control) of similar size. In total, 231 calves were included in the study. Group T calves (n=116) were drenched with a single dose of diclazuril (Vecoxan, 1mg/kg body weight) close to the time of expected outbreak of coccidiosis (day 1 of the study period), group C calves (n=115) served as placebo-treated controls. Although E. bovis and/or E. zuernii were identified at all trial sites, clinical coccidiosis was only noted in 16% of the group C calves. At day 5 of the study period (4 days after treatment), faecal oocyst counts (opg, oocysts per gram) were substantially lower in group T ("short-term effect") compared to group C. At four trial sites, the respective values of groups T and C were significantly different (P=0.0132 to P=0.0001) in favour of group T. For the pooled data of all trial sites, this effect was highly significant (P<0.0001). The overall faecal oocyst counts from day 3 until day 21 of the study period ("Area Under the Curve") was significantly reduced in group T by 87.2-99.5% ("long-term effect") at five trial sites (P=0.0139 to P<0.0001). The pooled data revealed a highly significant effect of treatment on oocyst excretion over the observation period (P<0.0001). On five of the six trial sites, the average weight gain was higher in group T than in group C. On those trial sites, the average weight gain of group T calves exceeded that of the controls by 95-268g/day and by 2.0-6.0kg over the study period. This effect was statistically significant (P<0.01) at one trial site. Altogether the calves of group T gained on average 129g more weight daily than the controls (+2.7kg over the study period). For these pooled data, statistical analysis confirmed the positive effect of treatment of calves exposed to coccidiosis on growth performance (P=0.003). In conclusion, metaphylactic treatment with diclazuril efficiently controls coccidiosis in calves thus reducing environmental contamination with oocysts and preventing negative effects of natural exposure to coccidiosis on growth performance of calves.  相似文献   

Fifteen clinically healthy calves were sampled every week during the first 5 weeks of life and thereafter every month until the age of 6 months. The percentages and absolute values of CD4+, CD8+ gammadelta TCR+ and WC1+ T cells, CD21+ B cells and NKp46+ NK cells were determined by flow cytometry, and the expression of the interleukin-2 receptor alpha chain (CD25) was measured to assess the level of activation of the lymphocyte subpopulations. Neutrophil phagocytosis, respiratory burst and bactericidal activity were measured in five different neutrophil function assays. Most of the parameters examined reached a stable level during the first 6 months of life. The proportions of CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes remained relatively stable during the study period, while there was a moderate decrease in the relative percentage of gammadelta T cells from birth to approximately 5 months of age. However, the absolute numbers of gammadelta T cells per millilitre of blood remained stable throughout the study period and did not display significant variation with age. The percentage of cells expressing the B-cell maturation marker CD21 increased significantly over the first 5 months of life. The proportion of NK cells showed substantial variation during the study. Marked differences in the relative proportions of the lymphocyte subpopulations were noted between the individual calves, and the individual ranking of the animals was largely maintained over time. CD25 expression was detected on a mean of 6.6% of the CD4+ cells, while a lower percentage of the other lymphocyte subpopulations expressed this receptor. Phagocytic activity was demonstrated in approximately 90% of the neutrophils, and this proportion remained stable during the entire study period, while respiratory burst activity showed a moderate decrease during the first 2 months of life. The present study shows that the T-cell subpopulations are present in peripheral blood of calves at levels comparable with adult values, while the B-cell population increases significantly with age. The decrease in the relative percentage of gammadelta T cells appears to be attributable to an increase in the absolute numbers of CD4+ and CD21+ cells, rather than a change in absolute gammadelta T-cell numbers. Furthermore, the results indicate that the neutrophilic granulocytes are functional and able to mount an effective response in young calves from the first week of life.  相似文献   

Twenty-four calves of the Holstein-Friesian breed were included into a trial. The trial was performed from April (when the calves were born) to October. The objective of the study was to investigate variations in insulin and glucose levels over a longer time period of the postnatal development of calves. The blood was sampled by the jugular vein puncture at the age of 1, 2, 3, 5, 14, 21, 28, 35, 49, 63, 91, 118, 147 and 175 days. The calves were housed in a prophylactorium calf-house till the age of 21 days: till the age of 14 days they were housed individually and then in groups of 2-3 calves in a small pen. The calves were fed milk till the age of 26 or 28 days, after a fortnight the feed intake was increased from the previous 3 litres to 5-6 litres per head/day. At the age of 21 days the calves were transferred to pens in the calving room. At the age of 26 days twelve calves were transferred to a barn for young cattle rearing, the remaining twelve calves were transferred at the age of 28 days; here they were housed by 10-12 head per pen and they were fed a commercial milk replacer diluted at a 1:10 ratio, the feed intake being 6-8 litres a day, and a commercial pelleted calf starter TKS at the amount of 1.0-1.1 kg.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

During a recent foot-and-mouth disease epidemic in Argentina, cattle herds affected in 2001 were located mainly (69%) in Buenos Aires province. The densities of outbreaks (no. of outbreaks per km2) and cattle-demographic variables in the province were estimated using a geographical information system and kernel function. Before the epidemic officially was recognized, the density of outbreaks was correlated (rsp = 0.28–0.47) with the geographic distribution of small (≤100 cattle), dairy and fattening herds. During the mass-vaccination campaign to control the epidemic (April–July), the density of outbreaks was most strongly correlated (rsp = 0.20–0.25) with the distribution of large (>500 cattle) and breeding herds. After the end of the mass-vaccination campaign, large herds and number of cows were most strongly correlated (rsp = 0.16–0.26) with outbreak density. These relationships might indicate that: (1) the disease spread more rapidly or was more easily detected in intensive production systems at the beginning of the epidemic; (2) vaccination and other control methods applied were less effective in large, semi-intensive production systems; (3) incomplete vaccine protection was responsible for herd outbreaks that occurred after the end of the mass-vaccination campaign.  相似文献   

Morbidity and mortality of preterm neonatal calves are higher than of calves born at normal term, possibly and in part due to immaturity of physiological functions. Physiological parameters were therefore studied during the first week of life in seven preterm calves, born on day 277 of gestation after dams were injected prostaglandin F2alpha and flumethason. Calves were fed colostrum of the first milking for the first 3 days and from day 4 to day 7 the same colostrum diluted with milk replacer. Body weight increased during the first week of life by 2.2 kg. Heart rate and respiratory rate were always relatively high, whereas values of rectal temperature, blood gases, haematological, metabolic and endocrine traits were in the range and behaved similarly as is the experience in full-term neonatal calves. Major exceptions were glucose and insulin, the concentrations of which barely rose postprandially, and growth hormone, the responses of which to growth hormone releasing factor analogue 1-29 were extremely variable and in part very small. In conclusion, calves born 2 week before normal term that survived the first week of life, although physiologically immature, were well able to handle ingested nutrients and to control their metabolism.  相似文献   

Toxocara canis infection in dogs is a public health problem in most countries, although it has been poorly documented in many of them. The main objective of the present work was to investigate the epidemiology of infection in the canine populations from two areas of Buenos Aires of different socioeconomic status and urban conditions: a middle-income neighbourhood (MIN) and a low-income neighbourhood (LIN). This study evaluated the prevalence of infection in dogs by parasitological and serological techniques in both areas, and described the relationship between the infection and different epidemiological variables for each neighbourhood. A cross-sectional study was carried out after a house-to-house census was completed. During August 1999, a sample of households was selected at random (nMIN=53 and nPA=52). In each house, one dog was randomly chosen for the collection of fresh faeces and blood. The dog owners were interviewed utilising a questionnaire about dogs on sex, recent anthelmintic treatment, degree of confinement, control by the dog's owner (whether the dog goes out of the house accompanied or not, leashed or unleashed), defecation site, defecation substratum and number of dogs in the house. The diagnostic techniques were concentration-sedimentation formalin/ether method and ELISA test. The parasitological prevalences in dogs were 9% (5/53) in MIN and 19% (10/52) in LIN, and serological prevalences were 22% (2/9) in MIN and 40% (15/37) in LIN. In MIN, the patent infection of males was significantly higher than that of females. In LIN, puppies less than 1 year old were the most prevalent age class. Our serological results showed that the positivity of adult dogs was more frequent in LIN than in MIN. The density of puppies with patent infection was seven times higher in LIN than in MIN, when combining coprological analysis and the estimated age structure obtained by the census.  相似文献   

A total of 88,727 individual BW records of Spanish Merino lambs, obtained from 30,214 animals between 2 and 92 d of age, were analyzed using a random regression model (RRM). These animals were progeny of 546 rams and 15,586 ewes raised in 30 flocks, between 1992 and 2002, with a total of 45,941 animals in the pedigree. The contemporary groups (animals of the same flock, year, and season, with 452 levels), the lambing number (11 levels), the combination sex of lambs with type of litter (4 levels), and a fixed regression coefficient of age on BW were included as fixed effects. A total of 7 RRM were compared, and the best fit was obtained for a model of order 3 for the direct and maternal genetic effects and for the individual permanent environmental effect. For the maternal permanent environmental effect the best model had an order 2. The residual variance was assumed to be heterogeneous with 10 age classes; the covariance between both genetic effects was included. According to the results of the selected RRM, the heritability for both genetic effects (h(a)2 and h(m)2) increased with age, with estimates of 0.123 to 0.186 for h(a)2 and of 0.059 to 0.108 for h(m)2. The correlations between direct and genetic maternal effects were -0.619 to -0.387 during the first 45 d of age and decreased as age increased, until reaching values from -0.366 to -0.275 between 45 to 75 d of age. Important changes in ranking of the animals were found based on the breeding value estimation with the current method and with the random regression procedure. The use of RRM to analyze the genetic trajectory of growth in this population of Merino sheep is highly recommended.  相似文献   

A total of 2193 fecal samples from owned dogs were collected during the 2003-2004 period in Southern Greater Buenos Aires, and were evaluated for the presence of intestinal parasites by a flotation-centrifugation method. The overall prevalence was 52.4%, and the 11 species found were: Ancylostoma caninum (13%), Isospora ohioensis complex (12%), Toxocara canis (11%), Trichuris vulpis (10%), Sarcocystis sp. (10%), Giardia duodenalis (9%), Isospora canis (3%), Hammondia-Neospora complex (3%), Dipilydium caninum (18 cases), Cryptosporidium sp. (5 cases), and Toxascaris leonina (1 case). There was no significant difference in the overall prevalence between genders (female = 50.4%, male = 54.6%), and breeds (pure = 52.3%, mixed = 53%), but prevalence in puppies (<1 year) was higher than in adult dogs (62.7% versus 40.8%, respectively). Only the prevalence of A. caninum differed between genders, with higher values for males. The prevalences of six of the parasite species showed a decreasing trend with increasing host age, and an inverse pattern was found for two other species. The prevalences of three protozoa were significantly higher in pure-breed dogs, and those of two nematodes were significantly higher in mixed-breed dogs. The prevalences of T. canis, A. caninum, and T. vulpis were spatially heterogeneous with a clear Southwest-Northeast gradient. Only prevalences of Sarcocystis sp. and G. duodenalis showed seasonal variation. The frequency distribution of the number of species per fecal sample did not differ from a random distribution. Results obtained throughout the world were discussed.  相似文献   

Toxocarosis is a worldwide parasitic infection that affects both cats and dogs. Toxocara cati (Schrank, 1788) syn.Toxocara mystax (Zeder, 1800) prevalence was studied in faeces from stray cats collected from the open spaces of public institutions of Buenos Aires city, both building and surrounding open spaces are fenced off. Of the 465 samples obtained from March to June of 2005, 58.3% were found to have parasite eggs. The following parasites were identified from the 271 positive samples: T. cati (61.2%), Cystoisospora spp. (20.3%), Trichuris spp. (17.0%), Toxascaris leonina (15.1%), Ancylostoma spp. (14%) and Aelurostrongylus abstrusus (2.6%). T. cati prevalence was 35.7% (95% confidence interval: 31.2–40.1), with a 42.2% single isolations. The most frequent combination was T. cati and Cystoisospora spp. (9%). More than half the areas studied showed over 40% prevalence. Seventy-one percent of the collected samples were fresh with a variable moist consistency and 29% were older with a dry consistency. A statistically significant association was found between sample consistency and presence of parasites (χ2 = 10.81; p = 0.001) as also between sample consistency and presence of T. cati (χ2 = 11.27; p = 0.0007). Moist consistencies were significantly different from the rest: consistency (wet or dry) versus parasites (z = 1.95; p = 0.02) (95% confidence interval: 0.004–0.203); consistency (wet or dry) versus T. cati (z = 3.25; p = 0.0006) (95% confidence interval: 0.075–0.254). The cat population that inhabits these public green spaces contaminates the environment, thus transforming them into dangerous spaces with a variable rate for the human population that spends time in these places.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of chloramphenicol, either administered as the monosuccinate ester or as a veterinary formulation, were studied in calves from the first day of life to the age of 10–12 weeks and compared with the results obtained in adult cattle. (1) After intravenous injection of 0.15 mmol/kg chloramphenicol monosuccinate, the plasma elimination half life of intact ester fell from a value of 33 min on the first day of life to 15 min at the age of 10–12 weeks (value in cows = 14 min). Free chloramphenicol reached maximal plasma concentrations after 2–3 h on the first day of life, but in less than 15 min in cows. The elimination half-life fell from about 15 h on day 1 to 4.8 h at the age of 10–12 weeks (4.2 h in cows). The bioavailability of the ester was more than 90% on Day 1, but declined to 50–60% from Day 7 on account of rapid renal excretion: 21–28% of the total dose was excreted as intact ester in a 2 h period following injection in calves aged 10–12 weeks. (2) The veterinary formulation of chloramphenicol proved toxic when administered intravenously at a dose of 0.15 mmol/kg, and even a dose of 0.093 mmol/kg was less well tolerated than 0.15 mmol/kg of the monosuccinate ester. (3) The pharmacokinetics of chloramphenicol fitted an open two-compartment model, the half-life of the elimination phase corresponded well to the values determined in the experiments with the monosuccinate ester. (4) The intramuscular injection of 0.15 mmol/kg of the ester or 0.093 mmol/kg of chloramphenicol provided ‘therapeutic’ plasma concentrations (≥ 5 μg/ml) within 15–30 min and for about 24 h in calves aged 7 days. (5) Chloramphenicol crossed the placenta when given to cows shortly before a Caesarian section, but equilibrium was not reached within 50–100 min. (6) The binding of chloramphenicol to serum proteins was dependent both on total protein and drug concentrations. It rose from less than 30% on day 1 to about 40% in adult cattle. (7) Recommendations for a dosage regime for chloramphenicol in calves are made on the basis of the pharmacokinetic data.  相似文献   

The development of coccidial infections in 21 free-ranging, unweaned beef calves from birth to 8 months was investigated by examining faecal samples for oocysts. Most calves commenced shedding oocysts within a month of birth, and had shed all nine species identified by 3-4 months. Oocysts were shed by three calves as young as 12 and 13 days. The oocysts species shed earliest, and the commonest thereafter, were Eimeria bovis, E. ellipsoidalis and E. zuernii. Although several oocyst counts between 5.0 X 10(3) and 114.0 X 10(3)g-1 of faeces of these potentially pathogenic species were recorded there was no clinical disease. Some calves shed oocysts approximately four times more frequently than others, and individual species counts greater than or equal to 5.0 X 10(3)g-1 were confined to 10 of the calves. Intermittent oocyst shedding continued throughout the study with a similar distribution of oocyst species from all calves.  相似文献   


The present study attempted to verify the prevalence of and risk factors for diarrhea-causing agents in dairy calves from Brazil. Additionally, ages with a higher risk of occurrence for each agent were verified by means of the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. The collections were performed on 39 farms, belonging to 29 municipalities located in eight states of Brazil. It was possible to conclude that the prevalence of Coronavirus, Rotavirus, Cryptosporidium spp., Eimeria spp., and nematodes was 7.20% (95% CI 4.54–9.78), 6.37% (95% CI 3.85–8.89), 51.52% (95% CI 45.26–55.57), 3.46% (95% CI 2.24–4.67), and 3.46% (95% CI 2.24–4.67), respectively. Ages with higher probabilities of occurrence of these diseases in calves were <?10, >?8, >?6, >?37, and >?36 days, respectively. Diarrhea occurred more significantly (P?<?0.0001) in animals less than 21 days old and mainly on those receiving milk through automatic feeders (P?<?0.001). Cryptosporidium spp. were a risk factor for the occurrence of Rotavirus, and vice versa (P?=?0.0039) and presented a positive correlation with Coronavirus (P?=?0.0089). Calves that drink water from rivers, streams, and ponds had a higher chance of being infected by Eimeria spp. (P?<?0.0001), as well as developing infection by nematodes (P?<?0.0001). The results found in this study highlight the importance of studying the agents of diarrhea together, once they act as coinfection where the losses triggered for the owners will involve some of these agents simultaneously.


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