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由于塔里木河流域的水质不断受到污染、鱼类生态遭到破坏,研究开发塔里木河流域土著鱼类迫在眉睫。2005年9月至2007年5月,先后数次对塔里木河流域优势土著鱼类———叶尔羌高原鳅的生活习性、周期洄游习性、生长繁殖习性等方面进行了调查和详细的观察研究,并随机取168尾,解剖其肠道,观察内容物。其结果显示:塔里木河流域优势土著鱼类———叶尔羌高原鳅具有底栖生活、周期性洄游、择地产卵繁殖、摄食凶猛等生物学特点,是以动物蛋白质为主的偏肉杂食性鱼类。  相似文献   

塔里木河流域叶尔羌高原鳅有着洄游特性,由于捕捞过度以及污染等原因,为了有效的保护渔业资源。在2008年4月-6月,对在自然水域捕捞的塔里木河流域叶尔羌高原鳅鱼类进行了人工繁殖试验,探明了有关人工繁殖的规律。  相似文献   

正叶尔羌高原鳅[Triplophysa(Hedinichthys)yarkandensis(Day)],俗名狗头鱼,是鳅科高原鳅属报道个体较大的优良物种之一,我国主要分布于塔里木河水系,目前是塔里木河主要的优势土著鱼类。近年来,随着塔里木河流域人类开发的加剧、外来物种引种逃逸现象普遍、塔里木河水水量枯竭和盐碱化程度加剧等原因使得叶尔羌高原鳅鱼类资源锐减,成为较严重的濒危鱼类。目前,国内外对高原鳅的研究较少,主要集中在分类和生物学研究,叶尔羌高原鳅目前在高原鳅  相似文献   

刘利林  王帅 《中国水产》2011,(11):33-35
叶尔羌高原鳅TriplophysarHedinichthys)yarkandensis(Day),又名叶尔羌鼓缥鳅、叶尔羌条鳅,地方名狗头鱼。属鲤形目、鳅科、条鳅亚科、高原鳅属、鼓鳔亚属,广泛分布于塔里木河水系,是塔里木河流域中生长较快、个体较大的一种,是生活在塔里木河流域的主要优势土著鱼类之一。叶尔羌高原鳅在鳅科鱼类中属于个体较大的鱼类之一,最大体长可达30.0cm、体重在305g左右。  相似文献   

叶尔羌高原鳅小瓜虫病的防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶尔羌高原鳅(Hedinichthys yarkandensis),地方名:狗头鱼,又名叶尔羌鼓鳔鳅、叶尔羌条鳅,属鲤形目,鳅科,条鳅亚科,高原鳅属,鼓鳔亚属,为塔里木河特有鱼种。因其肉质鲜美,经济价值较高。1998~2006年期间,塔里木大学的相关专家对其洄游、繁殖、生活等习性进行了详细的观察,旨在驯化、人工繁殖这一物种,并报道了有关叶尔羌高原鳅生物学特性等相关资料,但关于其疾病防治技术的报道甚少。  相似文献   

叶尔羌高原鳅(Hedinichthys yarkandensis),地方名:狗头鱼,又名叶尔羌鼓鳔鳅、叶尔羌条鳅,属鲤形目,鳅科,条鳅亚科,高原鳅属,鼓鳔亚属,为塔里木河特有鱼种。凶其肉质鲜美,经济价值较高。1998-2006年期间,塔里木大学的相关专家对其洄游、繁殖、生活等习性进行了详细的观察,  相似文献   

新疆渭干河土著鱼类   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
渭干河流域的土著鱼类曾有过零星报道,李思忠记有塔里木弓鱼,叶尔羌高原鳅和斯氏高原鳅;朱松泉,武云飞等记录有长身高原鳅和叶尔羌高原鳅。我们于2003-2005年进行渭干河鱼类的采集,计有裂腹鱼亚科鱼类6种,高原鳅3种,共9种土著鱼类,对其鱼类组成特点进行探讨。  相似文献   

进一步开展叶尔羌高原鳅(Triplophysa yarkandensis)不同地理群体分类判别、探明耳石与鱼类生活史的相关机制,本研究基于耳石形态学和鱼类生态学方法,对叶尔羌河、和田河和塔里木河的734尾叶尔羌高原鳅耳石与鱼体的形态指标进行了统计分析。结果显示,叶尔羌高原鳅耳石较小,左右微耳石形态无显著差异(P>0.05);叶尔羌高原鳅耳石形态指标与体长、体质量呈对数函数关系,R2范围在0.48~0.62;采用鱼体形态学、耳石形态测量法和椭圆傅里叶分析法分别对两两群体进行判别分析,和田河群体与塔里木河群体判别准确率分别为96.0%、61.4%和82.2%,叶尔羌河群体与和田河群体判别准确率分别为93.0%、79.5%和87.9%,叶尔羌河群体与塔里木河群体判别准确率分别为96.5%、77.5%和86.8%。叶尔羌高原鳅耳石形态与鱼体生长的关系极大程度地反映了其个体发育对栖息环境的适应性,且不同地理群体叶尔羌高原鳅耳石形态特征存在显著差异(P<0.05)。本研究将耳石形态学首次应用于叶尔羌高原鳅种群的鉴别分析,为进一步开展高原鳅属进化分类提供参考,为高原渔业种质资源保护提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

为探究叶尔羌高原鳅(Triplophysa yarkandensis)在车尔臣河的繁殖策略,基于2019—2021年在车尔臣河采集的544尾叶尔羌高原鳅样本,对其繁殖群体组成特征、繁殖期、初次性成熟大小、产卵类型、繁殖力等进行了研究和分析。结果显示,叶尔羌高原鳅的繁殖群体年龄范围为2~9龄,雌雄性比为1.16∶1,属于第二类型(P=K+D,K>D)。观测到的最小初次性成熟体长和年龄为:雌性111.0mm,2龄;雄性79.0mm,2龄;初次性成熟体长(SL50)和年龄(A50)为:雌性123.2mm,3.16龄,雄性90.9mm,2.95龄。根据不同性腺发育时期出现时间和比例、性腺成熟系数和卵径分布推测叶尔羌高原鳅为分批产卵类型,繁殖期为3—8月, 4—6月为繁殖盛期。绝对繁殖力平均为(61407±46143)粒,相对繁殖力平均为(743.87±321.78)粒/g。车尔臣河叶尔羌高原鳅群体相对于其他水域的叶尔羌高原鳅,拥有更大的平均体长、平均体重、初次性成熟体长、较高的绝对繁殖力和较低的相对繁殖力,这是车尔臣河叶尔羌高原鳅群体在食物稀少、生境恶劣且含沙量较大的环境中独特的繁殖策略...  相似文献   

塔里木河干流叶尔羌高原鳅种群生物学研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
2009年对塔里木河干流叶尔羌高原鳅[Triyplophysa(Hedinichthys)yarkandensis(Day)]群体生物学进行研究。叶尔羌高原鳅体长、体重相关方程为:W=0.0190L2.8911;相对怀卵量平均为(1160.7±364.7)粒/g,性腺处于Ⅳ期发育阶段的雌、雄鱼平均成熟系数分别为(13.59±5.21)%、(0.79±0.26)%;集中产卵时间在6-7月份,繁殖水温约为22℃。食物组成以水生高等植物(秋季)和水生昆虫(春季)为主,秋季的摄食率、饱满度及摄食强度等指标远高于春季。春季群体,体长5~8cm、体重4.1~8.1g,主要为繁殖群体;秋季群体,体长2~5cm、体重0.1~4.1g,主要为育肥生长阶段的幼小群体。当干流全线有一定流量或有洪水暴发时,叶尔羌高原鳅遍布于塔里木河干流全线,并在干流鱼类种群数量中占优势地位,其种群资源主要集中在塔里木河干流阿拉尔河段;该鱼属于广温性(0.2~33℃)底层小型鱼,具有耐低氧、喜集群及短距洄游特性。  相似文献   

An analysis of the food of 274 specimens of Tilapia aurea (Steindachner), which had been collected in Lake Kinneret, showed that this species is mainly a zooplankton consumer.A study of the quantitative dynamics of the food components in the course of a year has proved that the species in question feeds more intensely in spring, this being the time when zooplankton forms are more abundant in the water of the lake. Vegetable detritus, mixed with plankton and benthos forms, served as additional and alternative food.The lack of clearly positive degree of food component selectivity, as well as the low values of the intestine repletion index and of the condition coefficient, account for the slowness in growth of Tilapia aurea in Lake Kinneret.The low values of the growth and feeding indices are due, according to the authors, to the pressure brought to bear by the other local fish species, which are competitors for the same food.  相似文献   

Analysis of the gut content of 329 specimens of T. zillii (Cichlidae) collected from Lake Kinneret, has shown great variation in the sorts of food.A study of seasonal dynamics has proved the prevalence in the food of Chironomida pupae (Diptera) in winter and spring and of zooplankton forms in summer and autumn. The additional food consisted of the various groups of algae, the most frequently found being Cyanophyta (100%) and Pyrrophyta (64.16%). An extremely voraceous species, it consumes — while searching for its preferred food — anything that comes its way in the water: algae, scraps of macrophytes, autochthonous and allochthonous insects, and forms of benthic origin, such as Nematoda, Ostracoda, Porifera and Chironomida (larvae).The satiation index is high (between 4.08 and 5.63), in contradiction to the low values of the coefficient of condition (between 3.05 and 3.51), and with the slow rate of growth in Lake Kinneret. The main food of Tilapia zillii, consists of arthropod species with a chitin content (which is eliminated unchanged) of more than 50% of the total weight, and this may account for the poor exploitation of the trophic base.This species of fish may be considered as being detrimental to others (i.e. commercially important species) because of its successful competition for food, and not, as is often incorrectly assumed, because it is an aggressive consumer of their spawn and fry.  相似文献   

不同品系尼罗罗非鱼致死低温的研究   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
在室内自然降温条件下,研究了三个品系尼罗罗非鱼(吉富品系,“78”品系,“88”品系)对低温的耐受力,计算得出每个品系的半致死低温,并对降温过程中尼罗罗非鱼行为活动的变化进行了观察。试验结果表明,在上海地区,当温度降低到11℃时,罗非鱼开始死亡,到7.4℃时,全部死亡。吉富罗非鱼死亡温度范围是11℃ ̄8.4℃,“78”品系是9.8 ̄7.4℃,“88”品系是11℃ ̄7.4℃。对三个品系半致死低温的研  相似文献   

The aims of this experiment were (1) toquantify the ability of grass carp to processduckweed and (2) to assess indirect changes inwater chemistry and phytoplankton community,caused by grass carp feeding. Yearling grass carp sized 126 ± 7.7 mm (TL) and19.6 g in weight were kept in 9 laminate tanksof 1 m3 for 14 days. Two stockingdensities (2 and 6 fish per m3) anda control without fish were used. Standard growthrate (SGR) of grass carp fed exclusively onduckweed was 0.70% body weight (BW) d–1and food conversion ratio (FCR) reached 2.0(average water temperature =21.1 ± 3.8 °C). Daily food intakewas 0.2 g of duckweed dry weight (DW), i.e.,1% of average BW of grass carp. SGR ofduckweed growing in 20 × 20 cm floatingenclosures, differed significantly[F(6,2) = 417.9; p = 0.002] between the twostocking densities of grass carp and thecontrol tanks (without fish). Mean SGR ofduckweed was 0.02 g g–1 day–1 and thehighest SGR was recorded in the control tanks.Both decrease in NH4-N and increase inNO2-N concentrations differedsignificantly between the treatments[F(2,2) = 45.3; p = 0.02 and F(2,2) = 19.2; p = 0.04 respectively]. Changes in other nitrogenand phosphorus components (NO3-N, TN, TPand PO4-P) caused by stocking of grasscarp were not significant. Biomass ofphytoplankton, dominated by filamentous algaeand blue-greens, increased proportionately tostocking density of grass carp. Althoughduckweed has a large potential for nutrientremoval, the most common pathway for thenutrients released through grass carp grazingif duckweed cover is loose is theirincorporation into phytoplankton biomass.  相似文献   

Daphnia lumholtzi (Sars) was found in Lake Kinneret until the late nineteen-fifties. Lake Kinneret was the northern-most limit of the distribution of this species. It is suggested that fingerlings of grey mullets and Sarotherodon aureus that were introduced into Lake Kinneret caused the extinction of D. lumholtzi.  相似文献   

叶尔羌高原鳅胚胎发育与胚后发育观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用形态学和生态学方法,对叶尔羌高原鳅[Triplophysa(Hedinichthys)yarkandensis(Day)]胚胎发育和胚后发育阶段全过程进行观察、拍照并测量。结果显示:叶尔羌高原鳅,卵微黏性,略有沉性,受精卵呈卵圆形,卵径为(0.60±0.052)mm,在水温(20.0±1.0)℃下,历时65 h 34 min完成整个胚胎发育分为7个生理阶段过程;胚后发育主要根据卵黄囊、体色、鼓鳔和须的变化分为仔鱼期、稚鱼期、幼鱼期。初孵卵黄囊仔鱼全长(2.0±0.65)mm,出膜后7 d,卵黄囊吸收完毕,完全消失;初孵仔鱼继续培育至16日龄,仔鱼鳃盖后缘鼓鳔明显长出,须清晰可辨,体色加深,心脏红色素明显,体色与成体相似,标志后期仔鱼发育完全进入稚鱼期,此时鱼苗全长(8.0±0.45)mm;培育至30日龄,仔鱼鼓鳔完全,鳃盖张合明显,身体透明特征消失,稚鱼阶段完成发育进入幼鱼期,此时全长达(13.0±0.55)mm,其外部形态和生态习性均与成鱼相似。试验中,卵黄囊长度(LY)和出膜天数(D)的关系式:LY=0.0286D2–0.0636D+3.1196(R2=0.9050);用直线方程拟合卵黄囊长度(LY)和卵黄囊仔鱼全长(LT)的关系式:LY=–1.315LT+5.368(R2=0.8199);拟合卵黄囊仔鱼全长(LT)和出膜后仔稚鱼天数(D)的关系式:LT=–0.0263D2+0.5113D+1.6169(R2=0.9890)。本研究旨在通过了解叶尔羌高原鳅的早期发育特征为该物种的保护和增殖对策提供科学依据,并对其苗种生产提供理论指导。  相似文献   

褐牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)为东亚地区重要的海水养殖鱼类,在中国、日本和韩国海水养殖业中占有重要的地位.目前,褐牙鲆经过连续多代缺乏选择的人工繁育和养殖,造成养殖群体种质发生退化,生长速度和抗逆性下降,极大制约了牙鲆养殖业发展.以选育生长迅速、抗逆性强、饵料转化率高的牙鲆类养殖新品种为目的,作者对褐牙鲆(♀)×犬齿牙鲆(Paralichthys dentatus)(♂)的杂交育种进行了研究.本实验对褐牙鲆(♀)×犬齿牙鲆(♂)杂交F1及其亲本肌肉营养成分进行测定.结果显示,杂交F1含水率显著低于双亲(P<0.05),粗蛋白含量显著高于双亲(P<0.05),粗脂肪含量介于二者之间;杂交F1的氨基酸总量、必需氨基酸、非必需氨基酸、半必需氨基酸与鲜味氨基酸总量都显著高于褐牙鲆与犬齿牙鲆(P<0.05);脂肪酸含量方面,脂肪酸总量、不饱和脂肪酸总量3种鱼由高到低排列顺序为褐牙鲆、犬齿牙鲆、杂交F1,三者饱和脂肪酸总量差异不显著(P<0.05).对3种鱼肌肉的营养品质进行了评价,杂交F1的必需氨基酸指数EAAI(90.30)明显高于褐牙鲆(77.75)与犬齿牙鲆(79.34),在蛋白质品质上表现出一定杂种优势.上述结果表明,杂交F1的肌肉具有蛋白和氨基酸含量较高、脂肪酸含量较低的特点.  相似文献   

Dendronereis spp. (Peters) (Nereididae) is a common polychaete in shrimp ponds built on intertidal land and is natural food for shrimp in traditionally managed ponds in Indonesia. White spot syndrome virus (WSSV), an important viral pathogen of the shrimp, can replicate in this polychaete (Desrina et al. 2013); therefore, it is a potential propagative vector for virus transmission. The major aim of this study was to determine whether WSSV can be transmitted from naturally infected Dendronereis spp. to specific pathogen‐free (SPF) Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone) through feeding. WSSV was detected in naturally infected Dendronereis spp. and Penaeus monodon Fabricius from a traditional shrimp pond, and the positive animals were used in the current experiment. WSSV‐infected Dendronereis spp. and P. monodon in a pond had a point prevalence of 90% and 80%, respectively, as measured by PCR. WSSV was detected in the head, gills, blood and mid‐body of Dendronereis spp. WSSV from naturally infected Dendronereis spp was transmitted to SPF L. vannamei and subsequently from this shrimp to new naïve‐SPF L. vannamei to cause transient infection. Our findings support the contention that Dendronereis spp, upon feeding, can be a source of WSSV infection of shrimp in ponds.  相似文献   

In this study, the embryonic development of the eggs in the Mastacembelus mastacembelus (Bank & Solender, 1794) was examined. At the same time, possibilities of artificial breeding through artificial insemination were investigated. Artificial insemination was achieved by mixing the eggs of the mature female and sperm of the mature male samples caught with gill nets (22 × 22) in Ataturk Dam Lake in Turkey. To this end, first in a Petri dish (100 × 20), the testes were cut into small pieces with a lancet and the mixture of sperm–testes‐tissue was obtained. The fertilization rate of the eggs was found to be 80%. The diameter of the eggs ranged from 2.015to 1.147 mm. The perivitelline space formed 0.5 h after insemination. The first cleavage occurred at the animal pool 4 h after insemination. The oil droplets had fused to a single droplet 19 h after insemination. The blastoderm became an embryonic shield 30 h after insemination. The blastoderm covered almost half the egg 40 h after insemination and embryonic body was formed. The blastoderm covered almost the whole egg 50 h after insemination. Some somites were discernible 59 h after insemination. The embryonic body reached two‐third of the circumference of the egg 70 h after insemination. The tail bud began to separate from the yolk 77 h after insemination. A newly hatched larva was observed at 85 h after insemination.  相似文献   

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