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1. This study was to determine the effects of strain, age of the maternal flock and sex on morphological characteristics and composition of tibial bone of broilers from hatch to 48 d of age. 2. A total of 600 chicks was obtained from 2 strains of broiler breeder flocks (150/chicks/strain/maternal age). Maternal flock age was classified as young (32 to 35 weeks of age) or old (56 to 58 weeks of age). Birds were reared under standard feeding and lighting regimes. 3. On day 1, 16, 32 and 48, twelve birds were selected at random from each maternal group, strain and sex and killed. The wet bone weight and volume were measured. Morphological characteristics of tibia were determined using radiography. Bone breaking strength was tested. Tibia dry matter, ash content, mineral density and collagen level were determined. 4. A quadratic increase occurred with increase in age of broilers for all variables, except proximal width, medial cortex thickness and distal condyle width which increased in a linear manner. 5. Maternal age had a significant effect only on the variably measured at the time of hatch. On day of hatch bone weight, ash content and bone volume were affected by maternal age, but the extent of this also depended on the strain. 6. The differences observed between strains for bone anatomy and bone mineralisation during the rapid growth period of 16 d were not significant at later ages, with the exception of bone volume. Differences between sexes were evident from 16 to 49 d of age with females having lower values.  相似文献   

1. Sixty white hybrid (Shaver 288) laying hens were subjected to three main dietary regimens for 5 d: ad libitum feeding of control and CuSO4‐supplemented diets, force‐feeding these same diets to the same intake as that of the ad libitum control diet and pair‐feeding the control CuSO4‐free diet to intakes equivalent to those of supplemented diets.

2. Final body weight of the force‐fed birds was significantly greater than of the other groups. Egg number and weight were significantly reduced as food intake decreased.

3. Liver weight per unit body weight was significantly increased and oviduct and ovary weights/kg body weight were significantly reduced by force‐feeding. As food intake decreased kidney and gizzard weights per unit body weight were significantly increased.

4. The concentrations and total contents of Cu and Zn in liver were significantly increased in the ad libitum and force‐fed groups.

5. Force‐feeding CuSO4‐supplemented diets, which eliminated difference in food intake, confirmed that CuSO4 per se affected tissue weights and mineral concentrations as distinct from effects due to the reduced food intake associated with increasing dietary CuSO4.  相似文献   

All the cell types in the hen's anterior pituitary varied in number during the period from 10 weeks to adulthood; there was often an associated change in apparent functional activity. The cells most affected were the gonadotrophs (both FSH and LH) and luteotrophs; changes in these cells were associated with the onset and maintenance of sexual maturity. Follicle‐stimulating hormone cells were the first to increase in number and activity and this was correlated with a general increase in steroid output from the ovary, as measured by the oviduct weight increase. With the onset of follicular maturation LH cells became obvious. Prolactin cells increased in number with the presumed general increase in circulating oestrogen. Acidophilic somatotrophs decreased with increasing age; thyrotrophs became more numerous about sexual maturity and it is thought that this reflects the general increase in metabolic rate which occurs at this time.  相似文献   

In both sexes erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and erythrocyte volume (EV) fluctuated with age. The relationship between ESR and EV remained constant for both cocks and non‐laying hens over the whole age‐range. With the onset of sexual maturity in hens the ESR was found to be raised above the levels for non‐laying hens and another relationship between ESR and EV was established.

The increased ESR at sexual maturity was related to the increase of lipophospho‐protein in the blood plasma.  相似文献   

The occurrence and histological appearance of ectopic pulmonary cartilage and bone in domestic fowl was investigated. Its incidence was shown to vary in different strains of birds. The structures may occur in newly hatched chicks and are similarly present in birds maintained on diets containing bonemeal and diets without it. They could not be experimentally induced by bronchial insufflation of fine bone particles. Previous theories of their genesis are discussed and it is concluded that they do not originate from either inhaled dietary bonemeal or disease processes but are probably abnormal embryonic induction of mesenchyme or cartilaginous germ cells displaced from adjacent bronchi.  相似文献   

1. Effects of two housing systems (cages vs outdoor) on external and internal egg characteristics were investigated. 2. In total 785 eggs from three different lines in cages and 268 eggs from outdoor-housed layers were examined for egg weight, albumen, yolk and shell content, albumen height and pH, and albumen and yolk dry matter content. 3. Interactions between layer age and housing systems were found for egg weight, eggshell content, albumen height, albumen pH, and dry matter content of the albumen and yolk. This was mainly due to the greater variation with age in the outdoor layers, compared to the caged layers. 4. Irrespective of age eggs from outdoor layers were relatively broader than eggs from the caged layers. Yolk colour was considerably darker in the outdoor group (11.0 vs 9.3). 5. We concluded that it is more difficult to maintain constant external and internal egg quality in an outdoor housing system than in a battery cage system. Factors that determine the greater fluctuations in internal egg quality need to be investigated.  相似文献   

Segmentation of the main light period of an 8L:4D:2L:10D regimen into 30 min light, 30 min dark did not affect total feeding activity, rate of feeding or total intake of laying hens. When 15 min light and 45 min dark was provided each hour feeding activity and food intake were reduced, while rate of feeding and feeding during the dark periods increased. No feeding occurred in the 10 h 'night'. Hens subjected to interrupted lighting showed less feeding activity than those on a 14L:10D regimen. Insertion of a 4 h dark period in the 14 h subjective day of laying hens increased their rate of feeding, but reduced total intake. The pattern of feeding activity depended on the position of the 4 h dark period. The largest modification of feeding activity occurred on a 8L:4D:2L:10D regimen; 20% of activity occurred in the last 2 h of the apparent day. Feeding occurred during the 4 h dark period, but not during the 10 h 'night'.  相似文献   

The main objectives of the study were to provide an accurate assessment of current levels of old breaks in end-of-lay hens housed in a variety of system designs and identify the important risk factors. Sixty-seven flocks housed in eight broad subcategories were assessed at the end of the production period. Within each flock, the presence of keel fractures was determined and the tibia, humerus and keel bones dissected for measurement of breaking strength. For each house, variations in internal design and perching provision were categorised and the effective heights of the differing structures recorded. All systems were associated with alarmingly high levels of keel damage although variation in mean prevalence between systems was evident with flocks housed in furnished cages having the lowest prevalence (36 per cent) despite also having significantly weaker bones and flocks housed in all systems equipped with multilevel perches showing the highest levels of damage (over 80 per cent) and the highest severity scores.  相似文献   

1. Two hundred and sixteen laying hens of two strains were given diets containing ZnO to provide 0, 0.5, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 2.00, 3.00 or 4.00 g added Zn/kg. These diets were given ad libitum for 5 consecutive 28-d periods. All hens subsequently received the control diet with no added ZnO for 5 weeks. 2. Four hens from each treatment were killed 0, 1 and 5 weeks after substitution of the ZnO-supplemented diets by the control diet. 3. The adverse effects of the ZnO-containing diets on body weight, food intake, egg production, pancreas, gizzard, oviduct and ovary weights/kg body weight were reversed by removal of the ZnO from the diets. 4. Five weeks after withdrawal egg production of the group which had received the diet with the highest concentration of added ZnO was only 50% of that of the control birds. 5. The beneficial effect of the added ZnO on internal egg quality was not maintained after withdrawal of the ZnO-containing diets.  相似文献   

Following BCI4 (EDS'76) virus infection of brown layer hens at 33 weeks of age, production of normally shelled eggs dropped from 87 per cent to 49 per cent within 3 weeks. The production of soft shelled and shell‐less eggs attained a maximum of 33 per cent 3 weeks after infection (p.i.). Shell quality recovered completely within 5 weeks p.i.

Egg production problems in White Leghorns infected with BCI4 virus were less severe and of shorter duration than in brown layers.

Both in brown layers and in White Leghorns total egg production, mean weight of normally shelled eggs, and internal egg quality were not affected following BCI 4 virus infection at 33 and 28 weeks of age, respectively. Besides shell abnormalities no clinical disease symptoms were observed. Vaccination with a commercial EDS'76 vaccine (Nobivac EDS'76®) at 17 weeks of age had no adverse effects on laying performance and provoked adequate immunity against challenge at 33 weeks of age. The same observations were made following BCI4 virus infection at 17 weeks of age.

After infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) (H52 virus) infection of laying fowl the percentage of eggs with shell aberrations (rough, misshapen and/ or soft shells) increased to a maximum of 8 per cent, total egg production was depressed, mean egg weight was reduced I to 2 grams, and up to 10 Per cent of normally shelled eggs showed watery, not ropy thin albumen. This abnormally thin albumen was observed in a considerably higher proportion of eggs with shell defects than in normally shelled eggs. No turbidity of the thick albumen was observed and no symptoms of respiratory disease were noticed.

The severity and duration of adverse effects of IBV infection on laying performance depend very much on the stage of production in which the infection occurs. Following IBV infection at the onset of production a much severer drop in total production and in production of normally shelled eggs, a greater increase in the number of abnormally shelled eggs, and more lasting adverse effects on egg weight and internal egg quality were observed, in comparison with infection after peak production. Compared with single infections, a combined BC14 virus and IBV infection of brown layers at 33 weeks of age resulted in greatly potentiated adverse effects on total egg production, number of eggs with aberrant internal quality, and duration of production problems.

Following a combined BC14 virus and IBV infection, in a great proportion of eggs with shell defects and watery thin albumen, turbidity of the thick albumen was observed also, probably due to combined effects on the uterus of both IBV and BC14 virus.

BC14 virus infection did not reinforce the adverse influence of IBV infection on egg weight.

The same observations as described for the combined BC14 virus and IBV infection were made following BC14 virus infection of fowl previously infected with IBV.

It is concluded that changes of internal egg quality in field cases of EDS'76 are most likely due to subclinical IBV infections.

After infection of brown layers at 33 weeks of age with fowl adenovirus 66 (FA V 66) neither symptoms of clinical disease were observed nor effects on egg production, egg weight, and egg quality. Also, in a combined infection with FA V66, IBV, and BCI4 virus, no pathogenic significance could be attributed to the FAV.  相似文献   

1. White Leghorn pullets which had been used for an assay of tryptophan requirement between 32 and 40 weeks of age were used for similar determinations between 63 and 73 and, after a moult, from 97 to 106 weeks of age.

2. A tryptophan‐limiting protein mixture was used and by dilution seven dietary protein contents were produced, supplying from 0.84 to 1–92 g tryptophan/kg diet. The diet of lowest protein content was also sup‐lemented with free tryptophan. These diets were fed in experiments using 24 groups of 72 pullets at 63 to 73 weeks and 45 groups of 21 hens at 97 to 106 weeks.

3. The relationship between egg output and tryptophan intake was the same in moulted hens as in young pullets, but pullets of 63 to 73 weeks of age yielded a different response curve; more tryptophan being needed for a given egg output.

4. It is concluded that tryptophan required, per day, does not decrease during the first laying year, despite a decrease in rate of egg output.  相似文献   

1. The objective of the study was to investigate the differences in eggshell quality, bone quality and serum bone biochemistry markers associated with changes in age and dietary soybean oil levels in laying hens.

2. A total of 54, 19-week-old Hy-Line Brown laying hens were housed in 18 battery cages (3 birds/cage) and randomly divided into three diet treatments for 90 d: control-fat (CF, 1.9% soybean oil), moderate-fat (MF, 7% soybean oil) and high-fat (HF, 10% soybean oil).

3. The hens’ body weights (BW), egg production, egg weights, eggshell thickness and femoral diameter were higher at d 90 than at d 60 or d 30. Meanwhile, feed intake, relative bone weights, all bone strength parameters and serum Ca were lower at d 90 or 60 than at d 30.

4. Compared to the CF hens, the feed intake, BW, abdominal fat pad weights and serum alkaline phosphatase activity were elevated in MF or HF hens. The eggshell thickness, relative femoral and tibial weight, femoral stiffness, femoral modulus, tibial mixed force and serum calcium and phosphorus levels were lower in MF or HF hens than CF hens.

5. These findings suggest that bone loss in caged hens starts from an early stage of the laying period, and dietary oil (particularly with diets over 10% soybean oil) has harmful effects on eggshell quality, bone strength and bone mineralisation from an early stage of the laying period.  相似文献   

1. These investigations were carried out to determine whether the effects of feeding CuSO4‐supplemented diets on metabolism in the laying hen were due directly to the dietary CuSO4 content or indirectly to the effects of CuSO4 on food consumption.

2. In experiment 1, 144 hens were given GuSO4‐supplemented diets ad libitum for 48 d. Food consumption decreased as the dietary CuSO4 content increased and this was associated with decreases in blood plasma lipid, 17β‐oestradiol and liver lipid concentrations and hepatic lipogenic enzyme activities.

3. In experiment 2, 60 laying hens were subjected to three dietary regimens in an attempt to differentiate between the effects of reduced food consumption and dietary CuSO4 per se. Control and CuSO4‐supplemented diets were fed ad libitum, or the CuSO4‐containing diets were force‐fed to the same intake as the ad libitum control diet, or the control diet was pair‐fed to the same intakes as the CuSO4‐supplemented diets. Liver lipid concentrations were significantly decreased in the ad libitum and pair‐fed groups at the lowest intake. Plasma 17β‐oestradiol concentration was decreased in ad libitum and force‐fed birds given diets with 1 000 mg added Cu/kg. Lipogenic enzyme activities were reduced in the ad libitum and pair‐fed groups and increased in the force‐fed birds.

4. The results indicate that CuSO4 per se directly affected circulating 17β‐oestradiol, and hence reproductive physiology, and that the quantity of food consumed influenced the rate of hepatic lipogenesis.  相似文献   

文章旨在研究日粮添加有机源锌和锰替代无机锌和无机锰对蛋鸡生产性能、蛋壳和骨骼质量的影响。试验选择31周龄产蛋性能接近的罗曼粉壳蛋鸡616只,随机分为7组,每组4个重复,每个重复22只。基础日粮锌和锰含量分别为50和30 mg/kg,对照组饲喂基础日粮,分别添加氧化锌和硫酸锰(锌40 mg/kg,锰60 mg/kg)。处理组分别在基础日粮中添加20 mg/kg有机锌,30 mg/kg有机锰、20 mg/kg有机锌+30 mg/kg有机锰、40 mg/kg有机锌、60 mg/kg有机锰、40 mg/kg有机锌+60 mg/kg有机锰,上述含量均以相应元素计。试验共进行7周。结果显示:日粮用有机锌或锰替代50%或100%无机锌、锰对蛋鸡生产性能相关参数均无显著影响(P> 0.05)。对照组相比,有机锌或锰替代无机锌或锰的比例对32、46、60和74周龄蛋鸡蛋壳相对重量、蛋壳密度和蛋壳厚度均无显著影响(P> 0.05)。与对照组相比,30 mg/kg有机锰、20 mg/kg有机锌+30 mg/kg有机锰组的蛋壳强度显著提高(P <0.05)。40 mg/kg有机锌+60 mg/kg有机锰组较无机锌、锰组显著提高了60、74周龄及全期蛋壳强度(P <0.05)。日粮添加有机锌或锰对胫骨物理参数及胫骨和趾骨灰分含量均无显著影响。结论 :日粮添加有机锌、锰替代无机锌锰对蛋鸡产蛋性能和骨质量无影响,但可以降低蛋鸡由于年龄升高对蛋壳强度的负面影响。  相似文献   

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