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Summary Hexaploid wheat varieties are often differentiated by reciprocal translocations. The chromosomes involved are frequently identified after crossing and F1 analysis. The hybrids show in meiosis multivalent configurations of 14, 24, 34, 16, 18, 14+16, and 24+16 with different frequencies. For several studies the knowledge about interchanges is required. Therefore, a list was compiled summarizing available data from 270 wheat combinations on the presence and number of translocations, on configurations observed and on chromosomes involved.
Ein Kompendium reziproker Translokationen beim hexploiden Weizen
Zusammenfassung Sorten und Linien des hexaploiden Weizens unterscheiden sich sehr häufig durch die Präsenz reziproker chromosomaler Translokationen. Sie können in F1-Hybriden durch die Bildung von multivalenten Chromosomenkonfigurationen identifiziert werden. Unter etwa 270 analysierten Kombinationen wurden Assoziationen von 14, 24, 34, 16, 18, 14+16 und 24+16 mit unterschiedlichen Frequenzen beobachtet. Für verschiedenartige genetische und cytogenetische Experimente ist die Kenntnis über das Vorkommen derartiger Strukturaberrationen erforderlich. Es wurde daher eine Liste verfügbarer Literaturdaten zusammengestellt, die die karyologischen Befunde die Sortenangaben und deren Herkunft sowie die in die Translokation involvierten Chromosomen bzw. Chromosomenarme beinhaltet. Die Ergebnisse werden diskutiert.

. . 270 14, 24, 34, 16, 18, 16+14 24+16 . ¶rt; . , , , , . .

With the objective to identify new sources of resistance to wheat stem rust, a collection of 169 accessions ofAegilops tauschii, obtained from the IPK genebank at Gatersleben, Germany, were screened for resistance undercontrolled conditions. Fourteen (8%) accessions were resistant to stem rust among which 10 were highly resistant(IT 5 ; and 1) and four exhibited a moderately resistance reaction (IT 5 2). From the synthetic hexaploids whichwere produced by hybridizing resistant Ae. tauschii with susceptible Triticum durum, six synthetics expressed ahigh level of stem rust resistance similar to their corresponding diploid parents, while five displayed either areduced or complete susceptibility compared to their Ae. tauschii parents. This suppression of resistance at thehexaploid level suggests the presence of suppressor genes in the A and/ or B genomes of the T. durum parents.Inheritance of resistance from crosses of five stem rust resistant synthetic hexaploids with two susceptible T.aestivum genotypes revealed that three of the synthetics (syn 101, syn 601 and syn 801) possessed one dominantgene each, syn 111 has two different dominant genes and syn 116 has two complementary interacting genes forstem rust resistance. Intercrosses among the four stem rust resistant synthetic hexaploids indicated that the putativegenes conferring stem rust resistance in each of the synthetics are neither allelic nor closely linked to each other.  相似文献   

Inheritance of genes for hairy auricles and hairy leaf sheath of Ae. tauschii in hexaploid wheat backgrounds (synthetic hexaploid wheat and common wheat varieties) was analyzed. The results indicated that hairy auricles and hairy leaf sheath of Ae. tauschii can be transferred and are expressed in hexaploid wheat. In a synthetic hexaploid wheat ('Ae. tauschii' 188) hairy auricles was proved to be controlled by a single dominant gene derived from Ae. tauschii, which was different from the Pa gene located on chromosome 4BS of common wheat. The hairy leaf sheath phenotype of 'Altar 84/Ae. tauschii 188' was also controlled by a single dominant gene derived from Ae. tauschii, which is obviously different from the Hls gene in T. dicoccoides. We suggest to designate the Ae. tauschii genes for hairy auricles and hairy leaf sheath as Pa2 and Hls2, respectively; such genes could be used as useful genetic markers in common wheat.  相似文献   

气候条件对冬小麦穗数的影响研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
田间试验研究气候条件对冬小麦穗数的影响结果表明,初冬剧烈降温或越冬期负积温多、极端最低气温低、降水量少,冬小麦遭受严重冻害而影响其穗数,且其影响程度取决于返青后分蘖生长发育状况。高产栽培条件下有的年份间冬小麦单位面积穗数相差较大,这与年后幼苗阶段生长时间长短、积温多少有关。生长时间长、积温多则穗数多,反之则少。穗数多的年份,适时播种的小麦是通过促进中等分蘖生长发育,进而提高成穗率而增加其穗数;晚播冬小麦则补偿了冬前积温不足,延长了幼苗阶段生长时间,巩固冬前分蘖,增加春季分蘖,并使其提前通过春化阶段,进入光照阶段,幼穗分化开始早、时间长,促进冬小麦分蘖生长发育而提高其穗数。故年后幼苗阶段生长时间长、积温多的年份,应推迟第一肥水时间,防止冬小麦群体过大、基部节间过长而造成倒伏。  相似文献   

光温生态因子对冬小麦幼穗分化的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对不同播期3个不同生态类型冬小麦品种幼穗分化进程系统观察研究结果表明,单棱期和二棱期为冬小麦对光温最敏感时期,其他幼穗分化发育时期对光温的反应与品种生态类型有关;试验播期范围内光温生态因子对冬小麦幼穗发育进程的影响作用以温度为主;气候变暖下通过调整播种期可调控冬小麦的幼穗发育进程。  相似文献   

采用盆栽试验及石蜡显微切片观察方法,研究了水分亏缺对两个基因型冬小麦生育后期穗部维管束系统解剖结构及生长发育的影响,分析了穗部显微结构与同化物滞留的关系。结果表明:在正常供水及水分亏缺下,"西农979"和"普冰143"两个小麦品种开花期靠近穗轴节片处新形成的维管束呈扇形分布,远离穗轴节片处呈椭圆形及其他形状分布。穗轴节片处新增加的维管束与原有维管束之间的细胞倍增,形成厚壁组织;随着穗的发育,原穗轴中的部分维管束与穗轴节片处新形成的维管束延伸至颖壳和小穗轴,尔后向上分支延伸至第1朵小花的外稃、浆片、内稃及后续各小花。水分亏缺下由穗基部到顶部穗轴大、小维管束数目及横截面积等维管束参数下降幅度较大,可能是同化物在非籽粒器官颖壳和穗轴中滞留的原因之一。水分亏缺下两个小麦品种穗粒重下降,非籽粒器官生物量明显增加,旱地品种"普冰143"表现更为突出。  相似文献   

气候条件对冬小麦穗粒数的影响研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
长期定位试验研究气候条件对冬小麦穗粒数的影响结果表明 ,冬小麦穗粒数主要受返青后 5日滑动平均气温首次≥ 4℃之日~雌雄蕊原基分化时 (即拔节开始天数 )的影响 ,并受其至挑旗期平均最低气温和至抽穗期日照时数的制约。各因素对冬小麦穗粒数的影响大小依次为天数 >日照时数 >平均最低气温。冬小麦高产栽培还应协调好穗数、穗粒数和千粒重三者之间的关系  相似文献   

Summary Sixty hexaploid wheat landraces collected from five regions of Pakistan were assessed for genetic variability in terms of high molecular weight (HMW) glutenin subunits as revealed by SDS-PAGE. The germplasm appeared to be diverse and unique on the basis of HMW glutenin subunit compositions. Out of 24 alleles detected at all the Glu-1 loci, four belonged to Glu-A1, 12 to Glu-B1 and eight to Glu-D1 locus. The number of novel HMW glutenin subunits detected were 1, 4 and 6 at the three loci (Glu-A1, Glu-B1, Glu-D1), respectively. The frequency distribution patterns of 24 allelic variants detected at the three Glu-1 loci in 1080 samples analysed for 60 accessions were determined both on the basis of individual accessions and on the basis of regions (accessions pooled across the regions). One allele (null) at the Glu-A1 locus, three alleles (17+18, 7+8, 14) at the Glu-B1 locus and, two alleles (2+12 and 2**+12) at the Glu-D1 locus were found most frequently distributed in the 60 populations. Maximum variation was observed in the Baluchistan and Gilgit regions of Pakistan in terms of distribution of novel Glu-1 alleles. A higher gene diversity was observed between the populations as compared to the gene diversity within the populations while, a reverse pattern of gene diversity was observed when populations were pooled across the regions (higher within the regions than between the regions). A data base has been generated in this study which could be expanded and usefully exploited for cultivar development or management of gene bank accessions.  相似文献   

Single plant traits such as green biomass, spike dry weight, biomass, and nitrogen (N) transfer to grains are important traits for final grain yield. However, methods to assess these traits are laborious and expensive. Spectral reflectance measurements allow researchers to assess cultivar differences of yield‐related plant traits and translocation parameters that are affected by varying amounts of available N. In a field experiment, six high‐yielding wheat cultivars were grown with N supplies of 0, 100, 160, and 220 kg N ha–1. Wheat canopies were observed spectrally throughout the grain‐filling period, and three spectral parameters were calculated. To describe the development of the vegetative plant parts (leaves + culms) and the spikes, plants were sampled four times during grain filling. Dry weights and the relative dry‐matter content were recorded for leaves + culms and spikes. The N status of the plants was assessed by measuring the total N concentration and by calculating the aboveground N uptake. Good correlations were found between spectral indices and single plant traits throughout grain filling but varied with N supply and development stage. The normalized difference vegetation index, NDVI, was strongly affected by the saturation effects of increased N concentration. The red‐edge inflection point, REIP, predicted plant traits with r2 values up to 0.98. However, in plants with advanced senescence, the REIP was less efficient in describing plant traits. The NIR‐based index R760/R730 was closely related to yield‐related plant traits at early grain filling. Compared to the REIP, the R760/R730 index was resistant to strong chlorophyll decays being able to predict plant traits at late grain filling, with r2 values of up to 0.92. Spectral reflectance measurements may represent a promising tool to assess phenotypic differences in yield‐related plant traits during grain filling.  相似文献   

The frequency of the Glu-D1f allele in Japanese, Chinese, and other Asian hexaploid wheat varieties was analyzed in order to investigate a possible transmission route for hexaploid wheat to the Far East, Japan. The 1380 published data sets were compared to the results for 1107 hexaploid Asian wheat varieties which were determined in this study. The frequency of the Glu-D1f allele was clearly different between areas; the allele was present from northern and southern Japan, from Xinjiang, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Beijing in China, and from Afghanistan. A high frequency of the high-molecular-weight glutenin Glu-D1f allele was found predominantly in southern Japan. This distribution of an adaptively neutral character suggests a specific route of transmission for hexaploid wheat to eastern China and the Far East, Japan. It was introduced from Afghanistan, carried to Xinjiang (in northwest China), Jiangsu, and Zhejiang (in southeast China), and then to southern Japan along the so-called Silk Road. It is believed that cultivated hexaploid wheat originated in the Middle East and the Near East and was carried along the Silk Road through China to the Far East, Japan. Japan is the most geographically remote region of wheat production in the world. During the course of its long journey and its adaptation to diverse local environments, Japanese hexaploid wheat has developed a unique composition of glutenin Glu-D1 alleles. The frequency of this allele in different wheat varieties allowed us to hypothesize a possible route for the transmission of hexaploid wheat into the Far East, Japan.  相似文献   

The new branched spike form of wheat was synthesized from a cross between a complex wheat line 171ACS {[(T. durum Desf. × Ae. tauschii Coss.) × S. cereale L. ssp. segetale Zhuk.] × T. aestivum L. ‘Chinese Spring’} (2n = 6x = 42, AABBDD) and durum wheat variety T. durum Desf. ‘Bereketli-95’ (2n = 4x = 28, AABB). This branched spike form is distinguished significantly from the other branched spike forms known so far. Later on basis of these plants have been developed the branched spike lines. This study was aimed to generate the segregating populations from reciprocal (F1–F3) and backcross (BC1F1–BC1F3) crosses between one of such lines—166-Schakheli (2n = 4x = 28, AABB) and tetraploid wheat species (T. polonicum L., T. turanicum Jakubz., T. durum Desf.) for revealing the inheritance character of this branching trait and study meiotic behavior in reciprocal (F1, F2) and backcross (BC1F1) progenies. Results showed that this trait is controlled by a single recessive gene despite certain irregularity against Mendelian law in F2 generations and does not depend on gene dosage, i.e., number of chromosomes.  相似文献   

Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor (Say), Russian wheat aphid (RWA), Diuraphis noxia (Kurdjumov), and Sunn pest, Eurygaster integriceps (Puton), are among the most important insect pests of wheat in North Africa, West and Central Asia. Host plant resistance is the most economical, environmentally friendly and practical means of controlling insect pests. Through field and greenhouse screening, several sources of resistance to Hessian fly, RWA and Sunn pest have been identified in wheat and its wild relatives. To further broaden the genetic base of resistance to these pests, 914 fixed lines of synthetic hexaploid wheat (SHW) commonly designated as primary synthetic wheat were evaluated for resistance to Hessian fly, RWA and Sunn pest. The initial screenings for RWA and Sunn pest were carried out in the field at Tel Hadya, Aleppo, Syria, and for Hessian fly in the greenhouse at Tel Hadya during the 2009 and 2010 seasons. Promising accessions from the initial screening for Hessian fly, RWA and Sunn pest were evaluated for confirmation in replicated trials in the greenhouse and field. Fifteen SHWs showed high levels of resistance to Hessian fly and four showed moderate resistance. A wheat line derived from the cross (Triticum turgidum/T. dicoccoides) also showed a high level of resistance to Hessian fly. The level of resistance to RWA in SHW was considerably lower; only one SHW and one durum wheat ‘Altar 84’ exhibited a high level of resistance, while four SHW were moderately resistant. There were 21 SHW genotypes and one durum wheat ‘Langdon’ found resistant to Sunn pest feeding at the vegetative stage. Crosses between these potentially novel resistance sources and elite bread wheat were initiated. Genetic and genomic studies using these accessions are ongoing to identify and characterize the resistance genes and reveal potentially new resistance genes, which will be useful in breeding programs to develop wheat germplasm with multiple resistances to these pests.  相似文献   

不同氮肥类型和用量对小麦产量和加工品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]分析不同用量有机肥氮和化肥氮对小麦籽粒产量和品质的影响,为提升小麦品质提供科学施肥依据.[方法]不同氮肥类型长期定位试验位于山东陵县,始于2006年.肥料分为有机肥氮和化肥氮两大类,用量均设定为0、60、120、180、240、300、360、420、500、600 kg/hm2.2018年取样测定小麦产量和籽...  相似文献   

通过盆栽试验,研究了在低氮(不施氮)和高氮(施氮0.2 g·kg~(-1))水平下接种不同种类丛枝菌根(AM)真菌[Funneliformis mosseae(BGC-NM03D)、Claroideoglomus etunicatum(BGC-NM01B)和Rhizophagus intraradices(BJ09)]对小麦生长、氮吸收及根内4个硝态氮转运蛋白(NRT)基因、1个辅助蛋白(NAR)基因和2个铵态氮转运蛋白(AMT)基因表达的影响。结果表明,3种AM真菌均能够侵染小麦根系,以R.intraradices菌根的侵染率最高;接种R.intraradices或C.etunicatum能够显著提高小麦的生物量或地上部氮吸收量;无论是高氮还是低氮处理,接种AM真菌后均显著下调了小麦根内NRT、NAR和AMT基因的表达水平,且不同AM真菌调控小麦根内氮转运蛋白基因表达的能力具有明显差异。  相似文献   

The firming and carbohydrate fractions of concentrated starch gels supplemented with four alpha-amylases from different sources were evaluated. Correlations were found between the firmness data and results for the carbohydrate fractions extracted from the gels. The thermostable (TBA) and intermediate temperature stability (ISBA) bacterial alpha-amylases were most effective in decreasing the rate of firming. The cereal alpha-amylase at the high level (CAH) was also effective. The CAH produced the largest quantity of dextrins at storage time zero and the thermostable bacterial alpha-amylase at the high level (TBAH) after storage for 5 days. None of the maltooligosaccharides appeared to be responsible for the decreased rate of firming of the gels. The results indicated that the TBA and ISBA most effectively inhibited firming because they degraded the external branches and the intercluster regions of amylopectin during storage. Consideration of previously reported differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray crystallography results leads to the conclusion that the antifirming action of the TBA and ISBA is due to their ability to degrade the amylopectin and amorphous regions of the gels during storage, which inhibits the formation of double helices and decreases the strength of the starch gel matrix. Gels supplemented with the TBA and ISBA were most crystalline but firmed to a lesser extent. These results are similar to those previously reported by other researchers for bread and strongly suggest that starch retrogradation plays a primary role in bread staling.  相似文献   

为废弃羽毛资源化利用及作物优质高产提供理论依据和技术支持,以中麦9号为研究对象,通过盆栽试验研究废弃羽毛酶解氨基酸肥(FEAF)对小麦根系形态、抗性酶活及单穗重的影响,并与海鱼酶解氨基酸肥(SFAF)和矿物源黄腐酸钾肥(BSFA)比较。结果表明:与不施液体肥(CK)相比,FEAF处理显著增加了小麦根系的主根数、根体积、根鲜重、根干重和根系活力,分别较CK增加25.00%、167.00%、111.00%、95.50%和51.57%。在抗性酶活方面,FEAF处理显著降低了小麦根系的丙二醛含量,增加了超氧化物歧化酶活、过氧化氢酶活和总抗氧化能力,其中丙二醛含量较CK降低20.47%,超氧化物歧化酶活、过氧化氢酶活和总抗氧化能力分别较CK提高36.57%、260.18%和219.77%。植株干物质积累和单穗重在FEAF处理下较CK分别增加95.45%和140.00%。与SFAF处理相比,FEAF处理的小麦根体积、根鲜重、根干重、过氧化氢酶活、总抗氧化能力和单穗重均显著增加,其中单穗重较SFAF处理增加30.43%,处理间差异达到显著水平。而与BSFA处理相比,FEAF处理的小麦根系上述指标和单...  相似文献   

盆栽试验和大田试验结果表明,苜蓿改良的盐碱土壤仍以施N肥对小麦的增产作用最明显,盆栽小麦可增产61.2%,相对叶重增加16.2%,穗粒教增加37.36%,穗粒重增加10.3 %;施P肥小麦增产l6.78%,穗粒重增加8.39%,怛对穗粒教影响较小;施K肥效果不明显;NP结台施用小麦增产74.76%.大田试验拖N肥小麦可增产60%;NP结合施用小麦增产73.5%.施N补P是苜蓿改良的盐碱土壤作物增产的关键,也是该类地区的共性问题。  相似文献   

The loci for expression of prolonged spikelet rachilla named ‘sham ramification’ in three tetraploid wheat accessions, two accessions of Triticum jakubzineri Udacz. et Schachm. (2n = 4× = 28, genome BBAA) ‘PI 585014’ and ‘R-101-03’ and one sample of Triticum turgidum L. (2n = 4× = 28, genome BBAA) ‘PI 67339’, were mapped by genotyping F2 populations using microsatellite markers. The segregation analysis confirmed that sham ramification was controlled by recessive, epistatic genes, shr1 (sham ramification 1) and shr2 (sham ramification 2). The genotypes of ‘sham ramification’ were shr1shr1Shr2Shr2 for T. jakubzineri and Shr1Shr1shr2shr2 for T. turgidum (PI 67339). Normal rachilla was determined by Shr1Shr1Shr2Shr2. The shr1 gene and the gene for extra glume (exg) were completely linked; and, the shr1/exg gene complex was bracketed by the markers Xbarc319 and Xbarc232 on the long arm of chromosome 5A. In the F2 of PI 67339/LD222 the gene shr2 was bracketed by Xwmc819 and Xwmc794 on the long arm of chromosome 2A.  相似文献   

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