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多年的生产实践证明,施用磷肥和采用整薯播种都可以提高马铃薯产量。本试验选用同等大小的马铃薯品种‘夏波蒂’脱毒二级原种小整薯和切块作为种薯播种,研究在不同施磷条件下马铃薯产量情况。结果发现,高磷整薯的平均单株结薯数显著高于其他处理,50 g以上块茎高磷整薯的产量显著高于其他处理,而低磷整薯的产量则显著低于低磷切块。  相似文献   

马铃薯整薯坑种栽培主要因子试验研究初报   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
<正>马铃薯整薯坑种栽培技术是按窝行距在田间挖30厘米见方的播种坑,内施农化肥、小整薯播种、培土成堆的一种栽培方式.这项技术具有抗旱、耐涝、稳产丰产、肥料利用率和薯块商品率高的优点.近几年在我县大面积推广应用.生产实践证明,是旱地农业生产中大有可为的一项技术措施.为进一步完善其栽培技术,笔者1993年对影响马铃薯整薯坑种栽培的主要因子品种、密度、氮肥、磷肥、播期和种著大小进行了试验研究.现将试验结果简报如下。1 材料和方法1.1 试验地概况试验设置在庄浪县东北部高寒阴湿山区的永宁乡农科站,海拔2040米.试验地属  相似文献   

马铃薯种植方式的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
尤广兰  方子山 《杂粮作物》2002,22(6):345-346
马铃薯是建平县种植业结构调整中的优势作物,常年栽培面积都在1.5万hm^2左右,建平是辽宁省马铃薯生产第一大县。传统的低垄单行切块栽培方法,马铃薯产量低而不稳;采用高垄双行整薯栽培方式显著地提高了大薯率,降低了小薯率,从而提高了马铃薯产量。在山坡地通过加大种植密度,不仅可以提高马铃薯产量,而且有利于获得更多的适合做种的小整薯。  相似文献   

马铃薯试管薯打破休眠技术研究吴承金(中国南方马铃薯研究中心湖北恩施4450001前言在组培条件下获得的马铃薯试管微型薯(简称试管薯),由于结薯时间不一,休眠期长且发芽极不整齐,直接播于温室或网室后出苗时间长,不利于管理,极大地障碍着脱毒小薯的生产。赤...  相似文献   

<正>早春马铃薯与棉花间作套种,共生期短,相互影响小,能够起到以薯促棉的作用,经济效益较高,是一种值得推广的高效棉田种植模式。1播前准备实行早春套种的马铃薯,一般应选择矮秧直立不倒伏、结薯集中的早熟品种,如中薯4号、中薯6号。为使马铃薯早出苗、苗齐苗壮,  相似文献   

冀中南地区马铃薯种薯大小对商品薯产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验以5~35 g大小的费乌瑞它脱毒马铃薯种薯为材料,研究了冀中南地区不同种薯大小对商品薯产量的影响。结果表明:不同重量的种薯播种产量之间存在显著差异,以种薯重量为20~25 g的小型种薯株高平均值最大,产量最高;整薯播种比切块播种产量增加,增产幅度为1.2%~26.7%。冀中南地区生产商品马铃薯,应采用重量为20~25 g左右的小整薯作为种薯,可以获得较高的产量。  相似文献   

李万先 《中国马铃薯》1989,3(3):174-175
<正> 种薯带病是马铃薯青枯病的主要传播途径,本文专谈谈整薯播种防效和技术。 1 整薯播种防效马铃薯青枯病菌为害维管束部位。薯皮具有保护、防病的性能。切块可传病,整薯直播具有顶端优势。故出苗整齐粗壮,有防治青枯病的效益,我所1959~1984年,共进行9次整薯直播和切块播种对比试验。供试  相似文献   

种薯切块与小种薯播种栽培效果比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从节约用种量考虑 ,生产中常采用种薯切块的方法种植马铃薯。但由于消毒不严 ,一些病害易通过切刀传播 ,引起马铃薯发病 ,造成产量下降。在稻田免耕、稻草全程覆盖种植马铃薯时 ,采用小整薯播种不但可以避免病害传播 ,而且还可以起到抗旱保苗 ,保证苗齐苗壮的作用 ,从而提高产量。现将试验结果整理如下 ,供各地参考。一、材料与方法供试品种为东农303。4个薯块重500g的为大薯 ,7个重500g的为中薯 ,14个重500g的为小薯 ,各选取25kg作为试验材料。大薯切成4块 ,中薯切成2块 ,小薯不切。切块种薯用草木灰涂抹切口 ,以…  相似文献   

通过药剂熏蒸处理生产马铃薯脱毒微型薯的土壤和药剂处理带有疮痂病的微型小薯,防止在温(网)室生产马铃薯脱毒微型薯过程中,基质连作后疮痂病的发生,解决每年更换基质造成的人力、财力方面的损失。试验结果表明:基质用氯化苦(三氯硝基甲烷)熏蒸处理,带病种薯播前用0.1%对苯二酚处理30min防治疮痂病效果最佳。  相似文献   

1 前 言山西中南部限制马铃薯复播面积的主要原因是无优质种薯。北部种薯区因早熟马铃薯上市早、价格高,优质种薯被当作商品薯食用,加上早熟马铃薯种薯贮藏时间长,损耗大,种薯价格相应提高,农民无法接受。解决早熟马铃薯留种困难的方法是夏播育苗移栽留种。据杨孝楫、何廷飞等研究,夏播、育苗留种技术有增加产量,减缓退化,减少病害的作用〔1,2〕。山西北部在7月15日左右春麦收获后,移栽优质薯苗,每667m2可产种薯750~1000kg,这就为扩大早熟马铃薯及其复播面积,提供了种源,同时开辟了一条经济有效的繁种…  相似文献   

我国马铃薯育种方式的变迁及其转基因育种研究进展   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
张俊莲  王蒂 《中国马铃薯》2005,19(3):163-167
我国马铃薯品种选育经历了引种鉴定选育、杂交选育、细胞工程选育和基因工程选育4个阶段,培育出大量的各种类型品种,其中基因工程育种始于近年,已在抗病毒病、抗细菌和真菌病、品质改良和提高抗逆性方面取得了一定的进展。  相似文献   

Conventional potato breeding refers to development of new cultivars from sexual crosses followed by clonal propagation and selection. Nearly all new varieties of potato still emerge from this process free from modern technologies of gene insertion. Conventional breeding remains the most important force for introduction of new phenotypes underlain by new genes. However, these come from already selected potato breeding lines or named varieties or from wild potatoes or more distant solanaceous relatives that are amenable to somatic hybridization. Potato breeders are constantly searching for new germplasm, in part because the potato as a crop still remains highly vulnerable to biotic and abiotic stresses. In addition, the widening of the genetic base is seen as a means of increasing heterozygosity. Despite a highly conscious import of genetic variability, commercial varieties often emerge from a relatively restricted genetic pool. This is due to the long list of traits that must fall within narrow boundaries of performance. The potato must be able to navigate the conditions of modern agriculture, withstand unusual weather events, and arrive at harvest with skin and flesh appealing to the market for which it is intended. A storage period must also be endured during which appearance and suitability for processing or the consumer’s kitchen must be maintained. A lapse in any of these phases usually signals that a new variety will exit commercial use as fast as it entered. The inconvenient accompaniment of introducing exotic genetic variation is that the breeding products are often outside of the targeted market niche. It is not surprising that many new varieties stem from crosses from older named varieties. Efforts to diversify are in conflict with conformism leading to relatively high co-ancestry coefficients between advanced breeding lines. Conventional breeding has advanced through the last hundred years the appearance, sugar status, Verticillium resistance, and yield of larger sized tubers in statistically robust ways. Potato arrived from the new world and very quickly became the secret solution to famine for the poor by virtue of its productivity and nutrient content. Meanwhile, in modern times, challenges to the consumption of potato come from a sedentary and carbohydrate over-satiated society. The genetic repository of potato germplasm is so rich that a new era of potato varieties beneficial to health may be at hand. Conventional breeding will certainly be a major part of this.  相似文献   

简要介绍了马铃薯纺锤块茎类病毒(Potato spindle tuber viroid,PSTVd)的危害和发生情况,重点阐述了PSTVd对马铃薯育种工作的影响,并针对该问题进行了分析,最后提出了一些建议,如做好隔离防护,彻底进行PSTVd检验,对环境及器具进行消毒处理以及实生种子经贮藏3~5年后再播种。  相似文献   

马铃薯抗病育种研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum)栽培范围广,其产量仅次于小麦、玉米、水稻而位居第四。产量高、营养丰富、适应能力强,在提供粮食安全和消除贫穷等方面发挥着巨大作用。联合国充分肯定了马铃薯在世界粮食生产上的重要作用。确定2008年为“国际马铃薯年”。我国己经成为世界马铃薯生  相似文献   

China is the world’s leading producer of potatoes, growing 22% of all potatoes. Production continues to rise, owing to increases in both land devoted to potato production and yield per hectare. Most potato production occurs in the northern and southwest regions of the country. The processing of coarse starch is the most important component of the potato processing industry in China, but other processing industries, such as crisps and French fries, are expanding. Major production constraints include inadequate germplasm resources for cultivar development, the lack of high quality seed potatoes, and limited access to equipment for mechanized cultivation, planting, fertilizing, spraying, and harvesting. Additional weaknesses in storage and transportation technologies must be addressed, as they are the major constraints for the healthy development of the potato industry. The introduction and improvement of these technologies will ensure the sustainable development of the potato industry in China.  相似文献   

马铃薯育种早代选择的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
现在及今后相当长的一段时间,马铃薯育种仍以常规选择为主,如何提高育种的选择效率,特别是早代的选择效率,是一个很关键的问题。关于早代选择问题存在着许多争议,本文主要就马铃薯早期世代对各育种目标性状进行选择及选择效率的研究进展进行了综述,意在为马铃薯早代选择提供参考。  相似文献   

本文简要回顾阐述了我国在马铃薯育种、种薯生产和栽培技术上存在的问题。指出在育种上首先要引进脱毒试管苗和微型薯作为育种亲本,并且应当将单株系选贯彻育种过程的始终。开展南北结合,加快育种速度。在种薯生产中,注意将育种和快繁结合起来,通过利用顶端优势等手段加快种薯的繁殖速度,促进马铃薯的生产发展。  相似文献   

二倍体杂种优势马铃薯育种的展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马铃薯育种进程缓慢主要是由马铃薯四倍体遗传特性决定的。高度杂合的四倍体马铃薯中隐性基因表现频率低,使得很多有害的等位基因被隐藏在四倍体中,而有利等位基因很难重组到一个四倍体品种中,这是造成马铃薯杂交育种周期长的一个重要原因。马铃薯无性繁殖有利于保持原品种的优良性,生育期短;但储运成本高、容易退化。实生籽利用的优点是储运简便、基本不传播病虫害,且有利于知识产权保护。与四倍体实生种相比,二倍体F1育种可以通过不断自交将有害基因剔除掉,从而获得优良自交系用于F1实生籽生产。随着马铃薯研究的不断发展和马铃薯全基因组测序的基本完成,近几年二倍体F1实生籽育种成为了国际马铃薯研究的热点。然而,要实现二倍体实生籽生产,自交不亲和及其自交衰退是培育自交系的绊脚石。我们正在克隆自交不亲和抑制基因Sli,并且通过杂交将该基因整合到优良栽培品种中,为下一步培育出优良二倍体自交系奠定基础。同时我们也正在全基因组水平上挖掘马铃薯自交衰退相关基因区域,希望能进一步了解自交衰退的遗传机理,探索一条快速克服自交衰退的分子育种路径。这些工作将有助于建立马铃薯二倍体F1育种体系,带动马铃薯产业进入新的"绿色革命"。  相似文献   

Marker-assisted Breeding for Disease Resistance in Potato   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Sub-project 5 of BIOEXPLOIT aims to design durable disease resistance through marker-assisted breeding by converting existing markers for high-throughput application, developing and validating high-throughput marker technologies and pyramiding major R genes and/or quantitative trait loci into elite material. Activities include (1) the fine mapping of the quantitative trait locus PiXspg which accounts for a large proportion of the variation in late blight resistance, (2) converting SNP-based markers and an AFLP marker to easy-to-use-markers, (3) testing of progenies with combined sources of late blight resistance for presence of R genes and agronomic features, (4) backcrossing new sources of resistance to S. tuberosum and molecular screening of breeding materials with marker GP94 linked with gene Rpi-phu1 conferring late blight resistance, (5) evaluating potato clones with enhanced resistance against Phytophthora infestans under field conditions of Toluca (México), and (6) developing populations and marker-assisted breeding for disease resistance.  相似文献   

马铃薯脱毒及微型薯繁育技术体系的研究与应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
安颖蔚  孟令文  张辉 《杂粮作物》2006,26(3):197-199
介绍了马铃薯茎尖脱毒及微型薯繁育技术的发展概况,对马铃薯脱毒种薯生产中的茎尖分生组织诱导成脱毒苗、马铃薯脱毒试管苗的快繁和试管薯的生产以及马铃薯脱毒小薯的生产等关键技术进行了综述,同时还对脱毒马铃薯的病毒检测技术作了简单的介绍。  相似文献   

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