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Recent research point to the Indian wild taxa of Cucumis callosus (Rottler) Cogn. as the wild progenitor of melon (C. melo L.). Overlapping distribution with cultivated and weedy and feral forms of melo and normal fertility of F1 and BC1 generations of its cross with cultivated melon indicate its progenitor status. A perusal of herbarium data indicate its natural distribution pattern in the region comprising Vindhya Hills and Aravalli mountain ranges extending northwards to Indo-Gangetic plains and southwards to the Deccan plateau touching rain shadow areas of Western Ghats. Characterised by drought tolerance and field resistance to a host of pests and diseases, it is conspicuously absent in the high rainfall areas of Western Ghats and upper Himalayan region. Based on its morphological distinction and F1 and BC1 fertility with C. melo, a subspecific rank within C. melo is postulated. First-hand information on its occurrence, distribution and crossability relationship with other Indian taxa of Cucumis are given.  相似文献   

Summary Paper chromatography was applied to investigate the distribution of flavonoids plus other not identified phenols in ten species ofVicia.Considerable biochemical differences were found between as well as within species. The extract ofV. cordata produced a chromatogram substantially different from other taxa of theV. sativa aggregate which confirms its separation as species. The similarity in flavonoids betweenV. villosa andV. dasycarpa supports the view of considering the latter as a subspecies of the former. Similar comments are made on the other species investigated.Cluster analysis may be useful for studying species relationships. It suggests the existence of a parallel between evolutionary advancement and degree of diversification. The results of this small survey would encourage the use of flavonoids and other secondary products for improving the existing classification of the genus.
Ein chromatographischer Beitrag zur Taxonomie vonVicia L.
Zusammenfassung Papierchromatographie wurde zur Analyse des Vorkommens von Flavonoiden und weiteren nicht identifizierten phenolischen Verbindungen in 10Vicia-Arten genutzt.Betiächtliche biochemische Unterschiede wurden sowohl zwischen als auch innerhalb von Arten ermittelt. Der Extrakt vonV. cordata ergab ein wesentlich von anderen Taxa desV. sativa-Aggregats abweichendes Chromatogramm, das die Abgliederung dieser Sippe als eigene Art bestätigte. Andererseits stützt die Ähnlichkeit der Flavonoide vonV. villosa andV. dasycarpa deren Zusammenfassung als 2 Unterarten einer Art. Ähnliche Kommentare waren bei anderen untersuchten Arten möglich.Die Cluster-Analyse konnte erfolgreich zur Einschätzung der Verwandtschaft zwischen den Arten herangezogen werden. Mit ihrer Hilfe ergab sich eine Parallele zwischen dem Grad abstammungsgeschichtlicher Ableitung und dem Ausmaß der Differenzierung.Die Ergebnisse dieser ersten Übersicht ermutigen zur weiteren Verwendung von Flavonoiden und anderen sekundären Pflanzenstoffen bei der Optimierung der Klassifikation der Gattung.

Vicia L.
10 Vicia. , . V. cordata , V. sativa, ¶rt; . , V. villosa V. dasycarpa . . . . .

Seven primitive races ofGossypium hirsutum L.punctatum, marie-galante, richmondi, latifolium, morrilli, palmeri, mexicanum and five F1 crosses were inoculated withFusarium f. sp.vasinfectum physiological strain I. in the wilt field of Cixi Cotton Institute in 1987. There were highly significant differences among these primitive races.Punctatum andpalmeri were highly resistant. The resistances ofmarie-galante andmexicanum was similar with that of cultivar ‘Simian2’;richmondi, latifolium andmorrilli were susceptible. The disease incidence of F1 in five primitive races hybridized with cultivar ‘Simian2’ was generally higher than that of mid-parent value. Inheritance of wilt resistance was partially dominant. In addition, 178 accessions of eight primitive races were evaluated for their resistance as before in 1989. There were significant differences in resistance among races and intra-race accessions. There were wilt resistance accessions among primitive races in which disease incidence was below 10%–25%. Inpalmeri, marie-galante, richmondi andpunctatum, one accession was immune with 0% disease incidence, respectively; 22.7–77.4% accessions were susceptible with 50% disease incidence. It showed that primitive races were mixed populations. They should be evaluated and screened for their utilization in cotton breeding program. Some best plants were selected from F2 of two crosses, ‘Simian2’ ×palmeri and ‘Simian2’ ×mexicanum, based on the resistance toFusarium wilt and the response to photoperiod. 11 lines had been obtained with good fiber quality and relatively high potential production by backcrossing improvement. These lines are now being tested.  相似文献   

The capsule husks of a set of 115 Indian land races of opium poppy Papaver somniferum L. obtained over two cropping seasons were screened for the percent contents of papaverine, reticuline, narcotine, thebaine, codeinone, codeine,morphine and oripavine. Among the accessions screened 36, 7 and 1 didnot accumulate papaverine, papaverine and narcotine and codeine and morphine, respectively. The alkaloid profiles and correlations between alkaloids in all the four classes of accessions showed thatin the Indian genetic resources of P.somniferum (a) morphine is synthesized from codeine rather than oripavine, (b) net alkaloid contents are low under narcotine deficiency, and (c)accumulation of morphine and codeine was limited upstream of codeine and morphine. The accessions identified to be harboring genetic blocks in the phenenthrine and benzylisoquinolinebiosynthetic pathways will be useful for understanding the genetic control of secondary metabolism in opium poppy.  相似文献   

A large collection of melon (Cucumis melo L.) germplasm has been established at the Section of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Bari University (Italy). In the present work, data regarding the variation of 20 bio-agronomical traits recorded on entries and landraces collected in Albania and Apulia region (Southern Italy) are reported. The main objective of the study was to assess and describe, by means of univariate and multivariate analyses, the genetic diversity in the collection composed by genotypes classified in the Inodorus and Cantalupensis groups. The results obtained showed a large variation for all the traits examined. Furthermore, it was possible to identify valuable genotypes for future breeding programmes aimed at improving melon traits, particularly for the Inodorus group, which is an important crop in many Southern Italian sites. Genotypes of interest were especially selected for earliness and lateness, fruit shape, soluble solids content, storage time and fruit firmness.  相似文献   

Cucumis setosus Cogn. is a rare, endemic, wild gathered or semi-domesticated vegetable restricted to Maharashtra state and border districts of adjoining states in India. Herbarium and literature survey shows that it is poorly collected and inadequately studied. Morphological characters, basic chromosome number and crossability barriers indicate that Cucumis setosus is a valid species, distinct from C. sativus and endemic to western India. Its morphology, basic cytology, crossability relationship with other Cucumis species, taxonomy, distribution, ecology, conservation, economic importance and viability under cultivation are discussed. Besides, a key to distinguish it from C. sativus var. hardwickii (wild and feral form of C. sativus) and other species having sympatric distribution in the area is also presented. Absence of bitter principle in the fruits makes it a potential germplasm for melon and cucumber improvement as well as direct domestication as a future crop.  相似文献   

甜瓜株型性状的遗传分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了明确了甜瓜(Cucumis melo L.)主要株型性状的遗传模型与基因的作用方式,并估测了主基因遗传效应与遗传力,本研究以网纹甜瓜RE-19(Cucumis melo var.cantalupensis Naudin)和哈密瓜AM-5(Cucumis melo var.ameri Pangalo)为亲本,构建4世代群体(P1、P2、F1和F2),对甜瓜4个株型性状采用植物数量性状主基因+多基因混合遗传模型分析法进行了遗传分析。结果表明,节间长和侧枝长遗传符合E-2模型,即两对加性-显性主基因+加性-显性多基因模型,主茎直径遗传符合E-1模型,即两对加性-显性-上位性主基因+加性-显性多基因遗传模型,叶面积遗传符合C-0模型,即加性-显性-上位性多基因遗传模型。节间长、侧枝长和主茎直径的主基因遗传率分别为75.03%、54.86%和42.83%。节间长、侧枝长、主茎直径和叶面积的多基因遗传率分别为2.68%、6.41%、2.1%和55.47%。4个性状遗传变异平均值分别占其表型变异的77.68%、61.06%、50.25%和55.47%,表明甜瓜株型相关的4个性状主要受遗传因子控制,且甜瓜节间长与侧枝长主基因遗传力较高,主茎直径主基因遗传力较低,而叶面积受多基因控制,无主效基因。因此,在甜瓜株型育种中,在早期世代进行节间长与侧枝长的选择是有效的,而对主茎直径和叶面积的选择,宜在高代进行选择。本研究为甜瓜的株型改良育种提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

Melon (Cucumis melo L.) landraces of the Madrid provenance, Spain, have received national distinction for their high fruit quality and sensorial attributes. More specifically, a unique array of Group Inodorus landraces have been continuously cultivated and conserved by farmers in the municipality of Villaconejos since the 19th century. Their genetic relationships to other Group Inodorus and Flexuous melon market classes is not known, and, thus, a study was designed to determine their genetic relationships using 52 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, and then make genetic comparisons between these accessions and a previously published “Standard Reference Germplasm Array” (RA) containing Group Inodorus (14 Spanish and one USA), Flexuosus (1 Spanish), and Cantalupensis ( 2 USA) melon accessions. This subset consisted of 15 Spanish Group Inodorus landraces that circumscribed the genetic variation of major Spanish melon market classes (Groups Inodorus and Flexuosus), and USA commercial varieties (Groups Cantalupensis and Inodorus). Based on genetic distances, Villaconejos (Madrid) genotypes differed substantially from RA subset accessions, thus defining their genetic uniqueness. Principal component analysis (PCA) partitioned the accessions examined into four distinct groups revealing that Villaconejos black epidermis melons (landraces ‘Largo’, ‘Largo Negro Escrito’ and ‘Puchero’) were distinctly different from all other accessions examined, as cluster analysis separated Rochet market type Villaconejos’ accessions (landraces ‘Mochuelo’, ‘Mochuelo Tradicional’ and ‘Melón de Villaconejos’) from RA of the same market type. Genetic assessment of principal Spanish market classes revealed comparatively low intra-market heterogeneity in Piel de Sapo type accessions and high heterogeneity in Black and Yellow market type accessions. While a relatively high level of genetic introgression was detected between Yellow and Green market types, black epidermis market types were genetically unique. Given the uniqueness and high genetic diversity resident in Villaconejos landraces, this germplasm pool should be considered as a genetic source for broadening the comparatively narrow genetic base of Group Cantalupensis and Inodorus melon market types, especially standard commercial Spanish Group Inodorus market types (e.g., Piel de Sapo, Rochet, and Canari).  相似文献   

The genetic diversity among 126 exotic (108) andreference array (RA) melon (Cucumismelo L.) accessions (18) was assessed byvariation at 49 random amplified polymorphic DNA marker bands(putative loci) using 29 10-mer primers. Africanaccessions of unknown melon market classes were compared to the RAaccessions from a broad range of C.melo subsp. melo groups(Cantalupensis, Conomon, Inodorus and Flexuosus). Althoughdifferences in groupings occurred after multidimensional scaling andcluster analysis, both analyses placed African accessions into twogroups, which were separate from RA groupings. One African group of33 accessions containing accessions from Zimbabwe (5),Zambia (24), Mali (1), one of two Senegalaccessions and two of three South African accessions examined. Thesecond group, which consisted of 67 accessions containing collectionsfrom Egypt (40), Tunisia (6), Libya(13), Morocco (1), Algeria (2),Ethiopia (1), Niger (1), Sierra Leone(1), S. Africa (1), Zambia (1) andZimbabwe (1). Depending on the multivariate analysistechnique employed, accessions from Kenya, Senegal and Ghana formedeither unique groupings or were grouped with accessions(Cantalupensis) from the RA. Both analyses indicate thatthe genetic differences inherent between the African gene pools isassociated with the geographic proximity of African countries(northern vs. central-southern Africa) in thegermplasm array examined. Moreover, these data indicate that thegenetic diversity of U.S. and European commercial RA germplasm(Cantalupensis and Inodorus) could be enhanced by theintroduction of genetic variation from African accessions, and thatit would be advantageous to acquire more accessions from thisgeographically and ecologically varied region to ensure the retentionof existing genetic diversity.  相似文献   

蚯蚓辅助堆肥处理蔬菜废弃物及其温室气体减排效果   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
蚯蚓辅助堆肥是近年兴起的处理有机废物的有效方法,为探明蚯蚓辅助堆肥法处理蔬菜废弃物的效果及其温室气体排放规律,该文以牛粪和新鲜番茄秧作为原料,在蚯蚓养殖场分别设置蚯蚓辅助堆肥和常规堆肥处理,对比研究了腐熟度指标变化和温室气体排放规律。结果表明:蚯蚓辅助堆肥堆垛温度较低,达不到无害化温度标准(50~55℃以上持续5~7d),但可满足蚯蚓生存需求,蚯蚓生物量在堆肥前期(0~10d)较低,为14.6×103~20.8×103条/m3,其后随着堆体温度的降低逐渐增长,至堆肥结束时达到90.2×103条/m3。综合pH值、电导率(EC)、碳氮比(C/N)、发芽率指数(GI)等腐熟度指标分析,蚯蚓辅助堆肥处理的腐熟度优于常规堆肥处理,并提前达到腐熟,堆肥周期缩短;蚯蚓辅助堆肥氮素损失较常规堆肥减少30.8%,CH4、NH3和N2O排放比常规堆肥分别减少12.8%、17.4%和46.1%,温室气体总量减排35.9%,因此蚯蚓辅助堆肥可有效降低堆肥过程中的氮素损失和温室气体排放量。研究结果可为有机固体废弃物循环利用和温室气体减排控制提供参考。  相似文献   

为探索四川省攀西地区某蔬菜生产基地土壤中镉(Cd)含量对蔬菜质量安全的影响,本文采集蔬菜生产基地土壤样品110个,同步采集成熟蔬菜样品122个,测定土壤样品pH、 Cd全量、 5种形态Cd含量和蔬菜样品总Cd含量,分析土壤Cd污染情况和蔬菜样品中Cd超标情况,以及土壤中Cd形态分布特征和蔬菜对Cd的积累富集特征。结果表明,土壤Cd含量风险筛选范围、管制范围分别占40.9%、 1.8%,存在较为严重的镉污染风险;蔬菜Cd总含量合格率达99.2%,安全性高;研究区域土壤中Cd主要以可交换态、铁锰氧化物结合态、残渣态存在,迁移系数(M)与土壤pH呈负相关,各类蔬菜富集Cd的能力也与土壤pH呈负相关。通过分析得知,土壤pH影响土壤中Cd的生物有效性,可通过增加土壤pH降低Cd的生物有效性,从而降低蔬菜对Cd的富集作用;土壤Cd超标不一定影响蔬菜的安全性,可通过选择合适的蔬菜品种保障蔬菜的质量安全。  相似文献   

运用内容分析法和文献计量法,对1994~2004年间《中国期刊全文数据库》和《中文科技期刊全文数据库》收录的关于蔬菜硝酸盐累积研究的533篇相关文献进行内容分析和文献计量统计,从文献计量学的视角,揭示了我国蔬菜硝酸盐积累研究的现状及发展趋势,为更加有效、合理、最佳调配科学研究资源提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Bitter melon (Mormodica charantia L.) has been associated with health benefits such as hypoglycemic, antiatherogenic, and anti-HIV activities. The vegetable, however, has an unpleasant bitter taste. The purpose of this research was to establish the effect of various processing methods on the moisture, lipid, and protein content of the Sri Lanka variety of bitter melon and to determine the effect of the processing methods on momordicosides K and L contents. The processing methods used were frying, blanching, sun drying, oven drying, freeze drying, and bitter masking with five different commercial bitter masking agents. Moisture, lipid, and protein analyses were done using standard AACC methods. Drying decreased moisture content from 92% to 9.5-10.2%. Frying lowered moisture content to 0.8% while increasing lipid content from 3.6 to 67%. Protein content remained unaffected by treatments. A liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (LC/ESI/MS) method was used to identify momordicosides K and L in methanolic extracts of fresh and processed samples. Only extracted ion chromatographs for blanched bitter melon and bitter melon with MY 68 agent showed the absence of momordicosides K and L.  相似文献   

We report here the first broad genetic characterization of farmer-developed landraces of melon (Cucumis melo L.) from the Indo-Gangetic plains of India, an area overlooked in previous melon genetic diversity analyses of Indian melon germplasm. Eighty-eight landraces from three melon Groups in two subspecies (C. melo subsp. agrestis Momordica Group, and C. melo subsp. melo Cantalupensis Group and Reticulatus Group) were collected from the four agro-ecological regions (six sub-regions) of two northern states of the Indo-Gangetic plains of India, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand. Significant differences were found among the landraces and eight USA Reticulatus Group reference cultivars for 18 plant and fruit traits: no. of primary branches per plant, days to marketable maturity, sex expression, fruit shape, flesh colour, netting, no. of fruit per plant, fruit weight, shelf life, total soluble solids (°Bx), ascorbic acid (mg/100 g), titratable acidity (%), fruit length and diameter, seed cavity length and diameter, flesh thickness, and resistance to Cucumber mosaic virus. The three melon groups differed significantly for 10 of the plant and fruit traits. Cantalupensis Group and Reticulatus Group accessions were andromonoecious, and the Momordica Group was monoecious. Neighbour-joining (NJ) tree and factorial correspondence analysis (FCA) of simple sequence repeat loci also revealed a high level of genetic variability in this germplasm. The 96 melon genotypes clustered into five groups in the NJ tree analysis: the 16 Indian Reticulatus Group accessions and eight USA reference cultivars formed a distinct group; and the 60 Cantalupensis Group accessions clustered in four other groups with the 12 Momordica Group accessions in a distinct subgroup of one of the Cantalupensis groups. The FCA plot largely confirmed the NJ tree with three distinct groups, one for each melon group. The close affinity of the Indian and USA Reticulatus melons was not unexpected, but it is not clear whether it was inherent in the group and maintained as Reticulatus melons moved from India through Central Asia and Europe to North America, or the result of recent intercrossing of Indian landraces with the USA-derived cultivars and selection for a broad range of Reticulatus type melons.  相似文献   

The partial characterization of an anionic peroxidase in melon fruit is described. Four melon peroxidase (MPX) isoenzymes were detected in crude extracts after isoelectric focusing. The major MPX isoenzyme (pI = 3.7) was partially purified by including hydrophobic and anion-exchange chromatography in the purification scheme. The sample obtained was used to characterize MPX. This peroxidase did not show activity on ascorbic acid but oxidized guaiacol at a high rate, showing an optimum pH of 5.5 when acting on this last reducing substrate. Melon fruits grown under highly saline conditions showed slightly increased levels of this anionic isoenzyme. Kinetic studies using 2,2'-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazolinesulfonic acid) (ABTS) as reducing substrate showed that increased salinity in the growth medium did not modify the kinetic parameters of melon peroxidase on both hydrogen peroxide and reducing substrate.  相似文献   

设施蔬菜生产系统重金属积累特征及生态效应   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
研究土壤重金属的空间变异特征,可以揭示人为活动对土壤中重金属积累特征的影响,进而为土壤利用、污染风险评价提供重要的基础资料.选取南京市郊区一处典型的设施蔬菜生产系统为研究对象,测定了土壤、灌溉用水、肥料、蔬菜等介质中重金属砷(As)、镉(Cd)、铜(Cu)、汞(Hg)、铅(Pb)、锌(Zn)含量,研究了土壤中重金属的空间变异及积累特征,分析了积累产生的原因,讨论了系统中作物的重金属积累效应.结果表明:(1)与露天蔬菜地相比,设施蔬菜地土壤重金属Cu、Hg、Pb、Zn均产生明显的累积,且土壤中Cu、Hg、Pb平均含量超过温室蔬菜产地环境质量评价标准.(2)农用投入品的大量输入对土壤性质的空间变异产生了明显影响,而土壤Cu、Hg、Pb、Zn也呈现与之一致的空间变异特征,且这些元素与土壤性质存在显著相关性.(3)土壤性质的变化和重金属的积累对叶菜类作物重金属吸收影响较大,且前者更为重要.  相似文献   

循环式海绵基质培是根据世界无土栽培技术发展趋势和中国具体国情进行试验设计、研制而成的新型无土栽培设备。其主要特点是:1)基质用量少,成本低;2)供排液分开,避免根际病害传播;3)配套营养液生物过滤装置,提高系统安全稳定性;4)营养液供给自动控制。循环式海绵基质培由贮液池、农用海绵基质(黑白双色膜包被)、双层槽式集液系统、营养液滴灌系统及自控设备、营养液生物过滤系统等组成。循环式海绵基质培在中国东南沿海地区一年可以栽培两茬果菜,亩产量达10000 kg以上,亩产值1.5万元以上,适合农业示范园区内的大型温室应用。  相似文献   

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